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 The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014/2015 
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GT Truther
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Post From May 25th Jimmy Chruch radio show


Peace to all, though Justice, liberty, and truth.

Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:17 am
GT Truther
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Post Re: From May 25th Jimmy Chruch radio show

Yes, thats what is being said... I too would welcome hearing totally independent sources of information saying the same thing. Until then it really is a case of ?????

btw, will the Pope really start the disclosure ball rolling? If so, will this be in a way which is primarily about protecting the elite (as David says) so that many facts remain unknown?


Don has sent further information (via twitter)...

I'll have an interesting report in 10 days, but in meantime no let-up in the action; feels like living on borrowed time


Citizen of Planet Earth, living in the British Isles.

Mon Jun 22, 2015 7:07 am
GT Truther
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
Hello all,

I just watched the pilot episode of Mr Robot, and I must say I found it to be interesting on a lot of levels. The writer has obviously been around the Alt media. Very interesting (fresh) character development. Many familiar phrases, and the general theme is very satisfying! The writer puts you in the front seat following along with the inner thoughts of a brilliant hacker that takes down an evil corp... I can only assume it's going to continue to draw in the Alt media types.. Here's the pilot. It's fast-moving and engrossing.

About: MR. ROBOT is a psychological thriller that follows Elliot (Rami Malek, “24”), a young programmer, who works as a cyber security engineer by day and a vigilante hacker by night. Elliot finds himself at a crossroads when the mysterious leader (Christian Slater, “The Adderall Diaries”) of an underground hacker group recruits him to destroy the corporation he is paid to protect. Compelled by his personal beliefs, Elliot struggles to resist the chance to take down the multinational CEOs he believes are running (and ruining) the world. The series also stars Portia Doubleday (“Her”), Carly Chaikin (“Suburgatory”) and Martin Wallström (“Simple Simon”).

Mr Robot - Full Pilot Episode

Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:32 am
GT Truther
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
M. Salla's Q & A wrote:
Analysis of Dr. Michael Salla's GoodETxSG Q and A from May 12th 2015, And Data From DIA Insider | Insider Corey GoodETxSG
In the recent Q and A between Michael Salla and Corey Good there were several points raised that I wanted to offer some commentary on. I will post the portions of the Q&A that relate to my commentary.

For Part 1 of a May 20th round of Q and A click here.

It appears that another insider who commented under the name of 'christopher' revealed other details about the Secret Space Programs on Earth. That portion is below the Q and A with Dr.Salla and Corey.

The full article can be found here. Corey also left several comments on that post which I will list below the Q and A section.

Note: For clarity, I am hardly a guru, or consider myself as the arbiter of truth. I have simply spent time researching and contemplating the information I have found over the years, and there is still a great deal I do not know.

Q1. You have previously described the Solar Warden space program as largely responsible for maintaining security in the solar system. Why is the “Sphere Alliance” helping Solar Warden change the power structure on Earth which has been dominated by a Cabal/Illuminati running governments from behind the scene?

[Corey's Answer Part 1] The Sphere Alliance has been mostly focused on the energetic changes occurring in our local star cluster because of the area of the Galaxy they are entering. They have been using the many thousands of cloaked spheres that are equidistantly spread out across our Sol System and neighboring Sol Systems (Electrically Connected in the “Cosmic Web” and Natural Portal System) to buffer and diffuse incoming tsunami waves of highly charged energy that changed the vibratory state of space/time, energy and matter to cause it to raise to a higher state in the “Density Spectrum”. This energetic change has a direct effect on not only every planet and star in the region but also every life form below a certain vibratory level. This can cause extreme swings in the way beings behave. Lower Vibrational (or “Negative Beings”) will become more reactionary and their behavior towards their current polarity will be enhanced. Beings that are Higher Vibrational (or “Positive/Loving Beings”) will begin to have those qualities enhanced. Beings of both polarities will need some sort of guidance offered by beings that have been through this process so that they can make the decisions to continue to raise their vibrations to match the changing background energetic changes or chose to remain in their current state of lower vibration and self-destruct.

(I didn't intend on writing such an extensive analysis, but as I began writing many points of data wove together into the following, which will be used as a sort of reference for specific commentary on Corey's data).

The energetic 'web' that the Sphere Beings or Blue Avians are using to defuse the energy has been referred to by other researchers and is used to help ensure the maximum number of people or beings are able to receive the offer of evolution. Daniel from consciousness hugs, who specializes in Reciprocal Systems theory has stated that the use of various substances (GMO's and Chemtrail's) and electromagnetic systems on Earth (Wifi, electrical frequencies used to power electronics, etc) have greatly hindered the energetic shift. This process of uplift is a synchronization, allegorically represented by metronomes synchronizing which I described with a fair degree of detail here.

The Law of One states that the shift from 3rd density to 4th density began in approximately 1936:

40.10 Questioner: What, assuming that we are, our vibration— I am assuming this vibration started increasing about between twenty and thirty years ago. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The first harbingers of this were approximately forty-five of your years ago, [1981-45= 1936] the energies vibrating more intensely through the forty year period preceding the final movement of vibratory matter, shall we say, through the quantum leap, as you would call it. [calculation courtesy of David Wilcock Source]

This suggests that the shift is much more gradual than many have previously stated, and that our mental pattern is the biggest factor for determining our evolution. Dan Winter has a device called the heart tuner which can measure the physiological effect of one's mental patterns on their body. Within the awakening population I have observed a great degree of confusion as to what the nature of mind is and it's role is in our personal evolution which I will try and explain here.

Synchronization Mind by Way of the Body and Spirit

Consider the three aspects of our beingness, mind body and spirit. The Body is a community of 2nd density life which has organized itself into a vehicle for 3rd density beings to indwell and evolve. The Spirit is the higher self aspect which is beyond space and time, a part of us that can be thought of as holographic, meaning it does not change. What aspect of ourselves has the greatest degree of influence, as a result of our choices? What part of us undergoes the greatest degree of change from birth to death? - It is our minds, which is simply the part of us that has awareness, and organizes the things observed into meanings. These meanings can reflect true spiritual values, but not automatically, we can choose to value what we want and explore them accordingly. In this sense there are 2 general classifications for values, egocentric values which limit our growth and spiritual values which enhance our growth. Karma can be thought of as the universal correcting mechanism for revealing our choice not to grow, and as such provides 'resistance' for us in our personal experiences.

Note about Mind, Heart and Emotion - The definition of mind which we are using, and is described in the Law of One as well as many spiritual works, is different than that of various teachers which describe the mind as only uncontrollable thoughts or mind chatter. It is very important to acknowledge how we define terms because it literally affects how our thoughts are organized, affecting evolution. Therefore, the definition of mind we are using is anything we become aware of, essentially it is consciousness in motion. Emotion is the energy charge, either negative or positive for something we have become aware of, as it relates to our choices about it; either fear or love - acceptance or denial.

The experience Disgust is an excellent example of this. Often as children we find vegetables disgusting, which is simply a choice to deny the experience we are having at a deep level. This choice is dynamic, meaning it is like a moving thing, and the next time we encounter the object which we defined as 'disgusting' it will reflect back to us our previous choices; the law of one describes this as inertia. Inertia is simply the tendency of things in motion to stay in motion until another force acts upon it. Using our disgusting vegetable example, when we accept the experience of eating the vegetable (loving choice), we allow ourselves to develop an appreciation of it and transmute the previous choice of non-growth; its no longer disgusting.

Therefore in this definition of mind, emotions are part of the mental aspect of consciousness and the heart is the part of us that is providing a compass or guide so that we can make a new choice. Much like when we feel pain from touching a hot plate, it allows us to make a new choice, to pull our hand away from the hot object.

Evolution of Mind

Within hermetic philosophy and various other spiritual works, including the Law of One, it is stated that the Universe is a mental construct, we are 'dreamers in the dream of the ALL' or aspects of the creator in the "illusion". Since the physical laws of the Universe are a reflection of the spiritual we can understand this mechanism of personal evolution as a tension differential. For example, if we look at the way heat is transferred from one object to another, it is a synchronization process. A pot sitting atop a hot kitchen stove is at a certain temperature which is less than the heating coil or flame underneath it; a heat differential. Over a period of time the two systems of motion (the objects in the system) equalize to produce a final product; a pot which has the same temperature as the stove.

The Body and Spirit are the 2 things which facilitate the synchronization of mind. For clarity the heart is an aspect of mind as well, since everything is one or in unity, the new age belief that the mind must be abandoned for the heart is a misconception. The body does undergo changes, but this is a co-creative process, meaning we as individuals or personalities work with the body from the moment of conception, using it as a receiver for sensation and information, which is funneled through the central nervous system into the brain, and then through the pineal gland into the super-material region of mind. The spirit or higher self is fixed or unchanging, it exists beyond space and time and is in the region of eternity.

Taking all this into account, in 3rd density, the body allows us to explore desires, sensations and experiences, flowing into the mind, organized into meanings. We experience life in the 'real world' governed by Natural Law which appears to be 'deterministic' - no matter how hard we try to force our will on to the world it won't change the laws of Nature. But we can understand the laws and work with them to achieve our desires.

The reason why the Sphere Beings or Blue Avians are helping to diffuse this energy is because the minds of humanity as a whole are greatly out of sync with the energies being offered for evolution. The Cabal knows enough about this process to focus a great deal of energy on keeping us locked in static and fixed belief systems, hindering the synchronization of mind. They employ mass mind control at nearly every level, in addition to disrupting the body itself. Food is heavily manipulated to create disturbances in the body (disease) which makes us feel like victims. Defining our experience as such creates an inertia of non-growth; instead of recognizing that our bodies are sick from the foods consumed, we think it is random, and never seek to know the truth, which creates a limiting belief system and mental stagnation.

Dan Winter again is an excellent resource for the physiological effects of living life on earth. See this video for a very detailed explanation of this. The lack of electromagnetic connection to the earth, wearing rubber shoes and dwelling in harmonically dissonant electrically insulated environments (the actual electricity running in the walls) has the effect of desynchronizing our bodies to the environment they are entrained (connected) to. In addition the geometry of buildings (90 degree angles) creates EM dissonance patterns which actually de-organize EM fields vs organizing them. This creates a separation consciousness within, which as we learned above, hinders the mind's ability to grow (synchronize), and in turn means a larger differential.

Related Science For Ascension, Evolution and much more | Fractality: What Makes a LIVE ENZYME - Alive? with Dan Winter

All these systems work to limit soul expression and discovery, locking us into a type of pandemic post traumatic stress syndrome, hindering the ability of DNA to become self-organized. DNA changes it shape as a result of emotional charge, which we previously defined as a totality expression or charge related to mental patterns. In other words, when we define most of our experience as 'bad' and create a victim mindset, this is experienced as so called 'negative emotions' which in turn create a DNA geometry of separation, and prevent the synchronization process offered by the 4th density energy streaming in.

