PART II (it was too long to post in one reply)
A new beginning will come even if it must be birthed with violence.
As the tropical zodiac’s relations to its own parts remain fixed, it retains its template of twelve 30° signs and its own grand cross between solstice and equinox signs, but the connection to the galactic axis is what makes it a Holy Cross, a Holy Cross whose illuminating light will be completely gone in about 500 years from now. Then the tropical zodiac will have moved so that the vernal axis is further into Aquarius and the galactic axis, the one aligned with the Galactic Centre, will be in Capricorn.
For the last 2000 odd years we have lived in the Pisces Age, because the constellation Pisces was on the tropical point of 0° Aries on 21st March. Yet few of us know that the galactic axis was also in the sign of Sagittarius (to which constellation it also belongs), so that we have been living not just in the age of Pisces but in a Sagittarius/ Pisces age, these are the two constellations and signs ruled traditionally by Jupiter, so we have lived in an Age of Jupiter.
When, in approximately 250 years, the Galactic Centre enters the sign of Capricorn we can say we are living in an age of Capricorn and Aquarius, both the sign Capricorn and the constellation Aquarius are ruled by Saturn, so we will be living in the Age of Saturn. Saturn is remembered as the Father of the Golden Age.
Yet a very good time to mark the transition from the age of Jupiter to the age of Saturn and the birth of the Aquarian Age, would be in the coming years when Uranus, one of Aquarius two rulers, enters and moves through early Aries (first solar fire sign of birth) in 2010 to 2013. It enters the sign Aries against the constellation background of the transition from Pisces to Aquarius, while at the same time another major outer power of transformation, Pluto, is in the sign of an earthly birth – Capricorn, conjunct the Galactic Centre in a Holy Cross.
In a thousand years from now the Holy Cross between the solstice/ equinox axis and the galactic axis will be quite over.
The constellation on the left of the chart will be nearing mid- Aquarius and will rise over the horizon as Aries swings his sword at the spring equinox every March 21st
Opposite Aquarius, on the right side of the horizontal axis, in the outer circle will then be mid Leo. Up on the mid-heaven or zenith, Capricorn ruled by Saturn, might be seen to rule the heavens.
We could say that 250 years ago, about the time of Pluto’s last transit over the Galactic Centre and the Lisbon earthquake and Tsunami of 1755, this cross was already in pretty close position and the transformations it would cause had begun. Related to this, earth’s magnetic field has been weakening for approximately this length of time, and recently this seems to be quite a dramatic weakening. This field protects us against damaging rays and debris from outside our system and keeps our climate constant.
We are at the end of a Great Year cycle and the transition coming now will be a major one. It will be for instance a transition from an age ruled by Jupiter (the galactic Sagittarian – vernal Pisces Age) to an age of Capricorn and Aquarius ruled by Saturn.
In the next chart we see the Holy Cross as it formed half a Great Year ago, the Galactic Centre was in reality in the same position but the signs shown on the inner cycle were opposite their positions now, so that the Galactic Centre was placed at the place in the inner circle of the summer solstice, where now it is at the winter solstice. This is extremely important and as I will show in my next book the tropical star signs were calculated by ancient cultures and used to mark the time of “creation” of Eden and all the events in history. That they understood both cycles has not been understood and led to confusion.
Below the arrow points to the right to the area between Leo and Virgo where the constellation of the lion or would have risen. The Egyptians place a sphinx between the two signs and see it as a beginning/end point of a cycle.
Here is an abridged version adapted from O.D. Miller’s chart created in the 19th century that describes the world view of many ancient peoples and the beginning of many ancient calendars, which he could recalculate and explain in his book HAR MOAD or the Mountain of the Assembly (p.372). It shows the date from which they calculated the creation of “Man” in a mountain paradise, which was followed by its loss. I find it amazing that without seemingly any knowledge of the Galactic Centre / anti-centre axis he was able to calculate the time of the last Holy Cross, date of creation/destruction, through the ancient cuneiforms of different cultures that connected it to the winter solstice, as also to Capricorn and Gemini, meaning the time of the alignment of the tropical sign Capricorn with the constellation Gemini.
