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 The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010 
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
MT7 and Sky sorry to hear about your buinsess trouble, truly a sign of the times, a very sad reality indeed....

Sky I agree with you that link posted by Recall is shocking for sure.

Is it Planet X or as you say Venus or the moon... :hmm :sherlock

Great find recall :clap

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Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:35 am
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
mountaintiger7 wrote:
Got my 30 day notice after 18 years working for the same company.
Trying to find the irony in pearl harbor day 12/7/10 and moving 30% of workforce to India :shakehead



Mountain :heart

Sigh! What can I say? Timing isn't the greatest either is it?

Been right where you are. Laid off from da awl bidness 21 years ago. Basically East Texas and I started over from ground zero - probably the hardest thing we ever did. Lost it all, baby!

Outsourced to Inda! :gah

My bestfriend's Mother was laid off two weeks ago. Like you, she had twenty years with the same company and, like you, her job went to someone in India.

She's 60 years old and no retirement on the horizon because she lost her a$$ in her 401K.

:candle :heart Big ole virtual hug headed your way.

The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - FDR

Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:05 am
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
I don't know how these companies sleep at night.....

We should start a boycot of EVERY company that ships jobs oversees :fu

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Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:25 pm
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
Great work Blue :clap :clap

Bluebonnet wrote:

From the link above:

Comet C/2009 R1 (McNaught) will be a bright binocular comet and probably even a faint naked eye comet for observers under dark skies.


There was a planet alignment of Venus, Mars and Saturn on 6/12. If you recall, there were fears of a tsunami in June due to the planetary stresses.

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Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:27 pm
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
Well, it might not be THAT particular one but here's a big ole Texas hat tip to Kashodi @ GLP, who, BTW is Canadian!

Dark Jupiter May Haunt Edge of Solar System :huh

A century of comet data suggests a dark, Jupiter-sized object is lurking at the solar system’s outer edge and hurling chunks of ice and dust toward Earth.

“We’ve accumulated 10 years’ more data, double the comets we viewed to test this hypothesis,” said planetary scientist John Matese of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. “Only now should we be able to falsify or verify that you could have a Jupiter-mass object out there.”

In 1999, Matese and colleague Daniel Whitmire suggested the sun has a hidden companion that boots icy bodies from the Oort Cloud, a spherical haze of comets at the solar system’s fringes, into the inner solar system where we can see them.

In a new analysis of observations dating back to 1898, Matese and Whitmire confirm their original idea: About 20 percent of the comets visible from Earth were sent by a dark, distant planet. :shock:

This idea was a reaction to an earlier notion that a dim brown-dwarf or red-dwarf star, ominously dubbed Nemesis, has pummeled the Earth with deadly comet showers every 30 million years or so. Later research suggested that mass extinctions on Earth don’t line up with the Nemesis predictions, so many astronomers now think that object doesn’t exist. :hmm

Read more here:

The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - FDR

Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:37 pm
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
Necrogate ?

Raw Cocao Bean from Bali.. what gives ?;jsessionid=CCFD97082BADB48154A9EFB20160ECF7.qscstrfrnt01

ET evidenc mounting ?

What do these three subjects have in common ? Trick question ?


-- PhaTz..

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Wed Dec 08, 2010 6:07 pm
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
Alien speech found in NASA's Saturn radio signal?

Where's C-3PO when you need him ! :arsehole

De la laideur naîtra la beauté.

Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:24 pm
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
dondep wrote:
On a related subject - the ego - I'll have a lot more to say shortly. For too long the 'ego' has been used as a pejorative term, as it rightly often should be, but rarely is the super-ego addressed (not what the term appears at first glance). Since it's the beginning of the day here I'll leave it for later, but it's a very important issue that's rarely mentioned. 'shortly' is more a 'longly', but I'm getting to it....

