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 Boing Employee Tells all?? 
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Post Boing Employee Tells all??
All credit for this goes to Lynwood, I thought I would copy & sticky this topic for a while so it does not get buried with other topics on the GT.
Great work sifting through the thread Lyn :clap :clap

Lynwood wrote:

I saw the mention of the Boeing Employee at GLP and went to read it. I have pulled out all the important info.

I think it may be related to the Electrical Engineer Whistleblower at Project Camelot:

All I can say is, many of you are close !!!!
GLP Thread: ... 005905/pg1

--I work for a NASA contractor and handle the video conferencing sessions between JSC and other facilities. Everybody always wants to see a link. Well, everything talked about in these vc's is top secret - so there's obviously not a link. I love my family and need my job so I'm not gonna tell you much that would endanger those either. I work for Boeing. All I can tell you is there is a LOT of interesting shit happening. The moon is NOT crashing - but it doesn't need to. There is a reason so many are sending birds up to watch the Sun - and it's not cause we just would like to know more about the Sun.

--We'll start here and I'll respond how and when I can.

NOTE: QUESTIONS are from different posters, I only compiled and removed all the fluff
Also - For the Uninitiated to GLP - "OP" = the Boeing Employee Whistleblower


It's not just the sun exhibiting different "behavior" several planets in our solar system now have significant magnetic fields that were practically non-existent before, and I think there are gravitational perturbations being measured that again were previously non-existent.

--Like I said, many of you are very close to being right.

seriously. why dont you just tell us WTF is going on with the sun already. Is it going to shit on us with a CME?? Are Aliens using it as a vehicle to enter our universe and come thru??? Is it burning out? are we going to freeze to death? WTF OP JUST SAY IT

--Aliens, per se, have not been involved. The Sun IS involved.

something to do with energy coming from the center of the galaxy.
sun will react to it in a paranormal way.

--The Sun is already reacting to 'forces' we can't see.

super nova? so what happened in the 2012 movie could occur but not on that timeline?

--Haven't heard it put in terms of a super nova. A lot can happen that would (is) bad which would be far from a super nova.

Yes OP is all about the Sun and always has been about the Sun.

All the rest id distractions

I think the Sun is at his end , unstable star at the end of his life.

Is it?

--Haven't heard anyone put it in terms of the Sun being at 'it's end'. The Sun is changing in ways we theorize that stars 'can' change.

The Sun in turning to a Brown Dwarf !


seriously. why dont you just tell us WTF is going on with the sun already. Is it going to shit on us with a CME?? Are Aliens using it as a vehicle to enter our universe and come thru??? Is it burning out? are we going to freeze to death? WTF OP JUST SAY IT

--Look, everybody assumes NASA has all the answers and that there are things they know for sure which aren't being disclosed. The problem is, most of what is being discussed is NOT set in stone and NASA, nor ESA or the others know for certain either what will happen - in some instances - and even less when.

Thing moving through space can hit each other. When they do, it's hard to know what will happen because those spin offs can hit other 'things' we may not see yet - or - may think we see but aren't sure of the mass or composition.

Giant Ribbon at the Edge of the Solar System: Mystery Solved?

So, this 'ribbon' of magnetism we are heading into, could it be the 'Wave' that has been mentioned before. The Wave is supposed to be an area of increased energy that the solar system is supposed to fly through. BUT, what if the actual Wave isn't increased 'energy', but this magnetism, and as our heliosphere and the various gravity fields of our system interact with the 'ribbon of magnetism' (NASA), it causes unkown energy exchanges that can be very dynamic.

Am I close OP?

--Like I said, NASA isn't sure of everything it believes may be happening. Something is happening and many who have the ability to send birds up to look are also trying to figure out just what "is" real.

But, am I close?

And, what do you mean 'figure out what "is" real? Do you mean what effects could be possible? Or is there something that they have recieved data on, but it doesn't quite make sense? So they are sending that new satellite up there to get 'better' measurements...

--"real" We have to give a reason which things show up on certain data that gets out on the net.

OP is not all that serious about the top secret stuff, they are just making observations, stuff is going on and nothing is certain, its all energy anyway. i am worried aout the eq's they may not be over,

--We have been talking about EQ's because some of our US facilities are in areas which have the possibility of serious involvement. NASA and others do not yet understand the current trend in EQ's.

Why are you proposing to tell us all this? If you really have TSC, aren't you endangering yourself talking about it?

--Not if I don't state anything as fact that isn't public knowledge - even if the public doesn't realize that it's out there.

--Actually, NASA like most govt agencies, leaks like a noodle strainer. There is VERY LITTLE which is actually an unknown secret... but the info gets put out in such small pieces and from such a wide array of sources - that's it's nearly impossible for someone to put all the pieces together and then state it as fact. Like I said, NSAS and others often - especially now - aren't sure what 'fact is.

--As long as something is in what is termed "the public domain" - while it may be discussed in the realms of a TS subject oveall - doesn't make that piece of info - on it's own - secret.

--I can't put the pieces together like I have heard them put together. That would be a violation.

--I can say that while I am putting together some provision for my family... I'm not trying to survive an ELE (Extinction Level Event).

Can you give us a list of what you are not trying to survive?

--I am NOT trying to survive a moon crash - that one was funny. Not even an asteroid, becuase to many variables. I am learning how to adjust to a lack of electrons in house wiring for some time.

[what about] this?

Number of very high-energy gamma ray sources doubles ... ubles.html

--This is something very important which we don't understand.

Is whatever happening going to impact the whole globe or only certain locations? Whatever happens weather earthquake, meteor CME or whatever it is I don't care, I'm 36 yr old and I have been ready now for whatever happens. I am not afraid to die , but I would like to know because I have children that are not ready and are afraid of what might happen.

--Potentially, the whole globe. But it depends on the time of day as to how badly certain areas might be affected. Don't worry your children with this stuff and I would discourage them from watching 2012 and other programs on TV these days. Maybe good info, but bad cause there isn't a darn thing we can do about it... not 2012 timeline, but some of what is being proposed about that timeline.

--Have another meeting folks and then I'm outta here for the weekend. Will try to check in later tonight maybe.

I've got a good question.

Is NASA concerned about a near certain event? Or are they more worried because some of these 'secrets' look like they are going to be exposed and their is nothing they can do about it?

--Some of both but not why you might think. Everyone at NASA has a family somewhere. They're not a bunch of govt bought robots - they have feelings. They fear what can happen. But they have to pay their bills like all of us. They have to keep money coming into the budget. Many WANT to keep money coming hoping that they can figure out what is fact - and THEN they would LIKE to open up about it..... that's what I hear in the halls - NOT in official conferences. But - it is a very vicious circle folks.


--Electro MAgnetic Pulse - that's a big concern

So there are two things that I am aware of.. please comment on them: The first is flucuations in the earths magnetic field the second is the unexplained low level of sunspots. Do either of these have something to do with what you have heard?

Also, what exactly are you doing to deal with a lack of electrons in house wiring? Just curious.

BTW I am former Boeing and now a govt executive, FWIW.

--The low level of sunspots aren't low anymore. I (we) are learning how NOT to rely on electricity.

Could you point out a specific breadcrumb?


Wow - Nice find.

--There's a thread pinned on here right now about permafrost melting. That's public knowledge. Why it's melting when the temps are below freezing is not understood.

Holy crap, 11 year cycle = end of 2012, beginning of 2013

Dude, you're saying that this large solar maximum is going to have an unknown interaction with recent gamma rays in our system.

That is it. I win a prize.

--Forget the dates ! The event is what is important. The question was could I point to something, assumingly being discussed, which was already in the public.

Putting what you said about not expecting an ELE, is it safe to assume that damage to the Earth in general will not be so great as most of the damage will be to we humans specifically and our infrastructure?

--There can be a LOT of damage without an event which, of itself, would take out the planet. There is a domino effect to be remembered.