It is certainly fitting to my own historical research, in which mankind has made great advances at the times of planetary transits through the sign of Gemini that this constellation with its picture of two human children Castor and Pollux, should represent the creation of humans, at least a new kind of humans. In earlier myths this area of Gemini was associated to other humans, not always two brothers but sometimes also a male-female pair like Adam and Eve. So this was the last point of creation on the Great Year wheel as we passed the door of Man, and now we have arrived at the door of god or Gate of the Gods. Certainly something holy must be awaited amidst all the din of material disasters?
I will not comment further on this chart, the two outer circles can be viewed complete in HAR MOAD, but the innermost one shows the signs and the next one out the constellations 12,500 years ago. I will look at it more deeply in an article on the Heavenly Clock.
The Chronicles of Akakor have retained an exact record telling of the arrival of the Gods over the eastern horizon in golden space ships, whose symbol was the rising sun and who came from an area in the heavens one can translate as Sword. Their arrival was like the arrival of spring bringing light to an ape-like humanity living in dark caves and primitive conditions. The gods looked like dark-haired humans but had six fingers. They became their masters, helped civilize them and crossed with them, which is supposedly why their tribe remained pale-skinned, they were the “Chosen People”.
This information makes me wonder if the interbreeding carried out in Meso- America was also carried in another area, if the seed of the gods would die in one area it might surive in the other. For the Hebrews also see themselves as the Chosen People and set their creation date according to Miller’s research at the date c. 10,468 BC or 12,500 BP.
The gods built them a fortress called Akakor with underground tunnels, taught them to keep records and warned them of the coming of a disaster that would be caused by the cyclic passing of their planet close to ours, the date of a truly terrible disaster in 10,468 BC in which two large continents to each side of Meso/ South America sank suddenly[i]. At the same time the Andes range was thrown up in Peru so that people froze and the Amazon ceased to flow to the west coast as it had done before. Climate changed completely with great thick forests growing up and the Sun was changed too.
If these aliens had not crossed with them and given them these abilities and a place to shelter they would probably not have survived the last two catastrophes. They have gone underground now.
There are a number of studies suggesting that something really happened at this time, such as evidence that a culture at Teotihuacan came to “a sudden and tumultuous end”.[ii] Its ruins with huge pyramidal temples are found 30 miles from Mexico City and its name means place of the Gods and is still called “City of the Gods”
And in the graph above an abrupt change in temperature is noted
Not just in Greenland either but also in Antarctica, so at both poles.[i]
[i] According to an article in Science Daily (Oct. 2, 1998) James White a paleo-climatologist from Colorado University noted changes in stable isotope ratios from the ice core in Antarctica, which are almost identical to changes seen in cores from Greenland's GISP 2 core from the same period.
"The ice cores from opposite ends of the earth can be accurately cross-dated using the large, rapid climate changes in the methane concentrations from the atmosphere that accompanied the warming," White said.
The evidence from the greenhouse gas bubbles indicates temperatures rose some 12,500 years ago about 20 degrees Fahrenheit in a 50-year period in Antarctica, much of it in several major leaps lasting less than a decade. ... 082033.htm.
At the end of this 1,300 year ice age other records tell that another terrible event occurred, as it is not mentioned in the Chronicles of Akakor and for other reasons, I am certain that it occurred in Indonesia, that at that time was a great centre of learning. Its volcanic collapse caused enormous flooding.
So what about the Holy Cross in the coming Years ? What will the T square of Uranus add to the difficulties of the time of transition?
The Krakatau eruption back in 1883, before the cross was perfected, shows what a Uranus T square
may do.KRAKATAUERUPTSholycross.jpg
Uranus was not yet on the Fall Equinox but it was square the G.C. at 25° Sagittarius, with Mercury the The presence of Mars and the Moon at the Summer Solstice completes a T square close to the galactic axis and solstice-equinox axis.KRAKATAUERUPTS2holycross.jpg
The volcano Krakatau, date and time of eruption, 26th August 1883. One can see the T square between the galactic axis and solstice axis on which Moon, Mars and the GC are placed squared by Uranus and Mercury. This is similar to a number of other charts of disasters which are shown in my article "The Cause of Disaster".
