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The Great Catastrophe - Originally posted on 09/15/2008
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GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
The Great Catastrophe - Originally posted on 09/15/2008
My apologies this post should have originally been posted in this form. Please find below the original post along with a new one after it. Well, it’s good to see that amongst the many new names that have sprung up over the past four years, there’s still some that I recognise. And from a quick skim through the forum, it seems like not much has changed. For those who do not remember me or have never heard of me, please go to this link to refresh your memories.... http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=time_travel&Number=14934&page=22&view=collapsed&sb=3&o=&fpart=1I will put all that in a nutshell... Originally sent to November 2003 to try and coax John Titor out of hiding, my mission changed from Search and Recover to one of Observation of events pre 2006. During that time I imparted information to the general public on this forum about my life, a basic explanation of the workings of time and time travel (Above link post timestamp 11/23/03 02:54 AM), a correct catastrophe prediction (Above link post timestamp 11/24/03 02:25 AM) and in that same post, even some mis-information that I hoped would have got a reaction from a certain group of people. It didn’t work.. but replace 2006 with 2011 on my date of birth and now it’s all accurate. I also stated other things about the current state of your society and how you may think you are free, but you’re not. How choices were being made for you without you even realising it. I talked about an internal & external civil war in the United States that’s being played out right now...... and I also briefly mentioned what we term “The Great Catastrophe” but never really went into that much detail. Well, this “Great Catastrophe” is the reason I’m here. When I first came onto this forum, the year 2003 from your perspective, much of the circumstances leading up of the “Great Catastrophe” were unknown to us. Two Time Travel teams were formed to study and record events leading up to the “Great Catastrophe”. I was a part of a team that specifically studied 1983 to 2004 which was commissioned in 2039 with all assignment finished by 2044. This team had four sub-groups. 1) Technological Surge of the 1990s; 2) Global Political Relations – 1995 to 2004; 3) Climate & Environment – 1997 to 2004 and 4) Astronomical Observation – 1983 to 2004. The Technological Surge Team’s responsibility was to observe and record exactly that and how it changed the Global Human Consciousness. As you have probably ascertained, a major change in Global Consciousness began after internet use became more widespread from 1994. A mere two years after the internet started. Then, we observed and recorded the sheer speed of how technology not only evolved but became intertwined with nearly all aspects of everyday life. The team went on to record how Y2K significantly impacted the Global Consciousness and how its effects still exist today. And by the end of 2004, they documented the birth of Quantum technology. Simply put, the primary purpose of the Global Political Relations Team was to observe and record how the US peoples trust in the democratic process was broken and how this changed the world without many even realising it. The team observed what happened when the ability for you to make a choice was denied and what the consequences were of that fraud up until 2004. The Climate and Environment Team studied the Earth’s rapid climate change from 1997 where it began to accelerate. Of course, you know this as “Global Warming” and this was sold to you very well. Indeed, fossil fuels and the like did make an impact to atmospheric changes that were recorded from the 1960s leading to the “Global Warming” theory but this was not responsible for the sudden changes in global climate that really started to kick in from 1997. Finally, the Astronomical Observation Group was charged with the responsibility of recording all relevant astronomical events including NASA & JPL missions. Some functions of this group and the Climate & Environment Group merged from about 2002. The second team was commissioned in 2040 and was sent to study various relevant aspects from the year 2005 up to the “Great Catastrophe”. I do not know how this team was segmented specifically, but I do know there were a Climate & Geological Catastrophe Team and an Astronomical Team among them. Finishing their mission in 2046, it wasn’t for another 3 years that we truly grasped everything that took place. Let’s just say the revelation was astonishing and I’m not specifically referring to the “Great Catastrophe” itself. While it is true, the “Great Catastrophe” was a significantly devastating event, the revelation of how the entire world was blinded until the very end and why this occurred was just shocking. It is something that we just could not fathom. And this leads me to why I am here..... As I’ve stated on my posts in 2003, Time Travel was developed as a learning tool, a way of realising humanity’s past mistakes so they are never repeated in the future. Our ability to travel through time was co-developed with The Visitors following the formalization of the Technology Exchange & Development Treaty in 2020 and is overseen by a Council made up of representatives from both species. (I understand that full disclosure regarding our cosmic neighbours has not happened but it is not far off.....) Anyway, until now, observation was our primary mandate and even though our interaction with you in circumstances such as this was frowned upon, most of the ripple effect would always be negated by the “Great Catastrophe”. If you haven't read my posts from 2003, here is how I explained Time & Time Travel and hopefully in a way that everyone can grasp... (Post Timestamp - 11/23/03 02:54 AM) One can travel into the past though, as this is "road travelled" by the universe already. (Think of it as) An endless rope stretching back toward infinity. It can be unwoven and rewoven. The past has been built and has grip knots in the rope or markers as such. A term I am sure you are all aware is the Space/Time Continuum. This is a name for stating that matter and energy may be in another place, or occupying a different space, depending on the time. That matter/energy leaves a trail, which is the continuum, over time. Imagine making a rope and various strands are matter/energy and the rope itself in its woven form is the continuum. Think of time travellers appearing now at this "knot" in the rope (continuum) of time. By being here, we have altered a single strand, at best. Does this significantly affect the rope as a whole? No. There is an effect but it is extremely low. The reason for this is because not a single strand of time has a great effect of the whole. Strands are interweaving and crossover. Essentially, any small changes will be muted by the crossing over of this strand with another as the rope continues. An example might help. (Please don't take this example as a warning!! It is only an example) Just say, I know one of the buildings in a major city that will collapse due to a minor build defect in the materials used. If I arrive at the point in time before the first foundation is laid and change the material used, the building will be okay. But say I arrive after the first foundation is laid and then change the material, it would essentially mean that I did make a change affecting that strand onwards but since the strand of that building had already started down a different path, over a greater period of time, it would mute my change.................. What I’m trying to say is that at this point in time, depending on the action, we would have little to no affect to the final outcome of the “Great Catastrophe”. But even a small change for better, even if it is for only a small group of people is something we believe worth doing. I’m probably not making much sense as yet, but please continue on..... After years of debate, the Council has for the first time authorised direct and deliberate manipulation of historical events in the hope that more survive what is coming. That all sounds big and dramatic but in reality our actions will be subtle and based on disseminating vital information during key periods. Our Team has four sub-groups. Based in Australia, my group has been assigned to this forum along with two others. We have the authority to disclose ourselves as Time Travellers and be open with our reason for being here. Two of the other groups are based on opposite sides of North America and have more direct contact with the populace while remaining totally anonymous. And, the final group is an Astronomical Observation Group based near the Cordoba Ranges in Argentina. Our Primary Mission is to assist with the information that is already trying to warn the general public about certain coming events. We do this because most major Governments in the world know, either by being informed by the US Government or discovered it on their own but they do not ready the populace and only themselves. They have no plans to inform the public as they fear losing the control they have over you and firmly believe their survival is more assured because they are counting on implementing Martial Law when they know for sure it’s about to begin. The only thing they do not know exactly is when.... And this is our greatest weapon. Without disclosing the exact date, we believe the combined efforts of our team can have an effect on the survival rates particularly focussing on the country the cover-up stems from – the US. Disclosing the