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 The Looking Glass 101 
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GT Truther
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Post The Looking Glass 101
The Looking Glass 101

(Time-Police Disclaimer: all the info is on the Net, on this Timeworld already since 15/04/2022 7:00AM CT)

How it Works?
It Transmit the 6th Density consciusness into a Glass Plate and show diffrents Possible timelines a Positive and a Negative one.

These crystal can be replaced by Dolomite.

Also the Dolomite can power these unit.

1- This device was created by the Andromedans @ 1745 BC on Sumer handed to the people of Sumer.
Last activation of the device in Sumer show:

Timeline A
Orions and Reptilians wipe out the Summerians, and destroy the positive work of the Andromedians

Timeline B
The Summerians survive the take over.

They Select Timeline A.

2- The device was found in 1981 @ Irak in a Monasterium by Military forces during the infiltration.

It was secretly transfer and transmited to a "Secret Society of High level members, who start to perform
magnetic tests to the device, and figure out how it works.

There was a member of these group named "PETER", who activated
the device using its fourth density vibration. It was capable of show a timelines in the future
UPON the native vibration of the observer.

The Timelines:

First Activation:

Timelines shown:

A events dual in nature, one event lead to the combination of the earth's planetary vibration completly
into the positive space-time: Leading to a graduation of souls into the positive space-time and
the ending of all negative totalitarian societies and other bad influences.

Passover Timeline 18 to april 29 , 2022
An infringement of the negative forces: The Reptilians of Mars will try to use the Humans counterparts of their human allies
to directly infringe the quarentine set by The Galactic Federation as the Protections Shields created by Asher Saran will be dissipated
and destroyed leading to an intervention of the Negative Forces in United States. April 18, these entities merge and change due the genetic composition of the Reptilians allow the soul swap. And will replace the Soul of the Leaders, in particular "The main leader of the United States"

When the Swap will finished. He will attack Russia and China at the same time, leading to a detonation of Nuclear Bombs around the Worlds ie: USA, China, Russia, and all their influence country areas (principal cities)...

Final Result Humans wiped from planet Earth...

How to prevent the negative one:
Everybody around the world will be need to become aware of the 2 timelines as other entities will be aware too and will counteract the Reptilian influences...


Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Fri Apr 15, 2022 8:41 am
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GT Truther
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
Dondep wrote:


The Looking Glass issue is another matter worth exploring again, and though I've been on William Shatner's TV series to discuss it, I have a much more advanced view of how it works now, if not all the technical aspects. I'll dig into that later.


[size=200]Happy Easter! Good News from the Next World![/size]


Yet Another opinion re: Looking Glass, recent times, First Activation: 2 Timelines Saw ----> Easter Timeline:

Via Farsight (1)

Reptilian End Game:

This is the trailer for the full Intelligence Briefing for April 2022 that can be found on


Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Mon Apr 18, 2022 7:54 am
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
The Looking Glass 101 Part 2
If prevented the Events #72, #73 and #74 of the Eastern Timeline, we move to:

-2030 Timeline
Its 2 entangled Timelines : 1 Positive and the other Negative.

The positive Timeline:

-The end of the Old system form of Goverment.

-Creating a link of Consiousness within each other.

-The Sun will enter en 4 density wipe out the negative forces.

-Earth will move to 4 Density with the moon.

The Negative Timeline if the events Events #72, #73 and #74 of the Eastern Timeline are not prevent:

-The Orion Hibridized Human: +AI + Orions and converted in Robots called Archons

- A portal is Open in CERN to Welcome the Luciferians Forces

-The Luciferians will Blow the Sun ...

More via SAM:


Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Tue Apr 19, 2022 1:14 pm
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
Re: The Looking Glass 101 2030 Timeline

Archons = Hybrid Human + STS Orions + AI Robot

As Dick Allgire saw 2030 Timeline using Remote Viewing Tech
via Rense (1)





Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:39 am
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
One of the several -Dan/Crain- Burisch Clones said the partial truth :

... the technology was provided to the human race during Sumerian times, when an advanced contingent of future humans went back in time and provided that civilization assistance after a cataclysm known as the deluge. ...

But The Orions destroy the Summerians...
Hitting the South Pole with a Meteorite and provocate the Deluge...

and not provide any type of assistance... to the Human Race.


Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Thu Apr 21, 2022 5:59 pm
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
Dondep wrote:
recall15 wrote:
One of the several -Dan/Crain- Burisch Clones said the partial truth :


One of the several -Dan/Crain- Burisch Clones
a- Original Dan/Crain body was still in ICE Casket @ S4, according to a YT Video Expedition Circa late December 2020 (1)

-The one that caused the 'Deluge' flooded most of known civilization at that time...

-I'd be interested in where you heard that the Deluge was caused by a meteorite crashing into the South Pole, recall....

b- Via Remote Viewing Target B (2) on Noa Ark, the round one vid ...


- We know that the Giza Plateau was laid out as a map of the Orion star system

c-Via Remote Viewing Giza Pyramids by Daz Smith and Dick Allgire and the Mantis Aliens that were there on these timeframes:


hmmm.... :hmm (That brings up the related issue of the so-called 'fallen angels', a former alien race who abrogated the trust put into them to assist humanity and instead pillaged the human hen-house, teaching womankind all about the use of make-up, mascara, and the use of feminine wiles etc as recounted in the book of Enoch, left out of the official Christian canon.)

d-The Luciferians and Anunnakis were inspired by Lucifer being (4)





Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Fri Apr 22, 2022 10:12 am
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
They got only 4 videos, so far:


these are:
(1) History @ Irak Two Timelines...
The looking glass artifact foretold of a "singularity" in the year 2030, in which two potential timelines would converge and one outcome would result. The negative outcome is dependent on a series of terrible events that will occur from 2022 to 2029.