I know what the OP is talking about, it has nothing to do with an "event" from the sun as we know it, like a flare or pulse or anything like that. It has to do with a "timeline"

In short, part of what I know is this, certain features that our sun has displayed is at question. During the monitoring of our sun features in a specific way has manifested in observable events that have taken place many years ago and events that have yet to be.

The process of observing our sun in this specialized way can also be used to monitor other celestial events that have already occurred and those that have yet to occur.

Our sun is fine, however it is the culmination of the results from these observations that are at question.

The question is not one of what but of when.

--And i wouldn't put that much time into 'when'

Q. Will we wake up one day and the Ele systems will be smoking, toast?

Q. Will it happen over time, system down here and there
over days, weeks?

--Gotta love it - our tax dollars at work - a meeting to set up a meeting.

--Again, this is out there. Days. There is a 'domino' effect because of how our electrical grid is designed. It has safeguards which actually take it down - in segments - automatically in order to keep from frying things... but the components of what those automatic systems are supposed to protect are not protected from EMP and/or huge static loads to ground. I'm not an EE so not sure what that means. So when the system trys to protect itself - it can cascade - quickly. But if certain parts of the system get damaged - again this is out there - then it can take years to replace them. Problem is, the companies who make this stuff don't have enough raw materials on hand - right now - to make them all. Some of them don't even have back up power sources.... they are 'commerical' suppliers ! Think about it. Really think about it.

Hmm, good investment. What raw materials do they need?

--Raw materials - i don't know but huge transformers and filter units take a lot of steel, wire and parts I would assume.

OP, Thanks for this thread. Can you be a bit more specific about the types of preparations that you are making for your family? How long are you planning food and water? What types of backup power sources are you considering? Is radiation in any form of concern?


--you're welcome. I've actually said about as much as I can. For us, we are fortunate to have a small place between Houston and Dallas with a few acres. We have a well - hand well and wind mill. I have tools and can work with my hands. I have a few solar panels just to charge some batteries for small conveniences like small led lights at night. Forget much more than that. We have seeds for only a few basic veggies. Think about living in the late 1800's for a while and you'll be on my line of thinking. Is it enough or will it work - I don't know. How soon may it be needed? I don't know and I think anybody who says they do know is pulling our legs - UNTIL about 30-40 hours before it happens. Will an announcement be made? I don't know but I don't think so - too many variables and too much communication to be done with critical agencies to at least TRY to save some stuff. How fast am I working on this? I have been for a year and am nearly finished with what I have 'planned' to try to get together.

--Hope this has been helpful.

OP as I understand it two things are occurring. First, something external is affecting our solar system, potentially starting up the sun's solar capacitor and secondly the sun is entering a solar cycle maximum, part of its natural cycle. These two factors could cause EMP type effects, especially when you consider that the earth's magnetosphere has been exhibiting "holes" or breaches in the shield.

A lot of this has been summarized by several scientists and researchers, some from the University of Colorado. That is publicly available information, however the first factor of an external influence affecting our solar system is not. But when you look at circumstantial evidence, like a ban on information on asteroids and objects entering earth's atmosphere and .gov agencies re-locating offices to higher elevations (CIA moving branches to Denver Colorado) one can get an overall "picture".

Have you seen any mitigation efforts by .gov agencies regarding older satellites that may be affecting by large solar radiation storms?

--There IS public speculation out there about something which has a timeline and affects our solar system. But - NASA has not confirmed that they see it. Did I say that right ??? They also don't really know how it 'could' affect our system cause things 'could' happen which would change 'its' timeline - if it exists.

--Old birds aren't saveable. Even shutting them down won't help.

--The ban on near earth objects caught many by surprise... many.

--I don't know anything about the CIA... and I don't want to either.

Are you referring to P/2010 A2 ????

--Like i said.

Is the anomaly affecting the space station?

--This or maybe something like it:

--Space station at risk after US satellite destroyed
-- ... 32901.aspx

Will admit I've not read all pages, but the first word that popped into my wee brain was GRBs ~

--Gamma Ray Bursts. EMP

and THEN they would LIKE to open up about it-quote. hey come on? what have you been smoking?

--There isn't as much conspiracy at NASA - about this stuff anyway - as everyone seems to want. There IS a total shit load of it when it comes to getting money funding.

So OP it's kinda like a cue ball break. You never know where the balls are gonna go as they all hit each other and the variables are too infinite. Correct?

--IF - the balls turn out to be ones we aren't tracking. Nuf said about that one.

I wish that is all you would say. "I work for ______ and you are all screwed." How many times has this been posted?

--I work for Boeing. I don't know yet if we are all screwed and NASA doesn't either. Guess I've brought all I can bring to you on this one. There is a LOT on here lately about the Sun. I just wanted to help sift through some of the other BS by saying - rightly so!

--I can say this, you'd be amazed how many people at NASA know about GLP and pop over here from time to time. I've been watching this site for only a few weeks cause a friend told me about it one day.

--Will be seeing you on here.

Bay area or tower II?

--I'll say on Gemini is our department head.

Here she is:

P/2010 A2: Unusual Asteroid Tail Implies Powerful Collision

How could that interact with a solar flare event?

--Think of the distance this photo comes from. All that stuff behind the artifact isn't necessarily 'dust'

This isn't about something hitting earth, it's about the potential of something hitting the sun and what affect that might have on the GRB that will already be high from the solar maximum?

--Right - it's not about something hitting the Earth.

OP, you said that you wouldn't put much time onto this, meaning that whatever this is about, it is not supposed to take a long time to happen. But what are we talking about here? Months? A few years?

--Look - I don't know. Not years. Again, this is out there - look at how long the Sun was quiet passed when everyone thought it would be quiet. Like I said, NASA doesn't always know what it thinks it knows. Look at the 'very public' amount of data being made available by SOHO and other systems which are still up every day on the net. That stuff would not be available if NASA really didn't want the public to have 'the ability to know' what is occuring. It's obvious that something is occuring - and more frequently. That's public info - not necessarily knowledge - but it's info that is there for the seeing and reading.

--All I can say.


--Good morning.

--I've been tied up this morning but I have had the chance to glance through some of the posts from the weekend. There are really a lot of good questions but most of them I either can't answer or haven't heard any real info about. If I have the time later today I'll try to go back through and pick out the ones I might be able to give some helpful info about.

--I saw many regarding my working for NASA. I don't work for NASA.

--I saw several about how I could do this from a secure government network - we aren't government. We have two internal secure systems, one is through ARIBA for our contract and data management. We use this to transfer ITAR related data between our vendors. I don't but those involved with that here use it. Boeing employees can venture into the net anywhere they want - except anything remotely deemed as porn - at all - period. Unfortunately, there is some stuff on this site which is darn close.

--I realize that most of you want more from me and I knew it would be that way. I can't offer more right now. I can, however, promise you this. WHEN the time comes that I decide it's time to head North - I WILL find a way to jump on here - find this thread - and let you know that I am headed out. It will take a lot for me to do this - Boeing has no patience for folks who don't show up for work without prior notice.

--I'm tied up for sure till about 1300 today. Will try to jump back on then.

How far north are you going? ... Or is that just a bug-out expression?

--I had said early on that we have a small bit of property between Houston and Dallas.. North for real in this case.

OP, what is the timeframe from a warning to the actual event. 30 minutes, 3 days...?

--I'm on a short break. 20-40 hours. You guys need to go look at this site while I'm out. There is a LOT going on with this tool and it can 'see' what Spitzer cannot see anymore:

--SOFIA Science Center

--There wasn't much said about this project - and I can't find any reference to it on this site at all. You need to know that this is out there NOW and looking at 'things'.

