The Golden Thread

911 STS Orion and Reptilian´s event
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Author:  recall15 [ Wed Aug 17, 2022 6:12 am ]
Post subject:  911 STS Orion and Reptilian´s event

Channeled Metatron on 9-11 info:

-Swapped Human Soul of Bush, by a Reptilian Entity

-STS Orions and STS Reptilians Open a Portal inside the Towers to Steal a Federation of Worlds´ Device, and a Battalion of Reptilians
got inside the towers, after the portal went off, it lead to the disaparition of a parts of the Towers

-The Demolition of the Tower was the Cover-UP of these Alien OPS

-There were a lot of Reptilans bodies and Parts, after the demolition, and an ongoing cover up..


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