In all cases of disasters the galactic axis and solstice equinox axes are significantly involved. As the Galactic Centre is now tropically placed at 27^Sagittarius in June 2010 the alignment of solstice-equinox cross to galactic axis is almost complete. All it requires are a number of heavenly bodies placed on these axes to set off the worst disasters.
June 2010
June 2010 may mark the beginning of a very active three year period in which consciousness will change at a sometimes exciting and sometimes terrifying rate, there will be great advances, which will be necessary to keep track of and understand all that is happening and there will be terrifying moments. It will be a time in which there are increasing disasters caused by temperature extremes and by volcanic eruptions and wars.
The whole three week period from the 8th June 2010 to the end of the month puts the Earth under a great strain. Significant is the involvement of the two giant planets Jupiter and Saturn, they were conjunct the Galactic Centre when the largest ever earthquake occurred in Chile on 22nd May 1960.
Einstein is supposed to have suggested back in the 1950s that if the rock beneath the polar ice should soften this could allow a very strong gravitational event to affect the poles[1]. Anyway in 1993 scientists noted that what he had foreseen had occurred, the rock had turned to a toothpaste consistency. I mention this because Einstein pointed to a date in the then far future[2].
He thought the alignment of a number of bodies in the sign of Taurus ( 5th May 2000) might add that extra gravitational tug to cause that gravitational event - a pole shift.
Yet nothing apparently happened. One of the reasons it did not have the strong effect expected is that this aspect did not involve the galactic axis and was not on the Holy Cross.The effect of the Galactic Centre’s gravitational tug given at the same time, and considering that each planet has a different kind of effect, could be like a kind of tug of war to in some way shift the poles. In fact the idea reminds me rather of the famous Indian myth of the churning of the ocean of milk, which I believe was a description of what happened during the last polar shift and Holy Cross 12,500 years ago when Mount Meru (sometimes Mandara) was used to churn but needed to be supported as it was beginning to sink.
The effect of both giant planets aspecting the Galactic Centre on the Holy Cross, with Jupiter conjunct Uranus at the spring equinox, who I associate with sudden changes and disasters, could fire some shift. Jupiter is 318 times as massive as the Earth, it is large enough to affect the barycentre of the Sun and is most likely the main cause of Sun Spot cycles in its somewhat over 11 year revolution, the Sun itself is actually revolving around this slightly off-center point caused by Jupiter.
As both Jupiter and Saturn are involved in June 2010 squaring the Sun and the Galactic Centre this could also trigger an unusual response on the part of the Sun, perhaps a flare. The Sun is of course also ruled in its cycles most of all by the Galactic Centre. The Sun, sacrificial bull of the Galactic Mother, is anyway nearing its likely strongest sunspot period around 2011 to 12. Each solar cycle lasts an average of 11.1 years, with sunspots switching magnetic polarity at the beginning of each new cycle.
Some fear this perhaps strongest ever sun-spot peak[3] could cause the Earth’s magnetic pole, which has been weakening for many years as if in preparation, to suddenly switch at this time also.
Each solar switch is connected to sunspots and on Earth the sunspot periods are associated with increased volcanic activity, which point has also been researched by Will Hart ( ... ycles.html ). The switching of magnetic poles of the Sun and Earth may be associated with both enormous solar flares andon Earth a massive volcanic eruption, both triggered by the Galactic Hera and her helpmate and King, Jupiter[4].
This enormous volcanic explosion may be unavoidable anyway. Tom J. Chalks Msc., PhD. Head of a geophysics research team states that there have been 5x as many earthquakes all over the world in recent years and that they are connected to an overheating leading to the danger that Earth could explode as a result of global warming. The heat it receives is stored inside. The Earth is a nuclear reactor and he sees us nearing a “nuclear meltdown”. There is evidence that a similar explosion may have occurred as a result of overheating half a Great Year ago.