The first Event is called Event 1, to occur on April 18, 2022. This event, and all others to follow, must be stopped to prevent the negative event, and instead ensure the positive event converges at the singularity.

We encourage that these videos be copied and shared as much as possible. . .


The Background

This addendum will discuss the 2030 singularity, events leading up to it and the history of the looking glass artifact.

We encourage that these videos be copied and shared as much as possible.


Event 2 occurs on May 20, 2022. It involves the assassination of Dr. Winston Wu, who is heading up the revolutionary Raindrop project ( This project involves the use of a Quantum computer being used to disrupt and dismantle the negative European power structure, as well the operations of The Large Hadron Collider, also known as CERN.

We ask of our Guardians to share and spread this information, so that it can be prevented.

(4)CERN + Gate to the Luciferians

This is an update for our Guardians about coming events and steps needed to ensure the positive timeline outcome in 2030. We encourage that these videos be copied and shared as much as possible.





Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Sat Apr 23, 2022 9:42 am
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GT Truther
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
Transcript of Video 1
Pasted: Mar 17, 2022, 5:41:06 am

We are the Guardians of the Looking Glass. We are a group of former intelligence officers and military officials, who have come together to release classified information about future events to come.

Our knowledge comes from our work on the looking glass artifact, first discovered in Iraq, along with other discoveries in the 1990s. During this time, the artifact was activated by the US military and connected to computers. We were able to see dozens of future timelines, and the convergence, or singularities, that led to two possible outcomes by the year 2030. In one outcome, humanity awakens, and the current order is dismantled.

An event then occurs, and instead of this event being negative, it is a positive one. In the other outcome, the current structure remains in place, a nuclear war takes place, along with many horrible events. Then the event occurs, and instead of being a positive event, it is a negative one. You may wonder how one event can either be positive or negative. You will learn, and it will make perfect sense to you, once it is explained. This event is a cosmic event, something that happens in our solar system. Without the intervention by the current power structure, this event would be incredibly positive. But due to the vaccines and a secondary plan being developed, the event will instead be turned into a nightmare. We will explain more in a secondary video, which is being released soon, titled, "2030 and The Event," if you want to learn more about it. Now, let's move on to the current timelines we are facing, and how we must act to change these outcomes. Based on what we learned from the looking glass artifact, we concluded that we must release these videos at this time, so that the horrifying events that are about to unfold can be changed. Each week, we will release a new video. Each week, you will learn of new, specific timeline changes so that you can work to change the future outcome. We have been waiting many, many years to finally release this information. Our video releases are specifically timed based on what the looking glass artifact revealed about how to change future events. What we were able to see was that our videos must be released now. Not in the past, not in the future, but on these specific dates, starting in March, 2022.

We were also able to see that the events can only be changed by the actions of those watching these videos. If these videos are spread and shared by thousands of people, the events can be changed. If the videos are not spread and shared, then the events cannot be changed, and the most negative timeline is then solidified and set in stone. The looking glass artifact showed this to us, that it is dependent on the actions of others to change the outcomes. Your work and help to spread this message then becomes vital. It will be up to you what happens. For our first video, we will start with one future date. Future videos we will post will deal with new dates and new events. What follows is the most recent, most important event we must act to change. The date of the first event is April 18, 2022. On this date, a false flag attack will occur in New York City. A bomb will be set off, killing 2000 Americans instantly and injuring thousands. The bomb will be housed in a large van, and set off on or near Times Square, during a busy time. This bomb has been planted by interests aligned with the West, and their agenda. The media wants to blame Russia, so does President Biden. They will present some evidence false, that points to Russia being the culprit, and much of the world will be convinced.

The condemnations will be swift, and then there will be military action. Biden will order an all out attack of every Russian outpost and asset outside of her borders. This will include all assets in Ukraine, and any Russian military naval vessel not at port. Russia's response is restrained. Russia attacks some US assets in Europe, but avoids many casualties. Russia manages to only kill a few US military service people, while the United States has just killed thousands of Russian military service people. This leads to conflicting narratives. Some say Russia looks weak and defeated. While others rush to Russia's side, including India and China. By this time, many begin to doubt Russia was behind the truck bombing attack. Many also see the US's response as too hasty, and too severe. Seeing that the first false flag was a general failure, and the narrative is turning against them, the West prepares a second false flag. This plan involves the release of anthrax all over Washington DC The plan will use strain 836 of anthrax, the most potent and deadly ever created. It is a strain created by Russia in the past, and later destroyed by Russia. However, unknown to the Russians, the strain was smuggled out of Russia by Western assets many years ago and developed in US bio laboratories. Once it is confirmed that it is strain 836, all blame will land at Russia's feet. It is a well-known creation of Russia. Many will believe Russia must be behind it. The attack will kill over 100,000 people within a few days, and spread to outlying areas. The attack is so severe that it begins to spread to many large Eastern cities, and within a week millions are dead, and millions more a severely ill.

