Anonymous - Project Mayhem 2012 Warning
Published on Dec 11, 2012
Greetings citizens of the world, we are all Anonymous...
The date is 12/11/2012, over the next ten days we're going to see massive leaks, leaks that likely will prove corruption not only in governments, but in large corporations too. Project Mayhem 2012 aims to expose this corruption in hope that people use the new found knowledge for the benefit of humanity as a whole.
It has come to the attention of the collective however that there might be a way for these leaks to be used to benefit the few instead of the many. Ask yourself this, "Are the leaks being allowed to take place?" What if we're falling into one of the biggest traps ever witnessed by humanity? If the powers that be allow these leaks to take place, the results of the leaks would likely be widespread rage among many citizens.
If people respond to these leaks with anger, the elites will have a perfect excuse for a huge and public power grab. Many of the bills that have recently passed into law in the United States only require widespread civil unrest to become fully enacted. What better way to provoke civil unrest than allowing information to get out that says everything you think you've known has been a lie...
This isn't a call to stop the leaks, if used correctly the information these leaks will provide us could be used to finally bring peace between nations. Simply put we must remain peaceful, we must think rationally and use these leaks to carefully get rid of the corruption they expose. The best thing you can do is prepare yourself to hear the worse and train yourself to spread the knowledge peacefully to others.
Together we can use this information to bring peace and prosperity to all of humanity. You hold the power to make the world free and beautiful, to make life a wonderful adventure. No one can ever force you into a conflict, always remember that only through peace can we hope to find peace. If you decide to fight for peace through war, then you don't truly understand what your fighting for. The only way to secure peace is to first become the example of it.
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We are United as One, Divided by Zero.
We can Forgive.
However We will never Forget.
Expect us!