David Wilcock often mentions Padmasambhava and hundreds of cases of 'ascension' by Buddhist monks. Given the discussion above we now have a scientific basis to understand how their practice works. It is a mental alchemy or tuning to the universe itself using symbols, chants and meditation. Because human nature is programmable, our choices and definitions of experience literally affect our emotional signature, which affects the physical reality around us. Emotions have a biological component, and an energetic or electromagnetic component. The monks' process use a method of thought form transmutation, whereby they systematically reprogram their mental definitions to include more of reality as a whole within. Because the unconscious aspect of mind 'sees all', we can reorganize the programs to reflect more of reality as a whole, which is a synchronization process. Eventually there is a critical mass reached and with an act of will, they can complete the synchronization, ascending from this plane of existence.

What this means is that the normal process of mental evolution has been greatly hindered by our choice to remain ignorant and accept the control offered by the Cabal. As a result, the energy streaming in must be attenuated (down stepped in intensity) for humanities level of mental evolution as a whole. If they did not assist us in this process, the energy would be so great most of humanity would essentially, go insane. When we experience high intensity sensations, and have no logical or rational process for making sense of them (knowledge), it creates a traumatic pattern within, which causes disassociation; a type of mental quarantine.

An excellent example of this are psychedelic experiences. Those who can find a way to make sense of the experience will often be greatly empowered, and studies have shown the beneficial effects of these experiences. Conversely, those who cannot make sense of it, will be deeply traumatized and dissociated; Syd Barrett from Pink Floyd is a case study of this phenomenon.

Chemtrails are another part of this mental stagnation program pushed by the Cabal, as they literally disrupt the coherent energy streaming in from the Sun, which per the Law of One quote above, has been increasing in intensity since 1936.

In other words this is the perfect way for the Blue Avians, or the brothers and sisters of sorrow, who are morally culpable for what has happened on earth, to 'heal their karma' while also offering help to us in a service to others modality. This is a plan of great wisdom as it does not rob us of our own paths of personal evolution; a 'win win scenario'. In one comment on Dr. Salla's post on our blog, one person was wondering why they didn't come and help us sooner; a type of cosmic rescue. At a fundamental level the Cabal's power is maintained by our acquiescence, and as such if we fail to take the corrective action to stop the madness, we won't have grown as a result, and ascension would be impossible.

The Blue Avians will provide a 'mercy dispensation', diffusing the energies while slowly increasing them, in addition to forcing the Cabal to disclose the truth, and create enough 'pain' in society (implosion of the financial system) to help break the inertia of past choice which much of humanity is presently stuck in.

Now that I have provided a some of the scientific evidence for what Corey is discussing, I will offer some commentary on other portions of this update.

[Corey's Answer Part 2] The Sphere Alliance happened to choose the SSP Alliance (That was not just the Solar Warden Group) because they had made a conscious decision to bring the end of the control and slavery of Earth Humans by “Trickster Gods” who were custodian aliens and their worshipers/followers whom we have lumped under an umbrella name such as “The Cabal”/”Illuminati”. The SSP Alliance had decided that it was time to give every Human on the planet access to their full and true history, suppressed technologies that would lengthen and enhance their lives as well as collapse the world Financial Debt Slave Systems (AKA Babylonian Money Magic Slave System). This put the SSP Alliance in a greater percentage “Service To Others” category than any other group in our Sol System that was made up of Earth Humans fighting for the freedom of Earth Humans. They definitely had their drawbacks being warriors who were looking to use violence to obtain the desired freedom. The Sphere Alliance is a nonviolent group and there has been quite a lot of adjustments for the SSP Alliance to make (as well as some mistakes) in the process of developing a workable partnership with a group of 6th through 9th Density Beings that have a completely different way of doing things.

Corey mentions that the Blue Avians chose Solar Warden and other groups because "they had made a conscious decision to bring the end of the control and slavery of Earth." This simple choice was the stopping of past inertia or forgiveness healing karma, and was all that was needed to provide a venue for their assistance. The work is far from complete, but now the path of growth has been chosen. It is in contrast to a victim mind set which does not conceive of any personal action being taken to end the thing they feel victimized about. This is a choice of bravery as well, swinging the pendulum from fear and isolation to personal empowerment and co-creation.

Hence Corey's further statement: "The SSP Alliance had decided that it was time to give every Human on the planet access to their full and true history, suppressed technologies that would lengthen and enhance their lives as well as collapse the world Financial Debt Slave Systems (AKA Babylonian Money Magic Slave System). This put the SSP Alliance in a greater percentage “Service To Others” category than any other group in our Sol System that was made up of Earth Humans fighting for the freedom of Earth Humans."

Freedom in a general sense could have been gained by a violent revolution, by eye for an eye morality or mob rule. But this manner of action defines the Cabal as inherently evil or the enemy which 'must be purged.' In truth there are no inherently evil people, but there are incomplete and erroneous ideas accepted and acted upon by humanity. In this sense the cabal have been led astray by a type of thought program, which has been pushed on to generations of Illuminati family members, and while they are definitely morally culpable for their actions, as a whole people we create further division and limitation by having a violent revolution. Forgiveness is the key, as is mentioned so often in the Law of One. Why? because it facilitates mental evolution and growth.

Q2. Please describe some of the advanced technology given to Solar Warden to offset the prior technological advantage held by the Cabal/Illuminati forces on Earth opposed to full disclosure?

The Sphere Alliance has setup 2 “Energy Barriers” that cannot be penetrated by any beings or technology (be they 3/4D or 4/5D beings). One is the “Outer Barrier” which completely closes off the entire Sol System (including Gate/Portal travel) from travel into or out of the system. The other is a “Barrier” that surrounds the Earth. It keeps every Being and Craft/Technology that was either On Earth or in Near Earth Orbit from leaving a certain distance from the Planet. There are active Gates/Portals that allow travel between Planets within the Sol System. However those Portals are affected by these “Energetic Tsunami Waves” at times and regular travel is ill advised and can be dangerous. The technology provided directly to the SSP Alliance has ALL been of a defensive nature. It allows the Alliance to disrupt weapons systems, cloaking systems and highly shield vessels and locations from various types of high energy beam and torsion field weapons (torsion weapons that rip apart buildings or craft by twisting the space/time fabric that the structure exists in at the moment causing the targeted structure to rip apart etc…)

Further commentary by Corey on Dr. Michael Salla's post:

In Question 2 I meant to say the SSP Alliance has only been provided technology of a "Defensive" Nature. Not Offensive.


In order to understand why 'negative ET's' and lower density craft cannot penetrate these barriers I theorize that we would need to discuss the dynamics of time-space, as described by Reciprocal Systems Theory. For a more detailed explanation of that physics see the write up in the article Precognition Explained: Science Shows How Our Body Reacts To Events Up To 10 Seconds Before They Happen.

The 4th and 5th density are the transitional densities trending more towards time-space energy states. Our 3rd density reality is mostly a space-time energy with the mind operating in time-space; see the post Secret Space Program, ET's, Time Travel, Off World Civilizations, Memory Wiping | Part 1 Michael Salla Q and A with Insider GoodETxSG Corey for more on this.

What this means is that energy patterns in higher densities can override lower density structures like space craft, what Dan Winter calls 'heavy metal' technology. These energy barriers can most likely be detected by SSP and Dark Fleet groups (negative ET's) who can choose to acknowledge their superior status and not interfere. But if they do interfere their energy of aggression is reflected back onto them. Within a Natural Law understanding this essentially reflects their dishonorable actions back on to them, and any destructive effects are the 'karma' of their own choices. David Wilcock mentioned that Pine Gap is a particle beam weapon facility that attempted to destroy a Blue Avian Sphere. The energy from this weapon was reflected back to the installation and it was allegedly destroyed killing everyone inside. It may seem like this is an aggressive action on the part of these so called highly evolved beings, but within the Natural Law framework discussed above is actually a perfect way of offering growth in the form of karma.

Q4. Please describe how Solar Warden uses metal expanding technology given to it by the Sphere Alliance to disable more advanced weapons systems controlled by the Cabal/Illuminati on Earth?

This technology is actually an older tech that was developed by “US” some time ago. It causes some metals to expand and magnetize making the needed moving parts not capable of moving. This works well against kinetic energy weapons like firearms and missiles. It can also cause malfunctions in conventional aircraft and have other practical uses. This has been around for quite some time but has not been used so widely to prevent assassinations and certain attacks until the Alliance started doing so when they were urged more and more to find nonviolent ways to achieve the results they used to achieve through other means by the Sphere Alliance.

This is one more example of wisdom in action. The Blue Avians want to stop the violence, now that the SSP groups have chose to serve others, but cannot rob the violent groups of their karma. Again the 'harm' incurred upon someone who takes aggressive action is self harm, and from a spiritual perspective offers growth. Even if someone dies as a result of the experience, in between lives they can grow profoundly, which is described in detail within the Law of One.

Q5. Russia’s President Putin is allegedly aligned with and supported by the Solar Warden/Sphere Alliance, why is Putin and the Russian Federation more supportive of full disclosure?

Putin and other elements of the “Earth Based Alliance” that make up the BRICS Alliance among others that dove tail together are all working for the common goal of defeating the “Satanic/Luciferian Cabal” that is now in control of the majority of the world and responsible for not only amazing deceptions of his and other countries populations but also some of the most horrific Crimes Against Humanity that have ever taken place in known history. There are many of these crimes that have become more and more known through recent disclosures behind the scenes. This has only caused these groups and people to want to bring down these Secret Earth Government Syndicates now more than ever. Unfortunately some of the “Earth Based Alliance” wants to put into place another Financial Debt Slave System to replace the old one. This is going to be something that is heavily negotiated in the near future. The “East” has stated that “The West has had its 100 years, now the East deserves its 100 years”. This is referring to the giant financial Ponzi Scheme set in place by the Federal Reserve System.

Corey mentions that the Alliance, or the 'good guys' are not a totally unified group. Essentially various groups have realized that the madness needs to end, and have their own level of knowledge and wisdom available to achieve that end. A good example of this are people just becoming aware of the Cabal and Illuminati groups, who usually want to 'string up the bad guys' as a way of solving the problem. The core factor behind why the Cabal has maintained its power is humanity's ignorance as a whole. As such we must address the cause, and not the symptom. The symptom of ignorance is slavery, the cure is knowledge and developing wisdom. Mark Passio discusses this extensively in his work.