There is evidence attained independently that during the Younger Dryas around 12,400 years ago some kind of nuclear explosion occurred: “EVIDENCE OF A NUCLEAR CATASTROPHE IN PALEOINDIAN TIMES”. They investigated a cluster of sites in the north-central area of North America: Michigan, Illinois and Indiana. The nearly vertical direction of the tracks left by particle impacts at most sites suggests they came from a distant source[5]. I believe that source was an enormous sunken volcano in Indonesia remembered in the Greek myth of Phaethon[6], that its explosion was so large it sent a huge piece of the volcano up into the stratosphere, from where it descended like pieces of a meteor over this area of North America
A theory that about 12,900 a comet over North America made by Richard Firestone and Allen West has supposedly been disproved.
Modern man seems to have done relatively little study of the volcanic beasts that our ancestors lived with and that most likely killed the dinosaurs as well.[7]
It seems to have been known that there was a cyclicity to volcanic eruptions, that they occurred once every c. 13,000 years or every 26,000 years, and even that a particular volcano erupted regularly at the End of every Great Year cycle. Volcanoes were the great creator destroyer gods, or their embodiments, or dwellings on Earth. This is supported by many myths about the fiery eye of Shiva, the fiery eyes of Jesus, of gods with tongues like swords of flame come to purify the world for a new beginning and secret signs employed by those in the know, like the upward pointing index finger of the right hand shown in paintings by Leonardo, even in the Last Supper, that signified fire. The idea of a purification coming through fire was also given by the Cross of Hendaye, which places, like the cross of Jesus crucifixion, INRI at its peak. As the eye itself represents fire the symbol on the American dollar note of the pyramid with an eye at the top can be taken as a symbol for a volcano. To alchemists INRI would be understood as through fire all things are made new. The Aztec priest-prophets who wrote the Pyramid of Fire, brought out by John Major Jenkins, also saw a great fire of purification coming.
This idea grows in plausibility the more myths one reads and according to sulfur levels associated with volcanoes there are rather regular peaks that may relate to the 25,000 to 26,000 Great Year cycle.
For instance the eruption of Toba has been recently pushed back in time from early estimates of 71,000 B.P. to now nearer 75,000 BP. You may want to read Mystery of the Megavolcano on this. which is 3 x 25,000 years. If the Akakor catastrophe was really at 10,468 BC or c. 12, 500 B.P., which I see no reason to doubt, and there is a lot of evidence now in its support, then 25,000 years for at least this Great Year may be a more exact estimate.
The first peak going back in time began between 25,000 and 26,000 years ago and then a larger peak is marked 27- 28,000 years ago. The next on the graph occurs about 52,000 years ago (52,000 is 2x 26,000 years). At least in part this came from an eruption Iceland. ... a major eruption of Torfajökull in Iceland occurred about 52000 years ago (Grönvold et al., 1995).
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Michael R. Rampino states that super-eruptions are estimated to occur on average about every 50,000 years, which is about twice the frequency of impacts by comets and asteroids ≥1 km diameter predicted to cause similar climatic effects[iii].
Here is a graph of the approximate volcanic peaks based on sulfur deposits in ice[9].
The last volcanic eruption in the map, marked at 75,000 B.P., was caused at least in large part by Toba. However evidence is pointing to a volcano beneath the waters told of in ancient texts and in Revelation, of which we have no idea at present, yet Revelation suggests its position as do other texts. I believe this volcano may be the true culprit.[iv]
It is a volcanic eruption that awaits us, the son-sun of the Galactic Goddess, will arise out of the womb of the Mother Earth. When Jupiter got fed up with mankind the last time and decided to wipe the slate clean he thought of using the Cyclops, the one-eyed workers in the volcano and helpers of Vulcan/Hephaestus, but then he remembered that, no, he was going to need them for the next great catastrophe so he sent the Flood.
