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 Sun into Capricorn 
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GT Truther
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Post Sun into Capricorn
December 21: Sun enters Capricorn

As we near the end of the year, you may feel a bit nostalgic and contemplative as you think about where you've been and where you're headed. The Sun's entrance into Capricorn takes place when the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun. This marks the Winter Solstice, a time celebrated throughout the ages by many cultures. During this practical earth-sign time, tune into your goals and -- just like Capricorn's animal symbol. the mountain goat -- set your sights high.

December 21: Jupiter conjunct Neptune

These two big planets finally reach the third and final conjunction (in this series). This is an energy you have been working with since earlier this year, when the first conjunction occurred on May 27 in Aquarius. This idealistic pair continued to travel together and formed a second conjunction on July 10. Jupiter expands the spiritual inclusive nature of Neptune, which helps people to reach out, network and dream "big". You have been helped and continue to be wherever this duo is currently transiting in your own chart.

December 25: Venus enters Capricorn

It's always an interesting shift when the love planet leaves nomadic, freedom-oriented Sagittarius and enters serious, pragmatic Capricorn. If you've wanted to nail down your wandering Romeo or Ramona, now is your chance! Capricorn loves nothing better than a real commitment, and those with staying power in their DNA are ready to make one. Don't try to push anything, though, as plans will take time to develop with Mars currently retrograde.

December 26: Mercury turns retrograde

Because Mercury turns retrograde in ambitious Capricorn while next to the north node, this is a very potent retrograde period. You receive information that will help you. Pay extra attention now to conversations, messages and ideas that you or others discuss. Although all of the typical Mercury retrograde cautions apply, if you can use this time to more deeply formulate your ideas and plans, you will be able to implement them with great power and strength in January when Mercury turns direct on January 15.

December 28: Venus squares Saturn

Even Venus in sensible Capricorn apparently needs to be reminded of boundaries and rules. You get plenty of clarity about your most important relationships. That's the good news -- and also the bad news, for there's nothing quite like a clear-eyed, fantasy free view of the ones you love. Just make sure, with Saturn's current placement in Libra, that you don't overwork your mind too much on this one.

December 28: Mercury conjunct north node

The words you choose and the ideas you express have particular importance with this conjunction. Mercury represents communication. Think of the north node as the road ahead. What you say now can move you forward in a significant way. It's like you can now get on the escalator instead of walking up all those stairs! Misspeak and you will feel as if you're on a stairmaster, going over the same territory over and over again.

December 31: Full Moon lunar eclipse in Cancer

The final of four lunar eclipses of the year occurs on the final day of December. (We have also experienced two solar eclipses this year.) This final lunar is in the water sign Cancer, which is quite emotional and very compassionate. Whenever lunar eclipses occur in water signs, the sensitivity factor is ramped-up. All lunar eclipses are like an extra-intense full Moon, an emotional high tide when you assess where you are emotionally. In the days following this Moon, but before the next new Moon, get a plan together to maximize what's great -- or to make changes that will make you feel more comfortable. This Cancer Moon is opposed by the Sun (the Sun is always opposite the Moon at a full Moon) and Venus and Pluto in worldly Capricorn. With the pull from people and circumstances in your environment that are keeping your career on your radar screen, do what you can to pay attention to your personal needs while remaining mindful of your family's needs.

January 4: Sun conjuncts Mercury

The communicator planet joins the Sun, imparting plenty of information. You should be feeling quite pragmatic with this Capricorn conjunction as you thoughtfully weigh pros and cons; you are likely to make a few changes in some of your plans and projects. Because Mercury is still retrograde, it is best to analyze thoughtfully but without yet making decisions. The truth is, you will change your mind more than once. So give your mind a break and don't finalize anything just yet. This is a fruitful time to reflect and ponder, but not to act!

The 150-degree aspect, the quincunx, describes energy that is a bit off-kilter. It's kind of like a curve ball: what you think you see coming is not exactly what you end up with. Mars heats situations up and you will help yourself this week by remaining open to changes. Don't get stuck with one point of view or one way to go. Mars is retrograde -- like a salmon swimming upstream -- so take this formidable energy and direct it toward goal achievement. Just don't expect things to happen right away, for part of what you're doing now is long-range planning.

January 8: Venus quincunxes Mars

When the planets of love (Venus) and desire (Mars) are not exactly on speaking terms, you either get a whole lot of passion ... or argumentativeness. With Mars retrograde, people tend to pull back their energy and, in general, act more strategically. Mars in Leo has a large dose of pride (perhaps unhealthily so), while Venus in Capricorn is quite status-conscious and commitment-focused. How do you get these two to get along? Make love, not war!

January 13: Saturn turns retrograde

<p>Saturn turns retrograde in Libra and will travel back into analytical Virgo before eventually turning direct on May 30. Saturn turns retrograde once a year, giving us an opportunity to review our lives and make sure that what we're aiming for is still what we want. Because Libra is the sign that rules relationships, a thorough review of your most significant ones is central to this cycle. Retrogrades are always about going back over territory you've already been through. Saturn, in general, represents our responsibilities, our rules for living, how we construct our lives, and where we need to place our boundaries. Facing your own and others' limitations are an important part of this review.

January 14: Solar eclipse in Capricorn

An eclipse in ambitious Capricorn lights up your connections with the outer world. For many, your career represents your outer world activities; for others, school or volunteer work may characterize the core of your interactions. A solar eclipse, which occurs at the new Moon, marks an especially dramatic and important beginning. This is an achievement-oriented Moon, so determine what mountain you want to climb and make a step-by-step plan to get there. Take action to make your life secure through tangible, practical accomplishments. As the moon's light increases between the new and full Moon, put energy into something you would like to have become more important in your life.

January 15: Mercury turns direct

Finally, an end to miscommunications as Mercury turns direct in pragmatic Capricorn! It's now time to incorporate everything you've learned or have been thinking since December 26, when Mercury turned retrograde. Communication becomes easier and less confusing, and you find it easier to make decisions. Hopefully you used the retrograde period well and became better informed about your options. Now it is time to sign those contracts, send out your resume and pick up the phone. Communicate all those great ideas and put your plans in motion!

January 17: Jupiter enters Pisces

Are you ready to retreat from the world's hustle and bustle? Since Jupiter stays in a sign for one year, it is very noteworthy when Jupiter enters a new one. A worldview shifter, this big planet directs your attention to new philosophical, social and economic themes. This time Jupiter brings its expansive energy to the sign of the dreamer, so escaping from the mundane world and devoting more attention to your inner or spiritual life will feel extra important. For the past year as Jupiter transited the group-oriented air sign Aquarius, interest in social ideas -- from networking to finding like-minded people to the value of teamwork -- has been prominent. Now, as we enter the water-world environment of Pisces, your feelings get top billing and your empathy is likely to get a workout.


The fate of all mankind I fear is in the hands of fools. - King Crimson

Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:11 am
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