Related The Natural LAW | Mark Passio's Natural Law Seminar / Natural Law the REAL Law of Attraction - presented on October 19th, 2013

Related Mark Passio - The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment

Related Why You NEED To Understand the Occult | De-Mystifying the Occult Seminar - The Nature of Sacred Symbolism and Hidden Knowledge by Mark Passio

Q9. Has President Obama met with Blue Avian/Sphere Alliance at any secret meetings prior to his March 12 statement?

Absolutely Not (and these “Elite Groups” are enraged by not being recognized by the Sphere Alliance). The Blue Avians/Sphere Alliance refuses to directly meet with any “Cabal” linked persons or groups. They will not meet directly with the Illuminati. This is why they have had “Representatives” or “Delegates” attend various Federation meetings for them as well as meet with various “Comities” that represent these Secret Earth Government Syndicates.

I think the reason why the Blue Avians refuse to meet directly with the Cabal is that they have not made the choice to be service to others and end the slavery on earth. The Cabal is interested in self preservation it would seem, and to that end, they are not 'seeking' which the Law of One describes as being essential for making contact with various groups; in this case the Blue Avians and the Cabal meeting.

Within Natural Law, and by extension Trust Law, there must be full transparency and disclosure in order for negotiations to take place; Equity or Contract Law. Since the Cabal does not have a genuine intention, there is no trust. The Blue Avians are deeply aware of these realities and as such can not abrogate the Cabal's free will choice to remain egocentric or service to self. Additionally, they choose to work with humans who have made the choice to be open, the SSP groups who have defected and as such provide a pathway for karmic correction. They cannot force the Cabal to 'switch sides' but they can work with others and by proxy offer the choice to defect.

Q11. Why did the ICC decide to ally itself with Solar Warden and the Sphere Alliance, rather than continue to work with the Cabal/Illuminati who are generally thought to own and exercise great power over major corporations?

The ICC has not joined the SSP Alliance. Only some “Cells” or “Groups” have broken away and defected to the SSP Alliance in recent months. This has been a blessing and a curse. This ended up causing some major ethical struggles inside the Alliance as well as 2 “Atrocities” that were very upsetting to many. It involved 2 attacks based on actionable intelligence provided by some defectors and ended up having a very high rate of collateral damage of innocent lives. This caught up to the SSP Alliance recently karma wise and ended up in the attack on some of the Alliance Personnel involved in the “Atrocities”. This was very recent and apart of this past weekend’s meetings.

Here Corey further underscores the non black and white nature of the groups working either under the banner of the Cabal or the Alliance. I do not know the exact nature of contact between the Blue Avians and the Alliance, but given the extreme care for free will that Ra employs in the Law of One, I posit that their contact is much less executive and more advisory.

By that I mean, instead of the Blue Avians giving orders to the Alliance who then carries it out, as if they have some type of 'fool proof plan' for earth's liberation, they work with the human groups who have flipped sides, and must allow for these groups to gain wisdom on their own. Wisdom is knowledge experienced and as such the risk of error and misstep is always present. I think this also explains why the 'big red freedom button' hasn't been pressed. The dynamics occurring behind the scenes are much less black and white then some would like to think in the awakening community. And this explains why things haven't progressed as quickly as some would like.

Q13. Previously, you have described five secret space programs, two of which mainly operate outside of our solar system – a NATO Type SSP and a Dark Fleet. Are these latter two still subject to a solar system wide quarantine by the Sphere Alliance from returning to our solar system?

Yes, there have been several petitions for the NATO Type SSP Group to return as well as to allow some innocent Alien/ET Groups who were here on peaceful scientific missions to leave. All requests have been denied and the Outer Barrier will be maintained until after the “Event” and everyone has answered for their parts in what has gone on in the Sol System over the last however many thousands of years that they have decided (Grand Cycle etc…)

It may seem this denial to gain re entry is arbitrarily harsh on the part of the Blue Avians, but I suspect that this is also offering healing and growth to these individuals trapped outside the solar system. The "event" mentioned by Corey is most likely the Trial and Disclosure. This will provide these groups an opportunity to forgive and correct their own Karma, and will presumably be allowed to enter the solar system for the energetic shift of the Sun and solar system shortly after Disclosure.

Q14. In an April conference presentation in San Francisco, David Wilcock described a timetable with 2017 as the year by which full disclosure is going to happen. What can you tell us about any timetable the Sphere Alliance/Solar Warden has to disclose the truth to the world public?

I have not seen this timetable or date anywhere or been given it in any briefings personally. There were multiple “Time Windows” that were put forth that were all listed between the 2018 – 2023 time frame in various programs. However this was prior to the Sphere Alliance and many other things that seem to be pushing the time frame forward. It is getting more and more difficult for them to maintain this illusion that we live in down on the planet with all of the energetic changes and changes in the mass consciousness. I think putting out a date is a bad idea myself. But it could very well be 2017, as fast as things are moving it could very well be 2015/2016 as well. The Sphere Beings have put it all on us and when we decide to wake up and expand our consciousness to the point to where we realize its co-creative power. Once we do we can make things happen on our own timetable.

Given the mechanics of mental entrainment and synchronization we discussed above, it makes sense that there are no 'hard and fast' dates for the energetic shift. The Blue Avians are most likely here to attenuate the energies for maximum 'harvest' or evolution on the part of humanity. As such our choices and actions are the essential component behind all of this, hence their constant advice to 'raise our vibrations.'

COBRA's work also alludes to this, wherein he describes 'windows of opportunity' where humanity can make great changes in consciousness and activation. The point is that there is no 'time clock' for ascension. WE ARE AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS AWAKENING. Within Natural Law, we can not be forced to ascend, but by choosing not to grow, we can disassociate from the reality around us that is making the choice to ascend. Death of the body vehicle is in this sense a personal choice to dissociate, in some cases (not all, by any means). Many of the health problems on Earth are largely a result of our poor choices and failure to gain knowledge of how our bodies and the environment work together. Granted the Cabal is hardly blameless, but this is an example of our choice to ignore creating karma which is experienced as Death, and most likely is reflected on in between lives during the reincarnation process, providing an experience for learning and growth.

Q16. Is there currently a disclosure race happening between the Cabal/Illuminati and the Solar Warden/Sphere Alliance in terms of how much information should be released and how this frames key issues?

Yes, When FULL Disclosure occurs it will also come with the disclosure of massive crimes against humanity that will send the bulk of society into shock for some time. The fact that there are aliens will not be as disruptive or shocking as what all the “Elites” have done in secret during the time they were hiding the existence of aliens and most of all the high technology that would have ended the financial system decades ago.

IF the “CABAL/ILLUMINATI” can control the Disclosure they can also control the narrative and spin of disclosure they think to make themselves come out looking better in the end. They had planned on being off planet when all this info broke. Now that they are stuck here with everyone else they are all turning on each other and spinning and cutting deals as fast as they can. They know what the population will call for if there is full and unfettered disclosure of our true history along with the release of suppressed technologies and the existence of alien life.

They MUST do everything they can to control the narrative and manner that this information is disclosed. This is a much more complicated situation than most realize. Complete disclosure is going to leave many of the world’s population calling for “heads to roll”.

In my own research, there are many things discovered which have deeply affected me. Despite all my work I can tend to be an emotional wreck with some of the more 'horrific' aspects of what has happened on Earth. Despite this I am constantly being reminded that all of this serves us on our personal growth. From our perspective it seems unnecessarily cruel and causes us to doubt the highly loving nature of existence as a whole. I plan on releasing some very intense data in the future, which I have held back on disclosing, because I did not want to turn people away from the truth. But I feel the more data that is revealed before the full disclosure the easier it will be to reconcile and make sense of it. Our choice to bravely seek the truth and allow it to grow within us, helps raise our vibrations and speeds up the process of energetic activation.

Q17. Do you think that the 2016 President Elections might be a forum by which disclosure happens through individuals such as John Podesta and Hillary Clinton how have been involved in prior disclosure events by the Clinton and Obama administrations?

NO, No political races or outcomes will lead to any type of disclosure.

I do not know Corey's reasoning for so vehemently stating that political races will not lead to any type of disclosure, but I do want to clarify that governments the world over are illegitimate deceptive frauds, which have duped the people into participating in their 'elections.'

Essentially there are 2 types of governments, de jure and de facto. De jure governments are founded on honesty and truth, but rarely has any such governing body been allowed to operate on Earth. Some of the Native American nations, prior to the invasion of the Europeans, were a good example of de jure government. De facto government is a criminal or occupying force which slowly gains the consent of the people to be governed, usually employing deception, coercion and manipulation. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Inc. has been a de facto body since at least the mid 1800's. Remembering the 'tree of law' described above, these governing bodies are in breach of trust on a massive scale, and as such voting for these bogus and fraudulent leaders is a vote to keep the cabal in power. For more on this see Judge Anna's articles here.

Q18. Is Pope Francis playing a strong behind the scenes role in disclosing the truth about extraterrestrial life? Is he involved in any capacity with the current meetings with Blue Avians?

The Vatican is lumped in with the Secret Earth Governments and are not being recognized or permitted audiences with the Sphere Beings. They have been rotating in as Delegates in the Human-like ET Federation that has been mentioned.

Q19. It has been claimed that President Obama cannot take any action in revealing the truth about extraterrestrial life, until the Vatican has done so. Is the planned meeting between President Obama and Pope Francis on September 23 significant for extraterrestrial disclosure?

They may decide as a part of the process of doing a controlled disclosure to control the narrative to allow the Vatican to release some information. I am very doubtful. There are many scandals of so many groups that they are trying to keep in Pandora’s Box when they crack it open to allow the disclosure of “Alien Life” to be known. They may very well be deciding how exactly they are going to control the narrative and how to let out information about alien life and suppressed technology without letting out the full information about their crimes and scandals. That would be a difficult meeting and problem to try to figure out on their end.

We have been covering the activities of the Pope for some time on this blog, and it would appear some efforts are being made. Some have claimed that Pope Francis is a walk-in or working for the light force; for more on this see the post Vatican to Recognize Palestinian State in New Treaty. Corey's response suggest that this group is probably trying to spin disclosure in their favor and create a 'soft slavery system,' as such has not made the complete choice to service others like the SSP Alliance groups did. Despite this possibility, I want to further underscore that everyone is on their on path back to source, and we should not fall into a mind set of revenge or black and white belief systems of good and bad.

Q20. In your most recent update, you say that you met with Blue Avian/Sphere Alliance extraterrestrials over the weekend of May 9-10, can you describe who else attended this meeting and where it was held?

It was just myself and the Blue Avian named “Tear-Eir”. It was a “One on One” meeting to discuss some of the recent issues with the SSP Alliance, some of the recent Energetic Tsunami Waves and their effects on the population as well as some upcoming meetings that I am going to be asked to attend. [More info here] [I offered commentary on that update here.]