It is interesting that in Biblical texts, which O.D. Miller’s work suggests reaches back in its understanding some 12,500 years, there are many signs of the coming volcano for those versed in the ancient texts. The return of the bridegroom[10] is awaited at the end of the age, and the beginning of the Son of Man and the bridegroom was a common description of the midnight Sun, for the Sun begins its return at midnight (same as winter solstice) and in the same way the man came for the woman in Hebrew texts at midnight when they married. He was considered the thief who stole the bride’s virginity. Then we are also told of Apollyon in Revelation, the under-earth manifestation of Apollo the Sun God, who has the keys to the abyss to let out the beast, and we can compare him to the Babylonian Sun God Shamash, whose travel beneath the Earth was known to also cause volcanic eruptions. As to the stealing of virginity and the idea of the end coming “like a thief in the night” the Cyclops themselves were considered thieving sons of Hephaestus, the volcano god.
Because Jupiter and Uranus move into tropical Aries in 2010, there may be a sudden rush of upward surging energy that makes people feel alive and positive about fighting for something, like starting a revolution, it is birthing energy. Think of how the song bursts from the throats of birds in spring and how the cherry blossom transforms the world. Spiritually inclined people may feel the kundalini serpent awakening inside them, others may find to God. However the grand cross involving Saturn and Capricorn will make the way difficult and uncertain, it may seem more like a reign of terror. In retrospect we may see that this time began a bloodbath. For the energy will be tightly bound and attempts will be made to prevent it breaking its bonds in an uncontrolled manner, conflicts will arise between East and West and the kundalini snake swiping her tail to and fro in galactic storms will cause great damage. This same upsurging of snake energy will be felt by the volcanoes too.They will know that their time has come to free themselves. This is what will lead to the birthing of a new Heaven and a new Earth told of at the end of the Biblical Revelation.
The Spring of 2010 will see increasing T squares and grand crosses involving the Galactic axis solstice axis and the vernal axis. Here is one example that might cause an earthquake on May 16th 2010
I will show a few charts for some of the three week period in June that I see as so crucial. They all involve the grand cross between Pluto and the GC at the winter solstice, Jupiter and Uranus entering tropical Aries at the spring equinox , the Sun near the summer solstice and Saturn at the autumn equinox. This begins about the 8th June.
Depending on where the Moon is placed and the ascendant and midheaven axies are at different times of day, a number of possible local disasters could be visualized, though the worst lurking in the curtains, and in the long term the best, I see as the coming raising of land through earthquake and volcanic activity, possibly a volcanic explosion, all of which could be involved in causing large tsunamis.
2010 is by no means the worst of what is coming, October 2011 looks a lot more dramatic for volcanic eruptions, and 2013, when Jupiter in Cancer forms an opposition to the GC from the summer solstice, could add a great tsunami. Still 2010, as Uranus with Jupiter enters the fire sign Aries in this grand Holy Cross should set off the volcanoes, of which there will be signs probably already in the spring when the Sun moves through Aries.
Charts for the three week period in June 2010
8th June 2010
The evening of the 8th June shows bows and arrows[11] pointing at Neptune and then at Saturn suggesting a possible earthquake. On the 8th June the Sun is just beginning to oppose the Galactic Centre creating that grand cross on the Holy Cross.
Jumping of course a large number of bad aspects, one sees again on the 24th June the grand cross on the angles of the tropical solstices and equinoxes.
26th June 2010
Most important of all perhaps in the years 2010 to 11 is that the nodes of the Moon are also aligned on the galactic axis. As the nodes align also with the Sun in June it may be that the Sun is involved in some negative way.
Most interesting of all, and in some ways comparable to the 26th December 2004 as the Full Moon was also opposite the Sun etc, we see the Full Moon on 26th June involved in the grand Holy Cross. 2010june264am.jpg2010june264am.jpg
The 26th June could be the most difficult of the month, as the Full Moon joins the Holy Cross, also the line up is now more in the cardinal signs of new beginnings to start building that new Heaven and new Earth. Here I show the line up in different ways with different programs and at different times.
The figures left and right show different versions or perspectives on 26th June 2010
NASA’s solar system simulation shows also on 26th June 2010 the alignment between Uranus, Jupiter, Sun and Saturn.
2010 to 2013 may not be the only years in which the transition to the new Great Year makes itself noticeable, in fact the whole period of transition may last just over a thousand years as the Bible tells, after which time the (volcanic) beast that was released will then be chained up again and returned to its hellish pit. This was probably true half a Great Year ago as well.
