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A great, big, ole Texas hat tip to TalkingDog at Democratic Underground for this! The Four Steps Required to Keep Monsanto OUT of Your Garden by Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist on January 23, 2013 Seed catalogs are starting to arrive in mailboxes across the Northern Hemisphere with home gardeners everywhere starting to plan which seeds they will sow in their spring gardens. A positive trend in recent years is the growing number of gardening enthusiasts choosing to plant gardens using organic and/or heirloom seeds. What most of these home gardeners don’t realize is that corporate behemoth and GMO titan Monsanto has been gobbling up the seed market faster than a caterpillar can munch a tomato plant! With one fell swoop in 2005, Monsanto grabbed approximately 40% of the US vegetable seed market with its acquisition of Seminis. This means that a home gardener could unknowingly be supporting the development and proliferation of genetically modified crops if the seeds used are from Seminis. In addition, Monsanto now apparently owns many of the names of the seed varieties themselves! Planting a sustainable home garden is much more than just choosing certified organic seeds and seedlings because Monsanto has cleverly positioned itself to make money off the home gardening trend. Does this mean that even if you buy organic or heirloom seeds from a completely independent company some of your purchase might be supporting the bad guys? Yes, it does. Surprise! snip Buying Organic or Heirloom Seeds Without Supporting Monsanto Beth has done her very best to make sure the information she has uncovered is current and pertinent with updated listings for the 2013 growing season. Here are the steps she recommends for those who want to truly strike a blow for sustainability in every way with their home gardens: 1.Avoid buying from the seed companies affiliated with Monsanto. Here’s a list of these seed companies: 2.Buy from this list of companies Monsanto HASN’T bought and are not affiliated or do business with Seminis: 3.Avoid certain heirloom varieties because Monsanto now apparently owns the names. This article lists the seed varieties to avoid: 4.Ask seed companies if they have taken the Safe Seed Pledge. Here’s a list of companies that have done so: snip Read more here: 
_________________ The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - FDR
Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:15 pm |
GT Truther
Joined: Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:31 pm Posts: 2837 Location: Fennell bay N.S.W. (AUS)
Monsatan Must die!
WATCH OUT those carrots could be lethal
Monsanto Cocktails, Meet the Weeds That They Can't Beat
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Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:42 pm |
Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:55 am Posts: 3784 Location: 30 clicks N of 3030
PREDICTION: - "This story is going to be HUGE in the consciousness of Mankind in the future!" by me I believe this is not only a Eugenics principle being practiced by the Elites - but also a matter of Spiritual influence to disturb and limit the human potential to connect with the Divine! The RNA sequence is a process that takes Light from on High and signals it directly into the human genome as a communication signal. Because the Elites were unsuccessful in cloning their nefarious offspring - they chose to rob humanity of its rightful ownership of Divine heritage and communication with the Creator of All! Read and weep! Safety Group Blows Lid on Secret Virus Hidden in GMO CropsAnthony Gucciardi - February 7th, 2013 Yet another disturbing reason has emerged as to why you should be avoiding health-devastating genetically modified organisms, and it may be one of the most concerning yet. We know that GMO consumption has been linked to a host of serious conditions, but one thing we are not so sure about is the recent discovery of a hidden viral gene deep within genetically modified crops. For years, GMOs have been consumed knowingly and unknowingly around the globe, with Monsanto and the United States government claiming that the altered franken crops are perfectly safe despite very limited (or virtually none in some cases) initial testing and scientists speaking out against the dangers. One such danger that has actually not been spoken about has been revealed in a recent report by a safety watchdog group known as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Another Dirty Secret of Monsanto In the EFSA report, which can be read online, you can find (within the scientific wording) that researchers discovered a previously unknown viral gene that is known as ‘Gene VI’. What’s concerning is that not only is the rogue gene found in the most prominent GMO crops and about 63% of GMO traits approved for use (54 out of 86 to be precise), but it can actually disrupt the very biological functions within living organisms. Popular GMO crops such as Roundup-Ready soybeans, NK603, and MON810 corn were found to contain the gene that induces physical mutations. NK603 maize, of course, was also recently linked to the development of mass tumors in rats. According to Independent Science News, Gene VI also inhibits RNA silencing. As you may know, RNA silencing has been pinpointed as vital for the proper functioning of gene expression when it comes to RNA. Perhaps more topically, it is a defense mechanism against viruses in plants and animals alike. On the contrary, many viruses have developed genes that disable this protective process. Independent Science News reports that the Gene VI is one such gene. Overall, there is a degree of knowledge on Gene VI. What we do know going by information within the report is that the gene: Helps to assemble virus particles Inhibits the natural defense of the cellular system Produces proteins that are potentially problematic Makes plants susceptible to bacterial pathogens All of which are very significant effects that should be studied in depth by an independent team of scientists after GMO products are taken off the market pending further research on the entire array of associated diseases. And that does not even include the effects we are unaware of. This is yet another incident in which Monsanto and other biotech companies are getting away with an offense against the citizens of the world with (most likely) no action taken by the United States government. What we have seen, however, is nations like Russia, Poland, Hungary, and Peru taking a stand against Monsanto in direct opposition to their disregard for public safety. Russia, in fact, banned Monsanto’s GMO corn variety after it was linked to mass tumors in rats. As more and more dirty secrets come out from the GMO industry at large, it gives further reason and more support to remove GMOs as a whole from the food supply. http://naturalsociety.com/safety-group- ... -gmo-crops 