Thank you for the questions. I am no longer doing postings or questions and answers on The One Truth Forum (TOT).

To have a more controlled and civil environment we are now going to be doing ALL “Questions & Answers” previously done in “Internet Forums” on the Sphere Being Alliance Web Site.

We will also be doing all future updates, articles, disclosures and data releases on the same web site. We are also configuring a “News Letter” for anyone who would like to sign up to be notified of updates. If not already, you should be able to register for news letters on the Home Page shortly.

Things have moved to a whole new level

With the upcoming release of Articles by Researchers I Respect and Trust enough to engage with, Video Interviews to be released FREE on YouTube (Along with a Free E-book), Discussion of a Disclosure Series on with David Wilcock, and planned “Skype” Interviews with Researchers as well as well-known Online Web Show Hosts creating a News Letter to keep people informed seemed to be an important and natural next step.

The Current Sites that I have are;

Sphere Being Alliance (Twitter)

Sphere Being Alliance (YouTube) ... Sb9_kkVVlg

Sphere Being Alliance (Blog)

Sphere Being Allince (Home Page)

To continue the “Q & A” process go to the following part (FAQ) of the Sphere Being Alliance Home Page and click “Ask A Question”. Type in your question in the field and click “Submit”. I am happy to answer all of your reader’s direct questions here at this location. I look forward to providing them more information and answering their questions.

Further response by Corey from other commenters on Dr. Michael Salla's post:


I was with the DIA a few short years [The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is the main foreign military espionage organization of the United States, operating under the jurisdiction of Department of Defense (DoD)].

Access is limited to working partners and cross reference programs, projects, and activity. The Navy Space Operations Group has a program that people mistakenly call Solar Warden. Not called solar warden. 1996 they had different space planes, heavy lift rockets, at least one military space shuttle (not Nasa but looked like the Soviet only shuttle, Soviet copied not NASA space Shuttles but the Military Space shuttles why it looks different and larger greater pay load ) there was a space station up there with black screening camo all over [it] with little lights looking like stars. They had inter space shuttles that stayed in orbit. All I knew [had knowledge and experience of due to my involvement] was inter orbit ops, no moon ops and no interplanetary ops. Nothing exotic. No disks, no aliens, nothing like that.

As far as moon missions there was a follow up program to the moon, after the apollo 17. It was not called apollo 18,19 nor 20. It was called a totally different name, NASA did the mission control work along with military. How many missions i never knew. There were packages instruments placed on the moon. Dark side or back side landings and a telescope system moon space telescope . There were radar and signal arrays placed on the moon. This kept going to the 1980's. If they continued or made a base i have no knowledge [of it]. Space planes were never canceled they kept working and making new models. Different sizes and capabilities. This program put more people in orbit then nasa. As far as any large ships no [I] knowledge of.

Air Force had a much smaller program named after our sun. It was called SOL for the name of sun, they were not a partner agency so i have no knowledge of at all. I dont know what they had. No other space programs or breakaway civilizations existed [as far as I know]; no one else had the program. Russians partnered up a bit, but to what extent [I have] no idea. This is all fact, but no one spoke of aliens or ufo's ever.

Not saying they don't exist, just no knowledge [of it] at all. Space weapons yes many exotic, yes very very scary. In the 1970 both sides had satellites armed with nukes hundreds, [but] they would degrade and burn up. They stopped that but 10 years a scary program. Maybe [this is] why we have so many cancers [on earth]. Dont know about true anti gravity but there were gravity augmenting , gravity assist and gravity buffer. Of course there were exotic propulsion but had no knowledge of any gravity crafts as ufo are rumored to be ['true' anti gravity].

The NSA and space complex had many many space probes and landers, more advanced and many more than the NASA probes. The data points and results or findings of these probes are classified. Most of the data is nothing new but classified to protect the programs. We have guard dog satellites that orbit in earth's solar orbit ahead [of earth] and behind [it]. I think 6. They orbit earth's exact track around the sun I assume they look for debris rocks comets. I don't know much about those. I know that the voyager probes are not the furthest out [probes humanity sent out into space]. They have very very fast propulsion and probes [that] are way out of [the] solar system. Again [I] only know about not any data. The so called exoplanets that NASA is going crazy for these days have been found by the space group and NSA, by their signal intel tech and space satellites years ago. Now for some reason they hand those coordinates to the 'Wise [people]' in NASA, and wow they just happen to find these [same exoplanets].

[I think] this is hopeful though, [for] may be some future disclosure. Ok no time travel programs that I knew of. No psychic training contactee crap. These people [NASA] are dis info, and beware [these] guys [are] liar. Watch out for those who say and answer everything. I know very little and no one knows all. If they say I don't know to some questions then that's credible.

Ok now to a few intel rumors. I heard.

1. If there [are] others on planets we know [of] and some of them are human, like us.

2. There was a flyby mission of venus orbit and probe landers returned,

3. [The] Fly by mission and 6 days orbit on mars returned [as well]. These are rumors I heard, [and] thought [them] to be true, well within [the SSP] capabilities. Never heard of a Mars landing or base. We do not work with contactees or psychics. I never saw a ufo or alien and [I] never knew anything about them; we didn't discuss that either. That is all I know from [being] a DIA agent, around the 1990's time. All [I shared is] 100 percent fact. I knew [only] a little back then, so more could have gone on. Also I have no knowledge [of SSP activities] since [the] early 2000 so [the] last 15 years. So this guy [Corey] is bs. I dont know of dis info groups but he could be or a nut. Or given false info. I would have run across this so none of that is true at all.

I find it interesting that Christopher calls Corey a 'nut' and that all his information is 'bs.' The actual data he offers doesn't seem to conflict with Corey's data overtly. Further, there is a great deal of 'need to know' in these groups [click here for the narrative by David Wilcock covering this] and his lack of knowledge of the SSP's is hardly proof that they do not exist. This is a good example of poor critical thinking skills and inaccurate discernment processing. This is partially due to the sense of identity wrapped up in the idea 'our group was the highest' a sort of insiders club elitism which helps further entrench the programming offered by the Cabal.

Corey's response to Christopher:

This is the typical knowledge that was shared by the Airforce Space Command as well. These guys were told that they were at the top of the classification pyramid and that everything in space was "Ours" and that there were no aliens or other space programs.

They tracked some amazing things with Space Fence, and they were all told this is "Our Stuff". They not only believed it then but even after leaving the service 30 years later they would be willing to get into a fist fight with anyone who said otherwise [Hence Christopher's response above].

There are so many higher levels above the president and civilian intelligence services of compartmentalization that these lowest groups have no idea exist. They have been told they were at the top of the "Need to Know" chain and they believed it. Therefore anything that is beyond that scope is complete "B.S."... Some of these people that were later brought into the Alliance and meetings at the LOC had red faces and wider eyes than the civilians who were picked up and delivered to the meetings having never seen any classified technology before. That was an interesting thing to see. When in the meetings you would think they would have the most questions, they ended up sitting back observing and being the quietest people in the conference room.

No matter how high you think you are on the Intel Totem Pole, there is always many levels higher than yourself. The compartmentalization has almost no end. I honestly wish the above and all of the other information was a made up/sci-fi story... It would mean that all of the humans traded off world for technology by the ICC/Cabal never left the Earth and all of those that are prisoners/slaves in these SSP's do not exist. It would mean that all of the atrocities and deaths that have occurred never happened... Yet they have. And at some point all of us will finally be told about it and all of those responsible for these actions will have to pay for them.

This could not go on in the shadows for ever,


I'll offer that part of the Cabal's compartmentalization program is to offer a belief system which is very appealing to who they recruit. It is very much like Cypher from the matrix, who would do anything to go back. Our identity gets wrapped up in the beliefs we have, and letting them go can often be hard to process. Corey does not offer any tangible proof for his data, which makes it all that much easier to dismiss. But those who can discern data for what it says can find the threads of truth woven into all things, something which I think is essential for the process of raising one's vibration.

Christopher's response to Corey:

Of course I am aware of Clearances higher than my own, they go so much higher. I had a moderate [level of] clearance [at] the least. I have no knowledge of specific Presidential Clearances, but i know they vary under the two categories, NCA - National Command Authority & National Intelligence Activity. Presidents can choose to know more but their hands are tied on a many things, and I suspect on the subject of Aliens and UFO he [Obama or Putin?] is in the loop but not at all in control.

Now our partner Agency is the NAvy Space Command. Airforce SPace Command does not partner at all with the DIA they are with the CIA on those. TO give you an example how little I know, I KNOW ABSOLUTELY NEXT TO NOTHING ABOUT THE AIR FORCE SPACE COMMAND. People on the outside think Compartmentalization is a unlimited puzzle. It is and it is not. There are Regents like a University System. People in the policy control, advisory and command. Even the most sensitive projects has to have hundreds of people in on [the info]. These days a contractor building a piece of tech knows the gist of what the project is, [but] years ago someone making a gauge for an aircraft had no idea what they were working on. Now a days they have a scope of the applied technology.

I have never seen psychics or paranormal people at all in my workings, not to say they are not used by some. I have never met a person who saw a ufo or [who has been] abducted. I never knew of any other people on other planets or exotic UFO's. Some of our tech was and is exotic. I [am not] saying your [Corey's] information is not true, I am saying I never got any of [access to it]; not even close. I would have known [of] some of it and would have had these vehicles or programs cross my path, they had to when tracking space assets. Unless these all were developed after 2000 ? My point is none of the people who claim to have participated in the Secret space Program seem to mention any of the Post Apollo Missions, Space PLanes, SPace Weapons, Secret Probe Missions, or Space Assets. Sure you are [could be] correct [in] what you were involved in was high above my head, and [it is] very possible I never came across it, but the reverse [that christopher is not aware of the other SSP groups] could not be true. Anyone claiming Mars and moon bases and secret interstellar fleets would have to know the basics and the start of the Military Space Program. They would have seen it directly.

Corey's second response:

Christopher: There are the Earth Military Programs and their smaller low tech programs. I have written in detail about the genesis of how the entire Secret Earth Government Infrastructure was created as well as how the Secret Space Programs grew from them. There are layers over layers of how the Secret Government works on top of the known Military, Government and Civilian Intelligence Infrastructures work. There is also a separate financial system that most even in the highest position above Presiden do not know about. There of course are the semi public faces of the Public Governments Space Programs, The Secret Earth Military Programs that have programs that are developed for secondary "Disclosure" reasons.