exact date will allow the Government to plan Martial Law activities but by making as many people aware to the warning signs as possible, these people can act more swiftly when everything begins which will increase their chances of survival. The other 3 groups have orders to return to the future at a certain point in the “Great Catastrophe” timetable. But my group will remain, releasing more and more information to help all those who will listen right up to when the internet shuts down. After that, we will do what we can to help those here in Australia. This is the point where Governments will want to impose Martial Law but it will be too late because the Military and Emergency Services will have their hands full. The coming posts contain information that will hopefully clarify what we are trying to achieve here. These posts will contain information about the past (from this point in time) and the future. But I must warn you....... A lot of what has been written so far in our initial communication and the words that follow will be debunked and ridiculed by many people. These people can be classed under two categories: 1) Established and Deliberate Debunkers 2) Reactions from people due to denial As some of you are probably aware, there are Government sponsored debunking teams that patrol internet websites and forums attempting to counter comments and assertions like the ones we are making. What happens on the Godlikeproductions forum is a perfect example of this. These debunkers are clever, structuring their comments to appeal to the denial people suffer when reading assertions like ours. And that brings me to the 2nd category: reactions by people in denial. Denial is one of our most basic reactions to a bad situation. Ever heard the term, “IGNORANCE IS BLISS!” ...... Ask yourself if this is truly so....... and maybe this example will help. When I was here in 2003, I watched the movie Titanic and although it was obviously more fiction than fact, it did portray how people go into denial when initially faced with an undesirable situation. It wasn’t until their fate could not be ignored that denial turned into panic to get off the ship. There are some parallels with the events that are coming..... Therefore, we ask that you consider our words for what they are and make up your own mind. We are not trying to force you to do anything....... we only want to help you prepare for what’s ahead. I believe that this is something that humanity had to go through and I can truly say that the future I’m from is worth the struggle ahead. Even if our efforts here lead to a few more thousand people surviving, then it’ll be worth it. In the next day or so, I will post a full summary of the Great Catastrophe and further explanation into why we can't just tell you the date.... but we will give you other information. Regards, Charlie
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:01 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
The Great Catastrophe - Originally posted on 09/15/2008
This post will outline what the “Great Catastrophe” is, the signs that exist now and how each region around the world will fare.
The Great Catastrophe
The Great Catastrophe is a term we sometimes use to describe the series of events surrounding the lead up to and climax of a large Planetary Body not native to our Solar System passing the upper breakthrough point of the solar system ecliptic where it will be in close magnetic proximity to Earth resulting in a pole shift. At this point the Anomaly temporarily overrode our magnetic alignment with the Sun. The Sun’s magnetic influence responsible for Earth’s orbital and rotational characteristics, ie: the 23.93 hour day and 365.25 day year as well as our four seasons. During the climax of this brief encounter, the highly magnetic region of the Earth’s crust as well the Earth’s core aligned itself with the Anomaly. This permanently changed the magnetic pole positions and caused rapid widening of the Atlantic and compression of the Pacific tectonic regions forever changing the face of Earth.
I’m sure that many of you have heard parts of this theory before – The Pole Shift theory. But some of you might not have found what causes these pole shifts. For those who have, you may have come across the Planet X theory. If not, a quick search of the internet can yield significant information on both theories with some much more accurate than others.
Although the length of the actual pole shift event was quite small (less than a day) the medium and short term lead up events, starting many years ago, became increasingly dramatic. The period we’re in right now is classed as medium term and has been since early 2006.
Below is a basic rundown of the pole shift event and its affect on Earth followed by a brief summary of the local affects by continent.
In the weeks leading into the shift, the rotation of the Earth slowed gradually to a complete stop. This is due to the Atlantic Ridge being highly magnetic, which was gripped by the Anomaly when it got close enough to Earth. Complete stoppage occurred about 5 days before the actual pole shift itself. The Atlantic Ridge is highly magnetic due to fresher lava flows and being centrally located between neutrally magnetic continental masses. When the rotation stops Africa, the US and Europe will experience a permanent variation of day with much of Asia in permanent dusk/night.
The lead up to the shift and the shift itself causes the Altantic Region to stretch and the Pacific Region to compress/subduct. This process has been happening naturally via plate tectonics at a very slow rate for many thousands of years. Evidence of this is everywhere. Eg: Remains of forests on the US East Coast and evidence of civilisation now underwater in the Caribbean and west British Isles.
Compression of the Pacific caused plates to be pushed under others which caused violent Earthquakes and rapid mountain building particularly along regions of the Ring of Fire.
During the period of ceased Earth rotation, tension built up between the crust and core. Eventually the tension released when the core broke away from the crust and moved independently of it. Separated from the core, the sliding crust caused rapid Atlantic stretch and Pacific compression and changed the face of the planet.
All that happened within a few hours and was an extremely violent event that caused near total destruction of the world cities and infrastructure along with billions of lives lost. In addition to the earthquakes and volcanic activity there was massive tidal waves because the oceans are not fixed to anything and the crust moved through it at speed.
After the pole shift, the core started to settle and realigned with the sun once the influence of the Anomaly was over but the crust continued to move due to its immense mass until the extreme quakes and mountain building eventually bought it to a halt. The face of the Earth changed forever and so began the time that I, and my team, grew up in – the Aftertime and this was/is full of challenges.
At the beginning of the Aftertime, the survivors were shell shocked because most of them were going about their normal routine almost up to a week before the shift! They struggled at first to understand what had happened. Everything around them was destroyed either by the Earthquakes, volcanoes, wind storms or tidal bore. Later, as reality started to set in and survival groups started to form, the survivors had to contend with another disaster. The oceans started to rise again due to the polar ice cap melt.
For over a decade, everyday living was set back to the way it was in the 19th century. None your current infrastructure such as the power grids, sewage systems, communications and transit system survived. And although I cannot go into specific detail, suffice it to say without these things, people started (needed) to rely on each other in their small isolated groups all over the world. And then finally something good came out of all of what we went through….. without main pressures in this time period, which all revolve around money, humanity spiritually evolved. We accepted what had happened and recognised what we lost was small compared to what we had gained. I probably made that sound a tad simple..... believe me, it wasn’t.
The Great Catastrophe had a significant effect on seismic activity during and leading up to the primary shift event. This is due to a rapid separation of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge which causes havoc all over the Earth. All well as changing traditionally predictable weather patterns into erratic ones.
Widening of the Altantic Ridge caused subduction/compression in the Pacific. While this is only happening at slow and small increments right now, the shift caused it to happen at a much accelerated rate. Basically, Tectonic activity that would normally take many thousands of years got compressed into a few short days. As you can probably imagine, this will be an extremely dangerous period for everyone with some in more danger than others depending on their location.
In top of all this, the Earth’s core was magnetically pulled by the Anomaly which all culminated in a dramatic change in the current continental arrangements on Earth along with new magnetic pole locations. Here is a brief summary of what will happen by continent:
Europe was primarily affected by the Atlantic Stretch which increased volcanic activity both with currently active and inactive volcanos. Tidal bore was also significant in the low land areas and areas that lost sea level elevation. Earthquake activity was minor compared to other continents particularly those in proximity to the Pacific Region. Which means they were 7 or 8 and not 9.5’s or higher like most other regions.