_________________ We all have the choice to exercise Free Will. amor vincit omnia "Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram"
Thu Feb 14, 2013 12:51 am |
Joined: Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:21 am Posts: 2775
Greedy Monsanto pushes for complete domination of agriculture industry, desperately taking seed rights to Supreme Court Not satisfied with being one of the world's dominant agri-business giants, Monsanto is taking its "seed rights" to the U.S. Supreme Court in an attempt to gain complete domination of the world's agricultural production. On Feb. 19, the nation's high court heard arguments in a case between Monsanto and Vernon Bowman, a 75-year-old Indiana farmer the agri-giant is suing over claims he has for years used seeds sown from a first crop of Monsanto Roundup Ready soybean seeds to grow subsequent crops. Monsanto argues that Bowman's subsequent use of seeds violates the company's patent, noting that farmers sign an agreement when they buy the seeds to use them only one time. The resulting crop can later be sold off for things like feed or oil but not to create another generation of seeds, CNBC reported. Monsanto - What's ours is ours The agri-giant claims that reusing its seeds is much like stealing a copyrighted song or DVD. But Bowman and scores of other farmers believe that forcing them to buy new seeds every year is nothing more than a monopoly, and that Monsanto's patent should then "expire" after the first crop is grown. So far, the federal courts have sided with Monsanto. A lower court agreed with the agri-giant but Bowman appealed, much to the chagrin of corporate America, which was surprised when the nation's highest court agreed to hear the case. ... how long should a company be compensated for something hard to create but easy to copy? That's what the high court will decide, and it's why there are other companies interested in how the high court will rule. Filing amicus (friend of the court) briefs in support of the agri-giant is a broad array of industries, from the Business Software Association, which represents companies like Microsoft and Intel, to biotech firms and other soybean farmers who are worried that the prices of Monsanto seeds could skyrocket if it loses or that the company may scale back on its research and development. A Monsanto loss "would effectively eliminate the incentive to discover and develop new genetically-engineers plants," the American Intellectual Property Law Association wrote in its brief. But would that be so bad? And what about the fact that more U.S. farmers are moving away from GM seeds because of the development of "superweeds" that are resistant to Roundup? con. http://www.naturalnews.com/039175_Monsa ... ights.html
_________________ "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein
Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:49 am |
Joined: Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:21 am Posts: 2775
'Monsanto Protection Act' signed into law Obama has signed the "Monsanto Protection Act" into law, .... The Monsanto Protection Act, part of the HR 933 continuing resolution, allows Monsanto to override U.S. federal courts on the issue of planting experimental genetically engineered crops all across the country. Even if those experimental crops are found to be extremely dangerous or to cause a runaway crop plague, the U.S. government now has no judicial power to stop them from being planted and harvested.As ibtimes.com reports, the bill "effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of GMO or GE crops and seeds, no matter what health consequences from the consumption of these products may come to light in the future." GMOs now evade all regulations: America has become a grand Monsanto experiment. snip A Food Democracy Now petition now states: With the Senate passage of the Monsanto Protection Act, biotech lobbyists are one step closer to making sure that their new GMO crops can evade any serious scientific or regulatory review. This dangerous provision, the Monsanto Protection Act, strips judges of their constitutional mandate to protect consumer and farmer rights and the environment, while opening up the floodgates for the planting of new untested genetically engineered crops, endangering farmers, citizens and the environment. ...This Monsanto Protect Act, says the Center for Food Safety, is "an unprecedented attack on U.S. judicial review of agency actions" and "a major violation of the separation of powers." snip The provision's language was apparently written in collusion with Monsanto. Lawmakers and companies working together to craft legislation is by no means a rare occurrence in this day and age. But the fact that Sen. Roy Blunt, Republican of Missouri, actually worked with Monsanto on a provision that in effect allows them to keep selling seeds, which can then go on to be planted, even if it is found to be harmful to consumers, is stunning. Who opposed the Monsanto Protection Act? Democratic Senator John Tester. As the NY Daily News reports: Full article here: http://www.naturalnews.com/039668_Monsa ... _GMOs.html
_________________ "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein
Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:41 am |
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Joined: Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:59 am Posts: 6532 Location: Friendswood, TX
“Monsanto Protection Act”: Anti-GMO Conspiracy Theorists Lose It Over Minor Deregulation by DAVID BIER on 03.28.2013
Anti-GMO conspiracy theorists are losing it over a minor deregulatory provision in Congress’s short-term appropriations bill. Infowars.com declares, “Senate passes Monsanto Protection Act, granting Monsanto power over U.S. government.” The Daily Sheeple calls the provision, “the most dangerous food act ever to pass the US Congress.” Food Democracy Now claims that “Monsanto and the biotech industry are working behind closed doors to undermine your basic rights.”
So what is this “most dangerous food act ever” that “undermines our basic rights” and “grants Monsanto power over the U.S. government”? Well, Russia Today (RT) news claims that “it would strip federal courts of the authority to immediately halt the planting and sale of genetically modified (GMO) seed crop regardless of any consumer health concerns.” But this is entirely false, as is nearly every other claim being spread about the bill.
In the first place, the USDA has no statutory authority to regulate recombinant DNA-modified crops. But it seized the authority under a provision that permits them to classify plants as “pests.” This provision was meant to prevent farmers from spreading plant diseases, insects, or weedy and invasive plants that could harm other farms. According to USDA, all biotech crops are “pests” under section 411 of the Plant Protection Act until they apply for “non-regulated status.”
