So having come across it I thought I'd look at some of the threads at the psychic focus site. Not all are about predictions...
Everything below represents highlights of whats said in each message. I only looked at some messages!
hmm, 2013 looks like a good year to hibernate.
(just in the nick of time, seeing that we are so close to the Dec 2012 target date).
========================================================== ... t-all.htmlNibiru is real, it will be seen around the full moon of March 2013, it will look like a red fireball, there will be a small pole shift / crustal displacement, its effect will last about a year with it being 2014 before things start to return to something more like normal...
an excerpt
Q-Is it's appearance and aftermath ultimately going to help or hinder mankind.
A- It is definitely going to hinder them, because we either have to try to get back to where we were or kind of accept a new normal. Like I am smelling a lot of burnt electronics, we will have to recover from that. People will have to be displaced along coast lines. Flooding will be a big issue. And I feel like we are going to have a year of tough time producing food. And the day I think will slightly longer, I mean we might gain a half hour, so instead of 24 hours it will be 24.5 hours. Which the implications of that, I am seeing watches being screwed up, computer being screwed up, banking, atm being messed up. I mean it sounds like it is not a big deal but I see people in a frenzy over it.
Q-Will mankind be better off spiritually? Like will this be a wake up call?
A-YES and I will be honest, something with the weird static charge around the earth, somehow helps people mentally wake up. It is like it helps to open their senses.
Q-Like their third eye?
==================================================== ... -this.htmlThe air smells metallic, and feels as if you are standing near an ioniser. When it gets really close people will feel a weird static in the air - this causes people to experience many static electric 'shocks' when touching things.
By March 2013 people will really begin to notices that "something is up" with the world, some may even start quiting their jobs. However to avoid mass hysteria there will not be an official government announcement.
Some comments sort of validate what Clif High has been saying about the planet expanding. Alaska will have problems with earthquakes; Australia with volcanic eruptions.
There will be electrical disruption, with people returning to cash and / or bartering as well. To help people pay their taxes there will be 'payment stations' at local stores where payments can be made in cash.
On the topic of finance, this excerpt will be of interest!
Q-But most of the money is electronic, there is not enough printed paper to account for all the electronic money in circulation. Like will I still owe for my house, or will debts be wiped clean. How can they account for them without the computer records?
A-I feel like the debts that will be due are like your towns money that you owe your town, like your utility bills, I feel like property tax will be like a flat value that they tell you that you owe. As far as mortgages and credit cards, I see that being suspended, you will still owe it, but there is not system to bill you or to collect it or to update payments. I even feel like your utility bills will be a flat billed amount, and it will be base upon how many people live in your house.
The United Nations will control many matters related to finance.
They also say that the reason why the sun used to look yellowish but now looks white is because our atmosphere has changed.
==================================== ... ation.htmlInformation on the illuminati, bankers, who controls the planet, planetary expansion (hairline cracks in the ground with super bright light shooting out of them, the earth making a 'screeching' sound, 99% of these are under the sea).
==================================== ... an-to.htmlit is hoped that the trains with shackles are never needed, its an option of 'last resort', but people will be tricked to board them under the guise of being helped! local militia run amok and do bad things which were not authorised in Washington. Obama will be very active in the east, but passive in the west; areas east of the widened Mississippi fare better, but cannot grow food whilst areas immediately west of the river are able to grow food... and there will be much fighting over this land. Russia and China involved in the western side. Dire food shortages likely later in 2013 into 2014.
=================================== ... oming.htmlnorth eastern side of Australia suffers much devastation.
=================================== ... d-are.htmlthe financial pack of cards start falling in 2030 and by 2040 most countries are back on the gold standard.
================================== ... -some.htmlan extended and powerful lunar eclipse (3-4 hours) in February 2014 will lead to many people having an ascension experience, opening their third eyes, etc. The seas slosh around, high tides, but no tsunamis. Its as if the earth 'stood still' to make the eclipse much longer than the normal 6 or so minutes.
================================= ... while.htmlin February 2013 the moon will rotate counter clockwise and this will affect our atmosphere... people should not breathe the fumes (no reason given why). A possible date clue is the Superbowl 47 - which will be on the 3rd.