Instant quick de-stress method
Surefire Stress Relief: Breathing Through Your HeartResearch has shown that
heart focused breathing can help people quickly reduce stress – and in this day and age, that’s the only way most people are willing to try. This technique may be used in everyday stress, anger, anxiety and emotional overload or in times of acute crisis, where it’s especially helpful. It works because the exercise helps you change stress-producing attitudes and reset your stress set point. You are actually changing your heart rhythm pattern and calming your autonomic nervous system. By focusing on your heart, you’re taking energy away from the undesirable emotions. You generate a positive attitude or feeling which starts to shift the signal the heart sends the brain so the brain response is different. It changes your physiology to move into heart-brain coherence and alignment.
So if you find yourself feeling angry, mildly depressed, anxious or otherwise stressed, try this easy, free and quick technique for yourself to refuel your system:
Shift your attention to the area of your heart. Imagine your breath passing in and out through your heart area or the center of your chest as you slowly inhale and exhale. Breathe in an attitude of calm and balance as if you were taking in an emotional tonic that takes off the rough edges. You can also try breathing in a feeling of gratitude or compassion – or whatever attitude you find most soothing. As you shift into the positive feeling, notice when you feel the release. You will likely feel genuine appreciation or compassion and the former uncomfortable physical sensations replaced by comforting, relaxed ones.
This exercise can be done in a quiet place or while walking, jogging, or – once you get familiar with it – even participating in a conversation.
I use this technique whenever I notice I am stressed to reboot my inner computer. Then I come back into balance and have more clarity about my next steps