In 250 years Pluto will again be conjunct the GC and the GC will be just into Capricorn, but the aspects occurring in the next years are not repeated in the same way with this square to Uranus at the spring equinox in Aries the sign of new beginnings. In the last few hundred years and especially the last seven years the Sun conjunct square or oppose the Galactic centre and it axis have produced the largest and most deadly disasters: just consider these last few years: the largest earthquake of 2005 occurred on 28th March as the Sun squared the Galactic axis, the deadliest earthquake of 2004 occurred on 26th December as the Sun was conjunct the Galactic Centre and galactic axis. The M 8.3 in Japan on 25th September 2003 was the largest of the year, as the Sun squared the GC and the deadliest came on 26th December 2003 in Bam Iran with somewhere between 33 and 43,000 deaths. The deadliest earthquake in 2002 was in Afghanistan on the 25th March (Sun square galactic axis), and the largest in 2001 occurred in Peru on 23rd June (Sun opposite GC and Nodes of Moon on the galactic axis, as will be the case in June 2010.
This would probably be no surprise to an Aztec or Mayan Priest versed in the ancient knowledge, or even his own language for both names for this age Olin and Caban in Mayan suggest that the end of the age will involve earthquakes.
Understanding Yin and Yang, I would suggest that the major disasters of the last half of the Great Year would have been caused by the collapse of land, and that the disasters of the near future may be caused by the raising of the Earth again. Half a Great Year ago Atlas failed, could no longer hold Atlantis up, and we sank into a sinful valley of forgetful Yin, great cultures were swallowed by the seas. That is what the priests of the volcanic jaguar- the Chilam Balam - recorded when they predicted:
"These valleys of the earth shall come to an end.“
Pay heed to the truth which I present to you in the Katun of dishonour…
I speak to you! I Chilam Balam, the prophet of the Jaguar!
But this is a subject for another article.
All these legendary gods, demi-gods and sons of gods, whose fathers were heavenly and whose mothers were earthly, were volcanoes and in a Great Battle of heated conflagration the Golden Age came to its fiery end, the gods and giants and all the good spirits left us. Some of them may have left in their space ships but the rest just sank back down into the pot. Most of the great gods of our past sleep now beneath the seas (like Osiris) are “extinct” or rather till now inactive volcanoes.
As I show in my book it is largely the influence of the spring Mars ruled sign Aries (March 21st to April 21st) that awakens the sleeping giants. This is where Uranus will be from 2010 to 2018. It is no accident that the largest volcano in the solar system, called Olympus Mons, is found on Mars. The last greatest eruption of Tambora in Indonesia occurred as both Sun and Moon aspected the Galactic centre from the sign of Aries. Mars was on the galactic axis by Krakatau’s eruption. Etc.
After the great earthquake with hail occurs at the end of Revelation 16 we are told in Revelation 17, in language which only those very attentive may understand, the very height and worst of what the Apocalyptic disasters of the End Time will bring and also where. The Bible and tells us quite clearly what is going to happen, here a small clue:
17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
Do we have heads the size of mountains that we must egotistically identify with these kings- this is a league above us, and the most exciting of the seven is number eight and of him I write in my coming book “Meru”
[1] It also makes me wonder if our inclination to a pole star really does occur in a gradual cycle or if it does not sometimes occur quite suddenly .
[2] Book by Peter Noone, 5/5/2000: Ice The Ultimate Disaster
[3][3] The Sun Is Freaking Out and Now More Cosmic Dust by Paul Winter is an interesting conglomeration of information in an internet article about the sun, volcanoes and the coming ice age.
[4] Both Jupiter and Juno/ Hera ruled Mount Olympus and Jupiter is long the ruler of Sagittarius, sign of the King and Lord. Yet that he was married to a quite weighty and influential goddess has tended to be downplayed until recently when we rediscovered the power behind his throne at the Galactic Centre
[5] the author also tells of some already very surprisingly strong activity on March 27, 2008, showing huge eruptions with M-class radiation at about the equatorial region of the Sun, which eruptions suggests a barycenter of disturbance from an object even more massive than Jupiter, and the author even goes so far as to postulate that this might be the beginning of the Galaxy's effects on our Sun.
