The Golden Thread

72-hour virtual disaster scenario
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Author:  Bluebonnet [ Fri Oct 15, 2010 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  72-hour virtual disaster scenario

Several members generated a lively survival discussion in the GT and it was proposed that we conduct a 72-hour virtual disaster scenario. This scenario will, hopefully, be realistic and will challenge you to share your survival skills and learn from others.

Must you participate? Absolutely not, this is a voluntary exercise and is intended to simulate a disaster scenario and to exercise your critical thinking skills.

If you decide to participate, what do you need to do? Watch for the scenario to appear and dive right in. We want you to be honest - will you pillage the local store because you didn't stock up or will you hunker down with an AK-47 keeping hoarders at bay because you are stocked to the hilt?

Staff members will determine the date and the actual scenario and we will be throwing in some loop holes during the exercise.
We want you to participate from your point of the globe and pretend that this event has happened in your area, it's that simple.

This will not be a global scenario but rather a local disaster. Each person will report on what is happening in their locality - US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Sweden, London, etc..

As we all know, there is no "right" or "wrong" way to survive so there will be no judgement about anyone's strategy. Our hope is to help each other fill some holes and/or areas that we didn't think or plan for.

Remember this is only an exercise. In the past we have educated some of the most hardened preppers with exercises just like this.

I hope you will participate but if not I hope you will learn something from those who do. Stay tuned and we will announce the start of the disaster soon.


Some questions for you to think about and answer:

What preparations have you made, or not made and should have, for a disaster?

Step by step, how are you dealing with the immediate dangers, and possible future threats?

Some of the questions you need to deal with:

Do you have food?

If you live in the north, what will you do for heat?

Was your house destroyed?

Is there gas escaping? etc. etc.

Use your imagination and have fun with it.

In this scenario you will be on your own, cut off from everything except your immediate vicinity.

With you will be whoever comprises your "family" group.

If you live near members of your family, you can of course set up your situation to say, for example, that so and so were visiting when the disaster happened.

Perhaps a neighbor or two, who live in direct proximity to you, might come looking for food or other help - what would you do? but essentially you're on your own.

Author:  rutsuyasun [ Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 72-hour virtual disaster scenario

I am really looking forward to this exercise. As many times as I go over my preps and my plans, there is always something I have forgotten. There may be things I should think of and prepare for that haven't even entered my mind! I hope that by reading everybody's plans, reactions, and responses to a disaster where they live, I may be able to fill up holes in my own plans that I don't even know are there!!

This is a great chance for the GT community to help each other, and themselves, prepare for disaster, no matter what kind it may be. It doesn't have to be a major global disaster, such as a pole shift, to impact each of us in our own localities. For some it may be an earthquake, for another, a flood, or a hurricane, power lines down for extended periods, the list is endless. The basic preparations fit any disaster, then there are specifics you will know about for your locale.

So let's jump in and have a go at surviving the virtual way. ;)

Author:  Bluebonnet [ Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 72-hour virtual disaster scenario

The exercise is up and running in the Survival Section.

Author:  L2L [ Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 72-hour virtual disaster scenario

Remember folks this is just a test so there is NO WRONG answer.

I look forward to learning form all of you and hopefully teaching you a few things as well.

Here is the direct link.


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