The Golden Thread |
Here Comes the Sun |
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Author: | Bluebonnet [ Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:43 am ] |
Post subject: | Here Comes the Sun |
Paul Krugman snip Our mastery of the material world, on the other hand, has advanced much more slowly. The sources of energy, the way we move stuff around, are much the same as they were a generation ago. But that may be about to change. We are, or at least we should be, on the cusp of an energy transformation, driven by the rapidly falling cost of solar power. That’s right, solar power. If that surprises you, if you still think of solar power as some kind of hippie fantasy, blame our fossilized political system, in which fossil fuel producers have both powerful political allies and a powerful propaganda machine that denigrates alternatives. ![]() snip This has already led to rapid growth in solar installations, but even more change may be just around the corner. If the downward trend continues — and if anything it seems to be accelerating — we’re just a few years from the point at which electricity from solar panels becomes cheaper than electricity generated by burning coal. ![]() ![]() ![]() And if we priced coal-fired power right, taking into account the huge health and other costs it imposes, it’s likely that we would already have passed that tipping point. But will our political system delay the energy transformation now within reach? Let’s face it: a large part of our political class, including essentially the entire G.O.P., is deeply invested in an energy sector dominated by fossil fuels, and actively hostile to alternatives. This political class will do everything it can to ensure subsidies for the extraction and use of fossil fuels, directly with taxpayers’ money and indirectly by letting the industry off the hook for environmental costs, while ridiculing technologies like solar. ![]() So what you need to know is that nothing you hear from these people is true. Fracking is not a dream come true; solar is now cost-effective. Here comes the sun, if we’re willing to let it in. Read more here: |
Author: | Sky [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:53 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Here Comes the Sun |
Nice option BB - but Solar arrays are still hellishly expensive right now, and now is when we kinda need it. To equip my house with half descent solar will cost me arround $20000 which is cash I don't have right now due to all the devaluation of currencies, and taxes being strewn around - coz WE are not green enough. That is Carbon taxes thanks to Mr Goreypants! My gubment also is building two new massive coal fired power stations at around $30Billion each! Eish! ![]() Let us hope the Chinese take the gap and flood the market with cheaper options SOON. They already have 95% of the wind turbine market sown up. |
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