The military-grade anthrax is so potent, its spread cannot be contained. Much of the Eastern US is closed off, based on wind patterns, mostly impacting New England. The Biden Administration is moved out of DC before the attack, as they had knowledge of it. They are moved to Denver. Here, the United States blames Russia for the attack, and a nuclear war starts off. The US launches an all-out nuclear attack at Russia, at every Russian city and asset. But only 30% of the nukes reach Russia or impact. Russia's air defenses are more robust than previously suspected. Russia's response is not forgiving this time, but rather ruthless and brutal. She responds within minutes by targeting all US military installations and nuclear sites, but also launches nukes at 20 large American cities, and 18 make impact. 25 million Americans are vaporized instantly, as Russia decides to use its more powerful nukes. Another 50 million suffer injuries, and another 70 million are at risk of mild radiation poisoning. Due to false science and misunderstandings about nuclear weapons, the fallout is not nearly as severe as many believed it would be. Both the US and Russia were aware of this for many years, but decided not to correct this false information, leading many to believe a nuclear war would lead to a nuclear winter. This turns out not to be the case, as the radiation is mild and dissipates quickly. However, the devastation caused by the blasts themselves is significantly more severe than the nukes used on Japan. The weapons are now so powerful that a radius up to 20 miles by 20 miles can be vaporized. America's defenses are not strong enough to stop all of the nukes. The US reads her most advanced flying machine, the TR-3B, but it is not able to track the missiles due to a technology Russia developed. The technology is a cloaking and holographic type, never before seen, and not something the US was ready for. The TR-3Bs can track the nukes, and even fly along side them, but targeting systems fail at every attempt to destroy them. The pilots of the TR-3Bs become so desperate they attempt to fly into the nukes with the aircraft, but even these attempts fail. Between the nuclear exchanges, Russia survives, and the United States is completely annihilated. Canada does not receive a nuclear strike, but instead receives countless conventional strikes, disabling her small military and devastating her infrastructure. All commerce ceases in both the US and Canada, and a total break down of society occurs. The world is shocked. Many criticize Russia for the brutality of the attack, but many also note that the United States attacked first.

Many also doubt Russia was behind the truck bombing or the anthrax attack at this point, as the United States evidence and claims appeared rushed and dubious upon closer examination. Whatever the moral qualms the world feels, the world comes to recognize Russia as the victor in the battle. From this point, Russia is able to recover, and launch more attacks on the US Russia stops using nuclear weapons, and instead fires thousands of conventional weapons, delivered by her hypersonic missiles, to key military infrastructure targets, to ensure the US response is eliminated. Russia threatens Europe, and destroys some of her targets. Europe capitulates quickly, and surrenders, to avoid further damage. At this point, seventeen days after the first nuclear weapon is fired, the war is over, and Russia and China are now the defacto world powers. Russia and China agree to help the United States and a cease-fire is agreed upon. A clean up and rescue effort takes place. One week into the cease fire, the last remaining American military officials plot to fire some of her last available cruise missiles and munitions at ships crossing the sea from China and Europe. The attack takes place, and most of the missiles are shot out of the sky by a ready and alert Russian and Chinese military, but two reach their targets, destroying two large ships, and further preventing a rescue effort and souring sympathies toward the US The US and Canada fall into total chaos. Millions cross into Mexico, creating a humanitarian crisis. Many of the cartels that control the northern part of Mexico start defending their land, and countless gun battles take place. Americans find Mexico cannot help or house them at all, and total bedlam and chaos consumes the Northern Hemisphere.

The Mexican and Central American armies gather to create a defensive wall, between Culiacan, to Chihuahua, to Monterrey, to stop the oncoming hordes. Many South American countries rally to join, realizing millions of desperate Americans may reach South America eventually. The world's remaining powers continue to attempt humanitarian aid, but later conclude a military effort must take place, as the entire region has become lawless. Chinese and Russian troops then land on American soil, and a brutal campaign of order and enforcement begins. Both countries split the US up into regions they agree to jointly or fully control. Many Americans, armed to the teeth with guns, stage small resistances and skirmishes. This goes on for many years, leading up to 2030. During this time, a new plot is underway, a plot hashed by the elites in Europe, one the Russians and Chinese share no involvement in. The plot is to release a new pathogen to justify a new vaccine. The vaccine is designed to interact with the existing vaccines, and graphene oxide, now coursing through the bodies of billions of people. It is also designed to be introduced to the second and third world, through a new campaign, that will dose the rest of the planet that did not get vaccinated.

The graphene oxide is not designed to kill, but rather death is a side effect, in some. Its true purpose is to interact with the solar event, the event to occur in 2030. The graphene oxide will cause this event to be a horrifying one, rather than a positive one. If one is vaccinated at all, they will experience not only a physical but also a multidimensional annihilation when the event takes place, to a point their souls, or extra-dimensional essences, will be severely damaged, and vibrational frequencies reattuned so that they align with the most negative, dark energies existing within the realm of Earth. The positive outcome is one also revealed by the looking glass, one seen by each member of Guardians of the Looking Glass. We were shown that as humanity steps in to stop all of these horrific events, one by one, through the help of our work, that a future emerges leading up to 2030 whereby humanity ascends to a higher consciousness, one more loving, one more aware, one more understanding. Each individual begins to see the world as it is, rather than how it is filtered through the media, Hollywood and government. An unveiling takes place. The vaccines are rejected. A cure is found for those poisoned by the graphene oxide, who regret their decision. Each horrific event is stopped. Then, the event takes place, and the human body, free from the vaccine toxins, is transformed through a cosmic energy burst, one that invigorates every human with new life, vitality and youthfulness, as well as higher-dimensional abilities and powers. Each person reverts in age to about the appearance of being in their mid to late 20s. All disease is eliminated. The human body can live off of energy, light and water, and has no need for food, but food can still be consumed. A new renewal and connection with the Earth occurs. Small community governments take hold, and large international power structures and monopolies die off. Humans can now live up to 1000 years. New inventions come about that clean up the Earth, such as bacteria that eat plastic. From 2030, the entire world is transformed. Old, corrupt governments are dismantled, the European elites lose all of their power, to the point some end up in the streets as beggars. There is no campaign of revenge at all. Humanity simply stops feeding the negative forces energy, and without that energy, they wither and fade away. They have no power, without the power fed to them by billions of people, and once billions decide to remove that power, they are left with nothing. This is how they are defeated, and this is how they end up, simply as beggars, or left alone with nothing. Many of them go mad at this point, as their wealth and power is stripped away. This is a glimpse of the positive outcome, one we will share more of in upcoming videos. Now, to stop these events, we must first stop the attack on April 18th. If this event is not stopped, then the timeline cannot be reversed from the negative outcome. If it can be stopped, additional videos will describe other events that must then be prevented, over the course of the years 2022 to 2029. The attack on April 18th is only the beginning of a series of horrific events that are to come, that one by one, must be prevented. Over 70 events have been identified that must be changed, or the outcome will be that of the negative one in 2030. In addition to this, around fifty or so special individuals were also identified, as being necessary in helping change the outcome. These people will play a key role to stop the April 18th attack and all other future events that must be altered and changed. Some of them we already have contacted, to let them know how important they are, and others will be led to us, to contact us. Each will be given special instructions from us, actions they must take, to bring about the positive timeline and outcome.