Those that do not have access to the full information of the completely separate Secret Earth Governments, Their Syndicates as well the various Secret Space Programs (Or the off world groups that control some of them) they do not have the full picture. The full details of how the SSP first got their start are being detailed in the soon to be released E-Book/Data Download with DW and Video Interviews. The lighter details of how this all began are detailed at the following link in my blog. You may want to invest some time in the other links looking over the other details including the portal technology to get more of a full picture. The people who have served in the higher levels of the Navy/Air Force Space Commands and Civilian Intel Agencies that are used to believing things work a certain way have been the hardest to convince. Even while they have been invited into parts of the programs by the Alliance most recently and briefed. Even while standing on the observation deck of the LOC looking over the lunar surface they would shake their heads, even after their shuttle rides to their meeting. Link: http://goodetxsg-secretspaceprogram.blo ... -nazi.html

I do not need to convince those who believe a certain way from their own experiences. There will be a day when we will all be privy to the very dark details. Many will wish to unlearn this information. I do wish us all luck in this journey. We should focus on our own growth in consciousness that I mentioned in the article above. No matter if you believe the details of the ongoing civil war between the Alliance and the Current PTB over our freedom we need to fight for our own freedom from these groups and their influence over our minds.


As a final comment, I strongly resonate with Corey's latter statement. Instead of focusing on absolute beliefs and rigid definitions, it is far more productive for us to discuss the data offered openly and in the process determine how it can be used to teach us something about ourselves.

The 'nuts and bolts' of the coming disclosure will undoubtedly be mind blowing, and it will be very tempting to get caught up in dualistic belief systems which limit our individual growth. Part of my intention with the commentary I offer is to try and discuss the larger philosophic and soul growth aspects of what all this data means.

Despite the horrors pushed on to humanity, they can only remain as such if we hold on to rigid beliefs about them. But the greatest of mysteries is how all things further the growth of all, and even the most seemingly horrific occurrences actually have a deeply spiritual aspect to them. In this sense, so called negative emotions and trauma can only exist within a mind who refuses to transmute them with love. While I am hardly perfect at this transmutation process I recognize the validity of it, and when I do work towards that end, I am always uplifted. ... etxsg.html

Extraterrestrial's said to Alex..."The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry lifetime after lifetime".

Tue Jun 23, 2015 10:17 am
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
About Corey Goode and the Sphere Alliance/Blue Avians...

To steal a line from Mulder: ..."I want to believe!..."

Really, the only way I can read it is to suspend belief and read it as science fiction. Then I can get through it and let it "age" in my psyche. Don't think I am skipping any, in fact I have been following along for a couple weeks now and this is some of the best science fiction I have ever read! LOL!!

That said, some of the info is very disturbing. But the Sphere Alliance aspect is very interesting, and Corey Goode is making himself very available and a lot of material is coming forth. The new "Secret Space Program" genre is unfolding rapidly.

I have learned to be very skeptical though. But truth is stranger than fiction, and it gives me pause to really wonder... WHAT IF IT'S TRUE?

The very thought sends me right back to NO, IT CAN'T BE! -- It's a distraction, disinformation, it reads like a well crafted soap opera, or 1,001 Arabian Nights type stagecraft... where we are drawn along day after day while we sit in inertia all waiting for someone else to "do something" to remove the network of global corporate control (and worse) from power.

Sure is fun to read. I remember talking to Don on the phone awhile back. I told him I was a faithful Art Bell listener, but never used to believe anything on the shows. He asked why I listened, and I had to really think -- I listened because it was great entertainment. I figured most of the guests were great storytellers and a bit looney (selling books, etc), and the rest was just a bunch of woo-woo. I didn't "wake up" and "believe" anything (literally) until July of 2008. Even now I wish I had never woke up. I want to go back to sleep, I am the reluctant truther.

Unfortunately, you can't unring the bell. I have complained about this before and the best advice I received here was to quit visiting alt sites and push the thoughts out of my mind, and that over time I might be able to fall asleep again. -- I have taken that advice to heart and spend waaaaay less time obsessing and surfing. I only keep a rotation of maybe 6 sites I visit now, and I am much happier for it. Don't remember who gave me that advice, but THANK YOU.

So what's the verdict here? I want to believe Corey Goode, but it is WAAAAY out there.

Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:43 am
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
Lynn, me too.

However, if it does turn out to be a charade then so be it. I'll be sad, but thats it. By way of contrast, some well known (in this sphere) personalities will have their reputations trashed.


Citizen of Planet Earth, living in the British Isles.

Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:45 pm
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
Michael Salla wrote:

Mission to Mars investigates claims of slave labor at secret corporate base

Written by Dr Michael Salla on June 22, 2015. ... rate-base/


Corey Goode today released a report about an inspection tour he claims was held on Mars on June 20 that he attended along with others from a Secret Space Program Alliance. He describes how he was first picked up from his home by a blue/indigo sphere that belongs to a group of advanced extraterrestrial visitors called the “Sphere Being Alliance”, which have appointed him to be their delegate at all meetings involving Earth’s secret space programs. The sphere took Goode to a secret base on the moon called Lunar Operations Command where he met with a Lt Colonel Gonzales, the delegate representing a Secret Space Program Alliance wanting to fully disclose to the world the truth about extraterrestrial life and advanced technologies.

Goode describes how he and Gonzales were each assigned a security team of two Intuitive Empath (IE) assistants (a position Goode previously held for 20 years when he served in the Solar Warden Space program from 1987 to 2007). Goode and Gonzales were accompanied on the trip to Mars by a representative of the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC). The ICC evolved out of a consortium of companies such as Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, Boeing Corporations etc., that create the advanced technologies used by the five secret space programs that emerged in the post-World War 2 era.

Goode says that the trip took 30 minutes which is longer than the few minutes it normally takes to travel to Mars since it is currently on the opposite side of the sun. The total current distance is approximately 250 million miles apart (~420 million km) which means that Goode’s transport shuttle averaged a staggering ¾ the speed of light. Conventional rocket propelled craft would take up to 260 days to make the same journey.

What immediately caught my attention was what Goode said about the roof of the shuttle craft as it left the LOC:

As we lifted off and flew through the bay doors that opened we could see the surface of the moon grow distant quickly and then the earth through the transparent panels in the walls of the vessel. We then went to speed and the panels changed to an opaque color.

This is very similar to what Randy Cramer (aka Captain Kaye) described seeing when he was first taken to Mars by a shuttle from Lunar Operations Command back in 1987:

Interestingly enough, the feeling inside the vehicle when he pulled out of the hangar bay and positioned himself at whatever distance he was from the earth, whatever perfect distance they wanted so that when the visual array came on, and the ceilings became a projection of what the vehicle was seeing in front of it. … You really had a sense that we were all hovering in space in these chairs, staring out at Earth, getting our big look for the last time, and it was awe-inspiring. It absolutely stands out as one of the most amazing moments in my entire life.

Goode describes the terms that had been agreed to between the representatives of the ICC and the Secret Space Program Alliance Council for what would happen once they reached Mars:

Gonzales again told the ICC Representative that we appreciated them agreeing to the terms of allowing us to bring the armed security, choosing the site of the conference once in orbit, the tours and allowing us to bring one family of our choosing back with us to question and to either provide sanctuary to or allow to return to their home colony depending on the families wishes. I sat and listened since I had not been a part of the negotiations and hoped to overhear something new from the process.

Upon arrival at Mars, Gonzales was given by the ICC representative a list of ICC facilities on Mars in the northern hemisphere that would be suitable for the base inspection. Gonzales instead requested a location in the southern hemisphere which greatly concerned the ICC representative who at first denied its existence. Gonzales insisted that the base existed according to fresh intelligence. The ICC then contacted his superiors and said it would take an hour to prepare the base for the inspection.

After arriving at the southern hemisphere base Goode described the instructions they were given of what they would be able to discuss with the base inhabitants:

The ICC representative then told us what the subject of that conversation was going to be. He was carefully watching our reactions as he gave us a summary of what to expect from the base commander. He stated that the people at this facility were here for generations and that they were under the impression for decades now that the earth had been through some sort of cataclysm and was no longer inhabitable. He said that we are being asked to not throw off the social dynamics of the facility by revealing that this was not the case or that any of us were from the surface of Earth.

Goode and Gonzales then met the base commander who told them the following about the primary mission of the facility which was described as a multi-decades social experiment:

As we entered, the base commander gave us the storyline about the people not knowing that the earth was still thriving and that this wasn’t anything to do with any slavery theories being promoted by the SSP Alliance but was a complex “social experiment”. It was stressed that we needed to be careful not to contaminate a multi-decades long experiment that will help humanity. I looked at Gonzales and he rolled his eyes at me as this was being said. The base commander then stated that the “main hall” was being setup for the conference and that we would be taken on a tour of the industrial plant first that was 8 kilometers away via an underground train. He said after the conference we would then tour the colony and meet the people, see their living conditions and ask a family if they would be willing to leave with us.

Goode then described how he inadvertently revealed that he was from Texas to one of the base security team who presumably had been told that the Earth’s surface had been devastated in some cataclysm. This led to a growing commotion among the base’s security team and led to their replacement:

It was at about this time that another monorail train arrived with many more security personnel. They told us to halt and they separated the security team that was with us, disarmed them and escorted them to the trains and left. A new security team was assigned to us and the ICC representative that obviously had an “ear wig” (communication device in his ear) told us that we were not to communicate with the security team unless it was to do with something security related.

Goode next describes how he, Gonzales and their security team were next taken to a large conference hall and saw many of the colonists and their leaders who made a presentation about the advanced technologies produced at the facility, and the exopolitical agreements that had been reached with up to 900 different extraterrestrial civilizations:

We were brought into the “main hall” that looked like an area that people are brought in for daily propaganda and there were a large number of ICC leadership members present who were bustling about as well and it was difficult to count how many were there. They sat us down and put on a “Dog and Pony Show” on a large “smart-glass screen” that showed all sorts of technologies that they produce, what they procure in trade for those technologies and stated that they had ongoing trade agreements with almost 900 civilizations and did occasional trade with far more than that. They showed all sorts of spacecraft and spacecraft components that some groups integrate into their own technologies and also discussed the exopolitical agreements they had made with groups that pass through our sector on a regular basis using the nearby natural portal systems that are a part of the “cosmic web”.

Goode then describes an incident that led to him, Gonzales and their security team being detained by the base commander. It began with the family that was chosen to accompany Goode and his companions back for a debriefing away from the facility:

It was now time for Gonzales to give the ICC representative the choice of the family we were to take back with us. He gave the number of a certain family’s dwelling that was an alpha numeric number outside their door and 15 minutes later a man, woman, teenage son and pre-teen daughter showed up with a small bag in each of their hands. They seemed kind of stoic and nervous. This was to be expected but they seemed off to me. .. When the door was closed Gonzales turned to the people and told them they were safe and that he would not betray their good faith. He said that “We know that there is another member of your family that is not present”, the father said “How could you know that?” Gonzales motioned to our security personnel and said that “our people have abilities”. The family then clammed up and would not talk. Gonzales became upset and said he would straighten this out and he and the two security personnel assigned to him left the vessel.