Any country along the Mediterranean (particularly Greece & Italy) and it’s many fault lines, which was a tectonic stretch zone, suffered from increased volcanic and earthquake activity. As tectonic stretching is not a release of stress or tension, trapped lava exploded upwards through volcanos. Volcanic fallout was a substantial problem for nearly a decade after the shift.
Spain, also on the Med, was permanently pulled down by approximately 15 metres due to the Atlantic stretch. This makes coastal communities a very dangerous place to be. England, Ireland and Scotland were also pulled down at least 20 meters.
The Balcans mainly were affected by the volcanic ash from the Mediterranean.
Switzerland, Finland, and the lower lands of Germany and France suffered greatly from tidal activity associated with the shift as well as fallout ash from volcanic activity.
Sweden and Norway fared reasonably through the earthquakes and did not have to contend with tidal bore due to their high elevation but couldn’t escape intense volcanic ash.
Russia found itself in a slightly warmer climate after the shift but in its lower lands like Siberia and Ukraine, the polar melt put it all under water. Along with the rising water levels caused by the melt, rain fall also increased and the local rivers and creeks couldn’t handle all the water. Much of Russia was in a perpetual flood after the shift.
India & Pakistan were forced under the Himalayan Mountains by the Australian plate due to Pacific compression. The earthquakes associated with this were very violent leaving few survivors. As a double blow, the crust rearranged positioned India near the new South Pole causing a dramatic change in climate.
Nepal’s climate also changed due to its closer position to the South Pole.
Karachi was swamped by tidal bore due to low elevation but was made worse when its eastern side was pulled slightly downwards when India got pushed under the Himalayas.
Iran & Iraq are essentially now Polar Regions being that close to the new South Pole having been pulled away totally from the African plate.
Australia dramatically changed due to the shift. Pacific Compression forced nearly 60% of the continent underwater due to the Australian Plate being connected to the Indian Plate. However, due to the sinking of Western Australia and most of central Australia, the eastern states rose up and had still gained land after the polar melt. This will also benefit New Zealand.
The sinking of the western side of the continent was fast enough that the ocean just kept heading inland at a swift pace. There were very few survivors.
Those who survived on the land that remains above water will find what was once East is now North and close to the equator.
For the most part, Africa remained above sea level even after the polar melt and the west side now faces north. Due to the difficult circumstances of living in Africa with it’s people facing serious hardship, the survivors will mostly be no worse off after the shift and that statement is by no means a good thing.
China rode out the shift well. Much of China’s land is high above sea level thus evading the shift tidal bore and polar melt. But China geographic position will be closer to the new South Pole and therefore changed its climate slightly.
Hong Kong was destroyed by the quakes and tidal bore with the polar melt being the final nail in the coffin.
The highlands of Taiwan survived the tidal bore and the polar melt but its proximity to volcanos from neighbouring countries rendered it a difficult place to live after the shift.
Japan did not do well leading into the shift nor well in the shift itself. Due to Japan’s position on fault lines, it suffered from immensely powerful Earthquake activity, some volcanic activity and massive tsunamis.
Korea was basically destroyed due to significant Earthquakes, new volcanos followed by the tidal bore.
Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia experienced significant Earthquake activity, tsunamis and tidal bores. But the end of these two countries was the polar melt.
Aside from the quakes and tidal bore destroying much of Singapore, its proximity to the South Pole froze the small amount of survivors.
Guam, Fiji and the Solomans were hit hard by the compression quakes, completely washed over by the tidal bore and then swallowed by the polar melt.
South America significantly changed due to the pole shift. This was primarily due to its new location in Earth’s newly arranged continents. The bulge of Brazil found itself positioned very close to the new North Pole thus dramatically changing the climate after the shift.
Aside from the large quakes associated with the Pacific Compression (which created the Andes Mountain range over time), South America had to contend with severe tidal activity in some cases much worse than other regions which simply devastated everything. The cause of this was due to a new land mass that surfaced out of the ocean due to the part Antarctic Plate rising up between the tips of both the African and South American continents.
The rise of the new land mass forced the water away in all directions. This water went over most hills and some decent sized mountains and into the low land areas. An inland sea was present for a long time but is now slowly turning into an ice cap.
Argentina, Buenos Aires & Chile were decimated by the tidal bore from the Earth’s stopped rotation, then followed by the rushing water from the new land mass surfacing. Don’t think Chile is safer due to its higher elevation; the waves will be that intense and needed to go somewhere that it had the energy to go over some decent mountain ranges.
The Andes will gain elevation over sea level from the pole shift due to Pacific subduction. It was a fair assumption for many to take refuge in the perceived safety of the Andes but for reasons yet completely understood many suffocated from oxygen deprivation. The current hypothesis is that the Anomaly stripped away some of the Earth’s atmosphere enough to affect air levels at the Andes new height above sea level.
The East Coast from south of the New England area suffered during the shift due to the stretch from the Atlantic Ridge and the crust resisted being pulled apart so much of the coastal areas were be pulled down into the ocean. The level of sinking increased the further south you go. Only New England gained land due to the separating St. Lawrence Seaway but larger scale earthquakes were also present in this area.
The situation is completely different on the West Coast. Firstly, the Pacific Compression forced oceanic plates under the continental plates along current fault lines. This happened with such force that heating of the substrata rock occurred and actually caused rock to melt in low laying areas. So remember, VALLEY + SUBDUCTING FAULT LINES = DEATH TRAP. Also significant mountain building occurred in certain regions. Think of Yosemite equivalent size to understand the sheer scale of the mountain building that will happen.
Secondly, the tidal waves smashed the coast and went over the hills and mountains in close proximity to the coast line.
The Central areas of the US generally fared well during the shift which was not its biggest problem. Due to the havoc on both the East & West coasts, shift survivors headed inland and overwhelmed towns and cities that had trouble taking care of some many people. Many more lives were lost due to these circumstances.
The approaching Anomaly’s effect on Earth has been gaining strength for at least the past decade but in the past two years, its influence has become more intense with many obvious signs. In fact, Earth has already started to slow significantly on her orbital path and a fact not being reported by NASA. The interference with her core is causing a number of things to happen.
1) Core reaction is generating increased heat output significantly warming up Earth’s oceans. This has led to, among other things, accelerated Polar Ice melt particularly in the Arctic. The higher ocean temperatures are, in part, causing bigger and more frequent extreme weather events globally. This ranges from increased frequency of tropical storms to weather events not native to areas. Eg: snowing in tropical areas and extremely warm winter days in traditionally cold regions.
2) Abnormal core activity has also increased levels of volcanism and earthquakes
3) A slight anomaly in the Earth rotation has already been noticed but not reported. I sure some of you would have noticed the sun rising/setting too far north for a period of time last year and earlier this year. This contributed to the erratic weather seen in a few years leading up to the shift.