The looking glass showed us we would come under severe attack, from the European elites and their countless minions, and we must be prepared to defend those attacks. These attacks will range from our videos being removed, our credibility being questioned, and attempts to reveal our real identities that would lead to our murder. We need everyone who wants to stop the negative outcome to help defend us, as these attacks take place, otherwise we will not succeed. We are asking those of you who wish to join us to identify yourselves as Guardians. You must then share each video, and millions must see them, or these events will not be changed, and the positive outcome of the event in 2030 will not happen. It bears repeating, that even if the April 18th attack is stopped, there are as many as 70 additional events in the coming days, months and years that must also be stopped, each and every one of them. We cannot succeed without your attention, dedication and help.

Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Sat Apr 23, 2022 4:09 pm
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GT Truther
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
Transcript of Video 2
Pasted: Mar 17, 2022, 6:37:38 am
Views: 607

This video is a separate addendum, to explain our background, how and why we operate the way we do, and the singularity in 2030.

Before we begin, we wish to make a few clarifications.

We will not post text transcripts of our videos, on our videos, because A.I. systems exist that scour the Internet seeking text to censor or target. These systems are far less advanced when it comes to analyzing voice data, particularly computer generated voices, as used by our videos. Instead, we will create various temporary upload points, where the text can be safely copied by others and placed elsewhere, such as on websites or forums. Please see our description to find these.

We also have provisions in place, so that our uploads will continue all the way to the year 2029, without interruption. We are a moderately sized group of individuals located around the world, who have sworn an oath to act as Guardians, and do all in our power to ensure our purpose is fulfilled. We collectively hold years of training in military and intelligence operations, and we are confident that no matter how we are attacked, we will prevail.

Despite our preparation efforts, we were shown via the looking glass future data that we will need new people to help us, who will call themselves Guardians, too. Over time, some of you will be chosen to join us, and gain access to our classified data files, so you can carry on the project if something happens to us.

We hope the explanations above answer some questions. We will now move on to discuss the history of the looking glass artifact, and some of the timeline challenges we face.

The looking glass timeline data was first discovered and researched in the 1980s and 1990s. The artifact itself is Sumerian in nature, but not believed to be originally from that civilization. It activates, or is functional, when placed in certain geographic points, where known multidimensional portals exist. The portals themselves are sometimes above ground, a few feet, a few hundred feet, even a few thousand feet, while others are below ground, or at ground level. They vary in intensity, from a certain point, losing intensity usually ten to fifteen feet from the center point in any direction. There are a few of these points in Iraq, but they are also all over the world.

Once placed in one of these locations, the device begins to operate, and produces images viewable to the human eye through a plasma cloud, which can appear holographic in nature, but is best viewed from certain positions. When first activated, those viewing the images immediately found them to be recognizable as future events, showing familiar scenes, television programs, and so on, but clearly from future dates. The scenes would start from the current date viewed, for example, 1985, and proceed up until 2030. Then it would repeat, showing a new series of events, but all from the same apparent timeline.

Scientists discovered it would repeat exactly 144 times, then return to its original data stream, and then repeat again, 144 times. Each cycle showed the same timeline, but from different perspectives, revealing new, unseen data points. The entire collection of 144 data streams, up to the year 2030, amounted to what would be the equivalent of thousands of terabytes of information. Each data stream took seven days to complete, and 1008 days to complete the full cycle, or about 2.76 years.

Over the course of many years, these data streams were filmed, documented and categorized, to the point computers could be used to look up any data point for any future event, and analyze it.

When officials tried to change events, or tried to alter the timeline, they were not able to do so, as the timeline had already accounted for every attempt to alter it. The timeline was a reflection of each official's attempt to make alterations, so that the outcome always reflected these attempts. Eventually officials stopped trying to alter it early on, because they came to see the final, negative outcome as advantageous for them. They realized there was no need for them to try to alter it or change it, as its trajectory already favored their agenda.

Since its point of discovery, every future event foreseen by the looking glass artifact came true. There has been no failure of the data reported. This led officials to conclude the data was of extremely high confidence, of a rate of 99.9% accuracy or higher. It appeared one timeline existed, and concluded in the year 2030. No further data was shown after October 10 or 11th, 2030, after this point the data stopped.

No other timeline was visible, except at certain points shown in the years 2012, 2016 and 2022. It was during these three years that another timeline branched off. Only during these years did this timeline begin to appear.

This new timeline also showed a singularity occurred in the year 2030, during a cosmic event, also foreseen in the negative timeline. Except, this cosmic event had a very positive outcome, because the power structure in place was not able to engage in its destructive activities which would lead to the cosmic event causing extreme destruction of human beings.

Research concluded that those in possession of the looking glass data could change future events in each of the years 2012, 2016 and 2022, if they released information to the public on certain, specific dates in each of those years. The U.S. government and other entities involved were not only shocked by this, they appeared to treat the information as a threat, as they preferred the projected negative timeline to occur without interference.

Our group watched as the years 2012 and 2016 passed without any intervention by officials. It became clear the U.S. government and other governments involved would do nothing to stop the horrifying events to come, and do nothing to help steer the timeline to the more positive outcome.

This is when we, as former officials with direct knowledge of this data, decided to form our group, Guardians of the Looking Glass. We decided we had only one chance left, in the year 2022, to intervene.

