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 The solar reality behind the bread and wine of communion 
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GT Truther

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Post The solar reality behind the bread and wine of communion
The solar reality behind the bread and wine of communion

October 17, 12:52 AM ... -Examiner#

Image - Eucharistic Medallion

The Christian ritual of communion, using consecrated bread and wine, comes from the Last Supper. But Jews would say that Jesus was reenacting the first holy communion when Melchizadek gave Abraham bread and wine. But it goes back much farther than that. Ancient sun worshipers celebrated communion every morning, but without bread and wine. The light of the sun was the bread and its warmth was the wine.

The Catholic Church knows the solar origins of communion. In fact, the early Christians would hold services outside where they would sing hymns to the Christ in the sun. But persecution drove them underground where they substituted the light and warmth of the sun with bread and wine, just as Jesus did. But when the persecution stopped and the church became firmly established, it continued with this form of communion. Nevertheless, it retained the symbolism of the sun in the host itself and the monstance or vessel that housed it.

According to the 1913 edition of the Catholic Encylopedia, "the most appropriate form (of the monstrance) is that of a sun emitting its rays to all sides." In slide 1, you see a close-up of a monstrance, and inside the glass enclosure is a crescent upon which the host is placed. This is virtually identical to the symbology of an ancient engraving by Chaldean sun worshipers shown in slide 2. Most monstrances use this crescent, which is called a "lunette" or "luna," meaning moon. The sun disk in a crescent moon was a common symbol for solar religions of Babylonia, Syria and India.

The host is often depicted as a sun, even when not in a monstrance. You see in slide 3 the general sunburst pattern used to symbolize the host. Slide 4 is the reverse side of a medallion commemorating the Catholic Eucharistic Congress held in Chicago in 1926. Note that the round wafer host above the cup is portrayed as a radiant sunburst. In slide 5, the host has actually been made as a flaming sun.

Slide 6 is a Canaanite pillar showing hands raised toward the sun disk. This is done by various cultures around the world, such as Hindus, Peruvians and Native Americans while sungazing. Slide 7 is the cover of the Jan/Feb issue of Envoy Magazine, a Catholic publication. It shows the host as a bright yellow sun disk.

Today all that's left of the early Christian ritual of solar communion, is the Easter morning sunrise service. The Church of the Second Advent holds outdoor services every Sunday and they know the true significance of bread and wine. So did Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. He said in Toward a Solar Civilization, "Bread and wine are solar symbols. It is not a question of the physical reality of bread and wine, but of the two properties of the sun: light and heat, which combine together to create life. But the heat is love, the light, wisdom. And so we can see that [the Christ through] Jesus meant that if we ate his flesh: wisdom, and drank his blood: love, we would have eternal life."

Slide 8 shows Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov and some disciples meditating at "the Rock," an outcropping at the Bobfin community near Frejus, France. People continue to do this sunrise meditation and receive the true communion of the wisdom and love of Christ every morning during spring and summer.

For more info:

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6

Slide 7

Slide 8

Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:19 pm
GT Truther

Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:08 pm
Posts: 5708
Post Re: The solar reality behind the bread and wine of communion
The solar significance of Easter ... s-Examiner

March 31, 10:54 PM
Alternative Religions Examiner
Wayne Purdin

The word "Easter" shares the same root with "east" the direction of the rising sun. Thus, on April 4th some Christians will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ by attending an Easter sunrise service, during which the rising sun is viewed as a symbol of Jesus rising from the dark tomb in all his radiant glory. Little do they know that long before the death and resurrection of Jesus, ancient sun worshipers in Egypt, Syria, Mexico and elsewhere celebrated the annual "crossification" of the sun through the vernal (Spring) equinox as a time when the sun was "resurrected" (i.e., the day began to become longer than the night).

In The Myths of Mexico and Peru, Lewis Spence wrote that the Feast of Totec, the principal Mexican solar festival, was held at the vernal equinox when sacrifices were made to sustain the sun. The Syrian sun and fertility god Attis was annually hung on a tree, dying and rising on March 24th and 25th. The rites of the "crucified Adonis," another dying and rising sun god, were also celebrated in Syria at the vernal equinox. The time around the vernal equinox was later applied to the Passion and Resurrection of Christ.

In explaining the calculation of the date of Easter, Saint Anatolius, the Patriarch of Constantinople said: "On this day [March 22] the sun is found not only to have reached the first sign of the Zodiac, but to be already passing through the fourth day within it. This sign is generally known as the first of the twelve, the [vernal] equinoctial sign, the beginning of months, head of the cycle, and start of the planetary course.... Aristobolus adds that it is necessary at the Passover Festival that not only the sun but the moon as well should be passing through the equinoctial sign...."

Thus, in establishing the floating date of Easter, Church father Anatolius based his calculations on the positions of the sun and moon during the vernal equinox.

The need to time the Easter celebration - or resurrection - to coincide with the vernal equinox demonstrates that it's based, not on the resurrection of Jesus, an historical person, but the sun. The Christian author of the Paschal Chronicle further confirmed that Christianity is a continuation of the ancient solar religion when he states that the "Annunciation of our Lady," i.e., the conception of Christ by Mary, also occurred on March 25th, the vernal equinox, exactly nine months prior to the December 25th birthdate, the annual rebirth of the sun. Another obvious clue as to Christ's solar nature is the fact that the "Lord's Day" is Sunday.

The Bishop of Alexandria, Athanasius wrote, "Again, 'the Sun of Righteousness,' causing His divine beams to rise upon us, proclaims beforehand the time of the feast [Easter], in which, obeying Him, we ought to celebrate it…" Christ is thus the Sun of Righteousness coming with healing in his "divine beams."

In Toward a Solar Civilization, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov claimed that "the light that flows from the sun… is the Spirit of Christ… and if you link with him and love him, your whole being will throb and vibrate in harmony with the Cosmic Light that shines, in condensed form, through the sun." He also said that the communion bread and wine are symbols of the body (light) and blood (warmth) of the sun.

The early Christians would hold their communion services outside. And when they consecrated the bread and wine, they would lift it up to the sun so that the sun’s rays would bless it and transubstantiate it into the body and blood of Christ. Thus they would charge the bread and wine with the spiritual Light or Christ Light that infuses physical sunlight at dawn. However, when the authorities began to persecute the early Christians, they were forced indoors or underground in catacombs and never resumed their outside services. Today, all that remains of this tradition is the Easter sunrise service, held by some churches, and the design of the monstrance, which houses the consecrated host. According to the 1913 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia-“The most appropriate form (for the monstrance) is that of the sun emitting its rays to all sides.”

Watch this video for more insights into the sun-Easter connection:

Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:16 am
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