4) One of the most obvious signs is how Luna is reacting to the presence of the Anomaly. This is something that you can easily observe yourself. Typically, Luna’s orbit the Earth’s equator with a slight inclination of 5 degrees and is something that is not very obvious to the occasional glance at the sky during the monthly orbital period. For nearly 4 years, Luna’s orbit has been erratic and continues to be so. I suggest that you find a position in your house or just outside and line up Luna with a ground object like a tree etc. Over a period of just a few shorts weeks, you will see Luna move significantly away from your grounded object, either much higher or much lower and far greater than a small 5 degree inclination. This is primarily due to Luna having a second magnetic influence rather than just the Earth nearby.
At the present point in time, meteorological and geological activity is significantly increasing and will do so at a non linear rate until we enter the short term period before the Pole Shift.
As I have already said, there are forces at work to keep you in the dark as to what is coming. The greatest advantage we have is that the Government doesn’t know when the pole shift will occur either. And by the time the signs get blatantly obvious, they will be unable to fully implement martial law. The next post will outline political activities focussing on the US and explain how and why they are not warning you that this is coming. I will also briefly outline the active role the two teams in the US are doing in the lead up to the upcoming election.
This leads us to the short term events leading into the shift which I will not go into yet but suffice it to say that when we enter this period, we WILL disclose full details and the exact date of the pole shift. We may release this information sooner should we achieve some keys goals in the next month or so.
I do apologise as I said in my initial post that this post would only be a few days away but something came up which required our full attention. Expect the next post soon.
Peace to you all.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:03 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to a question - Originally posted on 09/15/2008
Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Timeline 39
What is your temporal divergence from you time line to ours. This will determine if your events will occur.
Temporal Divergence as currently defined although sort of on the right path is missing several key facts of the nature of the universe. If the universe on contained a single level then today's defintion of Temporal Divergence would be closer to the truth.
But the universe does not have only one level. We do not know how many exactly but are aware of the two above us and we thank the Visitors for that as they come from level above us. Any changes we make in this level of the universe does not affect the other levels upward although we understand that is not necessary correct working downwards. Meaning, a higher level can alter lower levels. So while we freely admit we are here to change things knowing its causal effect, it is only the causal effect of the next 100 years from this point in time we are concerned with. This is because we know that within the next 100 or so years this level of the universe won't be our home anymore.
Unfortunately, I won't live long enough to see the next level but what we are doing here now makes the journey to the next level easier. The more people that survive what is coming the better and as I have stated already, the choice will ultimately be yours when the time comes. What we learnt in the Aftertime is that most of us did't have the choice. You can't make an informed choice without knowing all the facts and it was the facts that were held back. We understand and accept that only a small number will listen and therefore become aware and that the way society has conditioned you will cause the vast majority to mock and ignore our message.
So, basically the scale of the Great Catastrophe is that large the only way we could severly change the next 100 years would be to prevent it and that is impossible. Instead, we aim to lift the survival rate slightly as having children in the next two or so decades will be difficult due to the environmental conditions and stress associated with that.
My next main post will be about the Government, particularly on the US Government, and how and why they are holding back the truth from you right now. Also, some of the methods they used to do it. We will also tell you what we are going to do to try and even the odds.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:05 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
2nd Post - Government Cover Up - Originally posted 10/04/08
Apologies that I have not been around. I was needed in America to complete one of the stages of our mission........
To understand what is really happening behind the scenes exactly, you need to understand who is in control of the world right now. We will focus on the United States as it is there where all this began and where the control stems from right now....
Firstly, some history everybody should already know.......
The US Declaration of Independence was signed by Congress on August 2, 1776 which other than announcing the established 13 colonies of America were no longer a part of the British Empire it also declared Individual Rights and the Right of Revolution. Written into law, this essentially gave the power to the people via the democratic process of electing their Government representatives. This key event in history was done for the good of the people but the corruption of the philosophy did not take long to begin to erode the hard work of your Founding Fathers. The power of good continued though with Abraham Lincoln’s objection to slavery leading to his Gettysburg Address in 1863.
But not long after that, certain events began that ultimately shifted the balance of power from the many to the few and remained that way almost up until the Great Catastrophe.
From the year 1874 to the mid 1890’s, the world’s first Corporate Powers were emerging and began influencing the Government to focus on their interests instead of those of the people. Their Power overcame the law. A separate Historical Observation Team, who specifically studied the late 19th century, documented the 3 main companies that ultimately spawned the Corporation Elites for the next 130 years to the current period.
Founded by J.D. Rockefeller and was a company that refined, transported and marketed oil. Standard Oil is considered by many to be one of the first multinational companies. They used highly aggressive tactics against their competitors and bribed those in Government they needed on their side. By the time the company was broken up the US Supreme Court in 1911, the corruption had already leaked into the US political landscape.
Founded by Andrew Carnegie in the mid-1870’s. This company continually funded campaigns of political figures that would implement policies that would be profitable for the company
Founded by George Westinghouse in 1886, Westinghouse Electric originally beginning with Electric supply/generation eventually moved into radio broadcasting, aviation (defence electronics), electric appliances, elevators, finance and finally to TV broadcasting (CBS). Throughout history, political bribes used to ensure the goals of the company were realised.
You have probably realised, that these companies were primarily involved with the energy supply and building infrastructure for much of the 20th century. It is the people at the head of these, and many of companies, that people in this time period term “The Elite”. But many people think The Elite are those in Government pushing the button but many do not realise that today, those in Government are pushing the buttons they are being told to push by The Elite that put them there in the first place.
We call the upcoming Pole Shift the Great Catastrophe not only because of the devastation it caused to the Earth and the lives that were lost but also because of how it was covered up by your Governments to protect them and their Elite from having to deal with the general public. This left them in power up until the pole shift and the rest of humanity caught off guard.
To completely go into detail here is impossible to due to the extreme extent of the Cover Up therefore I will give broad general overview and answer specific questions......
The planetary anomaly was first detected and mistakenly (for the Government) reported by JPL to the public in December 1983 in the Washington Post. The IRAS satellite detected the Anomaly twice which was estimated to be about 80 billon kilometres from Earth and therefore was considered a part of our solar system. The story was later altered by NASA/JPL to counter their first conclusion of what the Anomaly was and this event is considered by us to be the first of the Cover Up. NASA/JPL originally estimated Earth would be at critical proximity of the Anomaly in 2005 but later revised it to Late 2003.
Most NASA/JPL missions were dedicated to tracking the Anomaly which proved difficult due to its erratic velocity and orbital dynamics. This included most of the probes they sent up, the extension of Hubble’s service life and the control of nearly all ground-based telescopes capable of tracking the Anomaly. Shuttle missions were to build and ready the International Space Station for the Government & Corporate Elite as one of the places to ride out the pole shift. Although, this plan was setback when the Columbia was destroyed during a mission in 2003 leading to the grounding of the Fleet until 2005.
It became clear that the Anomaly would start to affect Earth long before the Pole Shift and several tactics were employed to counter them. Global Warming, largely dismissed by Government and Scientist for a long time, was suddenly accepted in the 1990’s to answer the increasingly erratic weather and warming of the planet. It just takes some common sense to realise that the Earth’s weather patterns are primarily influenced by the oceans which have been heating up especially in the past decade. Global Warming was initially used to explain the ocean warming and there were scientific models done on weather and polar melt. As the harsh weather and polar melt accelerate, to the surprise of scientists, Global Warming can no longer explain the ocean warming which is being caused by the core and its increasing reaction to the approaching anomaly.