Thank Op, for stepping out with this information.
I realize you wouldn't be able to conform this theory, but my thoughts,
The Earth is passing thru a field, that is charging it like a capacitor and one of the things worried about is , at what point will this discharge to a grid killing event or will bombardment cause overloads of the grid? Also, the Earth and Sun are already feeling the gravitational effects from an unseen body, causing weather anomalies, earthquakes, etc? Thanks again for the updates.
Your thoughts?

--I haven't been in on any meeting about the first thing you mention. Everything - everything - I have heard is all in regard to solar activity - it's increase - and possible effects. With regard to the second item - Spitzer located a couple hundred 'cold' drawfs before it ran out of helium... it's now in what's called the 'warm' part of the mission. Those objects are moving and have enough mass to affect the Sun - when close enough. We have a lot of birds out there already watching the Sun and even though GOES-P is billed as another NOAA weather mapping satellite, it is also set up to begin to closely monitor 'weather' on the Sun.

OP. When you are in on these conference calls, would you say the people are nervous or sounding urgent.

--Recently - urgent. But remember these are scientists and in peer level meetings, especially when cross national, they tend to be more reserved - not always but they try to be.

Thanks OP. Would you say they are high ranking NASA officials?
Did you notice any other agencies involved?

--Department heads yes but not the 'officials' you would see on TV. Those meetings are above me and closed to all but a few. We set up the link and monitor remotely but only for data transfer.

OP has it anything to do with the ripples on the sun or the filaments that keep popping up?

--YES !

Perhaps this is why OP states that what they are viewing they are not sure if it is 'real' or not. They are viewing a black dwarf (cold dwarf) that messes up all their theories.

And the cold dwarf is interacting with the sun. I bet if we look at the filaments and where they started on the sun, we could triangulate to the vicinity in space where the cold dwarf' is. It is pulling the magnetics out from the sun, creating the filaments. That might be why we are seeing so many filaments at this time also... also, the biggest filament ever seen by a gigantic magnitude.

Am I close OP?

--Yes. There doesn't have to be anything that close to cause the internal reactions needed to form a filament. That's what I hear. But something is.... like has been said on here many times.

OP - Thank you for providing some info. for the less informed majority.

Are you a religious man at all? Saw that you were also interested in the Israel/Iran situation. That situation, combined with the sun's developments all sounds VERY Book of Revelations to me (Stars falling from sky - take a guess what those really are and how they fall..nuff' said). Do you concur at all with these happenings or at least the LACK of coincidence with since it's all mentioned already in the Bible?

--I am not ashamed to say that I am a devout Christian. But I also must say that I do not understand the book of Revelations and I have never been totally sure that we would understand it until some future time.... maybe that is now.

Is this (link below) what NASA can/can't see to know its effects?

You did refer to colliding objects, objects you didn't know if they could see or not, could not know mass or composition.
You also referred to p2010 A2 LINEAR!

"Thing moving through space can hit each other. When they do, it's hard to know what will happen because those spin offs can hit other 'things' we may not see yet - or - may think we see but aren't sure of the mass or composition".


--Good morning,

--There are two things posted in many threads here on GLP - including this one - which are valid. One is, the Sun is actually approaching it's solar maximum as has been described and warned about publicly. The time frame may be sooner. The other is the knowledge that something is affecting - gravitationally - the makeup of our solar system. About this I know all want to know more and I picked this thread to reply on for a reason.

How about this scenario put forth by astrophysicists?

A companion star to our sun that has an elliptical orbit of approximatlely 24,000 years is nearing the solar system and will cause major problems between 2011 and 2017.

Confidence level of the astrophysicists: 99.9%


--This scientist is right on track.

--I will keep watching the thread and other posts on GLP and try to let you know when one is 'very close'. Very close is all I can confirm.

I know this may sound crazy, and please don't shoot me down if you believe/think/know/otherwise, i'm just asking the OP. This is my only post on this thread and i will not post again if I am way off the mark:

Do the SUPPOSED anomalous contrail formations, many refer to as "chemtrails" have anything to do with the scenario you are highlighting?

I am, and always will be, on the fence regarding the whole idea of "chemtrails". But I can see them as playing a role in this scenario, IF EITHER ARE REAL (the scenario you propose and the chemtrail one).

If CTs have anything to do with the scenario being postulated on this thread, would it be a fair assumption to make that the sun is currently, and has been for some time, periodically outputting energy that is/could be of IMMEDIATE or maybe cascading danger to biology on this planet?

IF, and I know it's a big IF, this were the case, might it be that measurement of this energy by birds near the sun are being used to calculate locations/densities of particulate shielding needed on our planet in advance of energys arrival?

I BEG people other than the OP not to respond to this post. I don't want to see this thread descend the way I have seen happen to similar ones elsewhere. It is entirely up to the OP if he/she wants to answer it.


--No - nothing to do with contrails at all. I have absolutely no knowledge and have never heard a single word seriously spoken about anything called a chemtrail !

OP, I asked about this already some pages ago, but is there any info you could shed on the timeline? When was it first observed that "something's not right"? Have the events developed from there in a linear fashion, or more exponentially? Do you expect things to continue to develop at the same speed?

If you would have to throw in your best guess, when will be the worst moments, when we really need to learn to live without certain things? Withing months, years, or decades?

--I can reply to your second question. When what is happening progresses, and depending on things which can be involved - of which we have no way to know for sure - this can escalate really quickly. We, and I mean everyone, won't have much notice. Not knowing which telecoms will be affected first - it's hard to know how whatever notice we get will be delivered. Personally, I have decided that when I hear - through any verifiable source(s) - that a major metro area is experiencing 'problems' with their power - that's my personal que. Like I said previously - the power grid in US is automatic and can cascade offline quickly. I don't know how else to put it. The real science behind this dictates that there won't be much time for anyone who might wish to - to give a notice. I personally do not believe there will be any official notice of an incoming CME. What I wish would happen would be for others who could - to agree in public that this is about to be a problem.

If this is to knockout the grid and all wiring, won't it knock out our cars also? OP, how do you plan on getting to your safe place North of Houston if cars won't work. Are you saying you will know right before it happens, like several hours? Also, do you have room for 4 more people?

--A solar storm will not take out our cars - not the likes of one we could survive anyway. The last question is one which troubles me, mainly because I'm not even sure I have prepared the ways needed. I've sone what I can afford and we have family and friends who hope to make it there whenever... We use this place for hurricanes too - not very fancy really. My honest prayer is that we - citizens - will be allowed to keep and use property and supplies as our own in such a crisis.

I agree, if I had this info, it would be hard to look around at all the people everyday, especially the children and not feel pain. I think i would have to do everything in my power to warn everyone if i thought that could save some. Even if it meant my own life. I have 3 kids and a grandchild and i would do what ever it took to save them.

--Yes - but the thing is, you would want to warn them about something which they could do something about - and at a time when it made sense. Our country has a noose aroung most families... School is required by law. Kids don't show up, people start asking questions and even looking. I've wondered, what most could do to prepare, that I have been able to do only because I happeped to buy a small piece of land a long time ago which is away from a large city. Honestly, most people can't do that... they live in rental homes and apartments.... So how can they prepare really? My hope is to sound an alarm to folks I know as soon as I can, when I can, and hope it is soon enough to make a difference. ANYONE reading the threads on this and other boards should be taking responsibility for themselves and their families and NOT waiting for someone else to make that call for them. It's not convenient for me either to be spending time and money preparing for something which has no solid timeframe - like most want in days and weeks. I would rather have a boat or a cycle and spend free time elsewhere. That's not smart to be doing right now !!

OK, how bout this...How bout this for a hypothesis: OP, had also made references to comet clusters. He makes reference to a cold dwarf star. If the dwarf star is orbiting on our eliptical, it will fly through (or close to) the Oort Cloud.

As it does, it pulls comet clusters in its wake due to its gravity well. It would probably sling Oort Cloud debris all over the place. A massive abount of them. Since it has done this before (countless orbits?) it has already trapped debris from its previous passes through the Oort Cloud. So, we get more 'fireballs' in the sky, strange BOOMS!