It is critically important to understand that without intervention, the negative timeline is inevitable. We explained some of this timeline in our first video. This timeline includes multiple devastating events, including nuclear war, famine, economic calamities, the near complete destruction of the United States, new vaccination campaigns, and ultimately an irreversible, deadly, destructive result of the cosmic event in the year 2030.

The first event required to be prevented is the false flag on April 18, 2022, as discussed in our previous video. If this event is not stopped, then nothing can be done to prevent the negative timeline outcome. The false flag event on this date leads to a cascade of events which quickly lead to nuclear war. The looking glass artifact showed with certainty that once this false flag occurs, the timeline is set and irreversible.

If this event is prevented, the timeline remains unstable. Even if it is stopped, the looking glass artifact showed there were at least seventy more events that must be stopped or prevented. If a single one of them is not stopped, then the negative outcome is inevitable.

Our task is to prevent each of these events, one by one. The task at hand is extremely daunting. We ran calculations and probability tests, which revealed the chances of preventing the negative timeline were low. If action was taken in 2012, the probably of preventing it was 24.8%. If action was taken in 2016, the probability of preventing it was 12.5%. If action was taken in the final year of possible intervention, the year 2022, the probability of preventing the negative outcome dropped to 4.3%.

We only have a 4.3% chance of preventing the negative timeline, because over seventy events must be prevented, and we are now in the final year in which this is possible. Not only that, each of you must take enough action to spread our videos and reach as many people as possible. We must also avoid censorship, and the inevitable points in which our videos will be removed. This is why the probability of success is so low.

Such a dire outlook has not deterred us, because we were also able to see the positive outcome in 2030. This is plenty of motivation for us. The positive outcome in 2030 is exhilarating in every possible way. Not only is nuclear war completely prevented, so are the future vaccination campaigns. The current corrupt power structure begins to slowly fade away, as we work to change over seventy of these negative events to come. Each time we succeed in preventing a negative event, the probability and likelihood of our overall success goes up, and those working to ensure the negative outcome also face more challenges and their position is weakened.

We were shown, that if we are successful in preventing over fifty of these events, that by 2027 the probability of our success reaches 79%. Those who wish for the negative outcome are aware of this, and have countless strategic maneuvers in place to steer the timeline in their favor.

The positive outcome, as it was shown, results in the total and complete destruction of the current power structure. Those in power saw their future in the positive timeline, and they were terrified of it. They would end up mostly homeless, without money or power. All of it is stripped away. Once the positive timeline completes, and the cosmic event occurs, humanity by the year 2030 has almost entirely reversed course.

We could see that the economy had completely changed, as individual habits changed, as the positive outcome became more likely. Fast food companies went out of business, as did Wal-Mart, Apple, Netflix and Amazon, and countless other destructive, negative companies. Viewership of many network shows dropped to nearly zero. Use of Facebook and other social media platforms dropped to nearly zero. Billions of people stopped paying taxes, and stopped using banks. Governments were starved of finances. Individuals became rich in wealth, as new revenue streams emerged, completely disconnected from the fiat money system. Many people began growing their own food, and formed small, community governments, often no more than a few hundred people in size.

In the positive timeline, humanity, as whole, did not fight the system, they simply stopped participating in it entirely.

Each individual began to make a decision to reject negative habits, and the negative system in place, and instead began to make more positive choices in their lives.

The power structure saw this new, emergent timeline, this positive outcome, and they were not only sick with terror, they were enraged, and saw it as a threat. They took steps to shut down the looking glass project, some involved were murdered or vanished, and others threatened. The data was deleted, lost, or classified at the highest levels. Those in the negative power structure wanted to eliminate any possibility a positive timeline could be achieved at all.

What they could not change was the fact dozens of military officials had access to the looking glass data through the 1980s and 1990s. Many patriotic individuals, working in the military and intelligence agencies, had viewed this data, and were aware of it. Not all were fired, threatened or murdered. A few of us outlasted the crack down, and quietly moved on from the project, and later made secret communications with each other, and decided to form our current group.

Now we are in the open, and they will see our information, and the data showed us that they will try to stop us. The data also showed, that if enough people took immediate action to share these videos, they would not be able to stop it, and the timeline transformations would continue and reach a higher and higher degree of success.

In the negative timeline outcome, without any intervention on our part, the April 18th event occurs, leading to the nuclear war, as described in our first video. The United States is destroyed, and new power structures come into existence. Through all of this, the ultimate source of power, located in Europe, never changes. In fact, the Europeans in charge of this negative timeline outcome, who are steering humanity toward its destruction, only gain more and more power.

These negative individuals, using the power of the media, various militaries and corrupt politicians, are able to easily create a series of destructive events leading up to the year 2030. Their goal is mass vaccination. The first round of this vaccination is deemed a moderate success by this year, but at least two more rounds are planned for future dates. These mass vaccination campaigns have one, main purpose, and that is to prepare and alter human DNA for the cosmic event, so that this event causes massive destruction, death, DNA changes and spiritual changes, that cannot be reversed.

The negative outcome also showed many of those who remained unvaccinated would not ultimately survive to the year 2030. The catalyst was the nuclear war, which was so devastating it left many at the mercy of government aid. From this point, those against the vaccinations either submitted to them, or faced starvation or exile.

The negative outcome presents a scenario in which no individual can fight or defeat what is to come. Even those who attempt to live in the forest, in the woods, or off the land, would be targeted by military drones. There was almost no escape.

By 2030, when the cosmic event happens, Billions are killed instantly when the cosmic event interacts with the vaccines. A small, surviving population of European rulers receive a certain type of vaccine, that enhances their DNA, rather than destroying it. The power structure will ensure only they receive this type of vaccine, which is designed to harness the positive effects of the cosmic event only for themselves, while the other vaccines are designed to use the cosmic event's properties to completely annihilate everyone else.