In August 2010, the Center for Food Safety and some organic farmers who may stand to gain by injuring their competition managed to convince a court to void the five-year-old approval of GE sugar beet seeds. This decision, in effect, reverted the sugar beets to “pest” status. In November 2010, a federal judge ordered the sugar beet seedlings pulled from the ground, as required by law. But by this point, nearly 95 percent of domestic sugar beet production was from GE seeds. In other words, if the decision had stood, it could have destroyed as much as half of America’s granulated sugar production on purely procedural grounds.
The so-called “Monsanto Protection Act” actually does nothing to protect Monsanto. Rather, it protects the farmers that bought Monsanto seeds and planted them under the belief that it was legal to do so by granting them temporary permits for their existing crops and seeds, which have already been subjected to extensive USDA scrutiny. It does not allow them to keep planting where there are proven health risks or to keep planting at all in fact. In other words, it has nothing to do with “consumer health concerns” or “stripping federal courts of the authority to halt the planting or sale of GMO seed crop” as the RT story claims. In fact, the sale of GE seeds would still be prohibited after a court finding.
The Monsanto Protection Act has nothing to do with consumer safety, limited liability, or as this ridiculous Salon.com article puts it, “protecting the biotech giant from litigation.” If GMOs actually injure your health, you are still entitled to sue. This effort is minor regulatory reform that was long overdue. As GMO expert Gregory Conko noted in his December 2010 article in Nature Biotechnology, the USDA should have “heeded the advice of the scientific community some 25 years ago and chosen not to subject the products of recombinant DNA technology to special, discriminatory government regulation.”
Read more here:
Please remember, folks, the President of the United States does NOT have a line item veto.
This means President Obama had two choices:
1. Sign the entire budget resolution (with this rider attached); or
2. Veto the entire budget resolution and throw the US into default.
And, I might add, this budget resolution (with the Monsanto rider attached) was passed by both the House and the Senate prior to going to President Obama for signature.
See how this works? See why we need to give the Office of the President the same (i.e., line item veto powers) powers most State governors already have?
This is why.
I've read so much today about "Obama sells out the US" that it makes me sick. No he didn't - your CONgress did!
_________________ The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - FDR
Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:36 pm |
Joined: Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:21 am Posts: 2775
(L posted this article on the other Monsanto thread, so I took the liberty of copying it here since it is on the same topic as Blue's post above.) This should be criminal both on Monsatan & CONgress MONSANTO PROTECTION ACT SLIPS SILENTLY THROUGH CONGRESSThe US House of Representatives quietly passed a last-minute addition to the Agricultural Appropriations Bill for 2013 last week - including a provision protecting genetically modified seeds from litigation in the face of health risks. The rider, which is officially known as the Farmer Assurance Provision, has been derided by opponents of biotech lobbying as the “Monsanto Protection Act,” as it would strip federal courts of the authority to immediately halt the planting and sale of genetically modified (GMO) seed crop regardless of any consumer health concerns. The provision, also decried as a “biotech rider,” should have gone through the Agricultural or Judiciary Committees for review. Instead, no hearings were held, and the piece was evidently unknown to most Democrats (who hold the majority in the Senate) prior to its approval as part of HR 993, the short-term funding bill that was approved to avoid a federal government shutdown. Senator John Tester (D-MT) proved to be the lone dissenter to the so-called Monsanto Protection Act, though his proposed amendment to strip the rider from the bill was never put to a vote. As the US legal system functions today, and largely as a result of prior lawsuits, the USDA is required to complete environmental impact statements (EIS) prior to both the planting and sale of GMO crops. The extent and effectiveness to which the USDA exercises this rule is in itself a source of serious dispute. The reviews have been the focus of heated debate between food safety advocacy groups and the biotech industry in the past. In December of 2009, for example, Food Democracy Now collected signatures during the EIS commenting period in a bid to prevent the approval of Monsanto’s GMO alfalfa, which many feared would contaminate organic feed used by dairy farmers; it was approved regardless. Previously discovered pathogens in Monsanto’s Roundup Ready corn and soy are suspected of causing infertility in livestock and to impact the health of plants. So, just how much of a victory is this for biotech companies like Monsanto? Critics are thus far alarmed by the very way in which the provision made it through Congress -- the rider was introduced anonymously as the larger bill progressed through the Senate Appropriations Committee. Now, groups like the Center for Food Safety are holding Senator Mikulski (D-MD), chairman of that committee, to task and lobbing accusations of a “backroom deal” with the biotech industry. As the Washington Times points out, the provision’s success is viewed by many as a victory by companies like Syngenta Corp, Cargill, Monsanto and affiliated PACs that have donated $7.5 million to members of Congress since 2009, and $372,000 to members of the Senate Appropriations Committee. It remains unclear whether the bill’s six-month expiration means that the provision will be short-lived. Regardless, Food Democracy Now has begun a campaign calling on US President Barack Obama to veto the Continuing Resolution spending bill, which seems unlikely as HR 933 includes a sweeping amount of government funding. http://rt.com/usa/monsanto-congress-silently-slips-830/http://www.fourwinds10.net/siterun_data ... 364386953L
_________________ "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein
Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:17 am |
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_________________ The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - FDR
Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:02 pm |
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This is the second of the links coming together to break Monsatan! Is world's most popular weed killer causing Parkinson's? New study shows Roundup herbicide also could be linked to cancer and infertility http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... ds-newsxml 
_________________ We all have the choice to exercise Free Will. amor vincit omnia "Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram"
Sat Apr 27, 2013 8:19 am |
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We have two seperate Monsatan threads going I wonder if we shuold merge them or at the very least get them into the same Forum 
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Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:29 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:31 pm Posts: 2837 Location: Fennell bay N.S.W. (AUS)
Why not put them on the same thread!