Goode says that the base commander became irate when challenged by Gonzales and was thrown into a detention cell, and was soon joined by Goode and his two man security team. Along the way, Goode described what he saw: “As we walked back through the rows of cells we saw quite a lot of people in various psychological stages of psychological distress locked up.”

Fearing the worst from the base commander that Gonzalez described as a “tyrant and a total megalomaniac,” Goode revealed how the blue/indigo spheres belonging to the Sphere Alliance rescued them:

It wasn’t a minute later that we saw our blue/indigo orb friends zipping through the walls of the cell, one for each of us. They danced around for a couple seconds and the other SSP personnel who had never traveled this way backed against the wall. Gonzales explained how the transportation works and then we each followed the SOP and were soon back at the LOC room where I was transported at the beginning of this journey.

Now safe at the Lunar Operations Command, Gonzales told Goode that mission had provided good intelligence about ICC operations on Mars:

He stated that the ICC’s goal was propaganda and that since the recent reports that were released to the public about the slave trade and labor going on by the ICC that they have been extremely upset and worked-up about information being public that was never supposed to be so.

The inspection of the Mars ICC facility described in Goode’s report helps confirm that slave labor conditions do indeed exist at these facilities where civilians are psychologically manipulated and physically abused by tyrannical base leaders who tolerate no dissent. The advanced technologies produced at these covert Mars facilities appear to be a valuable commodity in trade agreements with an extraordinarily high number of extraterrestrial civilizations – up to 900 if the ICC representative is correct.

The existence of secret bases on Mars and elsewhere in the solar system, controlled by a corporate conglomerate trading advanced technologies produced by human workers in slave labor conditions for interstellar trade is certainly a cause for great concern. There appears to be minimal accountability or oversight of such facilities and the base commanders running them.

To date Goode has not provided any hard evidence or documents supporting his extraordinary claims. Lt Col. Gonzales is yet to publicly come forward to confirm his participation or identity. There are however important similarities in the testimonies of Goode and Randy Cramer which helps confirm that a secret space program with bases on Mars does indeed exist. Goode has said that there are plans for future document dumps that will substantiate his claims. For now, Goode claims that his revelations will help the public prepare for the full extent of the shocking disclosures to come.

If Goode’s testimony is accurate, as I believe it is, it is comforting to know that secret corporate bases on Mars and elsewhere are being investigated by a Secret Space Program Alliance that wants to disclose slave labor practices to the world, and launch trials against those responsible. It’s only through a full disclosure of secret space programs that the people responsible for “crimes against humanity”can be exposed and brought to justice.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Extraterrestrial's said to Alex..."The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry lifetime after lifetime".

Fri Jun 26, 2015 11:45 am
GT Truther

Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 3:30 pm
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
Mars, the Moon, Saturn......places with activity. A space station here and there in our solar system that aliens live on with their families . In a way, it's amazing how Earth itself is living like North Korea. The people are so contained / shielded from the busy, exciting happenings of space!

Will be glad to see this little game of cover-up over!


PS: As a follow-up of my earlier post in this thread, I've yet to been visited by any "real deal" MIB's.


Fri Jun 26, 2015 7:01 pm
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
I am leaning in the direction of this point of view. At least the opportunity that Ultraterrestial life exists below our feet....

The Cryptoterrestrial


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Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:09 am
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
Some more kindling to the discussion.....

Edward Snowden:UFOs Come From Ultra-Terrestrial Civilization in Earth Mantle

This goes back to the Watchers on Earth 120000 years ago - Enoch wrote about it.

We all have the choice to exercise Free Will.
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Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:15 am
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
Just saw this image on the included vid, but not seen this version before.


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Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:56 am
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
Corey Goode and David Wilcock are on "OpenYourMind Internet Radio" tonight -- 7-9 PM GMT (whatever time that is) here's a link:

UPDATE: It was at 11am PDT - but it is already in the archives:

...."Open Your Mind Radio broadcasts live every Sunday from 7pm to 9pm GMT. To communication with us on the live show, you can log in to our chat facility and talk with other listeners, chat with us or ask our guest questions. You can also call us on 00353 (0) 46 927 1212. If you would like to contact us outside show hours, you can call and leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

You can also email us on"

Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:58 am
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
Hmmm......all relatively quiet on the GT front it seems.....just catching up briefly before another deep dive down to Florida once again.

I've been down in Florida for the past month, drove straight up to DC from near McDill AFB, it took 17 hours, and I'm going back down again. At least it's comfortable in a Mercedes C300, though coming back in a Mercedes SLK320 hard-top convertible won't be as much fun - though it'll look cool and the ride itself almost as smooth. These Mercs were kept in pristine condition, the leather looking like and smelling like it just came off the cow.

Meanwhile, a questioner emailed me and I responded; this will be posted up at shortly as well. Old news for most of you I know, but once the Announcement comes and the earth changes starting in September heat up everyone's interest, these old tales will gain some new scrutiny.

from email:

My name is Cxxx Xxxxxxx, I am a student from outside of Philadelphia. Can you please PLEASE explain in the most simplistic form the differences between the timelines?? what you mean by a future earth?? i am in need of a rudimentary explanation to these topics, as well as the p24 p45 p52 and the orions. I've been having contact and abduction experiences since I was a toddler. answers to these questions would really help me understand what they want and what the future of our planet will be.

thank you.

Let me start off with the differences between the zetas, as postulated by the so-called 'rogue' zetas, which would be the P45Ks, in Burisch parlance. As you probably have come to understand by the numbers involved, the zetas that were most in communication with Majestic, and the one that Dan Burisch interfaced with (Chi'el'ah, who was allegedly a P52K zeta), were allegedly from our 'future', a future post-poleshift, post-catastrophe. According to Chi'el'ah (who was an STS double-agent, which is why this is a complicated matter), the zetas who 'crash-landed' at Roswell were P24Ks, meaning they came from 24 thousand years ahead in our future. Think of the "P" as being "Present time", then "24K" for 24 thousand years from now. That would mean the P45Ks are from 45 thousand years in our future, and the P52Ks from 52 thousand years in our future. Chi'el'ah was allegedly a P52K zeta, and they were supposedly under the control of the rogue P45K zetas.

This would all be more fascinating if it were in fact true, and not simply a complex and insidious plot by STS aliens to bamboozle the human elites, who are constantly bamboozling the human masses, which is what you and I belong to (even if you live on the Main Line west of Philly and consider yourself a member of the elite; being from Lancaster, I happen to know about the culture there). The human elites will never admit to how they were bamboozled, how they made deals with these Selfish Ones who promised them all sorts of technology, including UFO craft that were 'crash-landed' in order for the US military to retrieve them and learn how to fly them. While they were allowed to do that since they had broken the quarantine before the 'Council Of Worlds' (hereafter referred to as the COW) had decreed that no human-alien interaction would be allowed to occur in the conscious minds of man except with special permission - Earth having voted to become a Service-To-Other world following our pending poleshift/housecleaning/transformation - they were still strictly prohibited from giving the human elites what they really wanted, which was dominion over the earth from the skies using the same craft or at least technology that the Soul Gardeners/Guardian Angels/Soul Ranchers use when attending to issues of vital importance on our world. Instead, the Selfish Ones, who are vying for as many souls out of the coming soul-harvest as possible, were only allowed to 'give' Majestic several (nine, to be exact; one was too big and had to be buried in place) UFO craft, which they then hauled back to Area 51 like good little worker-bees and tried to reverse-engineer them. They - the human authorities - then tried to make the craft work, but have never been allowed and will never be allowed access to the propulsion technologies. This vignette illustrates succinctly the nature of the relationship between the human pooh-bahs and the aliens that wowed them.

According to what I was able to dig up, Chi'el'ah was a "double agent", who had this secret name: Chi'el'ah. It was according to this male alien that the DCTP (Doctrine of Convergent Timelines Paradox) was used as a way to explain so-called "time travel". In this cosmology, entities can travel back to the past - but are only allowed to do so for purposes of genetics, obtaining genetic material to assist in newer life-forms that might be missing a chromosome or something similar. Apparently this is something both the STS and STO admit to, which is a rarity. And in the story/tale/tall tale told to me by both Dan Burisch himself as well as some of his gun-toting, Yahoo Messenger-cloaked security people, Dan himself was taken aboard a craft hovering over Menlo Park CA (where he lived at the time as Dan Crain), while he was out for a walk with his grandfather at the age of 9. While aboard this craft, his "soul essence" was intermingled with that of a young Michael McConnell, son of the recent Director of National Intelligence, John 'Mike' McConnell -- who was also MAJ-1, the infamous "J" or as I called him, "Dadmiral". I called him that because of what happened aboard that craft in 1973, at least as is alleged.

That's right. The "soul essence" of Michael, the son of the recent Director, Nat'l Intelligence, was alleged to have been mixed with that of Dan Crain, whose body genetics were apparently compatible with his (they were both 9 years old when this happened). Hence, ever after this, John (or "J" for short) saw young Dan Crain as housing the soul of his own, natural son. Being a former Vice-Admiral when he took on the role of the NSA director, I took to calling him "Dadmiral". As Dan himself would brag, "I have some juice with the old man". What does that mean? I looked it up; here it is, from
Respect and credibility on the street.

AKA. Sauce
"I can't be seen with them - they don't have juice."
Yes, he had "juice" all right. They grilled hot-dogs and marshmallows on small grills brought into the basement of the Masonic Temple, the "Consistory"; they even had piped-in crickets for the full effect, while the father-son outing continued in a tent specially erected in there. Oh to have been a fly on the wall at the Masonic Temple on 16th St NW Wash. DC in recent years! In fact, in almost ANY year since it was built, as that is THE most powerful building in the US, possibly even the world. Certainly more decisions involving American power were made in that building than were made in the White House or the US Capitol building; those buildings contained mostly rubber-stamp actions on decisions made at the Consistory.

Continuing....after the soul-mixing claimed in 1973, Dan Crain suddenly sparked a new interest in microscopy and astronomy, while before he'd only been interested in playing baseball. Biologists and geneticists would attribute that perhaps to puberty and the fact that weighty subjects suddenly become more attractive at that age. I contend that not only do we have arguments for genetics such as "he's your son, so don't blame MY genes", and the environmentalists, who hold that we're the consequence of a natural process upon our sensory perception and how we deal with it, but we have the matter of souls coming back into a new life form to continue their spiritual lessons. The fact that souls are reincarnating isn't a matter that's usually allowed in the discussion, but it's pertinent. What's been claimed regarding 'Michael' may in fact be true, if there was no incarnated soul in the body of the child known then as Dan Crain at that time. Or, if there was, it may have volunteered to make the 'trade' that a 'walk-in' would require if a body was already inhabited by an existing soul.