Phatman wrote:
I have been having dreams of inundation. It is important to remind people, pole shifts come with grand earthquakes and crustal trainwrecks. Volcanism will also accompany large crustal cracks. Water may recede from from an east coast line to be shifted to a westerly coastline or visey versey. This depends upon the weight of the skin of the earth and its subsequent resting place. Remember the rotation of the core won't change much and it is not known just how many degrees a typical pole shift is on our mother earth. What is for certain is that we have a bumpy ride ahead. Both my wife and I have had these dreams. I have seen the mountains in my dream fall down flat and water cover the entire SF bay area. That is why, when I get the word I am dropping everything and heading for this hills.

I have a bug out bag packed with 10 days food and water. I also have 4 5 gallon gas cans which I can bring. That should get me far enough away from a tsunami if that happens.

:candle :candle :candle


Exactly, PhaTz; it's "important to remind people, pole shifts come with grand earthquakes and crustal trainwrecks. Volcanism will also accompany large crustal cracks." This is what's been the focus of my planning recently and the main reason behind the frenzied activity. I don't think that many people here have sufficiently grokked the implications of what is likely to happen within a matter of weeks, once the coastal cities of Indonesia and Singapore, not to mention Hong Kong, Macau and the other Pacific tiger seaports from whence the bulk of our consumer goods are shipped from, go below the waves for all intents and purposes. Yes, there will be many skyscrapers still poking their 10th-and-above floors above the water line, but most of those cities will soon become uninhabitable. The Indonesians will in effect become martyrs of a sort, the first to take the brunt of a salvo (the warning shots across the bow in the form of the Icelandic volcanic ash, etc were only that: warning shots). Following that, the tourist havens of the Caribbean, then the industrial centers in Japan, and to cap off the "7 of 10", the New Madrid breaking the US in two and the resulting tsunami that will inundate the coasts of western Europe and Scandinavia. These 'crustal trainwrecks' will result in not only sunken cities, but broken roadways and bridges. Huge concrete overpasses and underpasses will collapse, usually on top of other roadways, rendering them impassable. Bridges will be out, particularly those across the Mississippi, and the aftershocks of these 9+ quakes will inevitably do the same to many of the weaker and more fragile and older ones stretching up into New York state - just as happened in the known precedent from Dec 1811-Jan 1812. See, even the time-frame is the same. Just as the time-frame for the Indonesian spark will probably occur around the same time as the Great Tsunami of Dec 2004, and it too in the same place.

Because of this, I'm reminding people that they should have their main stuff pre-positioned "out of harm's way", because the roads will become not only physically impassable, but as a result of temporary fixes won't be able to hold the usual traffic and so those with heavy loads (i.e. entire households, migrating in a panic that the "7" actually is occurring) won't be allowed passage by the local military unit. The reason for the plans that are known about, for troops to actually take up positions INSIDE the US, is NOT because of some NWO plot by the Perfect Republican President but because they'll be needed to act as SeaBees (C.B.'s, or Construction Battalions) and MPs to help maintain the kind of order that might be lost when trucks can't get through with deliveries of food, etc, and the locals might riot or try to force their household-laden vehicles on perilously fragile temporary bridges thus sinking them, thus the MPs there to prevent that.

As everyone has imagined these scenarios, and ones similar for your local area, (I'm talking to the Americans, Canadians, and Europeans here, since the main events of the "7" will have tremendous impact on us), I'm asking you now if you've considered whether you're A: at the place where you expect to ride things out at, or B: ready to go at a moment's notice to a 'safe place' you've carefully considered. If the answer is C: you haven't done anything yet as you're waiting for the "7" to be proven to you before you make a move, then this is probably falling on deaf ears.

If you're at "A", then there's nothing I can tell you that would be new to you. You're there, you've planned and stockpiled enough to get through the next several months at least, above and beyond what you have in your immediate fridge. I'm here to talk about what you need to consider if you're at "B".

First; as Phatz mentioned, do you have enough gas cans, filled, that will give your vehicle enough range that you can get to your destination without having to stop at your friendly BP station? Do you know how many mpg your vehicle gets? Do you know how many miles to your destination? How many gallons your tank can hold? And do you have at least 1 full gas can to get you there?