Earth’s rotational characteristics have been changing since the late 1990’s and the discovery of this has been countered by the manipulation of the clocks by the world timekeeper.... the US Navy. The internet made this very easy but for the past few years people have noticed the gap between their computer clock and wall clock. Covering the rotational changes has been harder to maintain for the US Navy which is why in the past two year there have been changes to the start and end of Daylight Savings.
After attack on New York on 9/11/2001 (an interesting story in itself), Homeland Security which consolidated many Government agencies except the CIA and FBI, was setup. The primary reason for this was to make it easy to bring the US under martial law when the time was right which would have restricted the general public’s movement while The Elite flee to safety. If you recall, there were many Homeland Security exercises conducted in 2003......
The Cover Up was not only to keep the public in the dark. It was also used to try to secure valuable resources that The Elite could use to rebuild after the pole shift. This started with the war in Afghanistan which, under the name of the war on terror, the US secured the territory and therefore control of the Trans-Afghanistan Gas Pipeline which is a conduit for natural gas from the Caspian Sea to Pakistan & India.
Invading Afghanistan was simple because the Government claimed that is where the ”evil” Bin Ladin was residing who they blamed for 911. But as the year 2003, the estimated Pole Shift year, drew nearer they needed to secure oil. This led to the invasion of Iraq in early 2003 based on false claims of nuclear and biological weapons. And when the Pole Shift did not occur as predicted, the lies they had told started to surface.
In the later part of 2003 the Anomaly moved close to the Sun and has not been possible to track from Earth since that time. We are guessing they thought the actual shift date wouldn’t be too much past 2003. This meant they had to stay in Iraq until the Pole Shift and have manipulated everything and anything since then to maintain their position there even rigging a Presidential Election in 2004 to stay in Government.
The sheer cost of the war was also difficult to hide and a tremendous drain on the economy. The US, continually borrowing money from China, even printing money weakened the strength of the US dollar. But in an attempt to hide all of this and keep them in Iraq longer, the Government relaxed certain regulations and turned a blind eye on other one for the financial sector. Lax, sometimes shady credit practices by finance companies and banks spawned the housing boom and kept the retail sector strong. This could only go on for so long though which bring us to the present time and the current financial crisis.
The Primary Goal of the Bush Administration was to keep the public in the dark and secure natural resources so that they and The Elite would be in ultimate control after the pole shift. Obviously, there plans have not worked as they were working toward the wrong date but they are still ready to engage martial law once they know when the Pole Shift is. That is why we have said, their lack of knowledge is our greatest weapon.
History recorded that on November 4, 2008, Senator John McCain won the popular vote for President of the United States and was sworn into Office on January 20, 2009. There he was able to continue the previous Administration Cover Up and tried his best to do so. Martial Law implementation did not go as smoothly as planned because the Extreme Weather and Geological events got stronger and stronger before the primary Pole Shift events were obvious as the Military and Government agencies were exhausted from helping the public. The Government did not risk not assisting while the Pole Shift date was unknown due to what happened after Hurricane Katrina. But when it was obvious to everyone that something was wrong with the Earth, martial law went smoothly enough to restrict the movement to safety of millions of people in the US and around the world.
In the end, the Government nor Elite survived any better than anyone else but the Great Catastrophe is that many weren’t given the chance (nor choice) to survive by those who wanted to keep themselves at the top of the food chain after an event that ultimately levelled us all out.
As already stated, our mission here is to lift the survival rate of the initial Pole Shift event which should flow onto higher total survival numbers after the rebuilding. I have already disclosed our group structure and their goals and have also stated that we will warn you on certain events. But here and now, we are going to tell you of a future event that we will be changing......
As we have said, John McCain won the upcoming election. He won this narrowly and did so by voter fraud. As part of our strategy, we intend to change events so that Barack Obama wins by the margin which he originally should of...... a landfall. The majority our group is already positioned in the states that participated in the voter fraud to stop it from occurring.
Having studied Barack Obama’s psychological profile, we believe once he has been told, that he will inform the public about the Pole Shift. When we see what his intentions are after being briefed on the Pole Shift, we will make the decision on whether to expose ourselves and offer assistance. We anticipate this being so and should coincide with a couple of severe earthquakes in the region above Australia and the West Coast of the US not too long after Inauguration Day. (More Info as the time comes closer)
We understand that from this point in time, an Obama victory looks 50/50 as the current political polls don’t include independents and also SMS respondents. The Republicans already know a win is unlikely and have setup voter fraud tactics (as they did in 2004) so that they are successful.
Not this time around.......
I'm sorry if this upsets those who are Republican but all I can say is that you need to trust us when we say you will be better off if McCain does NOT win.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:07 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
A reply to RainmanTime on TT forum (10/04/08)
Thank you for your opinion. Remember that we have always stated that it is YOUR choice whether you believe what we say or not.
I think maybe you need a clearer picture of what we seek by communicating this way on the forum....
The primary goal of this particular phase of the mission is to raise awareness by giving information to the people that visit this forum. We predicated that the readers reaction/response to what we say would be classed into 3 categories:
1) Those who accept and listen to what we say. Ask us questions and for advice and with their own instincts plan accordingly.
2) Those who are in between neither totally rejecting nor totally accepting but having read what we have written become more astute (conscious) to what is really happening and will recognise the signs as they grow stronger. At this point, they will either move to totally acceptance or go into denial (reject)
3) Those who totally reject what we say for whatever reason but would be usually due to a form of denial or some sort.
We will NOT try and persude individuals away from there chosen course or else we would be no better than those who currently control your way of life. We will just continue to present the information and let the individual decide.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:09 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to Darkbreed - Originally posted on 10/06/08
Quote: In reply to: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not sure if timeline 39 is still around, but I found this statement intersting: In reply to: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two of the other groups are based on opposite sides of North America and have more direct contact with the populace while remaining totally anonymous. And, the final group is an Astronomical Observation Group based near the Cordoba Ranges in Argentina. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is indeed a very interesting place in Cordoba in Argentina (I live here), with a secret astronomical observation base, by a mountain that is well known for UFO observations. This place is called Cerro Uritorco and is located in the town of Capilla del Monte. There is actually a small notice about it on wikipedia: In reply to: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since 1986 the Uritorco has been mentioned in media reports of UFO sightings, extraterrestrial visits, and visions of "parallel dimensions". The nearby Capilla del Monte and the base of the Uritorco attract many tourists interested in the alleged mystical/energetic qualities of the mountain and other paranormal phenomena, and a local artisan industry has developed around this topic. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UritorcoAnd on Capilla del Monte: In reply to: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main tourist attraction in the area is the Cerro Uritorco, a small mountain only 3 km from the city, famed around Argentina as an alleged center of paranormal phenomena and UFO sightings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capilla_del_MonteI've been there several times myself, last time was actually in July. The base is located on a different side of the mountain than where the tourist area is located, and its strictly guarded and no one is allowed to be on the mountain after 4 in the afternoon. So, obviously, my curiosity is if this is the place timeline 39 is talking about? Could explain many things going on there at least. -DB
The mission of the Astronomical Observation Team is to establish an secured and hardened installation to house various equipment which in it's first phase, will be tracking the Anomaly. The Cordoba Region was selected due to it's location in the Southern Hemisphere (which is where you need to be to track to the Anomaly), for it's elevation above current sea level and generally how the region will fair from the Earthquakes caused by the Pole Shift. The team has orders to leave well ahead of the Pole Shift date.