This leads to a small population left on Earth, those who received the specially designed vaccine, which are those in the power structure, a small group about 1 Million in total.

Those among third and second world citizens receive a special type of vaccine that interacts with the cosmic event to lower their vibrational energy and turn them into a slave-like race. They are not killed, and about 500 million of them survive, to serve the elite power structure.

Everyone else, who received the mass vaccinations, is instantly killed by the cosmic blast that envelops Earth, and their extradimensional vibrational state is altered, creating a negative shroud they will carry into the afterlife. Once there, negative energies will lead them to a lower astral realm, whereby they will remain enslaved, possibly for millions of years. Observers of the data said this realm looked like "Hell".

The specially-designed vaccine, that only the power structure will use, enhances the positive effects of the cosmic event. It leads to a DNA upgrade, of sorts, where these individuals can now live thousands of years, and maintain a youth-like appearance forever. They gain psychic abilities, and telekinetic powers. This would occur anyway, among anyone unvaccinated, but the power structure decides to create an "enhancement" vaccine, that increases these positive effects.

Finally, there are a few unvaccinated people left, living either underground or in remote areas. When the cosmic event occurs, the positive changes occur in them, as well. These changes are not as pronounced as they are in the elites who received the enhancement-vaccine. This leads to a small war, of sorts. The unvaccinated, with their new strength and powers, try to fight the existing power structure, but they are quickly defeated. The vaccine that causes positive enhancement means the 1 Million or so who received it are too powerful to be defeated, even by those unvaccinated who received the benefits of the cosmic event.

The timeline shows there are a few months of fighting in mid-2030, but by September, all of the unvaccinated and cosmically-enhanced are defeated by the power structure. This is one of the reasons the power structure develops this additional vaccine for themselves, because they could see some unvaccinated would still remain alive, and still receive the benefits of the cosmic event.

The visions of this final battle caused some in the military to react with tears, and others, with vomiting. The events were so emotional and difficult to observe, it haunts some of us to this day and motivates us to prevent the negative outcome.

There is no data after 2030, but the events of the negative timeline show that by late 2030, all of the above has occurred. It is unknown why the looking glass did not show anything past late 2030.

The positive event is nearly a polar opposite outcome. The vaccinations are mostly prevented, and new cures are created to save those who were already vaccinated. Those who are pure of blood go outside during the cosmic event, and receive cosmic particles that upgrade their DNA and extradimensional vibratory signature. Within weeks, they gain a youthful appearance, psychic abilities and enchanted physical and cognitive function. This happens to Billions of people.

The power structure, at this point, is so weakened they are not able to complete research on their vaccine-enhancement shot. They also receive this cosmic upgrade, but due to their existing negative energies, it is not absorbed as well. Only with the vaccine-enhancement shot did they have any chance of receive its full benefits. The looking glass data also showed them this, so they worked hard on the vaccine-enhancement shot, so they could not only receive the benefits of the cosmic event, but upgrade those benefits, just for themselves. On the positive timeline, they do not have enough money or power to complete this research. The cosmic event only gives them small benefits, and they are left mostly homeless, to beg on the streets. Humanity does not take revenge on them, but instead, humanity takes pity on them, and there are groups that offer them some food and shelter.

As we can see, we face two outcomes, and great challenges. We hope this video offers some insight for you. It is only a small piece of data that we will share into the future.

Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Sat Apr 23, 2022 4:11 pm
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
Transcript of Video #3

Pasted: Mar 23, 2022, 10:56:28 am
Views: 324

There is very little time left to alter the negative outcome we have spoken about.

We are requesting viewers finish watching this video, and then do all that is possible to share it. The cascading effect, when shared, can have a very powerful impact in changing these events. They are called "ripples", and these small ripples can grow, disrupting the negative forces working to bring about the negative timeline outcome.

First, the April 18th, 2022 false flag must be prevented. This is not the end of our work, it is only the beginning. If this event is prevented, or forestalled, a series of other, serious events soon follow, over seventy in total, leading up to the year 2030. Each and every one of them must be prevented, or the negative outcome will not be stopped.

According to our data, if the April 18th event is prevented, the next date of an event that must be prevented is May 20th. On this date, an operation will occur out of the public eye, never reported in the media. This operation will take place in Southeast Asia, and involve the assassination of a former Chinese military scientist.

This event, if it takes place, ensures the negative outcome occurs.

The name of the scientist is Dr. Winston Wu. We, as Guardians of the Looking Glass, have already made attempts to warn Dr. Wu of the upcoming attempt on his life. Our data shows that no matter how many times we try to warn this man of his fatal outcome, the event does not change. Even if he takes steps to protect himself, it is not enough.

Part of the reason for this is that the negative forces have the same data we have, and they can anticipate our warnings, and circumvent them.

As a result, we determined the only way to prevent his death is by the actions of viewers, who share the information. Once broadly shared, it becomes apparent in the timeline data that the event can be prevented. The negative forces change plans, upon their plans being publicly disseminated and revealed. This is the case for preventing many events. Once a plan, or date, is revealed, and enough public awareness is made, the event can be stopped. But if not enough people are made aware of the date, then it cannot be stopped.

This took place on September 11, 2001. There had been some prior warnings, in previous months and years, of this date. But the information was not disseminated widely enough. A former CIA asset and infiltrator, by the name of Jeff Swedenburg, had made numerous attempts to warn people of this date, but his warnings were ignored. The event eventually came to pass, without any interruption.

Dr. Wu's work and project, which is almost entirely unknown at this time, is critical to stopping the negative outcome, and instead bringing about the positive outcome. This is why the negative forces are specifically concerned about him, and targeting him.

Dr. Wu's project is called Raindrop. Through his work, using Quantum computing, he is able to do great damage to the European power structure in the coming years.

