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The Golden Thread - View topic - Texas school girls still dying in the wake of Rick Perry's g
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 Texas school girls still dying in the wake of Rick Perry's g 
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Post Texas school girls still dying in the wake of Rick Perry's g
Texas school girls still dying in the wake of Rick Perry's greed

Wednesday, September 28, 2011 by: S. D. Wells

Reports are still streaming in of girls in Texas as young as 9 years old having outbreaks of genital warts, going into convulsions, becoming paralyzed, slipping into comas, and even dying after being force-vaccinated by the highly controversial HPV vaccine Gardasil.

Thousands of well-documented cases have been posted to VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, but nothing is being done because VAERS only investigates cases that the manufacturer Merck suggests as, "complaints that require further research," which, so far is none.

"In our analysis of VAERS data, we look for patterns of adverse events that may be plausibly linked to a vaccine. Such patterns of adverse events may require further study."

Put simply, if a suspected murderer was on trial, and the Judge asked him or her if there were any other accomplices who helped plan or commit the crime, and the suspect said no, should the jury and the general public feel secure, that the suspect is telling the truth, and that no further investigation is necessary?

There are absolutely no checks and balances in place for properly verifying the flood of incoming damage reports. Nurses in Virginia filter and medically encode the public complaints on VAERS, and then they repost them, often make coding errors.

Plus, the site is regulated by the FDA who approved the horror in the first place. How can the public rely on the so called "transparency" of the site when reports are botched and full of misleading medical codes? As far as the public knows, the last coma report could now be listed as "broccoli allergen 3.2."

To make things worse, girls and their parents must be "educated" about the vaccine before it is administered, so in other words, have a frank discussion with your nine year old child about sex before you place them in line to be poisoned against their will.

Is this 1940 Nazi Germany all over again? Maybe all the victims of this executive order should also be forced to watch a video that documents the Republican extremist Rick Perry's infamous run for the oval office and his political views.

The damage being done to young, innocent girls and boys is extensive. Eleven deaths occurred less than one week after receiving the vaccine, seven of which died in less than two days. Three of the deaths were boys. The most common diagnosis of the cause of those deaths was blood clotting.


:rant :censor :flame :shakehead

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Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:42 am
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Post Re: Texas school girls still dying in the wake of Rick Perry's g
I think there needs to be more investigation into this vaccine.

First, it was "fast tracked" by the FDA. This means 6 months or a little more was all that was required to bring it to market. No long term studies have, to date, been done.

Second, Governr Goodhair is waaayyyy tooo involved with Merck given that his former chief of staff, Mike Toomey, became a lobbyist for Merck after leaving da Guv's office. This is an undisputed fact.

Toomey also is a founder of the pro-Perry Super PAC, Make Us Great Again, which is raising money to help get Governor Goodhair elected to the White House. :roll

Third, Merck contributed "only" $5,000 to Perry's political campaign coffers the year he pushed for mandatory vaccination in Texas (since rescinded due to an outcry from Evangelical Christians). But Merck contributed about $500,000 to the Republican Governor's Assocation during the time Perry was its Prez. Yes, this is much less than Pfizer or Eli Lilly but the fact remains that one of da Guv's cronies is a lobbyist for Merck. :nono

Perry's problem here is not so much with Merck. His problem is a "perception" by most enlightened individuals that he loves to dispense "perks" to his contributors. I would urge you to do a google search on the Emerging Technology Fund.

MSM is only getting started on this aspect of da Guv. It will be very interesting to see how far down the road they are willing to go given the fact that MSM has dubbed Goodhair as a front runner and media darling. ;)

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Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:13 am
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Post Re: Texas school girls still dying in the wake of Rick Perry's g
More on Perry and the vaccine here: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2928#unread

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein

Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:38 am
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