The installation they constructed was designed to survive the Pole Shift intact which it can then move to phase two. After the Pole Shift occurs, the second phase of the mission commences. At a pre-set date and time, the equipment (assuming it survived) will attempt to locate any surviving orbital satellites and re-program them to create a sensor network which hopefully will cover the entire planet. Not many satellites survived as they were mostly destroyed by inbound debris but some did fall back to Earth. Once the sensor net is established, it will connect with the portable devices of those team members that are staying behind.
Regarding the other observatory you speak of, the team has been careful to hide ourselves which initially wasn't easy I was told. We do not want to make contact with anyone from that facility due to who they are affiliated with.
Regarding the UFO's...... It is a subject which I have not touched on yet in the public forum but am planning a specific post to explain UFO activity and the current Alien agenda in detail soon..... But in a nutshell, The Visitors agenda can be split into two primary phases. Pre-Pole Shift they will only establish links with contactees subconsiously and then at a point post-Pole Shift is when they will make face to face contact. Over the past few years, sightings of space craft has been gradually increasing as public awareness (and acceptance) grows despite cover-up and debunker efforts. The percentage of people who are contactees are also increasing. What is happening in the Cordoba region is that they are communicating telepathically and subconsiously to the people in the area and are saying that Cerro Uritorco is the place to go once the primary Pole Shift events start. Contactees further away are even being taken there and shown the best route to take from where they reside.
I will elaborate more on the Alien presence in a later post but I hope this answers your questions.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:15 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to henrylwh - Originally posted 10/11/08
Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
How many people survived in your timeline?
If you are referring to the survivors immediately after the Pole Shift, we don't have exact numbers but have estimated somewhere between 300-500 million globally.
Our first global census was about 12 years after the pole shift and the total was just over 117 million.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:17 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to Rainmantime - Originally Posted 10/11/08
Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You make this statement as if does not apply to every personal decision in life...as if it is somehow unique or related to your offering. The exact same thing is true of a swindler's prey. It is always the victim's choice whether or not to trust the swindler. That does not change, in the least, the fact that the swindler is seeking to take advantage of someone. Same thing in your case.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In essence, you make a decent arugement but you make it sound like we have something to gain from "swindling" the people here. We are not asking them to send us money nor sign up to a group. We are merely presenting information that will either be listened to or not. When I make reference to it being YOUR choice, we mean just that because whether you choose to accept it or not, your society doesn't give you this choice right now. Those who control your society manipulates information in such a way that you are denied the choice even though you think that you are not. Using phrases such as "taking advantage of" to describe what we are doing needs to be put into perspective as we are not asking anything back for the information we give. We will never ask for anything in return so how does make it that we are swindling people.... Like we said before, we expect the majority of people who read our words to go into the Undecided category - at least in this stage of the mission..... while in this category, people still have their minds open and this is all we can ask for. Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Another over-used statement by hoaxers, not to mention cornspiracy theorists. Kerry Cassidy at project camelot says all the time "we are just putting information out there..." This says absolutely nothing about the quality or veracity of said information, does it? In fact, my reply to you was specifically to point out the "junk status" of your information, because it is 100% unfalsifiable. You have covered both bases of the election. If Obama wins you can say "see, we told you we were doing something...it was our mission." If McCain wins you can say "well my friends, despite our best efforts the Republicans committed massive vote fraud to get McCain in office." Don't you see then how your information is worthless, and only intended to sway people to believe something for which there is no evidence? Many people in this time take the word of your Fox News and CNN without much debate even when the so called proof is suspect... aren't they just putting information "out there"? Your politicians says things that many of you just accept also! My point is, I understand that right now we seem no different to the examples I've just mentioned above but we have put a line in the sand....... I cannot deny your point regarding our comments on the election but what everybody needs to understand is that our whole strategy hinges on the results of the election. So, take that as us saying that Obama WILL win. When our plan works and Obama wins, our mission will enter it's next phase so you won't have to wait long after Inauguration Day for us to start giving information that the passing of time will verify.... In the meantime, our approach is as such. If we come across sure of the election result..... well... we are. Everything is in place to counter the fraud tactics that were used. Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Speaking of voter fraud... it seems clear you believe Republicans and right-leaning organizations are the only ones capable of committing voter fraud. Are you and your operatives also on the lookout for left-leaning organizations commiting voter fraud to get Obama elected? Look here:
I never stated that we believe only Republicans etc. are capable of voter fraud. But in recent years, 2000 & 2004, it was the Republicans who committed it....
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:19 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to MyTime - Originally posted 10/11/2008
Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
What year was your first global census and how often do you have them?
Hi There,
Since I've stated that Census Alpha happens 12 years after the Pole Shift, I cannot tell you the year without giving away the year of the Shift. I cannot devulge that information at this time.... but stay tuned.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:20 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to henrylwh - Originally posted 10/12/08
Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There is something I don't understand. John mentioned world war III. Is that before or after the pole shift? If it is after pole shift, how can each country start the war while almost everything is destroyed?
Titor referenced two different wars. An civil war in the US and a world war. The world war Titor was referencing was primarily between the remnants of the US, Russian and Chinese military fighting to secure what remained of the resources used today for energy production. Ie: Oil & gas fields (plus any surviving infrastructure), coal deposits etc. Well.... the resources that we accessible anyhow......
You see, while ordinary people were trying to survive anyway possible, the remains of those who controlled the super-power nations and their military today were trying to position themselves as kings by having the most oil etc. etc......
I hope this answers your query.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:20 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to MyTime - Originally posted 10/24/2008
Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So, let me get this straight in my head, you were born in 2011 after the 'GC' so the 'GC is going to happen sometime in the next 3 years.
Then, between your birth and 2025 there was a war,you helped rebuild Sydney, aliens visit, give us time travel technology and you join the world government special branch........................at age 14?
Yes. The Great Catastrophe will occur before 2011.
Yes. There was a war between what was left of the military of what are the super-powers at this point in time. That happened not long after the pole shift.
I joined our agency in 2027 just before my 16th birthday in a junior position. One of The Visitors assigned to our area championed my application. I can see how this could be difficult for you to understand but it certainly wasn't uncommon.
Many of those who survived the pole shift and the few years proceeding it were young, early & middle aged. There were many orphaned children also..... In many cases, teens and young adults were among the leaders in survival communities depending on the challenges faced by a particular community.
Regardless of age, everyone had to significantly contribute to their survival group to ensure its success and well.... survival really.
I hope this answers your query.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:21 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to MyTime - Originally posted 10/24/2008
Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For over a decade, everyday living was set back to the way it was in the 19th century. None your current infrastructure such as the power grids, sewage systems, communications and transit system survived.
Also, given that you were born in 2011 (after the GC) the above suggests that the rebuilding of infrastructure took until at least 2020/21, did you swim to the states? or did the visitors give you a lift? or were you able to compress time before you travelled it????