His project is currently underway, and will reach completion in May, and from there, his work begins to expand all over the world. He begins spending vast amounts of money to destroy the current world order. The people involved in his project, who are all over the world, also help to fulfill his vision, and many others join him to bring down the current power structure.

He is being targeted for elimination, and if nothing is done, he will be killed on May 20th, 2022. This leads to the cessation of his project, the confiscation of his work, his funds, and the arrests of those involved. His project is destroyed, and the negative timeline is then solidified and cannot be altered from that point forward.

His work is also essential in disrupting the operations of the Large Hadron Collider, or CERN. If his life can be saved, he goes on to continue his work, and in doing so, prevent multiple horrific events that have been planned by the negative power structure.

If we can prevent the April 18th attack, and forestall the nuclear war, an economic collapse still happens in late 2022, when America will descend into chaos. Americans will be desperate for food, basic services, even water. Dr. Wu's work brings financial relief for many. In this time, followers of Dr. Wu will be given tens or even hundreds of millions in other currencies, and in crypto currencies, which will still retain value in currencies like the Euro. His work saves the lives of many Americans, who are able to use those funds to still buy things and escape the chaos.

The negative forces are able to see all of this, as well, so they have planned to assassinate Dr. Wu, on May 20, 2022. If this occurs, his work is destroyed, and he has no positive impact at all on the devastating events to come. This ensures, to the highest degree of certainty, that the negative singularity in 2030 takes place, and cannot be prevented.

All of our data shows that for us to succeed in preventing the negative outcome in 2030, and singularity, Dr. Wu's life must be saved, and his work must continue. Even if the economic collapse occurs, or nuclear war, if Dr. Wu survives, there still remains a chance to prevent the negative outcome.

Our data shows that by the end of 2029, entering into 2030, Dr. Wu and his project must be operating for the positive outcome to succeed. It is determined, that his work using his Quantum computer, against CERN, is one of the most critical aspects of disrupting the negative outcome.

Our data clearly shows that the only way to save his life is for each person to disseminate and spread this information, and to support Dr. Wu and his Raindrop project.

Our next video will discuss the next event that must be prevented. But for now, stopping Event 1 and Event 2 are of the most critical priority. With the re-activation of CERN, and re-powering of CERN, which took place on March 22, we believe the negative power structure has plans to disrupt the timelines to even a greater degree, in ways not even our data from the looking glass may have revealed to us. This concerns us greatly.

If our information is not spread quicker, and faster, we believe the negative power structure is doing something with CERN to completely stop us, or anyone, from preventing the negative singularity. This is why Dr. Wu's work ends up being so important, because he is able to specifically target and destroy their operations, in a way no one else can.


Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Sat Apr 23, 2022 5:05 pm
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
Transcript of Video #4

Pasted:  April 22 , 2022
Views: 114

Guardians, it is time for a very important update.

Because of your work, the April 18th attack was stopped.

You may have noticed in the news that there were some strange
events that led up to that date in New York City. These events were
partly related to the planned attack, and also related to some
timeline disruptions that took place, because CERN was reactivated.

Our sources in the U.S. and European governments told us that our
videos reached such a wide audience, that they had no choice but to
change plans.

We have asked our sources if they plan to delete our videos, and we
have been told that is being considered. They are extremely upset
with what we are doing.

Their plans now lie in using CERN to change the looking glass data,
so that the timelines more favor their negative outcome, than the
positive one. They are experimenting and tinkering in any way they
can, to bring up their percentages of success.

The next event, which we posted about, is May 20th. We have warned
the Raindrop group about what is to come, and we are working
closely with them to save Dr. Wu's life. They have been cooperative
so far, and once we showed them our data and proof, they knew we
were telling the truth. We have also heard many Guardians want to
help them in their own mission, which is going to effect the timeline
and possibly save Dr. Wu's life.

With April 18th prevented, and with our hope May 20th is stopped as
well, the next event to come happens in July of 2022. This event
cannot be described yet. We can only warn you, it will impact the
lives of billions of people, and the most impact will be felt in the
United States and Canada.

This event to come, in July, will harm far more people than the
previous two and cause great distress in the lives of many. It is of
great concern to us. We must do all we can to prevent the May 20th
event, and if we fail, we will not succeed at all. But if we do succeed,
we must then focus on the July event, which we will post a video

We want to also add that an individual managed to decipher the
secret codes we placed in each of our previous videos. We knew
eventually someone would do so. They now hold the keys to the
steps required of them, to fulfill their own destiny and purpose.
Others will also find these codes in our videos, and unlock their
own destinies. We know who each person this is, and we call them
The Chosen.

Once our codes are deciphered, you will be led in new paths, some of
which will take you to far away places and on extraordinary
adventures. The Chosen are critical to the success of creating a
positive timeline, and our videos contain the secret codes you need
to be led on this special path.

Soon, we will contact those of you who have emailed us, and if you
are one of The Chosen, we will need to begin communication with

We ask our Guardians to remain vigilant. There are many agents of
the negative forces who pretend to belong to the community of
light-bearers and truth-seekers. They are easy to spot, because they
always spread negativity. They cannot help themselves, even if they
try to be positive, it does not last for long. Their hearts are full of
darkness and hate, and it is easy to spot, but some are very clever.
This is why we must shut down our comments sections, because
they would be flooded with these agents, posting numerous lies and
confusions. Comments were allowed on our Rumble videos, and we
had no choice but to remove them, because of the vicious hatred,
toxicity and venom that had already filled up the comments. This is
why this must be done, for those who have asked.

We may also use a new account, such as Protonmail, but we must
make everyone aware, the negative forces can intercept data at the
port location before encryption occurs. This is a flaw built into all
computers and the internet itself, as there is always a point of
intercept whereby data remains unencrypted. As a result, no email
is truly secure.

