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The Golden Thread - View topic - Full Moon in Leo
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 Full Moon in Leo 
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GT Truther
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Post Full Moon in Leo
The Full Moon in Leo is on January 30th at 1:18 am EST.

This Full Moon has the feel of bursting forth, with the extroverted signs of Leo-Aquarius fully vitalized. It comes after the end of Dec/mid Jan eclipses in the familial, reclusive cardinal signs of Cancer-Capricorn. After the heavy-duty karmic stripping -- which continues for many -- we get a flash of a dynamic future possibility.

It's about who we might be, if we can free ourselves from social conditioning, binding karmic situations or people, and negativity. It's a future self that's broken free, and able to adapt to changing societal realities. It's who we might be if we fully develop creative gifts (Leo) and share them with the collective (Aquarius).
Your Unique Contribution

It's a highly energized Full Moon, with Mars right there also in fire sign Leo. It can drive out buried passions or creative longings. If you've been apathetic, you might be surprised to feel that old creative hunger being kindled within. You may get a shock that reminds you of your true heart's desire. It can be related to life's work, children, or your creative life.

Mars Retrograde and the Moon bust open childhood dreams, back when you thought anything was possible. Leo is yang, expressive, and lunar outbursts may be raw and irrational -- irritability, rage, throwing tantrums, for example. This kind of intensity can be destructive. But don't worry if it's released in a less than artful way. Whatever you've got bottled up is primal energy that can later be harnessed and shaped.

The Moon-Mars conjunction is in a dance to its opposite pairing of Sun-Venus in Aquarius. Mars is in retrograde, and it's possible this brings back an old flame unexpectedly. And it has us remembering those that snapped awake our own sense of life as an adventure. Mars Rx can have us feeling like our 'heart's not in' what we're doing. So this total engagement of the Leo-Aquarius axis has us digging deeper for what it's going to take to rally for the future (Aquarius), and actualize our true potential (Leo).
Other Leo-Aquarius Themes at the Full Moon:

* Shining your personal light with more confidence.
* Merging your own dreams to that of the collective.
* Celebrating your unique journey through self-expression.
* Finding creative collaborators.
* Aligning with those that believe in you.
* Cultivating a mutually supportive creative community.
* Dedicating your unique life's work to the uplifting of all beings.

Living with Uncertainty

The explosive potentials of this Full Moon are happening as Saturn-Pluto come into their second exact square (on the 31st). This affects society's underpinnings, but it's likely that no two people are experiencing it in the same way. Some are finding out that taking the safe road doesn't guarantee long term security. If the things that anchor life's progression aren't looking so solid, it can cause a lot of anguish.

But it can also allow you to get out from under the weight of society and its assumptions. It's a release from the structure we don't even notice, because we're "in it." It's a time of foundational change and letting go, and we may be surprised at what's there once we've had the breakdown.
Some Light in a Dark Time

The Saturn-Pluto square can bring things to a head, or bring on a harsh realization. It may have to do with things like scarcity, environmental depletion, a hopeless squeeze on the resources, a traumatic re-balancing of your personal life. It may feel like a dark time for many, but dark times allow a purging of what's dead in our lives. The Leo Full Moon may especially highlight where we've lost our passion for living.

When you've got a difficult aspect in your birth chart, or a transit, you can find support via the points that aspect it. At the Full Moon, there's a wide trine to this Saturn-Pluto square from Venus in Aquarius . This assures us that creating communities and sharing visions for the future, with those on our wavelength, helps us through. We can use technology (the Internet) to connect with the whole world, and be encouraged by the innovations, genius, and surprising ideas coming forward.

There's also two sextiles to the Saturn-Pluto square, from the Moon in Leo and Jupiter in Pisces. If things get too serious and bogged down, try turning the melodrama into a dramedy. It's an invitation to share what you're going through in any medium. And to find faith in the mystical understandings that show us nothing is set in stone. And instead of being disturbed by that, we can allow it to embolden us to "go for it" and become who we're truly meant to be.

Also watch out for electrical issues :huh


The fate of all mankind I fear is in the hands of fools. - King Crimson

Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:09 pm
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Post Re: Full Moon in Leo
Thanks Leo :wavey

Please Obey the Golden Rules viewtopic.php?f=31&t=3563&p=40912#p40912

Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:12 pm
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