Since the cold dwarf is dark and emits no light, scientists only notice it because of the disturbance in the Oort Cloud, which was fairly recent. So, what does the government do? They restrict EVERYONE from their data of space objects. The entire event of the cold dwarf's entry into our solar neighborhood is invisible, because neither the comets nor the cold dwarf emit light or heat.

That is why SOFIA is important. It needs to get into the air and use its infrared sensors to 'see' what is out there. It is the best tool for viewing objects that don't emit light frequency waves.

We are now beginning to feel the effects of its gravity, as shown in the strange phenom of the sun recently. On top of that, think about the magnetic fields of the sun and the cold dwarf interacting. What a fucking mess. And the cold dwarf is arriving in the timeframe where the sun is currently heading towards solar max, when the sun’s own magnetic poles shift, further complicating the problem!

I bet NASA is thinking ‘what a coincidence!’, when all along it is just part of the cycles.

On top of that, we have this ‘ribbon’ of magnetics that we are entering, as seen at the edge of the heliosphere.

And they KNOW that brains interact electromagnetically with our environment. WTF is going to happen when all this converges?!

And the fact that ‘ribbon’ is stationary, and the cold dwarf is orbiting our sun, the ancients could piece it together!

And I bet you that there is a TON of ‘unknown’ objects out there that are coming in with the cold dwarf and the ‘ribbon’, stuff that NASA cannot explain at all. Like Comet/Asteroid P/2012 A2. They can’t even classify it as an asteroid or a comet!

OP, is this about the jist of it?

--I'll answer as my opinion - yes.

thanks OP for your effort and courage!!!! Q: is there a time line? this year / next year? anything?

OP has said a few times that there is no time frame for sure. He/she has hinted it will be before or during the solar maximum. This is shceduled for 2012 (hillarious, but true). However, most reports that the OP has pointed us to reminds us that the Solar Maximum may be early, 2010-2011.

--I wanted to pick this one up and comment then I'm off again... leaving early today.

--As soon as I pick up enough info, to feel that the timeline above is valid, I plan to quit and head out. If I'm wrong, I loose my job - I was looking for one when I found this one. If I'm right, I made the right choice. I need a few more pieces of what I feel is "my" puzzle before I make that leap but I am thinking, from where I am with it all right now, I will be doing that before the end of this year.


Nasa Warns Of Super Solar Storm 2012


world on 2012 after solar storm [1]

world on 2012 after solar storm [2]

world on 2012 after solar storm [3]

world on 2012 after solar storm [4]

world on 2012 after solar storm [5]


Binary Stars: Does our Sun have a Dark Companion?

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Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:44 am
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
Of all the crap that I have seen & read from GLP over the years this actually does seem to have some merrit..

Recall how does this all fit in with your brown dwarf senario and the your personal observations on the setting sun?

I am interested to hear what you think of this, thanks

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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
Thanks Lynnwood and L! I've been avidly following this thread, too, and am anxious to hear what recall thinks as well. :clap

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Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:22 am
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
I know it seems silly having this posted twice but the GT has a tendancy to discuss MULTIPLE issues so for those of us that want to discuss this ONE issue we can without disrupting the GT itself. I hope that makes sence? :hmm

Again credit to Lynwood :clap

Lynnwood wrote:
At the bottom of the PC link there is some VERY relevant Solar Storm information

Solar Storm Threat Analysis -- by James A. Marusek (2007) ... t_2007.pdf

Note the "time sequence"

Time Sequence of Solar Storm Events

1) Solar Flares
Arrival Time: Instantaneous†
Effect Duration: 1-2 hours

2) Solar Proton Event
Arrival Time: 15 minute to a few hours
Effect Duration: Days

3) Coronal Mass Ejection
Arrival time: 2 or 4 days
Effect Duration: Days

There are two paths ahead; each marked with a “Danger” signpost -- by James A. Marusek (2 April 2009) ... t_2009.pdf

Cyberspies or solar storms - the real threat to US electrical grid -- by Michael Salla, Ph.D. (April 2009) ... rical-grid


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Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:35 pm
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
This deserves all the posting needed, IMO. This is really scary sh*&!!! This rings true far too much so. Recall where are you? From all that you have posted this seems to be proving your theories right.

Something is going to happen, but what?

Sun Mar 14, 2010 5:43 pm
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
L, I agree with your thinking on posting important info separately. Thanks, and many thanks to Lynnwood. I don't know how I missed this thread! But i haven't been online much.

The OP does sound genuine, and gives similar info as to what we have been hearing since when? 2006? It is all the sun. Everything is due to the sun. And he promises to give a warning when he decides it is time for him to "head North", I imagine the same meaning as when BG said he was "going to ground".

The mention of the permafrost melting struck me as important, too. We had discussed this on TRC, with posts about methane being released, as well as viruses from eons ago now loose again. I want to go back and pick out the items where the OP in this GLP thread said, "That's it" or words to that effect. Scary stuff, but not something we haven't been talking about for years. It is just that the time is nearing, and soon. I was told that drastic changes would be in effect by the end of March.....

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein

Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:05 pm
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
You're welcome everyone! As I started to read it at GLP, I recognized right away that the Boeing Employee's posts had merit, so I clicked on all 69 pages and used "Control F" and put in his "Anonymous Coward User Number" for the posts and grabbed them all, then I removed some of the junk, and slipped some of the answers out of order to be "next to" the Question they referenced as a follow-on.

THEN I read it all...I think it worked out quite well as it is very readable. I really appreciate you all noticing it did take quite a bit-o-time to put it all together!!

I am really concerned about this as well, it fits hand and glove with the Electrical Engineer Expose linked at the top of the page, from PC.

Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:58 am
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
Ruts & Lynwood if you dont mind keeping an eye on that thread at GLP that would be great I do NOT go to that site anymore...

Once again Lyn great work

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Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:05 am
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
I wonder if this is realated at all :sherlock

Kreutz Comet VIDEO: WATCH Newly-Discovered Comet's Collision Course With The Sun

Is the newly-discovered Kreutz Sungrazer comet doomed?

From an image sequence captured by NASA's Solar and Heliosopheric Observatory (SOHO), it sure looks so.

The SOHO imagery pictures the small comet (shown in white in the bottom left hand corner of the video) heading straight for the sun, where it will burn. The comet is ' on a collision course with the sun,' as Wired notes.

NASA suspects the 'doomed comet' to be a member of the Kreutz Sungrazers, which are a class of comets made up of 'fragments from the breakup of a giant comet at least 2000 years ago,' Space Weather reports. According to the Daily Mail, all of the Kreutz comets that have been discovered so far have met the same fate.

The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has beenusing a Coronograph to create a 'false eclipse' and monitor the action via solar images.

See the comet's doomed flight below, then check out another, larger Kreutz comet being 'eaten' by the sun.

WATCH: ... 97406.html

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Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:32 am
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
OP at GLP posted this at 11:48 am this morning:

This is the key.
I cannot say who I am but you need to put two things together. An excitable sun + this.

Voyager Makes an Interstellar Discovery

December 23, 2009: The solar system is passing through an interstellar cloud that physics says should not exist.

My forte is Plasma Deposition.

The Interstellar cloud we are entering (as a solar system) changes a simple model CME discharge event into a more continuous process. The CME will act as a trigger or switch.
The Intertellar (magnetic cloud) can support a continuous ion flow between "connected" bodies, this phenomena would be orders of magnitude beyond a simple CME discharge.
The magnetic flow (cloud) will make the 'ether' much more conductive, so energy will be flowing like crazy, instead of just merely on the normal currents it flows through now. So it makes the EMP effect, not only massive, but pretty much all consuming. And, due to the solar system being submerged in this magnetic could, it will make the EMPs somewhat continuous. It will be a sustained process as opposed to a CME event.