_________________ I am a HIGHLY STRUNG PRIMA DONNA (atari)
Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:40 pm |
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Taxpayer Dollars Are Helping Monsanto Sell Seeds Abroad A new analysis of leaked diplomatic cables reveals a State Department working tirelessly to promote Big Ag. By Tom Philpott | Sat May. 18, 2013 3:00 AM PDT Nearly two decades after their mid-'90s debut in US farm fields, GMO seeds are looking less and less promising. Do the industry's products ramp up crop yields? The Union of Concerned Scientists looked at that question in detail for a 2009 study [1]. Short answer: marginally, if at all. Do they lead to reduced pesticide use? No; in fact, the opposite [2]. And why would they, when the handful of companies that dominate GMO seeds—Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta, Dow—are also among the globe's largest pesticide makers [3]? Monsanto's Roundup Ready seeds have given rise to an upsurge of herbicide-resistant superweeds and a torrent of herbicides [4], while insects are showing resistance to its pesticide-containing Bt crops and causing farmers to boost insecticide use [5]. What about wonder crops that would be genetically engineered to withstand drought or require less nitrogen fertilizer? So far, they haven't panned out [6]—and there's little evidence they ever will. [7] Yet despite all of these problems, the US State Department has been essentially acting as of de facto global-marketing arm of the ag-biotech industry, complete with figures as high-ranking as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton mouthing industry talking points as if they were gospel, a new Food & Water Watch analysis [8] of internal documents finds. The FWW report is based on an analysis of diplomatic cables, written between 2005 and 2009 and released in the big Wikileaks document dump of 2010. FWW sums it up: "a concerted strategy to promote agricultural biotechnology overseas, compel countries to import biotech crops and foods that they do not want, and lobby foreign governments—especially in the developing world—to adopt policies to pave the way to cultivate biotech crops." The report brims with examples of the US government promoting the biotech industry abroad. Here are a few: The State Department encouraged embassies to bring visitors—especially reporters—to the United States, which has “proven to be effective ways of dispelling concerns about biotech [crops].” The State Department organized or sponsored 28 junkets from 17 countries between 2005 and 2009. In 2008, when the US embassy was trying to prevent Poland from adopting a ban on biotech livestock feed, the State Department brought a delegation of high-level Polish government agriculture officials to meet with the USDA in Washington, tour Michigan State University and visit the Chicago Board of Trade. The USDA sponsored a trip for El Salvador’s Minister of Agriculture and Livestock to visit Pioneer Hi-Bred’s Iowa facilities and to meet with USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack that was expected to "pay rich dividends by helping [the Minister] clearly advocate policy positions in our mutual bilateral interests." The State Department hotly pushed GMOs in low-income African nations—in the face of popular opposition. Another example: this 2009 cable, [9]referenced in the FWW report, shows a State Department functionary casually requesting US taxpayer funds to to combat a popular effort to require labeling of GMO foods in Hong Kong—and boasting about successfully having done so in the past. Why focus on the GMO policy of a quasi-independent city? Hong Kong's rejection of a mandatory labeling policy "could have influential spillover effects in the region, including Taiwan, mainland China and Southeast Asia," the functionary writes, adding that her consulate had "intentionally designed [anti-labeling] programs other embassies and consulates" could use. The report also shows how the State Department hotly pushed GMOs in low-income African nations—in the face of popular opposition. In a 2009 cable, FWW shows, the US embassy in Nigeria bragged that "U.S. government support in drafting [pro-biotech] legislation as well as sensitizing key stakeholders through a public outreach program" helped pass and industry-friendly law. Working with USAID—an independent US government agency that operates under the State Department's authority—the State Department pushed similar efforts in Kenya and Ghana, FWW shows. Yet, as FWW points out, in so aggressively pushing biotech solutions abroad, State is bucking against the global consensus of ag-development experts as expressed by the 2009 International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development [10] (IAASTD [11]), a three-year project, convened by the World Bank and the United Nations and completed in 2008, to assess what forms of agriculture would best meet the world's needs in a time of rapid climate change. The IAASTD took such a skeptical view of deregulated biotech as a panacea for the globe's food challenges that Croplife America, the industry's main industry lobbying group, saw fit to denounce [12] it. The US government backed up the biotech lobby on this one—just three of the 61 governments [13] that participated refused to sign the IAASTD: the Bush II-led United States, Canada, and Australia. So why why are our corps of diplomats behaving as if they answered to Monsanto's shareholders with regard to ag policy? My guess is GMO seed technology, dominated by Monsanto, as well as our towering crops corn and soy crops (which are at this point almost completely from GM seeds) are two of the few areas of global trade wherein the US still generates a trade surplus [14]. The website of the State Department's Biotechnology and Textile Trade Policy Division [15] puts it like this: In 2013, the United States is forecasted to export $145 billion in agricultural products, which is $9.2 billion above fiscal 2012 exports, and have a trade surplus of $30 billion in our agricultural sector. I guess US presidents, Democratic and Republican alike, are bent on preserving and expanding that surplus. President Obama altered much about US foreign policy when he took over for President Bush in 2009; but he doesn't seem to have changed a thing when it comes to pushing biotech on the global stage. And the impulse is not confined to the State Department. Back in 2009, when Obama needed to appoint someone to lead agriculture negotiations at the US Trade Office, he went straight to the ag-biotech industry, tapping [16] the vice president for science and regulatory affairs at CropLife America, Islam A. Siddiqui, who still holds that post today. Meanwhile, the State Department operates an Office of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Textile Trade Affairs [17], which exists [18] in part to "maintain open markets for U.S. products derived from modern biotechnology" and "promote acceptance of this promising technology." The office's biotechnology page [18] is larded with language that reads like boilerplate from Monsanto promo material [19]: "Agricultural biotechnology helps farmers increase yields, enabling them to produce more food per acre while reducing the need for chemicals, pesticides, water, and tilling. This provides benefits to the environment as well as to the health and livelihood of farmers." Source URL: This makes me so sick, I posted the entire story hoping folks here will forward it to everyone they know. Go to the link above to see the references listed in the article. 
