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The Golden Thread - View topic - Doing Unto Others... The Golden Rule
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 Doing Unto Others... The Golden Rule 
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Post Doing Unto Others... The Golden Rule
This was posted at Boomers Forum by harrdrawk and brought here as a reminder of the Golden Rule....

Original Post posted Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:36 am


Hello Golden Thread Rulers,

I see that this part of the site is experiencing low-to-no traffic, but it is a subject of interset to me. The Golden Rule is easy to understand, but ironically is not so easy to "do"

The Golden motto is actually a commandment to the Christian world, found in only two verses in the New Testament that basically say we should "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

Matthew 7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

And Luke with a little different wording still:

Luke 6:31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

You will note that this Golden Rule is not to "Do unto others as they do unto you..." that would be "revenge" and taking out revenge will not produce the same desired results. Neither does the Rule say to "Do unto others as you think they would like you to do unto them", because obviously you might still make a big mistake, especially if you don't know them. The US has a bad habit of "Doing unto other peoples as we think is best for Others" which you can see has brought little peace. The Golden Rule, that I'm pretty sure is practiced on every planet that sustains life is simply "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you": I have noticed that if a person can actually think about these two laws, and incorporate them in one's thoughts and "deeds", some pretty wonderful things happen. For one thing, a person will learn everything he/she needs to know about he/herself. If you are capable of treating others in a way that you would not want to be treated, then you will notice that you lose your balance quickly. (that is if you are in balance to begin with, which by the way can only be accomplished by living the Golden Rule)

This rule is one of two main Laws taught in every religion and culture to promote happiness. The other is sometimes called the Royal law:

James 2:8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to scripture; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well.

Myself, I'm not a deeply religious person, in fact I shy completely away from organized religion and am generally leery of religious or military minded people. However, I have noticed that these two cool sorta mottos, are words to live by; Loving our enemies as if they really weren't, and Doing unto others as we would have others do unto us replaces all need for rituals, and ordenances, and scripture study (how ironic huh?)

What to do if a person does unto you as you don't want them to? I think of Chief Seattle who shook his head on the way to the reservation...

Turn the cheek, forgive, forget, get back to loving your stupid brother who knows not what he does.

Sometimes, like Abel did for Cain, ya just gotta let him be himself to whatever end. It's also been said that a man hath no greater love, than he lay down his life for a friend. Did Abel love Cain? Like a brother. Did Cain find his happiness in thumping Golden Boy? Nope. But he did learn a valueable lesson about Doing Unto Others he would have liked to learn some other way.

The Golden Rule rawks.

Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:41 am
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Post GR restated by an Anarchist

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."

Douglas Adams

Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:21 pm
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-- PhaTz..

The Truth... Is for those who are bold enough to learn it, knowledgeable enough to accept it, stand not in judgment of it and are not predisposed to add
boundaries to it..

Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:49 pm
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Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:46 pm
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-- PhaTz..

The Truth... Is for those who are bold enough to learn it, knowledgeable enough to accept it, stand not in judgment of it and are not predisposed to add
boundaries to it..

Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:15 pm
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Post thank you

Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:13 am
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Post And harm ye none, do what ye will...
Gidday again,

I just wanted to add an ancient take on the Golden Rule, from Wicca:

"Bide the WICCAN LAW ye must,
In perfect Love and Perfect trust
Eight word the Wiccan Rede Fulfill:
And Harm ye none, do what ye will.
Lest in Thy self defense it be
Ever mind the Rule of Three
Follow this in Mind and heart
And merry meet
and merry part. ( and merry met again) "


'Til here, No further...

Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:35 pm
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