OP, is the above correct? Is the interstellar magnetic cloud that our solar system is now encountering a relevant part of this puzzle? Does NASA think that cloud will make the sunstorms' effects more severe?

This is likely going to be my last post. I had a long talk with my wife and family this weekend. For reasons I cannot explain well enough to suit the proof requirements of many here - I have decided that we will be making our move out to our property in June of this year. I will be quiting my job at Boeing - not just leaving without a trace because that would cause folks to want to find out where I had gone.

This post - is the closest to what I was trying to point to about the solar maximum PLUS other objects which NASA knows will affect our solar system of, at least, have a damn good chance of doing so. However, since this mass of objects and particles is so out there in distance and spread out so far - there is simply no way to know how much or when they will either affect the Sun - or our planet directly. No way to know. Because of that - no warnings other than articles like this one which point right to a known - potential - serions - problem.

The conferences I hear are between scientists of various fields working at what in 'secret level topics' would be the kindergarden level. That's all I have clearance to hear. If the topic or conversation goes above that - my audio link gets blanked out. Many meetings about this subject we can't hear from the beginning - we just set up the linki and monitor on scopes for stability. There are at least 12 levels of clearance above mine - and that's only the ones I know of.

So, long story short, I took some time this weekend and we made a decision. I may be early - by a few months or so... but i don't think so. Posting this thread helped me convince myself that acting was better than reacting. There just won't be enough time when it happens. There isn't a clock on this either but I want to be at our place by end of June.... that's my gut feeling. If I' wrong, then we spend our savings and start over in a few years - no real biggie in light of the difference if I'm right. And I believe I'm right to move by June.

Past that, I don't know what to say folks. Everyone has to take my post and others and form their own decision. From here out, you'll likely only see me post from my iPhone. I know when I turn in my notice they will release me immediately - that's the norm in secruity sensitive areas.

I will turn in my notice This coming Friday. That will give us time to do lots of things needed before we make the move.

God bless you all - no matter what you think. Trust your instinct - it has always served me well.

The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - FDR

Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:14 am
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
Interesting so the OP believes mid summer to be the highest danger.

Now the big question, should we believe him?? :sherlock :scared :awe

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Mon Mar 15, 2010 1:39 pm
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??

1) OP's "specialty" is "Plasma Deposition"

definitions of "DEPOSITION" - most relevant is bigger/bolder

Deposition (law), taking testimony outside of court
Deposition (chemistry), molecules settling out of a solution
Thin-film deposition, any technique for depositing a thin film of material onto a substrate or onto previously deposited layers
Deposition (sediment), material (like sediment) being added to a landform
Deposition (physics), the process of gas transformation into solid
Deposition (politics), the removal of a person of authority from political power
Deposition (Aerosol physics), a process where aerosol particles set down onto surfaces
Deposition (university), a widespread initiation ritual for new students practiced from the Middle Ages until the 18th century
The Deposition can also refer to depictions of Christ's descent from the cross, as in:
Deposition from the Cross, the depiction of the removal of Jesus from the cross: Descent from the Cross
The Deposition (Michelangelo), a marble sculpture
The Deposition (Raphael), an oil painting
The Deposition (Rogier van der Weyden), an oil painting, c.1435
The Deposition from the Cross (Pontormo), an oil painting of 1528

2) ARTICLE from December 30, 2009: Voyager Makes An Interstellar Discovery

Voyager Makes An Interstellar Discovery ... y_999.html

The solar system is passing through an interstellar cloud that physics says should not exist. In the Dec. 24th issue of Nature, a team of scientists reveal how NASA's Voyager spacecraft have solved the mystery.
"Using data from Voyager, we have discovered a strong magnetic field just outside the solar system," explains lead author Merav Opher, a NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator from George Mason University. "This magnetic field holds the interstellar cloud together and solves the long-standing puzzle of how it can exist at all."

The discovery has implications for the future when the solar system will eventually bump into other, similar clouds in our arm of the Milky Way galaxy.

Astronomers call the cloud we're running into now the Local Interstellar Cloud or "Local Fluff" for short. It's about 30 light years wide and contains a wispy mixture of hydrogen and helium atoms at a temperature of 6000 C. The existential mystery of the Fluff has to do with its surroundings.

About 10 million years ago, a cluster of supernovas exploded nearby, creating a giant bubble of million-degree gas. The Fluff is completely surrounded by this high-pressure supernova exhaust and should be crushed or dispersed by it.

"The observed temperature and density of the local cloud do not provide enough pressure to resist the 'crushing action' of the hot gas around it," says Opher.

So how does the Fluff survive? The Voyagers have found an answer.

"Voyager data show that the Fluff is much more strongly magnetized than anyone had previously suspected-between 4 and 5 microgauss*," says Opher. "This magnetic field can provide the extra pressure required to resist destruction."

NASA's two Voyager probes have been racing out of the solar system for more than 30 years. They are now beyond the orbit of Pluto and on the verge of entering interstellar space-but they are not there yet.

"The Voyagers are not actually inside the Local Fluff," says Opher. "But they are getting close and can sense what the cloud is like as they approach it."

The Fluff is held at bay just beyond the edge of the solar system by the sun's magnetic field, which is inflated by solar wind into a magnetic bubble more than 10 billion km wide. Called the "heliosphere," this bubble acts as a shield that helps protect the inner solar system from galactic cosmic rays and interstellar clouds. The two Voyagers are located in the outermost layer of the heliosphere, or "heliosheath," where the solar wind is slowed by the pressure of interstellar gas.

Voyager 1 entered the heliosheath in Dec. 2004; Voyager 2 followed almost 3 years later in Aug. 2007. These crossings were key to Opher et al's discovery.

The size of the heliosphere is determined by a balance of forces: Solar wind inflates the bubble from the inside while the Local Fluff compresses it from the outside. Voyager's crossings into the heliosheath revealed the approximate size of the heliosphere and, thus, how much pressure the Local Fluff exerts. A portion of that pressure is magnetic and corresponds to the ~5 microgauss Opher's team has reported in Nature.

The fact that the Fluff is strongly magnetized means that other clouds in the galactic neighborhood could be, too. Eventually, the solar system will run into some of them, and their strong magnetic fields could compress the heliosphere even more than it is compressed now.

Additional compression could allow more cosmic rays to reach the inner solar system, possibly affecting terrestrial climate and the ability of astronauts to travel safely through space. On the other hand, astronauts wouldn't have to travel so far because interstellar space would be closer than ever. These events would play out on time scales of tens to hundreds of thousands of years, which is how long it takes for the solar system to move from one cloud to the next.

"There could be interesting times ahead!" says Opher.

3) An "excitable sun" - - - Maybe The Conveyor Belt??

Solar 'Current of Fire' Speeds Up ... orbelt.htm

March 12, 2010: What in the world is the sun up to now?

In today's issue of Science, NASA solar physicist David Hathaway reports that the top of the sun's Great Conveyor Belt has been running at record-high speeds for the past five years.

"I believe this could explain the unusually deep solar minimum we've been experiencing," says Hathaway. "The high speed of the conveyor belt challenges existing models of the solar cycle and it has forced us back to the drawing board for new ideas."

The Great Conveyor Belt is a massive circulating current of fire (hot plasma) within the sun. It has two branches, north and south, each taking about 40 years to complete one circuit. Researchers believe the turning of the belt controls the sunspot cycle.

Below: An artist's concept of the sun's Great Conveyor Belt.


Hathaway has been monitoring the conveyor belt using data from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The top of the belt skims the surface of the sun, sweeping up knots of solar magnetism and carrying them toward the poles. SOHO is able to track those knots—Hathaway calls them "magnetic elements"--and thus reveal the speed of the underlying flow.