_________________ The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - FDR
Sat May 18, 2013 10:42 am |
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Shared on FB and tweeted. Just one more brick in the wall.....
_________________ "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein
Sat May 25, 2013 12:07 pm |
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Cannons abruptly end Monsanto protest Saturday, May 25, 2013
A 21-cannon salute to Texas’ fallen soldiers on Saturday created chaos on the Capitol’s south steps, where hundreds of people had gathered to protest the agriculture company Monsanto.
Monika Mota, who works for the Austin Center for Peace and Justice and organized the local March Against Monsanto, said a Texas Department of Public Safety trooper told her the cannons would be fired just moments before the blasts were heard. She was given a five-minute warning, she said, but didn’t get a chance to warn attendees in time.
“He said they were fired faster than he expected,” said Mota. “There was someone singing, and I thought I had more time. It was awful; people started running, because no one knew what was happening.”
Protesters scattered, children started to cry and about 50 people fled from the Capitol, apparently believing they were under attack, she said. Mota said she told attendees not to be alarmed, but they were.
“I wish they could have given me a little more warning,” Mota said.
A spokesman for Texas DPS said “DPS did give the event organizers prior notification.” The State Preservation Board schedules all events at the Capitol, and a call seeking a comment was not immediately returned.
Paddy Tawada, an Austinite who attended the protest, said the scene was shocking and extremely upsetting. About 4,000 people had RSVP’d for the event on Facebook, she said, but because of heavy rain, attendance was closer to 1,000.
“I was glad all of those people didn’t show up, because if those cannons had gone off with 4,000 people here, it would have been much worse,” she said. “But if we’re going to come together as people, we should have been informed.”
The event was among many that took place simultaneously across the country to protest genetically modified organisms. The group gathered early Saturday at Brush Square Park and marched down Congress Avenue to the Capitol, where several speakers and musicians then took the stage.
No place but Texas! Sigh!!!!
_________________ The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - FDR
Sat May 25, 2013 3:03 pm |
Joined: Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:21 am Posts: 2775
What a "coincidence", yeah sure. LOTS going on around the marches. FB censoring pictures and posts re yesterday's marches. Exclusive: Facebook censors pictures of children rallying against GMOs during global March Against Monsanto In one of the most devastating acts of destruction of its own credibility, Facebook engaged in yet more censorship of Free Speech with the suspending of an account that posted a photo of children rallying against Monsanto during today's global March Against Monsanto. The picture shows two children of Natural News reader Andrea Lalama. They are carrying hand-drawn signs that read: "ORGANIC FOOD It's My Medicine - Label GMOs - Say NO to GMO" and "BIOPESTICIDES = AUTISM - SAY NO TO GMO" After this picture was shared on Facebook by Natural News, Andrea's account was immediately suspended. Facebook displayed a message on her account which read (see screen capture, below): "FACEBOOK: You have been restricted from Interacting With Pages until Saturday, June 8, 2013 at 6:47pm." At this point, Andrea can only re-post other people's content but is disallowed from posting her own content. Why? Because children with signs are obviously very, very dangerous to the establishment. snip (screenshots of FB comments and those of others on Andrea's page) Another woman, Georgia Gallucci, was also censored by Facebook As the following screen capture shows, another FB user named Georgia Gallucci also had her account suspended by Facebook after "reposting a friend's photo from the Monsanto March." snip Yet another account called "Reversing Autism" was also suspended by Facebook for posting Monsanto march photos. The following screen capture shows the Reversing Autism account being labeled by Facebook as posting content that is "abusive." snip Facebook previously censored Natural News for posting a quote from Gandhi Remember, Facebook previously censored a Gandhi quote infographic, claiming it violated its "community guidelines." Facebook hit Natural News with a "final warning" and threatening to permanently delete the Natural News account. Facebook has also been caught in the outrageous abuse of Free Speech through the censorship of people who have all sorts of non-mainstream views, including people who believe in the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. So this Facebook censorship is nothing new, and in light of recent revelations that the U.S. government engaged in an outrageous abuse of power to threaten, intimidate and silence certain groups through the IRS, many people are now questioning whether Facebook actually is part of the government surveillance grid that intentionally suppresses information the government doesn't want to be seen. More reporting to follow on Natural News… http://www.naturalnews.com/040484_Faceb ... rally.html
_________________ "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein
Sun May 26, 2013 6:16 pm |