Second; have you counted the bridges between your present situation and your future one? Have you imagined what would be done if any of them were to be taken out, washed away, crumbled, etc? Do you have alternate routes planned were that to happen? We take our road network for granted I think; it's amazing how many bridges there are, not to mention those huge concrete overpasses (one of them has 4 - count 'em four - superhighways crossing over each other at the same point, one right over the other, near DC) and corresponding underpasses that could also render a major highway unusable. And many side roads simply can't handle the huge super-sized Mack trucks that are used to bring our dairy and meat products, our McDonald's burgers and everything else much of the economy consists of. Of course we can survive without those, but many many people would NOT survive without them.

Third; as a result of the above, there will be a scarcity of goods, but things won't be as bad as the "10" obviously. There will still be a long way to go - maybe as long as 4 to 8 more months between the "7" and the "10". That means that a 10-day supply of MREs won't be sufficient to keep those who at least prepared that much, to get through more than, well, 10 days. I would say that cheap food, a supply of 3 months' worth at least, supplemented by multi-vitamins, would be the minimum necessary along with sufficient heirloom seeds to grow enough vegetables to start anew with, post-"10". If people had been doing a little bit each week for the past couple of years, they won't have to rush out and try to buy a ton of food at the last minute, because when it's obvious enough to us, it'll be obvious enough for most everyone else too.

Fourth; also as a result of the above, the military will probably have checkpoints set up to turn back any vehicles laden with too much weight for a 'local'. It won't be an "NWO plot" but it will involve lots of military vehicles, soldiers with guns, roadblocks, detour signs, and probably even commandeered roadside motels pressed into service by the military and the coordinated "fusion centers" to corral the overflow into the FEMA "rest areas", or camps. One has to imagine what it will be like to be rationed, so that those with social security numbers ending in an odd number get to buy bread on Mondays and Thursdays, and those with even numbers buy on Tuesdays and Fridays. Etc etc. Those who prove too troublesome, making demands instead of trying to help those freaking out, will be segregated into the facilities that have barbed-wire and razor-wire arranged to keep people IN.

And that's only part of the scenario.


MT7, I'm really sorry to hear about what happened. Like Grist says, we need to take those bastards to task, the ones that have been shipping all the good jobs overseas. Isn't there some metaphorical way we can "tar and feather" them, "draw and quarter" them? I know that taking a tire iron upside their heads would be in the poorest of taste, not to mention vaguely subversive (everyone hear about how that big Propaganda Minister of China had ordered the hacking of Google in that cyber attack?) Just one more jewel we have thanks to Julian Assange, though I'm sure nothing regarding the main Coverup will be allowed on-air, which reminds me.....

Recently I was asked for an interview for a special documentary on Area 51, to be broadcast on the National Geographic channel. The same thing happened as it had several months ago, when I had several discussions with the associate and executive producers of Jesse Ventura's "Conspiracy Theory" TV series. Despite all the initial excitement, they came back to say that their production had "taken on a different style", or in the case of "Conspiracy Theory", there was no explanation other than a whispered "Jesse's not a......'believer' " [in aliens]. Actually the truth is that I wouldn't have held back about the pending poleshift behind all of it, and for that fact alone I wasn't to be allowed to air my insights. Had those invitations panned out, I would indeed have been surprised.

All of which brings me to that point earlier about the 'ego'. It's become almost common-place to decry the 'ego' of someone(s) when it comes to analyzing their motives for doing something. One has to argue whether that 'something' is purely self-aggrandizement, the marketing of the name and persona of the individual (i.e. establishing a library with your name on it), or whether he (or she) would've done it if their name would NOT be associated with the philanthropy. I tend to prefer the portion of the psychic apparatus known as the "super-ego", the 'agency that opposes the id', or to put it more bluntly, the guilt-tripping part of our psychic make-up. The 'ego', per se, is inclined to mediate between the 2 extremes, but it can do so without acting in such a self-aggrandizing way as the usual affronts to common decency and justice. Like the Wiki on it says: "The Super-ego's demands oppose the id’s, so the ego has a hard time in reconciling the two." Yes, it has a hard time of it, but not impossible. It's actually okay to say "it's a good thing to do this ____, even though it will be attacked or ignored", and even better to say "even though it was Me that did this, no-one need know that." Once the Name is stripped away and the philanthropy becomes Anonymous, it's not a sign of 'ego' to take silent satisfaction in a job well done, or a role well played, or a connection well made that results in a happy ending.