[6] This needs explanation, which I give in my book “Meru”
[7]„Volcanic Eruptions, Not Meteor, May Have Killed The Dinosaurs”.
New discovery validates theories in Not by Fire but by Ice 30 Oct 07 - "A series of monumental volcanic eruptions in India may have killed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, not a meteor impact in the Gulf of Mexico. The eruptions, which created the gigantic Deccan Traps lava beds of India, are now the prime suspect in the most famous and persistent paleontological murder mystery, say scientists who have conducted a slew of new investigations honing down eruption timing.
[8] Here is one recent article The MYSTERY OF THE MEGAVOLCANO which gives the date 75,000 BP for the megavolcanic disaster that caused in all likelihood an ice age. ... avolc.html[9] The adapted graph of the three peaks, correlating approximately to the end of each Great Year, are at at Stories in Ice by Peter Tyson NOVA Online Producer. modified from:
Zielinski, G.A., P.A. Mayewski, L.D. Meeker, S. Whitlow, and M. Twickler, 1996a, A 110,000-year record of explosive volcanism from the GISP2 (Greenland) ice core, Quaternary Research, 45, 109-118.
[10] Additionally we told not just of the Bridegroom’s return but also in Revelation of the rise of Apollyon out of the Abyss, this too is the underworld aspect of the Sun when he is below the earth and begins to rise. The Babylonians called the Apollo sun god Shamash and gave him a Saturnian underworld aspect in which his passage beneath the Earth caused volcanic eruptions.
[11] Bows and arrows are aspects I have named since discovering the Galactic Centre and the role of these aspects in the tsunami of 2004 and other disasters. For they focus the energy of the planets involved on the area where the arrow points. When Saturn or his sign are pointed toward then his earthy element will also likely be involved.
The Ugha Mongulala[ii] recorded that Peru was thrown up from sea level so high that people froze in the icy temperatures of the Andes. This is what to all likelihood created the Titicaca sea, the highest saltwater lake with docking attachments fitting to 12,500 years ago it was thrown 12,500 feet up (0ver 3,800 m.) above sea level as well as the remains of saltwater creatures. T is the highest, or at least one of the highest commercially navigable lakes in the world. Great stones and walls were created yet the means of their transport or working is still a mystery. There are legends of the people who once lived there in the golden city of legend now below water and of its return in the near future as the light returns.
[ii] ... pic=128631 - 137k
[iii] ... 31e55badba [iv]
[1] Saraswati ‘s saving waters were represented by a very large river that once passed through India. She has dried out and/or gone underground in the last few thousand years.
[2] Hel was the underworld was named after the grim goddess sister of Loki who was thrown into it.
[3] Angels were associated with fire and similar to cherubs or seraphim whose holy fire surrounds the throne, these angels are filled with eyes, which are again symbols of the solar fire and the volcano power. In some creation myths it is the volcano god that creates or births the Sun in heaven.
[4] Originally the idea of God was a three in one, a male part, a female part and a connecting part or energy, so Ja-Hova expressed- the male-female. At different times in his or her story one has outweighed the other but just like Shiiva-Shakti or Yin-Yang they can never be separated but are connected with the holy spirit of Ki, Ku, Qi, Chi, ether and the Galactic Centre is at the root of all these notions gods and goddesses.
[5] In this chart I have reversed the positions of the four fixed constellations, usually Taurus would by placed below, I explain this in an article on the Heavenly Clock.
[6] For more information on the Holy Cross visit Nick Fiorenza’s site and scroll down the page:[7] These prophetic texts are dealt with in detail in my coming book “MERU”.
[8] The proof of this is shown in other articles on Yin and Yang, and books.
[9] This I will detail in an article on Yin and Yang and the Great Year Cycle.
[10] See also Crucifying The Earth On the Galactic Cross by Sergey Smelyakov, Jan Wicherink ... nment.html [11] In 2010 the Galactic Centre is tropically placed in 27° Sagittarius
[12] A number of graphs show the increasing earthquake and volcanic activity in the last half a century: such as the one given here:, and Will Hart has specialized in understanding the cycles in connection to the Sun.
