Fall Food Deals for Preppers
Be on the lookout for the following items (Got another one to add to the list? Add it to the comments below so everyone else benefits from your finds!) you can usually pick these items up cheaper this season than almost any other time during the year. Maximize your savings by getting enough to last you all year, until it’s on sale again next year. This insures that you don’t have to pay top dollar for it ever. Or buy extra to prep for emergencies or both!
Butter: I rarely see butter as cheap as it is during these baking sales, Costco can’t even beat those prices. You can freeze it for later use, or you can clarify it, can it, and store it for years (for this you would need unsalted butter).
Flour: All-purpose flour can usually be found fairly cheap during these sales. Make sure the sale price is better than the bulk price, then go ahead and stock up on it – store it in large mylar bags with oxygen absorbers then throw it in a 5 gallon bucket.
Unsweetened (baking) Chocolate: The darker it is, the longer it will store.
Oats: Oats of all different kinds usually make an appearance at these baking and holiday sales. You can’t go wrong with oats and their many, many uses and their 30 year storage life.
Brown Sugar and Powdered Sugar: Brown sugar and powdered sugar, like all sugar will out last you – feel free to buy as much as you’d like, just make sure that the sale is giving you a better price than buying it in bulk at Costco or Cash and Carry. Sometimes it may sound like a good deal but it’s for a small amount and if you compare the price to purchasing it in bulk, you might be paying about the same. It PAYS to keep track of prices.
Cake and Cookie Mixes: While cake and cookie mixes are not ideal for long-term storage (because like any processed food/grain it contains oil that will go rancid with time and baking powder that will cease to be effective – even if stored correctly) if you dry can them they should store for 5 years, but if you don’t want to worry about rotating through 5 years worth of repackaged cake mix, then you can do what I do, and store one year worth right in your pantry no special treatment needed. Any cake I make at my house is at least a year old. They taste and bake up just fine. If the stores close someday, after the mixes are goneI will make my own cake from scratch. And don’t fall for that “Mold in Baking Mixes” email, it’s is an urban myth that has been busted many times over. It was probably started as some guerilla marketing effort from a manufacturer that would love it if you all threw all your old cake and baking mixes out and bought new ones.
Evaporated Milk: Perfect for your food storage. Take advantage of the sales but make sure the sale price is better than the store brand!
Marshmallow Cream: This stores amazingly well since it’s basically sugar and has many uses.
Cooking oils and shortening: Whatever your preference its likely to be on sale. If rendering your own tallow and lard is not your thing? Crisco has a fairly decent storage life before it goes rancid and is usually featured at these baking sales. If it does go rancid – you can still turn it into a candle.
Vanilla: If you keep a close eye on prices sometimes one of these baking sales will highlight a price on Vanilla that will beat Costco and since vanilla extract won’t go bad you can stock up.
Spices: Sometimes baking spices can be found at these sales, however I have found them less and less. If you do find a deal on them let us know in the comments below!
Pumpkins: You can ‘can’ your own pumpkin if you cut it into chunks and use a pressure canner so when those pumpkins go sale after Halloween jump on them. Canned pumpkin has many uses and don’t forget to roast and eat the seeds!
Cranberries and Canned Cranberries: Deals on canned cranberries can be found at sales prior to Thanksgiving and Christmas this is a good time to add them to your storage, they are packed with vitamin C and can be used in making many desserts and comfort foods. You can also split, blanch, and dehydrate the fresh cranberries you get in the bag and put them in long-term storage too if you can find them cheap enough to make it worth your effort.
Squash: If you don’t grow your own this is a good time to load up on winter squash inexpensively. When you get them home, you can also cut them up into chunks and can them OR you can take a one to ten bleach to water dilute and wipe them down once with it. Let them dry, then stick them in a cool, dark, dry area in your house, and eat them all winter long. You can make many dishes with squash, it’s filling and frugal to keep on hand.
Canned Sweet Potatoes: They are good, easy to prepare, and good for you too. These are a no-brainer addition to your food stocks.
Canned Pumpkin: This is simply the best time of year to purchase it if you don’t can your own.
Instant Mashed Potatoes and regular potatoes: Keep an eye on prices you can pick up instant potatoes at great prices. You can also find potatoes in 10lb or 20lb bags super cheap this time of year. You can take those potatoes and make your own instant hash browns out of them with your dehydrator or you can just slice them up, blanch them, and dehydrate them to add to soups and stews.
Stuffing: Like other mixes it doesn’t store long-term very well but you can easily keep a one year supply in your pantry – just get it all on sale. Or you can make your own, but that is another article….
Turkey: If you are observant and patient, turkey can be purchased for dirt cheap this time of year and it is a nice and easy meat to can, make jerky with, and then you can make stock with the carcass, and soup with the trimmings and left overs.
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Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit!
I nevah, evah, nevah thought about this! My local grocery store is offering butter 5 for $5 this week and cake mixes for a dollar, too.
I see some food in my future...