"It's a little like measuring the speed of a river on Earth by clocking the leaves and twigs floating downstream," Hathaway explains.
SOHO's dataset extends all the way back to 1996 and spans a complete solar cycle. Last year, Lisa Rightmire, a student of Hathaway from the University of Memphis, spent the entire summer measuring magnetic elements. When she plotted their speeds vs. time, she noticed how fast the conveyor belt has been going.

A note about "fast": The Great Conveyor Belt is one of the biggest things in the whole solar system and by human standards it moves with massive slowness. "Fast" in this context means 10 to 15 meters per second (20 to 30 miles per hour). A good bicyclist could easily keep up.

Below: The velocity of the Great Conveyor Belt (a.k.a. "meridianal flow") since 1996. Note the higher speeds after ~2004. credit: Hathaway and Rightmire, 2010.


The speed-up was surprising on two levels.

First, it coincided with the deepest solar minimum in nearly 100 years, contradicting models that say a fast-moving belt should boost sunspot production. The basic idea is that the belt sweeps up magnetic fields from the sun's surface and drags them down to the sun's inner dynamo. There the fields are amplified to form the underpinnings of new sunspots. A fast-moving belt should accelerate this process.

So where have all the sunspots been? The solar minimum of 2008-2009 was unusually deep and now the sun appears to be on the verge of a weak solar cycle.

Instead of boosting sunspots, Hathaway believes that a fast-moving Conveyor Belt can instead suppress them "by counteracting magnetic diffusion at the sun's equator." He describes the process in detail in Science ("Variations in the Sun's Meridional Flow over a Solar Cycle," 12 March 2010, v327, 1350-1352).

The second surprise has to do with the bottom of the Conveyor Belt.

SOHO can only clock the motions of the visible top layer. The bottom is hidden by ~200,000 kilometers of overlying plasma. Nevertheless, an estimate of its speed can be made by tracking sunspots.

"Sunspots are supposedly rooted to the bottom of the belt," says Hathaway. "So the motion of sunspots tells us how fast the belt is moving down there."

He's done that—plotted sunspot speeds vs. time since 1996—and the results don't make sense. "While the top of the conveyor belt has been moving at record-high speed, the bottom seems to be moving at record-low speed. Another contradiction."

Below: An artist's concept of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Launched in Feb. 2010, SDO will be able to look inside the sun to study the conveyor belt in greater detail, perhaps solving the mysteries Hathaway and Rightmire have uncovered.


Could it be that sunspots are not rooted to the bottom of the Conveyor Belt, after all? "That's one possibility" he notes. "Sunspots could be moving because of dynamo waves or some other phenomenon not directly linked to the belt."

What researchers really need is a good look deep inside the sun. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, launched in February 2010, will provide that when its instruments come online later this year. SDO is able to map the sun's interior using a technique called helioseismology. SOHO can do the same thing, but not well enough to trace the Great Conveyor Belt all the way around. SDO's advanced sensors might reveal the complete circuit.

And then…? "It could be the missing piece we need to forecast the whole solar cycle," says Hathaway.

Stay tuned for that.

So, the Q is....What does it all Mean? WHAT "event" is OP referring to?

I don't think it's a CME because OP keeps referring to this "unknown" and the interaction between the unknown mass and the excitable sun.

What EXACTLY is this unknown mass? Is it PX and the tail of PX is the problem, a rouge tail ? -- After all, OP did refer to P/2010 A2 and said ..."Think of the distance this photo comes from. All that stuff behind the artifact isn't necessarily 'dust'..."

I think this is related. Also...

OP has it anything to do with the ripples on the sun or the filaments that keep popping up?

Quote: --YES !

Solar Filaments and Prominences ... ament.html

Filaments are large regions of very dense, cool gas, held in place by magnetic fields. They usually appear long and thin above the chromosphere, as in the picture above. It is because they are cooler than their surroundings that they appear dark. But if they appear on the "edge" of the Sun, they appear brighter than the dark outer space behind them. In that case we call them prominences. Here is a close-up picture of a prominence.


Prominences and filaments are really the same thing, but they look bright or dark depending on what is in the picture's background. At the right is another picture that shows a bunch of things. This is another H-alpha picture, and you can see the dark thread-like filaments on the Sun. You can also see some bright-looking prominences sticking out beyond the "edge" of the Sun on the far right. In the box, you can see one object that appears to be both filament and prominence! The part on the face of the Sun is dark (a filament) and the part hanging out past the edge is brighter than the empty space behind it (a prominence). You can see that it's all one piece, the only difference is how the object looks compared to what's behind it in the picture.

Filaments last for a few weeks or months. The gas in a filament will eventually move to a different layer in the Sun and will no longer be visible in an image of the chromosphere. But at the same time, other gas may move into the chromosphere and create a new filament someplace else. The birth and death of filaments is a mystery and the subject of ongoing study by solar scientists.

Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:59 pm
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
Great research Lyn I wish I had the answer to your question but this one is way outta my league

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Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:00 pm
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First, I researched the person quoted in the article from December 2009 Merav Ophergo here...

Merav Ophergo - Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy of George Mason University
Note, she calls this Space Anomaly the "Interstellar Medium"

Then, go here on her site:

Images and Movies About the Interaction of the Solar System with the Interstellar Medium

I wonder what would happen if one of those firey sun filaments/extensions came into contact with this [magnetic] "Interstellar Medium" ?

(note, the circle at right is the SUN, not the earth)

If you read the legend at the bottom of the page, it says the magnetic field is pressing inwards to the sun. Read it!!

Figure 1: Figure showing the magnitude of the magnetic field with the trajectories of Voyager 1 and 2 (white lines) .The interstellar magnetic field lines are shown in black. It can be seen the interstellar magnetic field being compressed and intensified in contact with the heliosphere.







Would the sun try to absorb the magnetic field that we are traveling through? WAAAAaaa What does it all mean???


Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:07 pm
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
Maybe my friend Natasha will forward this page to someone she [possibly] knows.

She and her hubby work in Academia.


She took the Hint folks!! Her reply:
Your bookcase is looking good. My friend Gary is an astrophysicist and knows a lot about the Sun. I'll talk to him. He'll be at Lake Tahoe.

So we wait.

Tick Tock

Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:59 pm
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
I wonder what would happen if one of those firey sun filaments/extensions came into contact with this [magnetic] "Interstellar Medium" ?

:awe :scared :why

Lynn - great question, gulp, I think! :hmm

The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - FDR

Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:48 am
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
LMAO !!! I am so far out of my league here I really don't have a clue. But OP wanted us to "connect" the two things so I'm stretching, without a clue...

Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:22 pm
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Post Re: Boeing Employee Tells all??
Excellent research!! Lynnwood you have really enlightened us all. Thank you. The be Q answered will be the tale I guess. So we wait, hum mm isn't that a line from Deep Impact? "So we wait again" I think was the line. I hope your friend will be able to help us.

I do have a question about OP though while we wait. He has certainly staked his whole future on this, if he is to be believed. He stated that they discussed this all this weekend, and now he is quitting this Friday. Obviously things are definitely developing rapidly, for him to make such a move this fast. He was talking months.

I guess we have to make our own decisions, and plan our lives from them. I am niave enough to have thought tptb would at least try to educate us, rather than our having to put this all together ourselves with the help of a whistleblower.

At this moment there seems there is nothing that we can to to prepare or plan to leave to go somewhere, as no where will be safe, except underground and maybe not even there. We have no idea as to what will be the reactions of our sun and our own planet. So we prep food, water, meds and hope for the best. Maybe Lynnwood's friend will have more of an idea, but I doubt it, seems like no one knows for sure what lies ahead. I will stock up some and try to continue my life as normal.

This could be the answer to what has been happening to our own magnetsphere this last year.

Something is going to happen, but what?

Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:54 pm
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
Way cool thread this guys!

Lynnwood - nice research you are putting togehter. Thank you.