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_________________ The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - FDR
Mon May 27, 2013 8:17 am |
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Hat tip to Ashling at Democratic Underground for this:
_________________ The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - FDR
Mon May 27, 2013 8:20 am |
Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:55 am Posts: 3784 Location: 30 clicks N of 3030
Extensive List of Politicians Paid Off By Monsantoby Anthony Gucciardi May 28th, 2013 Democrat, Republican, it doesn’t matter. As long as you can help Monsanto slide its icy tentacles into the food chain, then there’s some financial tip available to you. Thankfully, many such ties can be exposed through some data digging, and thanks to diligent readers who send comprehensive news tips and other researchers out there, we now have an extensive list of politicians getting paid cold hard cash from GMO juggernaut Monsanto. Keep in mind these are the figures we know, which means that behind the scenes expect these numbers to multiply extensively. But what is most amazing is that these politicians just don’t care that you know they’re receiving thousands of dollars from Monsanto! They sweep it under the carpet, but they are openly taking money from this corporation that has been caught running ‘slave-like’ rings and disregarding public health. We’re talking about a corporation that primarily aided in the creation of Agent Orange — the Vietnam-era chemical weapon that killed over 400,000 people and led to 500,000 plus birth defects. Looking at these figures, over $260,000 was openly pumped into the House, and $122,000 was pumped into the Senate. And again, this is openly. I’m speculating, but I would imagine the real number to easily be in the millions. Can you imagine how much they must pay these politicians to shoot down GMO labeling bills that 90 plus percent of the entire country wants? Or how about the nice chunk of cash that Monsanto paid Senator Roy Blunt to ‘help write’ the Monsanto Protection Act that grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts? Roy’s cash payment is not included in this list, however RT reports he received $64,250 towards his campaign from the company. Surely they expected nothing in return. Politicians Paid By Monsanto House of Representatives: Total paid by Monsanto to Democrats: $72,000 Total paid by Monsanto to Republicans: $190,500 Barrow, John (D-GA) $2,500 Bishop, Sanford (D-GA) $5,000 Boehner, John (R-OH) $10,000 Braley, Bruce (D-IA) $5,000 Camp, Dave (R-MI) $5,000 Cantor, Eric (R-VA) $10,000 Clay, William L Jr (D-MO)$10,000 Cleaver, Emanuel (D-MO) $5,000 Conaway, Mike (R-TX) $2,000 Courtney, Joe (D-CT) $4,500 Crawford, Rick (R-AR) $2,500 Fincher, Steve (R-TN) $8,000 Gardner, Cory (R-CO) $7,500 Goodlatte, Bob (R-VA) $4,500 Graves, Sam (R-MO) $5,000 Griffin, Tim (R-AR) $1,000 Guthrie, Brett (R-KY) $1,000 Hanabusa, Colleen (D-HI)$5,000 Hannemann, Mufi (D-HI) $1,000 Hartzler, Vicky (R-MO) $3,000 Holden, Tim (D-PA) $1,000 Huelskamp, Tim (R-KS) $2,500 Hultgren, Randy (R-IL) $2,500 Jenkins, Lynn (R-KS) $2,500 Johnson, Timothy (R-IL) $3,000 King, Steven A (R-IA) $2,500 Kingston, Jack (R-GA) $7,000 Kinzinger, Adam (R-IL) $3,500 Kissell, Larry (D-NC) $5,000 Labrador, Raul (R-ID) $2,000 LaMalfa, Doug (R-CA) $1,000 Landry, Jeff (R-LA) $1,000 Latham, Tom (R-IA) $10,000 Loebsack, David (D-IA) $5,000 Long, Billy (R-MO) $2,500 Lucas, Frank D (R-OK) $10,000 Luetkemeyer, Blaine (R-MO)$5,000 Lungren, Dan (R-CA) $1,000 McIntyre, Mike (D-NC) $1,000 Neugebauer, Randy (R-TX)$1,000 Noem, Kristi (R-SD) $1,000 Nunes, Devin (R-CA) $3,500 Owens, Bill (D-NY) $2,000 Peterson, Collin (D-MN) $10,000 Rogers, Hal (R-KY) $7,500 Rokita, Todd (R-IN) $5,000 Roskam, Peter (R-IL) $1,000 Schilling, Bobby (R-IL) $3,000 Schock, Aaron (R-IL) $5,000 Shimkus, John M (R-IL) $5,000 Simpson, Mike (R-ID) $10,000 Smith, Adrian (R-NE) $5,000 Stutzman, Marlin (R-IN) $5,000 Thompson, Bennie G (D-MS)$10,000 Thompson, Glenn (R-PA) $1,000 Upton, Fred (R-MI) $5,000 Valadao, David (R-CA) $2,500 Wagner, Ann L (R-MO) $10,000 Walden, Greg (R-OR) $1,000 Walorski, Jackie (R-IN) $2,500 Womack, Steve (R-AR) $1,000 Senate Total paid by Monsanto to Democrats: $37,500 Total paid by Monsanto to Republicans: $85,000 Akin, Todd (R-MO) $3,500 Baucus, Max (D-MT) $1,000 Berg, Rick (R-ND) $10,000 Blunt, Roy (R-MO) $10,000 Boozman, John (R-AR) $5,000 Casey, Bob (D-PA) $2,500 Chambliss, Saxby (R-GA) $5,000 Fischer, Deb (R-NE) $5,000 Gillibrand, Kirsten (D-NY)$1,000 Grassley, Chuck (R-IA) $2,000 Hirono, Mazie K (D-HI) $1,000 Johanns, Mike (R-NE) $1,000 Klobuchar, Amy (D-MN) $5,000 Landrieu, Mary L (D-LA) $1,000 McCaskill, Claire (D-MO)$5,000 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) $10,000 Moran, Jerry (R-KS) $2,500 Nelson, Ben (D-NE) $13,000 Rehberg, Denny (R-MT) $2,000 Risch, James E (R-ID) $3,500 Roberts, Pat (R-KS) $9,000 Stabenow, Debbie (D-MI) $8,000 Thompson, Tommy G (R-WI)$5,000 Wicker, Roger (R-MS) $1,000 Wilson, Heather A (R-NM)$2,500 http://naturalsociety.com/list-politici ... -monsanto/ 
_________________ We all have the choice to exercise Free Will. amor vincit omnia "Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram"
Tue May 28, 2013 11:22 am |
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Joined: Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:59 am Posts: 6532 Location: Friendswood, TX
I could say something really ugly but I won't. I will just let the list Sky posted above speak for itself. 