Okay, back to the DCTP then. This protocol involves certain "timelines" that are created when something is changed in the main timeline of a race, so that things get "moved around" and this moving about, making certain decisions for one reason or another, can be altered - thus necessitating a new "timeline" to accommodate an entirely different history that would result. Now I should emphasize once again that I find this DCTP but an elaborate form of bamboozlement that was foisted upon the human elite, just as the STS promises to Majestic that they could have flying saucers and thus dominate the world were also part of misleading the human PTB. At no time was I given a copy of said DCTP, or had it explained in precise step-by-step definitions and charts, etc. The only idea that carried through all that I was told was that humanity was on a specific timeline, T1 variant 183, and this was in contrast to T2, which was/is the timeline that supposedly involves the 'Great Catastrophe' (the poleshift that's on our doorstep right now). Essentially, it works like this: if no-one does anything differently than they're 'programmed' to do, history will plod along to arrive at a certain outcome that can be predetermined. In the paradigm relayed to Burisch, and hence the rest of us, the "T1" timeline that we're supposedly on is one in which the 'People' will do what is expected of them and essentially 'pray away' the Big Bad Thing, and everyone lives happily ever after, or at least relatively so. In timeline "T2", the Bad Guys will supposedly activate all the stargates simultaneously and thus cause the Great Catastrophe. That idea coexists with the idea that if enough people even so much as TALK about a poleshift, it could help manifest it. Of course that's a cover-up of the poleshift, which will NOT be caused by massive discussions of a poleshift which would manifest it, or by activating any 'stargates'; that entire paradigm was and remains a bag of bullsh*t. Nonetheless, many of the few humans that have been aware of the alien interaction and are privy to the DCTP believe that humanity is on "variant 183" and - if we hold fast to the traditional paradigm of Mom, baseball and the American Way, with lots of Judeo-Christian prayer and other rituals - will carry us through the period of 'danger' which we're still in.

Now, looking at this same situation from the "other" side, the STO (Service To Others, or the Good Guys), we can understand that if at least 89% of souls incarnated here were in fact STO (that means strictly STO and not the Undecideds, which make up the greater proportion of humankind), that means that this world - Earth - could ascend into 4th density and thus avoid the 3rd-density housecleaning mechanism known as the poleshift. However, the likelihood of that happening, of that proportion of souls incarnated here making that kind of solid spiritual decision when so many of them only have a few lives under their belts, is so slim as to be laughable. Sad but true. It doesn't matter how hard they pray, because if they aren't spiritually mature enough it has no bearing on the outcome. Of the nearly 7 billion humans lurching about on the surface of Earth, approximately 1 billion are 'star children', which means their souls have come from other worlds than Earth, and have volunteered to come here to help assist humanity in its development. Most 'star children' don't even know their souls aren't native to Earth, except for the really mature ones who sense it. Even if they did, their modesty would put that fact on the back burner. Then, there is another billion - approximately - of native Terran-grown souls that are the 'harvest'; some of them have lived enough lives to be 'mature' and have firmly decided on an STO path (the average number of human lives needed to be lived to achieve graduation is somewhere between 900 and a thousand....think of it as similar to the process of tempering steel). The rest of humanity - approx. 5 billion - are essentially soul-less, though because every single one has the same potential, is treated with the same reverence as anyone with an incarnated soul, because all it takes is a spiritual dilemma for any one of those human bodies to 'spark' a soul; the neuron activity that's activated by using Free Will creates that first 'spark', and throughout life, once the first spiritual decision has been made, additional 'sparks' will add mass to that soul. At some point, there is enough accumulated soul essence that it wouldn't dissipate upon death, and is sufficient to be 'harvested' or, in the normal course of events, escorted to a 'debriefing' and conference in which it is determined where the soul will go next for additional lessons and missions.

You're probably wondering what all this talk about 'souls' has to do with "timelines", but as I mentioned, such things as avoiding the Great Catastrophe/poleshift, meaning the difference between the T1 and T2 timelines, has to do with the collective spiritual decisions humanity makes, and those decisions are based on the maturity of individual souls. Even if a human is conscious of these things, and knows that it will take an immense amount of spiritual energy, does not mean this can be done by conscious application (i.e. "pray the bad thing away").

Now, according to the DCTP and how the zetas explained their special relationship to humanity, they are supposedly "us", from one of our possible futures. Their insect-like appearance allegedly came from the fact that their progenitors had to go underground, into the bunkers, to escape the effects of the poleshift (that would mean the current human elite, who have many hidey-holes prepared for them, while they are planning on letting the masses to experience the poleshift topside). While down there, their bodies and progeny gradually adapt to living underground and in low light settings. Eventually, they exit the bunkers and find a way to get off-planet and go find a more hospitable world to inhabit. At least this is what was told to me, to explain the "P24Ks", the "P45Ks" and the "P52Ks". I have learned otherwise, that the zetas are not "us" from a distant future, but are interbreeding with us with their hybrid program so that they will 'share' the new Earth with the STO humans that are harvested; this is a "second chance" for the Zetas, who ruined their home world with nuclear wars, and since Earth has been a bastardized race, the COW has decreed that humanity can 'share' the new Earth with our shepherds. Read Oahspe for the best understanding of how alien races have 'shepherded' us through previous poleshifts; you can read it for free at or along with all the other books humanity reveres for spiritual knowledge.

Now, I put those claims (about the P24Ks, P45Ks, P52Ks) under the "Emperor's New Clothes"; by telling Majestic they're from our future, they instill a self-governing mechanism within the Maji to prevent them from questioning them too much. Because the zetas have superior abilities to understand the 'future', both STS and STO, they can always bamboozle the human elites, who are like so many ants to them. The STO zetas, who have been given the responsibility and privileges, essentially the "contracts for the rebuild", have the ability to telepathically 'read' the minds of any human, and thus know their intentions and can easily prevent Majestic from doing anything too stupid. There is absolutely no defense against such a thing, but as the STO zetas are entrusted with shepherding humanity through this Transformation, and are the real 'good guys', anyone of good heart and intent should have no worries about them doing this. However, the Maji are predominantly STS, are extremely selfish and exploitative of humanity as it is, and the STS zetas (who may share the same zeta genetics with their STO brethren) are the ones who broke the quarantine to tell Majestic of the poleshift BEFORE ROSWELL in order to set the stage to make sure they got more of the soul-harvest than they otherwise would. By arranging a flying saucer 'crash', years before Roswell, they were able to relay to Prescott Bush - among others - the truth about what's coming; this is how it came to pass that George W Bush was actually one of at least 4 'clones' (actually zygotes; Barbara Bush carried two, and apparently 6 other women carried the others.....all essentially 'twins'; what do you call it when there are say 14 identical offspring?) and much of US policy, both foreign and domestic, has been guided by the elites' awareness of what's coming. That includes their murdering of JFK and arranging for the events of 9/11/2001, but that's another part of the story that doesn't belong here.

Before I digressed, I was trying to explain how it is that the STS zetas can also 'know' more than the elite humans that they're trying to bamboozle into enacting their agenda. The STO have telepathic abilities, thus no need for machinery of any kind to 'know' the minds of humans. With the STS, it's a bit more complicated; since they cannot read minds, they have to use their technology, which is superior to what humans currently have, so that anything too advanced, too "awesome" for us to understand, is relegated to the field of "magic" and similar concepts. In the case of the STS, they have advanced computers that can extrapolate "futures" based on current trajectories, and those "futures" can range from the microcosmic and personal (how Dan was warned of his then-wife Debbie's pending broken ankle on the weekend of their Cabrillo Bay operation two weeks in advance) to the macrocosmic and general (the "T1" and "T2" timelines). If you have ever watched "Paycheck", starring Ben Affleck, then you'll know that it involves a "Looking Glass" that shows the future. In fact, that movie - like many Hollywood films - is actually based on Dan Burisch's work and the "Looking Glass" that he personally witnessed. I even talk about this in my appearance on William Shatner's "Weird Or What" show, in episode 7 of Season 3 (now available on Netflix lol). Essentially, the super-computers the STS aliens had, and which we reverse-engineered in order to have our own device, which is the "Looking Glass" Burisch often discusses, were able to project possible futures into visuals that showed these possible futures (T1, and the "variant 183" among other variants; the listing of the casualties by continent that appears on is actually based on one of the last showings of the Looking Glass in Oct of 2005).

Most of the time, if there are no 'independent actors' involved, those super-computers can extrapolate a near-perfect future up to about 2 weeks in advance of the present. After that, the factors involved (due to the many possible choices offered up by the exercise of Free Will) bring down the certainty of any projected future. Because most people plod along in their lives without any motivation to upend their reality, to challenge authority, a relatively stable 'future' can be planned; once certain factors are added in (say the dramatic shifts in temperature that occur on a weekly basis now), then commodity 'futures' can be affected, pushing prices way up, which means certain people will be adversely affected, which means compensating actions have to be taken in preparation, etc. This is only a short summation of the situation, because many factors then become involved and that in turn affects potential "timelines" and their sub-variants.

As for abductions. This is a very delicate subject, as I've found many abductees who consciously aren't able to grasp what their subconscious, their "soul", has done by volunteering to participate in becoming a "parent" to the new model of humanoid that will replace homo sapiens. According to Majestic lore, they reluctantly agreed to let the aliens (the zetas) "abduct" certain humans for purposes of "experimentation", for "monitoring" and for the purpose of creating hybrids. Let there be no mistake: despite Majestic "agreeing" to such a thing, no human being is abducted without his permission; in fact, not just 'permission', but they have to volunteer for this. Most abductions are done for the purpose of creating the hybrids by the 'good guys' who have the 'contracts for the rebuild'; either genetic material is taken in the form of tissue samples, from certain organs, etc, or sperm and eggs are taken and used in the breeding of the hybrid race that's coming, a race I call "homo reticulus" because of the interbreeding with the zeta race from Zeta Reticuli. The flesh-suits we inhabit are only built to last an average of 79 years anyway; the newer ones will have a longer life-span and such things as the brain will have only a single lobe, not a left/right brain division as we currently have. Telepathic abilities will be enhanced as well, and the new race will be mostly hairless and of a single color......there's a reason why Betty and Barney Hill were chosen as the first 'abductees' - they were a mixed-race couple (he was black, and Betty was white), and Betty drew a star map of what later was discovered to be a star map showing the Zeta Reticuli star system. For the same reason, the soul of Abraham Lincoln (himself originally a 'star child', i.e. a soul from elsewhere) was tapped - he 'volunteered' to come back and help shepherd the human race through the violence of the poleshift part of the Transformation - and he chose the body of Barry Soetoro because Barry was a child of a mixed-race couple (my best friend went to school with Barry in the 1970s in Hawaii, by curious coincidence). The 'good guys' have encouraged the races to mix, to blend, to synthesize, to homogenize, and America the Melting Pot was part of their original agenda to help encourage that all along.