In my opinion - it is all about the Electromagnetic Null Zone we are going to pass through. It has to do with the precession and the wrapping of our galaxy with another at present. Our solar system is due for a transfer into the Orion belt. The place of the birth of Stars. We are to inherit a new twin Sun system too - I believe. Check what Dex said on the main thread. I trust he gives us more on this, "Ask the questions" and let's wise up. There is a clear process to survive this and it involves preparing your Soul and knowing who to trust once the landings start. This is clearly quoted in the Keys.

Much discussion happened around this at our recent conferences. I believe there will be Biospheres landing to assist those in danger of the impending threat, so fear and lethargy is not the answer. Believe the quote of going back to the 1800's for a while. Once the grid goes down, it will take superhuman effort to rebuild it, and there is definitely NOT enough resource stocks to do this quickly. So think about this and know what you will need to get through that time.


We all have the choice to exercise Free Will.
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Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:36 pm
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
Lynnwood - nice research you are putting togehter. Thank you.

I need to add that Science is not going to provide ALL the answers on it's own. The scenario maybe, but we will have to do a lot more work in the Spiritual department. Never forget we are here as incarnations at presnet for a reason. This is a BIG gift to have been born into this particular time on Earth. Meditation and Prayer are the main components of this work. Knowing who to pray to is going to make a big difference on what outcome each of us recieves from on High. Remember - we are ALL doomed to eventual perfection to return Home! If you think about this, you are in a temporal flesh bio-suit, but have an eternal Soul. What we have to do is develop the Spiritual component to achieve the right to have ascension in what ever from that will come for every individaul on Earth. It is not going to be the same for everyone. What level of graduation are you preparing for? There is a map available that clearly shows this, but it involves some serious work.


We all have the choice to exercise Free Will.
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"Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram"

Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:49 pm
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
This site was mentioned on GLP as a second source. ... ttack.html

New link: ... ttack.html

Something is going to happen, but what?

Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:29 pm
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
WOW Siam! Incredible, thanks for posting that ... ttack.html

The author gave us the answer, it's below in red.

Notice that there was a MASSIVE filament in the sun's lower hemisphere around about the 22nd of February. The arrival of the radiation from that on the 27th February coincided with the 8.8-mag Chile earthquake, and there's already been many aftershocks with a 7.2 off Libertador O'Higgins today, as well as these other events, today.

MAP 5.8 2010/03/11 20:11:20 LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP 5.5 2010/03/11 19:28:08 LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP 5.1 2010/03/11 17:18:51 LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP 5.3 2010/03/11 16:56:34 LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP 5.0 2010/03/11 16:23:53 LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP 5.0 2010/03/11 15:54:39 LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP 5.4 2010/03/11 15:26:18 LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP 6.0 2010/03/11 15:06:04 LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP 6.7 2010/03/11 14:55:30 LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP 6.9 2010/03/11 14:39:48 LIBERTADOR O HIGGINS, CHILE

Well, as of today's date there's STILL a second dark filament in the upper hemisphere ... it's when these filaments crash back to the sun's surface that the radiation burst takes place.

Also, after an extended period of solar sunspot inactivity, we're approaching the start of the 'potentially spectacular' 2010 SOLAR MAXIMUM that warned about.


A self-confessed Boeing-whistleblower has been warning of imminent Gamma Ray Bursts or Electromagnetic Pulses from our sun based on interference it's receiving from a massive interstellar cloud radiating from the centre of our galaxy. This is the same cloud that David Wilcock was discussing at the Awake & Aware conference in L.A. late last year. In his mesmerising presentation, he discussed distinct and noticable changes in the magnetic/radiational data from our neighbouring planets in the solar system. This is the same cloud that's been observed to have been affecting light output from various beighbouring stars, according to NASA observations.

:awe :awe :awe :scared :popcorn
The Interstellar cloud we are entering (as a solar system) changes a simple model CME discharge event into a more continuous process. The CME will act as a trigger or switch.

The Intertellar (magnetic cloud) can support a continuous ion flow between "connected" bodies, this phenomena would be orders of magnitude beyond a simple CME discharge.

[ HUH??? NOW A CME IS SIMPLE? And it sounds as if the space we are in, is going to "turn on" ]

...The magnetic flow (cloud) will make the 'ether' much more conductive, so energy will be flowing like crazy, instead of just merely on the normal currents it flows through now. So it makes the EMP effect, not only massive, but pretty much all consuming. And, due to the solar system being submerged in this magnetic could, it will make the EMPs somewhat continuous. It will be a sustained process as opposed to a CME event. [source WITHHELD]

Week Later update: following the revelations last week of the self-confessed Boeing whistleblower, he seems to have taken a long weekend to 'think his future through' and yes he is handing in his notice and will be in the countryside with his family from June 2010.

Folks - I have decided to move - for the reasons we all fear. I will no longer be at Boeing and no longer involved in real time data. This decision IS the only warning I know how to give !!!! [source ex-Boeing whistleblower]

Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:32 am
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
Thanks for posting that Lyn :clap

This story still rings true to me but becasue it was posted at GLP and the poster has now gone dark, it makes me wonder if its not yet another attempt by Trinity to drum up hits to the site :clap :sherlock

I just don't know if its worth all of us quiting our jobs and heading for the hills?

Can someone please confirm for me something that the OP said earlier which was that if we are hit by this massive EMP, which now seems like it will be ongoing, vehicles will not be effected?

Seems to me that an EMP will effect ALL electronics INCLUDING vehicles and most cars these days are run by their electronics??

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 5:21 am
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
According to a quick Google search, L, yes any car built after 1970 is vulnerable. At a minimum, most cars have electronic ignition systems - not to mention the "smart cars" of today. :scared

Solar Flare: The "Carrington Event" of 1859

In a post I did a few days ago, about sunspot activity, the famous solar storm of 1859, often referred to as the "Carrington Event", was frequently mentioned. I've been reading up on that, and here is some of the information I found:

A Super Solar Flare

At 11:18 AM on the cloudless morning of Thursday, September 1, 1859, 33-year-old Richard Carrington—widely acknowledged to be one of England's foremost solar astronomers—was in his well-appointed private observatory. Just as usual on every sunny day, his telescope was projecting an 11-inch-wide image of the sun on a screen, and Carrington skillfully drew the sunspots he saw.

On that morning, he was capturing the likeness of an enormous group of sunspots. Suddenly, before his eyes, two brilliant beads of blinding white light appeared over the sunspots, intensified rapidly, and became kidney-shaped. Realizing that he was witnessing something unprecedented and "being somewhat flurried by the surprise," Carrington later wrote, "I hastily ran to call someone to witness the exhibition with me. On returning within 60 seconds, I was mortified to find that it was already much changed and enfeebled." He and his witness watched the white spots contract to mere pinpoints and disappear.

It was 11:23 AM. Only five minutes had passed.

Just before dawn the next day, skies all over planet Earth erupted in red, green, and purple auroras so brilliant that newspapers could be read as easily as in daylight. Indeed, stunning auroras pulsated even at near tropical latitudes over Cuba, the Bahamas, Jamaica, El Salvador, and Hawaii.

Even more disconcerting, telegraph systems worldwide went haywire. Spark discharges shocked telegraph operators and set the telegraph paper on fire. Even when telegraphers disconnected the batteries powering the lines, aurora-induced electric currents in the wires still allowed messages to be transmitted.

"What Carrington saw was a white-light solar flare—a magnetic explosion on the sun," explains David Hathaway, solar physics team lead at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.


The explosion produced not only a surge of visible light but also a mammoth cloud of charged particles and detached magnetic loops—a "CME"—and hurled that cloud directly toward Earth. The next morning when the CME arrived, it crashed into Earth's magnetic field, causing the global bubble of magnetism that surrounds our planet to shake and quiver. Researchers call this a "geomagnetic storm." Rapidly moving fields induced enormous electric currents that surged through telegraph lines and disrupted communications.