_________________ The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - FDR
Tue May 28, 2013 1:27 pm |
Joined: Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:21 am Posts: 2775
GMO genetic pollution alert: Genetically engineered wheat escapes experimental fields planted across 16 states Thursday, May 30, 2013 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) The genetic apocalypse we've been warning about for years may have already begun. The USDA just announced they found a significant amount of genetically engineered wheat growing in farm fields in Oregon. As the USDA announced yesterday, "...test results of plant samples from an Oregon farm indicate the presence of genetically engineered (GE) glyphosate-resistant wheat plants." Why is this a big deal? Because GE wheat has never been approved for commercialization or sale. These strains of GE wheat escaped from GMO field experiments conducted across 16 states by Monsanto from 1998 to 2005. As the USDA states, "Further testing by USDA laboratories indicates the presence of the same GE glyphosate-resistant wheat variety that Monsanto was authorized to field test in 16 states from 1998 to 2005." And that means genetic pollution is already out of control. The GE wheat for which Monsanto claims patent ownership is now invading farms that never planted GE wheat. All U.S. commercially-grown wheat now suspect Con. here: http://www.naturalnews.com/040541_GMO_g ... wheat.htmlThen we have this: Japan halts imports of U.S. wheat after USDA's shock finding of genetic pollution from GMOs Friday, May 31, 2013 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of NaturalNews.com (NaturalNews) It has already begun: Japan has just cancelled a large contract to purchase U.S. wheat. "We will refrain from buying western white and feed wheat effective today," Toru Hisadome, a Japanese farm ministry official in charge of wheat trading, told Reuters. As many readers well know, I predicted precisely this scenario just yesterday in a Natural News article warning about the consequences of genetic pollution. There, I wrote, "All wheat produced in the United States will now be heavily scrutinized -- and possibly even rejected -- by other nations that traditionally import U.S. wheat. This obviously has enormous economic implications for U.S. farmers and agriculture." Now we're already seeing the result: the ditching of U.S. wheat by world nations that want nothing to do with GMOs. Monsanto is a ticking time bomb for U.S. agriculture This proves, without any question, that Monsanto's genetic experiments which "escaped" into commercial wheat fields are now going to devastate U.S. wheat farmers. Expect the floor to drop out on wheat prices, and watch for a huge backlash against the USDA by U.S. farmers who stand to lose hundreds of millions of dollars on this. As the USDA has now admitted, Monsanto's GMO experiments from 1998 - 2005 were held in open wheat fields. The genetically engineered wheat escaped and found its way into commercial wheat fields in Oregon (and possibly 15 other states), causing self-replicating genetic pollution that now taints the entire U.S. wheat industry. Con. here: http://www.naturalnews.com/040572_Japan ... ution.html
_________________ "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein
Fri May 31, 2013 9:09 am |
Joined: Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:21 am Posts: 2775
China destroys three shipments of GM corn from US Wednesday, 22 May 2013 10:26 1. Wanzai Port in Zhuhai City destroyed two shipments of imported GM foods 2. Harbin intercepted a total of 115 kgs of GM corn seeds, which will be destroyed NOTE: The news items below report that in May, the Chinese government destroyed three shipments of GM corn from the US. The shipments were illegal under China’s GMO biosafety law. The law says that the Ministry of Agriculture must require environmental and food safety tests to be carried out by Chinese institutions, in order to verify data provided by the seed developer. All these documents must be reviewed by the National Biosafety Committee before the MOA can issue a safety certificate. http://bit.ly/10jvwaaYet these shipments of US corn did not have the relevant safety certificates and approval documents, according to the news reports below. con. http://gmwatch.org/index.php?option=com ... rn-from-us
_________________ "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein
Mon Jun 10, 2013 5:31 pm |
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_________________ Please Obey the Golden Rules viewtopic.php?f=31&t=3563&p=40912#p40912
Thu Jun 13, 2013 4:50 am |
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Monsanto Turns To Blackwater For Increased Security, Intelligence And ‘Infiltrate Activist Groups’ Sun, Jun 2nd, 2013 US News | By Brandon Jones Monsanto, a biotechnology farming development company, has hired the private security firm Academi, formerly known as Blackwater, to perform security work and gather intelligence amid growing public opposition to genetically modified foods, or GMOs, according to documents obtained by The Nation. One of the most incendiary details in the documents is that Blackwater, through Total Intelligence, sought to become the “intel arm” of Monsanto, offering to provide operatives to infiltrate activist groups organizing against the multinational biotech firm. – emphasis added. Some may want to point to politics to attempt to follow the money trail, but it appears to lead to both major political parties: “Democrat, Republican, it doesn’t matter. As long as you can help Monsanto slide its icy tentacles into the food chain, then there’s some financial tip available to you,” writes Nation of Change. “Looking at these figures, over $260,000 was openly pumped into the House, and $122,000 was pumped into the Senate. And again, this is openly. I’m speculating, but I would imagine the real number to easily be in the millions,” the article asserts. The Blackwater firm is well established as The Nation notes: “Kingdom of Jordan, the Canadian military and the Netherlands police, as well as several US military bases, including Fort Bragg, home of the elite Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), and Fort Huachuca, where military interrogators are trained, according to the documents.” Some believe that increased public opposition to GMO products could have sparked the Monsanto security contract, which was designed to protect its products. “Monsanto, by hiring a mercenary army and former CIA field agents, is deadly serious about protecting its deadly products. Yet, this contract further discredits the company. The public can now paint an even bleaker picture of the firm that brought us Agent Orange, PCBs, rBST, DDT, aspartame and, now, hit men,” writes blogger Randy Ananda. snip Read more here: Is it just me or does this article send a chill down your back? Good night, have mercy! 