In the case of the media exposure, I might have been able to have ahem "modulated" my tone, or played the usual 'ufer' role and served up pablum as if it were cause for oohs and aaahs, but I <<can't be trusted>>. Should I bewail a "lost opportunity" if it would've meant changing the truth to be more palatable for the network heads? Or have enough of the "interested few" heard the unvarnished truth, thanks not only to me but to many many others? Even if it was only a short post years ago, or a casual chat with someone or even just an email, I'd like to think I "done good" enough to justify continuing to lug this carcass around, sucking up valuable air that others might put to better use.

"We seek a free flow of information... we are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people."-John F. Kennedy, Feb. 26th, 1962.

Wed Dec 08, 2010 11:41 pm
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
In the book "Ringmakers of Saturn" there are pictures of a craft which is about 2000 miles in length. It moves about as if being driven and gives strong validity to the "communcation" that was caught on tape with the Cassini Satellite. CB this is good information.

-- PhaTz..

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Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:50 am
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
Phatman wrote:
What do these three subjects have in common ? Trick question ?


Ancient Warlords of Humanity The Anunnaki -The Fallen Gods- used to have a drink made of Flowers, Honey, Fermented and dried ground cacao beans and Vanilla! at these times was called Chocolatl
By now we know these drink as Hot Chocolate!

Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:02 am
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
Dondep wrote:
Phatman wrote:
I have been having dreams of inundation. It is important to remind people, pole shifts come with grand earthquakes and crustal trainwrecks. Volcanism will also accompany large crustal cracks. Water may recede from from an east coast line to be shifted to a westerly coastline or visey versey. This depends upon the weight of the skin of the earth and its subsequent resting place. Remember the rotation of the core won't change much and it is not known just how many degrees a typical pole shift is on our mother earth. What is for certain is that we have a bumpy ride ahead. Both my wife and I have had these dreams. I have seen the mountains in my dream fall down flat and water cover the entire SF bay area. That is why, when I get the word I am dropping everything and heading for this hills.

I have a bug out bag packed with 10 days food and water. I also have 4 5 gallon gas cans which I can bring. That should get me far enough away from a tsunami if that happens.

:candle :candle :candle


Exactly, PhaTz; it's "important to remind people, pole shifts come with grand earthquakes and crustal trainwrecks. Volcanism will also accompany large crustal cracks."

Also these intense Dreams are because our friendly visitants put important data in the subconscious mind, that is trigger to the conscious Mind, before a important earth changed happend! It show the route of Scape to a nearest safest place...

So trust your dreams!


Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:09 am
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
==== Dirty Tricks - How do G-Men get Card Blanche' ? ====

When you allert you phone company of sophisticated phone hacking, as was in my case, they in turn call who.. The FOXES who now are "GIVEN CARD BLANCHE'" to crack into your phone and monitor you. This has got to be the dirtest trick in the book which our government now seems to employ on a regular basis. Complain about someone hacking your phone "The G-Men" and then the phone company call "The G-Men" and they open their Kimono...

I noticed when I am running no extra programs or the camera my phone is not warm to the touch. After I made the call to the phone company it is now warm at certain times I am not in places wher they are monitoring me. How convienient.

This has got to be the dirtest trick they play. Not only does the phone company give them access to your account, they give them your birth to death passwords and everything you have online. I discovered this after I reported my phone cracking. They now have turned on my camera and my microphone. I knotice a slowness of my phone to respond and I attribute this to "unwarranted search and seasure" which the gray area they dance around saying we are only investigating who might be hacking your phone. The phone company doesn't tell them how long they can hack your shizzle... Oh no... This could be indefinitly... !