[13] The disasters involving the Holy Cross are analyzed more deeply in my book “THE GALACTIC CENTRE and the Great Waves Coming in December” The Krakatau eruption was triggered by a T square of bodies on the Holy Cross with Uranus involved. The same was the case by the All Saints Day Lisbon earthquake and tsunami.
[14] See Fiorenza’s discussion of the difference between sidereal and tropical at If you visit Nick Fiorenza’s site you can see at that the vernal axis moves in relation to the fixed galactic axis. 2,160 years ago, as the Pisces Age began, it was 30° away from the exact cross to the galactic axis, 720 years ago it was only 10° away from the Holy Cross aspect
[15] Such divisions of the Great Year into two sections lasting 12-13,000 years each were recognized by the Greeks, the Mazdaists or Zorathrastrians and the Chinese among others.
[16] The Holy Cross involves 5° of all these constellations, or could also be said to be at the junction to the four fixed signs Scorpio, Aquarius; Taurus and Leo, a position long known to be dangerous to the ancients but meaning little to us now.
[17] The volcano is the son of the god of heaven (fire- the sun) and the (goddess of) earth. In Chinese understanding December, the time of year of our solstice, is associated with K’un who is the female energy of Yin and represented at this time by the earth element. The solstice is for them more exactly the time of Fu – the Return, which is the return of the Yang power – the solar fire, so she gives birth to a son through the earth but of fire – a volcano.
[18] O. D. Miller’s study of ancient cuneiform texts in HAR MOAD and the Mount of the Assembly, originally published in the 1870s was most likely not understood at the time but can now be proved to be correct, as I show in my article on The Heavenly Clock.
[19] In a correct symbological understanding we would have to place the Galactic Centre below as the Chinese do in their understanding of the cycle in which K’un Sagittarius is at the bottom and represents Yin and also the point from which Yang is reborn, but this complicated reversal of the astrological picture cannot be undertaken here, nor the reason for the shift in our world picture, suffice it to say it was connected to what occurred at the last Holy Cross 12,500 years ago.
[i] As to men’s loss of wisdom, in the greed or need for more mineral deposits from the Arctic there are apparently spine-tingling reports about deeds done to speed up the melting of the arctic sea, despite the warnings of all the terrible things this may lead to.
[ii] Angels refer usually to bright stars, or their constellations, like the four fixed star-markers of the zodiac in the constellations Taurus (Aldebaran), Leo (Regulus), Scorpio (Antares) and Aquarius (Formalhaut). These constellations were the royal ones, whose parts were mixed to create mythical creatures with wings, bull bodies, and human or lion faces, like the Cherubim and Seraphim who were closest to the throne of God. These four represented the four elements, fire, earth, air and water and were considered the markers of the four corners of the earth. They were additionally associated with the four prophetic support scribe of the evangelic gospels, of whom John the Divine was one.
[iii]Eleazar, Uraltes Chymisches Werk, Leipzig, 1760.
From graph is adjusted from a graph taken from an article by Peter Tyson. The eruption of Toba I have shifted to 75,000 BP as some date it and the Iceland eruptions I have adjusted to 52,000 BP as there is evidence that more than one volcano may have erupted there at this earlier time[iii], this spike looks worse than Toba, but this is explained as being caused by the proximity of the Iceland eruptions to the Greenland ice core where the samples were taken. The dark blue lines mark the period 25-26,000 year periods. There is a lesser group of peaks about one Great Year ago.
[iv] This can only be explained in a coming article: Yin and Yang and the Great Year cycle .
[v] I believe this connection was made in Hamlet’s Mill and mentioned in Fingerprints of the Gods.
[vi] Tiamat was the sea monster (also salt water) who gave birth with her partner Apsu (fresh water) a milliard other monstrous life forms that lived in her oceanic body, before she was killed by the Babylonian hero, usually called Marduk, and divided into two portions, as the zodiac is divided along the vernal line into a part ruled by the solar god above the horizon and in the summer months and a kind of original chaos to which we return in the night at winter…
Whew !!! Leo