The best method to use is an anonymous name, nickname or handle,
when communicating online. We also believe it is important for some
lightworkers to be open about who they are, and not hide in the
shadows. For our purposes, we must be safe, because we could be
targeted for assassination. One thing we have been told is that the
negative forces hate when people have the courage to show their
real names and faces, in the face of potential ridicule or attacks. It
is a sign of great strength. As always, use your best judgement. In
some cases, a person may have a real online identity, but also use
anonymous handles for other activities. This, too, is a smart way to
circumvent the negative forces. Confusing their algorithms is key.

Now, for The Chosen who are watching, you must decipher the new
codes we placed in this video. Once unlocked, you will have a mission
to find a golden amulet, once touched by both Jesus and the Prophet
Muhammad, and many other sanctified teachers and prophets over
the centuries, and passed down through generations of other Chosen
lightworkers. This amulet has been lost for over 300 years. We were
shown in the looking glass data, that it must be found and activated,
if the negative forces try to change the timelines. They are trying,
with CERN. The only way to stop them is to find the golden amulet
and activate it, so that The Chosen can use it as a counter against
them. Begin your search for the codes, and email us with what you
have found. Resist the negative energies around you, that will try to
stop you.


Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Sat Apr 23, 2022 5:08 pm
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
Re: The Looking Glass
and Tarot

Event 1

Correction: The events are planned up till the Solar Event of 2030, starting this year, but not this year only. Thank you to those who pointed this out! Published 04/09/2022.


Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Sun Apr 24, 2022 11:25 am
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
Re: Guardians of the Looking Glass
and Tarot

Event 2

The Universe was asked about Event 2, which could possibly occur on May 20, 2022, and if there were further insights in how to focus our positive thoughts and prayers about the event. Published 04/20/2022


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Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Sun Apr 24, 2022 11:28 am
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
Re: The Looking Glass
Military Insider: They paniked when they saw the future...

This was recorded over a decade ago and makes it even more incredible as we see the events described unfold on the planet today.


Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Sun Apr 24, 2022 4:01 pm
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
Re: The Looking Glass

Start of Event 2 Stage 0 :


Activation or not of Human Race´s Quarentine Devices:

Via Sam (1)

In this channeled session, I channeled Metatron Magnetic Consciousness in order to query about the following aspects:

1. How to release soul contracts that are not serving us in this lifetime?

2. What events will happen on May regarding the looking glass

3. Soul evolution of Dr. Joe Dispenza.


Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Wed May 04, 2022 6:04 pm
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
Felon Musk & Jeff and their Takeover of the Akashic Records @ Antartica
to slave Human Kind starting at May 30, 2022 in this timeline...

Orion Hardware to connect the Pyramids to a Computers...



Sam (1)

In this channeled session, Metatron magnetic consciousness shares with us important information regarding the following:
1. A simple way to ascend into 4th density and 5th density using the power of the creator within.
2. What is the difference between Hall of records and Akashic records; and 30 May event.
3. Soul evolution cycle of Neville Goddard.


Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Wed May 25, 2022 9:56 am
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101

Part 1

Event Two's Dr. Wu: How Are You?

We asked the Universe if the Dr. Wu mentioned by the Guardians of the Looking Glass managed to bypass the May 20 assassination attempt that was known as Event Two? Update: I still believe the cards talked of a Dr. Wu who had been in danger, but I've since learned that there are numerous Dr. Wu characters, and one in particular is part of a scam. That's why it will be important to pray wisely for light worker safety, rather than one specific person. And if any of these Dr. Wu's seem to need an investment, RUN. The real QFS won't require our funds to perform their functions.


Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Fri May 27, 2022 7:32 am
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101

Hidden History

a(1) Before our time

b(2) Recent Times:

The Universe weighs in on whether there is a lot of history that's been hidden, is it worthwhile to learn about it if so, and what degree of accuracy a certain site might have regarding hidden history?
Note: Video length not trimmed to achieve 11:11 result!



Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Fri May 27, 2022 7:39 am
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
Back to
Looking Glass @ June 2022 // 27



#1 Raw Data RV:



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Mon Jun 06, 2022 2:54 pm
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Looking Glass @ June 2022 // 27




Via SAM (1)

-Posted 1 Hour-
In this channeled session, I have channeled the RA collective and asked about the following queries:
1. Their thoughts on the flat earth theory
2. What will the the looking glass event 3 be and June energy update
3. The big lie that the elites don't want us to think about and how we can become masters of our reality using chakra system.


Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Tue Jun 07, 2022 7:42 am
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
more and More to
Looking Glass @ June 2022 // 27




Via LJ (1)



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Thu Jun 09, 2022 8:43 am
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Looking Glass @ June 2022 // 27




Laura´s Tarot Reading (1)

After a review of Events 1 and 2, plus a peek at the current ominous video from Guardians of the Looking Glass, we consulted the Universe to see how best to contribute positive energy for the best possible outcome for humanity, and for the safety and success of Lightworkers everywhere.
Please note: Once again, I did NOT edit the video to achieve the 11:11 length!
Produced 06/17/2022


Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Sat Jun 18, 2022 8:17 am
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
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Looking Glass @ June 2022 // 27




Via GofTLG (1)


"Transcription not available"

Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Sat Jun 18, 2022 8:23 am
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101
what happend when Cern mess with the Looking Glass?


multiplicity of Timelines...


AI Deception

Shakira, Guetta and Black Peas... (1)
YOU (must) WORRY

GF 'WATCH THIS BEFORE IT'S TAKEN DOWN" This Is The Freakiest Thing We Need To Be Aware Of" (2022)

Via Sam (2)

2. What the Orions and artificial intelligence are doing on Earth?



Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:38 pm
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Post Re: The Looking Glass 101

on the looking Glass:

via Inspired (1)

Frank Jacob joins us for a 5th INSPIRED conversation as we take another quantum leap discussing the latest and possibly last video released by the Guardians Of The Looking Glass and what it all means for all of us.


Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Sat Jun 25, 2022 5:25 am
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