_________________ The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - FDR
Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:50 am |
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Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2007 8:54 am Posts: 4952 Location: Canada
Now we have the worlds deadliest company hiring its own army... just frigging wonderful.
We need to shut this monster down!
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Sat Jun 15, 2013 4:41 am |
Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:55 am Posts: 3784 Location: 30 clicks N of 3030
Glyphosate (Roundup) Carcinogenic In the PARTS PER TRILLION RangeAn alarming new study finds that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup weedkiller, is estrogenic and drives breast cancer cell proliferation in the parts-per-trillion range. Does this help explain the massive mammary tumors that the only long term animal feeding study on Roundup and GM corn ever performed recently found? An alarming new study, accepted for publication in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology last month, indicates that glyphosate, the world's most widely used herbicide due to its widespread use in genetically engineered agriculture, is capable of driving estrogen receptor mediated breast cancer cell proliferation within the infinitesimal parts per trillion concentration range.[i] The study, titled, "Glyphosate induces human breast cancer cells growth via estrogen receptors," compared the effect of glyphosate on hormone-dependent and hormone-independent breast cancer cell lines, finding that glyphosate stimulates hormone-dependent cancer cell lines in what the study authors describe as "low and environmentally relevant concentrations." The results were broken down by the researchers as follows: Glyphosate induces T47D, hormone dependent breast cancer cell growth. The proliferative effect of glyphosate is mediated via estrogen receptors. Glyphosate induces ERE [Estrogen Response Element]-transcription activity via estrogen receptors. Glyphosate modulates the expression of E[strogen] R[eceptor] α and E[estrogen] R[eceptor]β in human breast cancer cells. These effects indicate that glyphosate is a 'xenoestrogen,' capable of inducing Estrogen Response Elements (EREs) in a manner, slightly weaker but functionally similar to the most potent human estrogen Estradiol (E2). Breast Cancer Proliferation More concerning is the discovery that infinitesimal glyphosate concentrations in the parts-per-trillion rage (10 to the minus 12) had proliferative (carcinogenic) effects on the studied T47D breast cancer cells line: "In this study, we found that glyphosate at a log interval concentration ranging from 10-12 to 10-6 M increased the cell proliferation of a hormorne dependent breast cancer T47D cell..." The researchers also discovered that the naturally occurring phytoestrogen in soybean known as genistein, produced "an additive estrogenic effect" when combined with glyphosate, raising the serious question as to whether GMO soybeans are contributing to the epidemic levels of breast cancer within countries like the US where they are consumed in relatively high quantities. It should be noted that the concentrations used to determine the interactive effects of glyphosate and phytoestrogen genistein in this study were modeled "as in a real world situation" by using information obtained from studies that assayed the respective levels of genistein and glyphosate in GM soybeans, as well as human plasma and urine concentrations following their consumption and/or exposure. For instance, glyphosate concentrations have been detected within human urine within the 0.1 - 233 parts per billion range on the lowest end, and an estimated systemic dose of 0.004 mg/kg on the high end. The authors stated: This finding should raise concern about the existence of more than one xenoestrogen such as phytoestrogen and contaminants in plant derived food which may be beneficial or harmful depending on the hormonal and pathological status of consumers. This study implied that the additive effect of glyphosate and genistein in postmenopausal woman may induce cancer cell growth. In this present in vitro study, we showed an estrogenicity of pure glyphosate. In summary, we found that glyphosate exhibited a weaker estrogenic activity than estradiol. Furthermore, this study demonstrated the additive estrogenic effects of glyphosate and genistein which implied that the use of glyphosate-contaminated soybean products as dietary supplements may pose a risk of breast cancer because of their potential additive estrogenicity." [emphasis added] This finding is relevant to virtually anyone who consumes genetically modified food today. GM crops, which are designed to survive glyphosate poisoning by being genetically engineered with 'glyphosate-resistance" (i.e. RoundUp Ready), are universally contaminated with glyphosate and its toxic metabolite AMPA. Furthermore, glyphosate pollution and exposure is now omnipresent, with one 2011 study finding glyphosate in 60-100% of all US air and rain samples tested, and another 2012 study finding that glyphosate widely contaminates groundwater, which is the water located beneath the ground surface, that supplies aquifers, wells and springs. It is therefore virtually impossible to hermetically seal yourself off from the growing global environmental threat by only consuming "certified organic" food. The time has come to face the fact that unless there is a systemic change in the way our GM, petrochemically-driven monocultured food production system operates, we will all experience a great deal of harm. Snip http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/breaki ... lion-range 
_________________ We all have the choice to exercise Free Will. amor vincit omnia "Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram"
Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:33 am |
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