"More than 35 years ago, I began drawing the attention of the space physics community to the 1859 flare and its impact on telecommunications," says Louis J. Lanzerotti, retired Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories and current editor of the journal Space Weather. He became aware of the effects of solar geomagnetic storms on terrestrial communications when a huge solar flare on August 4, 1972, knocked out long-distance telephone communication across Illinois. That event, in fact, caused AT&T to redesign its power system for transatlantic cables. A similar flare on March 13, 1989, provoked geomagnetic storms that disrupted electric power transmission from the Hydro Québec generating station in Canada, blacking out most of the province and plunging 6 million people into darkness for 9 hours; aurora-induced power surges even melted power transformers in New Jersey. In December 2005, X-rays from another solar storm disrupted satellite-to-ground communications and Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation signals for about 10 minutes. That may not sound like much, but as Lanzerotti noted, "I would not have wanted to be on a commercial airplane being guided in for a landing by GPS or on a ship being docked by GPS during that 10 minutes." [...]

From what I've read, Canada and many of the Scandinavian countries have experienced the most electrical damage from solar storms, because of their proximity to the North pole (these effects can emanate from the South pole too, I believe, but there are fewer people and electrical grids nearby to be affected). The affects of a larger solar storm could be farther-reaching.

The Biggest Solar Storm in History

It was the 2 September 1859. The clipper ship Southern Cross was off Chile when, at 1:30am, it sailed into a living hell. Hailstones from above and waves from all around whipped the deck. When the wind-lashed ocean spray fell away to leeward, the men noticed they were sailing in an ocean of blood. The colour was reflected from the sky, which, they could see – even through the clouds – was wreathed in an all-encompassing red glow.

The sailors recognised the lights as the southern aurora that usually graced the skies near the Antarctic Circle, just as their northern counterparts cling to the Arctic. To see them from this far north was highly unusual. As the gale subsided, they witnessed an even more astonishing display. Fiery lights loomed against the horizon as if some terrible conflagration had engulfed the Earth. Vivid bolts flew across the now clear sky in spiral streaks and exploded in silent brilliance, as if the very souls of all humanity were fleeing whatever cataclysm had befallen the planet.

Upon their arrival at San Francisco, the ship’s company discovered that theirs was not an isolated experience. Two thirds of the Earth’s skies had been similarly smothered. Also, there was a sinister side to the aurorae.

The beguiling lights had disabled the telegraph system, wiping out communications across the world. For days, nature refused to allow these arteries of information to flow freely. It was as if today’s Internet had suddenly, inexplicably shut down. Worse still, the aurora also threatened life and limb.

In Philadelphia, a telegrapher was stunned by a severe shock. In some offices the equipment burst into flames. In Bergen, Norway, the operators had to scramble to disconnect the apparatus, risking electrocution. On top of this, compasses spun uselessly under the grip of the aurora, disrupting global navigation. [...]

It's obvious the flare caused considerable trouble back in 1859. What impact would such a solar storm have on our modern world, if it occurred today?

Blogger Neil Craig has some excerpts from Michael Brooks' report in NewScientist Magazine on what could happen if a solar storm the size of the "Carrington Event" were to happen today:


[...] it is clear that a repeat of the Carrington event could produce a catastrophe the likes of which the world has never seen. "It's just the opposite of how we usually think of natural disasters," says John Kappenman, a power industry analyst with the Metatech Corporation of Goleta, California, and an advisor to the NAS committee that produced the report. "Usually the less developed regions of the world are most vulnerable, not the highly sophisticated technological regions."

According to the NAS report, a severe space weather event in the US could induce ground currents that would knock out 300 key transformers within about 90 seconds, cutting off the power for more than 130 million people (see map). From that moment, the clock is ticking for America.

First to go - immediately for some people - is drinkable water. Anyone living in a high-rise apartment, where water has to be pumped to reach them, would be cut off straight away. For the rest, drinking water will still come through the taps for maybe half a day. With no electricity to pump water from reservoirs, there is no more after that.

There is simply no electrically powered transport: no trains, underground or overground. Our just-in-time culture for delivery networks may represent the pinnacle of efficiency, but it means that supermarket shelves would empty very quickly - delivery trucks could only keep running until their tanks ran out of fuel, and there is no electricity to pump any more from the underground tanks at filling stations.

Back-up generators would run at pivotal sites - but only until their fuel ran out. For hospitals, that would mean about 72 hours of running a bare-bones, essential care only, service. After that, no more modern healthcare.

The truly shocking finding is that this whole situation would not improve for months, maybe years: melted transformer hubs cannot be repaired, only replaced. "From the surveys I've done, you might have a few spare transformers around, but installing a new one takes a well-trained crew a week or more," says Kappenman. "A major electrical utility might have one suitably trained crew, maybe two."

Within a month, then, the handful of spare transformers would be used up. The rest will have to be built to order, something that can take up to 12 months.

Even when some systems are capable of receiving power again, there is no guarantee there will be any to deliver. Almost all natural gas and fuel pipelines require electricity to operate. Coal-fired power stations usually keep reserves to last 30 days, but with no transport systems running to bring more fuel, there will be no electricity in the second month.

...With no power for heating, cooling or refrigeration systems, people could begin to die within days. There is immediate danger for those who rely on medication. Lose power to New Jersey, for instance, and you have lost a major centre of production of pharmaceuticals for the entire US. Perishable medications such as insulin will soon be in short supply. "In the US alone there are a million people with diabetes," Kappenman says. "Shut down production, distribution and storage and you put all those lives at risk in very short order."

Help is not coming any time soon, either....
"I don't think the NAS report is scaremongering," says Mike Hapgood, who chairs the European Space Agency's space weather team. Green agrees. "Scientists are conservative by nature and this group is really thoughtful," he says. "This is a fair and balanced report."... [...]

The article goes on about some of the things we might do to lessen the threat, but also acknowledges the difficulties of convincing people of the threat, and taking the necessary precautions.

I have posted before about how our dependency on electricity and computer chips increases our vulnerability to EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) weapons:

EMP Vulnerability: Could Advanced Electronics be the Achilles' Heel of our Western Civilization?

While the emphasis on that post was the danger posed from EMP weapons, the effects of large solar storm/flares share some similarities with EMP events. Both involve fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field, that are damaging to electrical systems. And the safeguards needed to protect our electrical infrastructure from said fluctuations, be they from natural or man-made sources, are largely the same. Yet it's hard to convince people of the need to protect against something that has never happened in their own experience, or in the case of the Carrington Event, within living people's memory.

Even with the solar storm of 1859, there were no advanced electronics. The U.S. electric power industry didn't even exist yet (it only began in 1882). A comparison with today is difficult.

Today's advanced electronics, like computer microchips, are very vulnerable to magnetic field fluctuations, but we have only had them in wide use in recent decades. People aren't likely to think of the consequences of them failing en-mass, until they do.

Some people argue that storms like the Carrington Event only occur every 500 years or so, so why worry? But the data and arguments on that assertion are disputed, it's by no means a certainty. Also, a storm or flare of lesser strength still might do a lot of damage nowadays, given the delicate nature of our advanced electronics. Oddly enough, there could be a blessing in that, if it makes people aware of the danger, and more likely to protect against a larger event. Hopefully we won't have to learn hard way, by the worst scenario.

Since 1859, several solar storms about half the strength of the Carrington Event have been observed; but none of those observed flares were moving in the direction of Earth. It may be just a matter of time before one does. Scientists are watching the sun closely. We've learned more about the sun in the past decade, than we have in the last 100 years, but we still can't predict solar flares yet. Hopefully our ability to do that will improve over time. And hopefully, the next big storm we do experience won't be as big as the Carrington Event.

The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - FDR

Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:29 am
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Post Re: Boing Employee Tells all??
GLP is an evil site, though it is possible that a sliver of truth might make its way past that evil and emerge into internet print.

But I trust nothing that comes from GLP.

Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:17 pm
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