Again I digressed a bit, but the point is that most abductions are conducted by the STO zetas for the purpose of constructing a large number of hybrids that are currently stored in select bases on Earth in 4th density and also a large facility located in the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter. (You can see it in the form of an 'egg' located on the map of the solar system on the back of the 10-franc Swiss bank note published in 1984, along with the elliptical orbit of Nibiru and the so-called 'Dark Twin' of Earth that orbits in our same path.) Your own abduction, during the period abductions were occurring (they haven't since the mid- to late-Nineties, since enough hybrids were created between then and the early Sixties), would most likely have been to obtain genetic material (and your soul volunteered that; nothing is taken without the express permission of the soul within), but also may have been part of the monitoring program in which select souls volunteered to help with the preparation of humankind for the Awakening that's currently ongoing. One of my best friends, currently, is a 91-year-old veteran who was in hand-to-hand combat in WWII in the Pacific and also in the Korean War; he witnessed several UFOs while fighting the Japs in the Pacific and also as a child at age 5 in the 1920s, not to mention sightings he had throughout his adult life up until the last major sighting he had in the early 2000s. Sometimes a sighting will signal that a conference may have occurred aboard a UFO that was removed from his consciousness, the only tell-tale sign being a memory of a 'sighting'; likewise, in your case, if you have vague memories of 'sightings' you may have been taken aboard a vessel in 4th-density to have a conference with your....let's say "guardian angels", or "seraphim", or "soul gardeners", that had to do with a particular mission you were on, or are on, that may be buried in your subconscious until the time comes when you will be in a position that you've been waiting for so that you can perform a specific 'job'. For example: a soldier has an experience like this, he's not a sleeping Undecided, but a 'star child' that's volunteered to be in situation where he can prevent a wholesale massacre of civilians that are being prevented from attacking a storehouse of food, or water, or whatever.....your imagination can create many scenarios in which it would be helpful to have a soul that has the presence of mind and has been prepared for such a situation that you can help prevent a major tragedy.

By the same token, some STS souls ALSO volunteer for a mission, or they make "calls" (essentially prayers, or the opposite of prayers in which selfish people subconsciously call for assistance in eliminating a human rival or obtaining wealth and power, etc) to which the STS aliens are allowed to respond to. Whitley Strieber, author of "Communion", wrote about entities from BOTH orientations that responded to his "calls" --- sometimes an Undecided soul will put out a "call" and he'll get a response from both camps. In recent years, mass killings and such things as the zombie attacks of last year (like the fellow who chewed off the face of someone hitchhiking on a Miami freeway) are the result of selfish humans putting out "calls" and being encouraged to do these evil things in order to get prominent roles in the STS side during this soul-harvest. [Side note as it just occurred to me to add: the huge number of hybrids are necessary because in the normal course of events, new bodies are constantly becoming available for humans whose flesh-suits are expiring.....but because nearly 90% of humans will perish in the coming months and year or so, and most in a horrific manner, there won't be enough 3rd-density bodies to accommodate them, thus the new hybrid race that will come to inhabit Earth and take it through the rest of the Transformation to the point where it can graduate to 4th-density and join the COW as a fully-conscious world, without the restrictions of a quarantine.]

While this in no way will completely answer your questions, and may in fact spark outrage and denial on your part, I hope I've helped you at least a little bit in coming to grips with your own experiences and satiated somewhat your hunger for understanding the claims about the so-called P24Ks, P45Ks, and P52Ks. While I haven't addressed the Orions, I can only say that Orion is - again, allegedly - the star system that will be the new home of the majority of human souls that have not yet completed their spiritual development here on Earth, and because the new Earth that will come out of the Transformation is reserved as an STO world, and no longer a "laboratory" or "schoolhouse" or "battleground" between the spiritual orientations, the Undecided souls will have a new water planet in which to incarnate (as a marine entity similar to an octopus) where they will finish their lessons before moving on the 4th-density as either STO or STS beings. Orion also has resonance - as seen in the alignment of many Earth-bound structures such as the Giza plateau - as being the original home of the Annunaki, who supposedly had a big hand in the advancement of our DNA from Neanderthal to homo sapiens. According to the claims made by Burisch regarding his place as a treaty negotiator at the Tau-9 Conference For The Preservation of Humanity, there were representatives of not only the P45Ks (the 'rogues', who were 'arrogant' and supposedly controlled the P52Ks, who were also there) but also beings from Orion, who also allegedly represented 'light beings' from 4th density who could not participate in the treaty negotiations. If such a treaty conference indeed took place at Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico in the 2005 time-frame, all traces of the building and facilities were removed or it took place in a location in the park that isn't viewable, since I went there in person to see if I could validate that claim.

Much more can be said on these subjects, but I'll rest my case for the moment and if you have any follow-up questions, I'll do my best to share what little insight I can offer. Best of luck in your search for answers in the meanwhile.

Just my too sense,


Back later with my report of what's going on with the WalMart SuperCenter in Florida that closed abruptly along with the other Jade Helm-related WalMart closings.

"We seek a free flow of information... we are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people."-John F. Kennedy, Feb. 26th, 1962.

Sun Jun 28, 2015 5:05 pm
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
I wonder if this is true -- and if so, what the implications are:

Obama to Sign Executive Order Stripping Texas of Statehood Ahead of Jade Helm 15

..."WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Obama will issue an executive order next week stripping Texas of statehood while creating a sovereign nation-state between the U.S. and Mexico, a White House official speaking on condition of anonymity told The Washington Post today. Effective July 1st, the laws governing the United States, including the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and, additionally, the Geneva Conventions, will no longer apply to Texas or its residents..."

Read the rest at the link.. ... e-helm-15/

Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:55 pm
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
Seriously, Lynn? You really think Obama would play that kind of "straw man" role? I'd use the ROTF&LMAO icon but I sense you actually might think there's some merit to the claim he would do such a thing. That would of course play right into the hands of the secessionists and give them exactly the excuse they would need; anyone seriously thinking Obama would do such a thing has seriously underestimated his intelligence as well as his craftiness. He's not stupid, but the people playing him for a sucker seem to be.

I call B.S. on it and anything that smacks of it; sounds like another Soros-funded op, like "black lives matter" (as if they didn't, and suddenly need to), intended to polarize the populace and necessitate the need for force to protect the elite's hidey-holes and property in general.

"We seek a free flow of information... we are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people."-John F. Kennedy, Feb. 26th, 1962.

Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:14 pm
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
Really Don, nothing surprises me anymore. We have Bruce Jenner running around in a dress and make up. Go figure.

Personally, these are my favorites:

:yamon :popcorn :awe

(to answer the question, I don't know one way or the other if it might be true, or not, but if I had to pick, I would have picked no.)

Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:59 am
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Post Democratic Republic is dead, long live Oligarchy & Plutocrac
Experts predict that the 2016 race could produce a record fund-raising haul of as much as $10 billion, with the growth fueled by well-financed outside groups
:headbang ... .html?_r=0

Money rules, controlled by the PTB :arsehole

The Electoral College, gerrymandering, photo IDs and other voter suppression tactics are just some of the practices that keep America from being a democracy

we are not a Republic because our elected leaders no longer rule by law or by what their constituents want. Instead, our officials rule by the wishes of corporations and billionaires. ... 16872.html

How can Americans continue to support politics, when the PTB, Republican and Democrat agenda is taking freedom away from Humanity?

Peace to all, though Justice, liberty, and truth.

Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:09 pm
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Post Re: Democratic Republic is dead, long live Oligarchy & Pluto
mountaintiger7 wrote:
How can Americans continue to support politics, when the PTB, Republican and Democrat agenda is taking freedom away from Humanity?

Exactly MT7 - how can the world population continue to do so - every country has a cancer in politics local!

It's time for revolutionary change - vote out multi party politics - Vote in people's democracy. Elect leaders on merit with a fixed term. Have oversight to performance and fire those who can't perform. No bankers. Open barter trade with crypto currency.

Iceland has steamed ahead with its bankers in jail!

Politics is a dead horse. :fu

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Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:46 pm
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014


Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:25 pm
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Post Re: Democratic Republic is dead, long live Oligarchy & Pluto
Sky wrote:
mountaintiger7 wrote:
How can Americans continue to support politics, when the PTB, Republican and Democrat agenda is taking freedom away from Humanity?

Exactly MT7 - how can the world population continue to do so - every country has a cancer in politics local!

It's time for revolutionary change - vote out multi party politics - Vote in people's democracy. Elect leaders on merit with a fixed term. Have oversight to performance and fire those who can't perform. No bankers. Open barter trade with crypto currency.

Iceland has steamed ahead with its bankers in jail!

Politics is a dead horse. :fu

I agree completely. I've said it here before: We have a two-headed-one-party system. A vote for any Democrat OR any Republican is a vote to continue the status quo. No matter what party is in charge the same agenda moves forward.

Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:37 pm
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
The cracks will be first noted with the collapse of how currency is created by Banks.

Anyone heard of Gold Farming yet? Wow - strange ways of spreading value boiling out in the stangest places - or are they really strange? This is people creating new currencies.

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Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:58 pm
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
i will say it again - we are the solution - not our governments.

I do declare that I am as of now changing my opinion of Russel Brand - he is not a Pratt!


We all have the choice to exercise Free Will.
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Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:10 am
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
The Awakeing of Mankind - Russell Brand Short Film


Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:19 am
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
On a lighter note - How cool is this?

How Turmeric Will Light Up The Future – Literally! ... literally/

I love it when science works FOR humanity... :clap

We all have the choice to exercise Free Will.
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Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:13 am
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Post Re: Welcome to the The Golden Thread, Volume 6.8 2014
But then there are these WTF moments - like this one ....

'Spit of Satan' Solar Flare Seen In Extreme Ultraviolet Light

Over about 4 hours on June 18th 2015, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured a developing flare and coronal mass ejection. This video depicts the event at multiple wavelengths. The vibrant 304 Angstrom wavelength seen at the beginning reveals material in the "lower parts of the Sun atmosphere, colorized in red."

Spit of Satan? What are these people trying to tell us? :roll

We all have the choice to exercise Free Will.
amor vincit omnia
"Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram"

Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:25 am
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