In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
And although I cannot go into specific detail, suffice it to say without these things, people started (needed) to rely on each other in their small isolated groups all over the world. And then finally something good came out of all of what we went through….. without main pressures in this time period, which all revolve around money, humanity spiritually evolved.
Infact, you were all feeling soooo spiritual you had a big war (god knows where you found time for that!)
Dude, this story has more holes than a packet of polos!
Hello again,
Firstly, you need to understand that the population of the Earth heading into the 2020's is at a mere fraction of what it is at this point in time.... in the hundreds of millions. Not over 6 billion as right now. Obviously, infrastructure requirements are different for population centres with hundred thousands or below tens of millions than hundreds and hundreds of millions.
Secondly, many of the major cities in this time period are coastal and did not survive either the tectonic movements and polar melt let alone the huge earthquakes. What is currently the east coast of Australia was chosen as a major hub because it gained land after the pole shift and even after the polar melt. Damaged infrastructure and buildings were recycled and the city was partially rebuilt enough for the population it needed to support. The Visitors with their technology greatly accelerated the task. Similar rebuilding happened in a few other regions around the planet and continued well into the 2030's. There are still many cities and towns left in ruins all around the planet but are not needed to be rebuilt as they are simply not needed.
And finally, travel between continents is taken care for us by The Visitors.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:22 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to Recall15 - Originally posted 10/24/08
Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As Charlie Say...
Huge news Cnn reporting ELECTION FRAUD right now...Clip is today fronm CNN showing election machines cheating for Mccain!! The vid is 3 min 47 seconds....The first 30 seconds is just dumb music but after that it shows the CNN footage......UnFREAKEN real!!!
Hello Recall,
This is exactly what we are here to stop which played a major role in what got George W. Bush re-elected in 2004. My team has just returned from the US where we were assisting our other two teams with installing our own subroutines into all electronic voting machines. One of these many subroutines prevents alterations to and will continously calibrate touch screen alignment. Now installed in just over 80% of machines, our alterations are only to stop others tampering and will make the machines operate as they should. The will & power of the people must be given the opportunity to heard as it was meant to be.
As I have said in a previous post, the months after Inauguration Day we will see increases in disasters including Earthquakes. Many Government officials know something is coming but don't know exactly when either by being formally briefed (the few) or through rumour (the majority) and this includes both Presidential Candidates and their Running Mates. We are confident that with Obama/Biden in the White House, they will do their part to ensure humanity takes a different path into and beyond the Pole Shift......
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:23 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to Recall15 - Originally posted 10/25/08
Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There is another event associated to a Pole shift that is called:
Crust Tsunami
Well the reference of this on English wiki is just Dissapearing....
But you can find it on Spanish Wiki:
and the Simmulation Video @
Spanish Article on Wiki
Hi Recall,
As you can see below, this is a theory based on a meteor striking the Earth's crust. This won't happen during the coming Pole Shift.
Here is the Spanish wiki in English:
Crust tsunami refers to the consequences that would have the impact of a giant asteroid or meteorite, on the order of hundreds of miles to the surface of the Earth.
For resemblance to conventional tsunami in the ocean water is forming a huge wave in a tsunami crust would rise the earth's crust, off the mantle.
This phenomenon is the episode in the saga of the origins of the documentary series Planet Earth.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:24 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Election not far away - Originally Posted on 10/26/2008
ot long to go now in the Presidential Election! Things are going to start to get very interesting.....
I want everybody to note this and keep your eyes on it. Even in the face of trailing in most polls and many by double digits and with the whole Republican Party in turmoil due to events of the past week to the point where they are almost seemingly about to implode.... there will be no change in campaign tactics. And John McCain will not portray what somebody should be in the position that he's in.
This is because he has been "promised" victory and he would have no reason to think that it won't still happen. But watch closely for the change in him when it becomes obvious the vote fraud tactics failed......
I just suggest you all just sit back, watch and enjoy the show...... And of course vote on Nov 4. for the candidate of your choice. McCain and the Republicans should put on a great show these next few days leading up to the election and for quite a few weeks afterward too.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:25 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to henrylwh - Originally posted 10/27/08
Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Will the people living in the underground bases survive? That really depends on the location on the planet but it most cases underground installations either imploded or were cut off from the surface and became tombs. Being underground is one of the most dangerous places you can be during the Pole Shift. Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
When can we see the 'anomaly' in general? Someone said we can see it somewhere in Australia now.
Until a few years ago the Anomaly was able to be viewed from anywhere in the southern hemisphere with small telescopes or even binoculars if you knew where to look. Now, it is in the direction of the sun when viewed from Earth so it cannot be viewed from anywhere.
NASA is trying to use existing equipment in space and even launched new probes (with other stated public agendas of course) to try and observe and even triangulate it's position. But most of those probes launched met with technical difficulties. SOHO has not detected it. And the Hubble has been taken out of mothballs even though not in the best condition to try to find it..... So they have so far failed on all accounts.
It will become slowly visible again a month or so before the pole shift. And in the weeks leading up to the shift will become one of the brightest objects in the night sky.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:26 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to henrylwh - Originally posted 10/27/08
Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In your timeline, did the government officially announce the existence of other beings in the Universe? The British government has just released more files regarding UFO and it seems the government is doing a test right now. What is the implication of such move?
With so many sightings of space craft especially in the past few years, the general population is getting more comfortable with the thought of beings from elsewhere in the universe. So much so, that the typical Government tactic of denying their existence was on the verge of bordering on ridiculous in the public eye. Weather balloons, experimental aircraft, tricks of the light etc. was enough when UFO sightings were few and far between and then only witnessed by a small group or even one person. But now that they are being seen by anything up to whole cities of people at the same time and increasingly more often, the strategy that served them well for decades wasn't enough anymore. Therefore, a change in tactic has occured.
Outside the US, Governments in countries such as England & Russia are releasing documents on their observations of UFO and interviews with witnesses. But they are falling short of coming out and saying officially that Aliens exist instead when being asked to comment they give a very fague response. Remember what UFO stands for... they can say UFO all they want but they will never say Alien space craft. Instead putting out these documents portrays a picture of disclosure which has made the problem go away....... for now anyway.
The US is different. Some of the old strategies are still being used depending on the circumstances but generally the topic as a whole is ignored. The reason why complete official disclosure will not happen is because they don't want to explain the fact they have been lying to the public for 60 years. Explain about MJ12 and everything else take took place.
In any case, as the Pole Shift draws nearer the number of sightings will increase significantly particularly in areas more comfortable with the thought of ET's. And after the Pole Shift, they will begin to make contact with humans face to face and will assist us in rebuilding. We will be introduced to hundreds of different species and will slowly become members of the greater galatic community.
I hope this answers your question.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:26 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to reactor1967 - Originally posted on 10/28/08
Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Heck, why not just jump on the first UFO out of here and miss the pole shift all together? Then come back when everything has settled down.
When The Visitors made face to face contact after the pole shift and they told us they have been in contact with humans around subconsciously for over 60 years, we asked them why they didn't rescue us. In reply, they said that the disasters were something that mankind had to go through to grow spiritually as a species. With the destruction of the today's way of life, everybody was put on the same level. We realised that through the horrors of the shift, we learned to work together as never before because everybody had the same goal - survival. We gained far more than we lost.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:27 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to JanEx - Originally posted on 10/31/08
Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I didn't read all posts what you have send here, but I presume that you are from different time, right? If so you must have some kind of time machine/device (I think you have machine, but nm)? Fix if I have understand something wrong. (Bad english)
Hello JanEx,
Yes. We have a device designated the C300 which is the version up from C204 Titor used in his travels back to 2001.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:28 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to henrylwh - Originally posted 10/31/08
Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
People in your timeline also know about MJ12? How do you know anything about it when everything is distroyed after pole shift and the war? It has never made public and I wonder how you can find this information......... A complete record of all the iterations of MJ12 is found in The Visitors database in my time period. Some of The Visitors assigned to Earth in my time period were primary MJ12 contacts even a few of them were there at the Roswell incident. While most MJ12 documentation kept by humanity (and there wasn't much) were destroyed in the Pole Shift, The Visitors kept very precise records of meetings etc. Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Also you mentioned that human being must go through this painful process to change spiritually. Then why don't you just leave us alone and let things happen instead of changing it? How do you know you are not creating another disaster in the long run? All time travelers come to our time and say they are doing something good for us but how do they know they are not making us worse off in the long run? If it is the way God has laid down, why should human being override it?
That is a very good set of questions. I've stated in previous posts that a significant portion of the population is going to die from either the primary Pole Shift event or in attempts to survive in the aftermath. Nothing is going to change the impact to this planet from the Anomaly.
My history records that the general population had very little warning of the Pole Shift. It wasn't until nobody could deny something was up, only weeks before the Shift, did an announcement get made. And not a very clear announcement either. Some people tried to leave the cities, others went into denial but it was clear that the populace weren't given direction.
With a different Government & President, the message will be given earlier and will be clearer. The populace will be given a greater chance to survive and if that translates into 20 million, 3 million or even just 1 million more survivors than what the history I know recorded, then we consider the mission a success.
How do we know that Obama will do anything different from McCain? The first answer is in Obama's Psychological profile which we have in detail from The Visitors. Obama just doesn't say he believes in free will.... he actually does. And this will reflect in how he informs the public when the time is right. We will assist in other ways but decline to go into specific details at this time.
In summary, what you are living in this time period right now leading into the Pole Shift is the final stages of events that began over 60 years ago and has played out in your society behind the scenes since then. Let's just say that our mission here is to correct an imbalance that began at the start of those events which has put the general public in the dark regarding all matter of significant importance... not just the Pole Shift. Now, not much of that probably made a whole lot of sense. We are keen to disclose more but the time isn't right just now. Though I do promise you won't have to wait that long...........
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:30 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to KEMET - Originally posted on 10/31/08
Quote: In reply to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Poster: KEMET
My question is about spirituality. I belong to a very large spiritual organization connected to the United Nations. Some who are involved in the organization wish to see a one world religion eventually. In your time, what role does spirituality play? Are there what people today term "lightworkers"?
I am possibly willing to answer that but first I need to know what YOUR definition of spirituality is, please. This is just so I can understand where you are at.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:31 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to MyTime - Originally posted 10/31/2008
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I need to know what YOUR definition of spirituality is
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This is just so I can understand where you are at.
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In your time, what role does spirituality play?
Why don't you just answer the question?
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Are there what people today term "lightworkers"?
I think a simple yes or no will suffice, what's the problem with answering that?
Hello My_Time,
It is important for us to understand what the person asking the question understands as spirituality or being spiritual. Generally spirituality has a different meaning and concept in this time period for a multitude of reasons. The clearer our understanding of the question being asked and an insight into what the asker understands as spirituality, the more effective our answer will be.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:32 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to Warrior381 - Originally posted 10/31/08
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well true but I am tired of fake time traveler who post it on the board saying that there a coming something in the future and it a fake story from Timeline_39. need proof not word
Hello Warrior381,
As stated in some of my previous posts, we are here to give information to those who will listen. By listen, we mean, the reader reading our words and based on their instincts/subconscious feeling accept, remain undecided but open minded or reject them. We are not here to have you blindly follow what we say purely on the fact that we presented some small proof that satisfied your conscious mind which demands such proof. Using this type of strategy would make us no better than the forces at work in your society. Free Will is paramount.
This stage of the mission for my team is to progressively present important information in preparation for the different outcome to the US election than recorded in my history. Firstly, to give background as we have already done with only a few more posts to go. Secondly after a certain point in the near future, start to warn on natural disasters only in select regions of the planet. And finally, give the full timeline account of the last months leading into the Pole Shift. Timing of the timeline account will depend upon the Obama disclosure strategy but will be posted long before the internet becomes useless.
In conclusion, all we ask is that you keep an open mind and consider the words we have to say. Nothing more.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:33 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to MyTime - Originally posted 10/31/2008
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You think? I doubt it.
No government would release information likely to cause panic until the last minute. And only then because it could not be kept secret. And what of all the other nations? Believe it or not there is a whole world outside the U.S and people do talk you know. All governments in all countries would not release information of this magnitude, don't think for a minute that the McCain/Obama question will make a blind bit of difference to that fact.
We believe that information given to the public, no matter how dire, will be accepted with minimal panic if there is a plan/solution to the crisis. If the Government announces that the world will end next week but they have this plan to ensure the survival of as many people as possible and this is what each person must do, it will be much better than they announcing, the world will end in 3 days and sorry there's nothing we can do.
Either scenario will produce panic. That is unavoidable. But a properly warned public can be assisted to make their way to safe locations long before the Pole Shift happens and survival rates will lift as a result.
And finally, the US is not the only country in the world to know of the Anomaly. There are quite a few countries that are aware but not to the full extent which was provided by the US Government.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:34 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:57 pm Posts: 107 Location: Australia
Response to JanEx - Originally posted on 10/31/08
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I like to have clear answers (if possible) for these following guestions touch your time device:
Hi JanEx,
Name: Class 2 Temporal Displacement Pod
Manufacturer: U.E.F. Temporal Science Institute with input from The Visitors as agreed in the Technology Exchange Program
Corporation: Implies a business, firm or conglomerate which does not exist in my time period
Year of manufacture: 2038 (for the particular one I came in)
Model: C300b
Class: Class 2 - Small Personnel
Country of manufacture: Primarily the US & Australia
Output: Measurement will be unknown to you as you do not understand how the power is generated.
Weight: I'm going to have to get back to you on that one..... It is not listed in my specs.
Lenght: 8.5m
Widht: 3.7m
Height: 4.2m
Volume: Nothing in my specs regarding this but from my own measurements just over 100,000 liters
Energy source: Put simply, a Reaction Chamber that harnesses the power released from the step by step "deconstruction" of what you currently refer to as "Element 115" to simple hydrogen (Technology provided by The Visitors)
Control system: Neural Interface
Number of persons: 3 to a max of 6 in emergencies only
Predecessor: C204
Successor: None
Similar models: There are several types of C300 models.
Not sure how this helps but I hope its enough to satisfy your curiousity.
_________________ Peace,
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:35 am |
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