Now you know why I believe the PATRIOT ACT is so dangerous and draconian... ! How about those guys ? How about a few dancing broccoli with that phone hack Mr G-Man ? :brockoli :brockoli :brockoli

:candle :candle :candle


-- PhaTz..

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Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:20 pm
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
Grist von Zweifel wrote:
simple simon wrote:
...I went to a job interview today at a company which deals with telecommunications and at the end when asked if I had any further comments I asked what preparations they are taking to protect against solar flares etc. I also cited the recent Daily Telegraph article on this.

It was a spur of the moment decision to ask this, and perhaps if following mainstream thinking none-to-clever, but after what was said during the interview and on hearing the job functions explained to me I'm not sure that I would be getting the position anyway.

The reply was typically sheeple, followed by some negative remarks about the year 2000 'bug' which proved to be a non-event.

I have no regrets about broaching the topic; my only sadness is that by the time people do realise what its all about it will be too late.


Hey SS, just a spot of entrepreneurial followup with a 'department manager' in a couple of days (or better - tomorrow) might be a worthwhile effort expended. The Human Resources department is designed to keep people away from the work-path or hiring entities of companies. They're the obstacle to get round. I'll bet if you called the business number or sales department in this company and asked for the name and number of an actual human being in a position of leadership you'd get your foot a little farther in the door. And perhaps if you went after said individual believing in your ability to help solve such a conundrum with some definite steps you'd take as a leader in the organization to prepare for the inevitable solar overload or other EMP-like event written into all our futures, then i think you'd get another look-see for employment. In fact the higher you can get yourself heard with the realities of this event befalling our incredibly anemic electrical system grids, and considering the $ outlay on equipment in any modern web-savy and computer/security/bandwidth hungry organization has invested therein the more avid an ear you'll find. I think likely the mid-management to upper management types will want to hear what you offer. It's the outer periphery of 'blockers' you need to step around. Go for it. Be a bit more aggressive and approach them as one more than worthy of consideration. Go with solutions and you'll find ears are perking up. Perhaps you might even find consulting work outside the drudge position you've 'applied' for. Talk yourself in. That's the stuff. Good hunting.

Best wishes in all things. Grist

Thanks Grist.

The company is about 2 years old, and its HR dept is pitiful. When I was asked to attend the interview I was not told the name of the company I was being interviewed for, nor that it was actually for them and that they were advertising themselves to avoid using employment agencies. The net result of this is that I attended the interview 'blind', in so far as I had no idea who it was for. I was not even given a contact name to ask for when I arrived at the interview.

As for EMP protection, I will either say more when I am working there or when told that I have not been successful. At present I still await the outcome.

mountaintiger7 wrote:
Got my 30 day notice after 18 years working for the same company.
Trying to find the irony in pearl harbor day 12/7/10 and moving 30% of workforce to India :shakehead



MT7, I'm sorry to read this terribly sad news.

Alas it is also a sign of our times. Last year I heard of a lady who had been working at a legal company for several decades being given notice - after the company had hired another lady who was young enough to have been her daughter and she had been detailed to train the new recruit in the required duties.

No doubt the company's only thought was that its wage bill would go down when they got rid of the older and more experienced lady.


People may have heard about some riots in London. Its a terrible thing, but the politicians are changing how higher education is funded and as a result many students will be charged up to £9000 a year tuition fees - so that they will have massive debts when they start work. The poorest will still receive some financial asistance.

As I understand it, these fees will only be payable by English students -and not those from Wales, Scotland or N. Ireland.

Most students oppose the new fees and many have been protesting against them. Despite the bitterly cold weather even children as young as 12 have been protesting, with some doing so without seeking either teachers' or parental permission - quite literally just walking out of school to travel to central London and protest.

The rioting however seems to have come from the 'rent a mob' anarchists whose intents are to cause mayhem and havoc. They are using what would otherwise be peaceful protest marches as tools to further their own agendas.

It would not surprise me however if some of these anarchists are doing the bidding of TPTB, who would like to find an excuse to restrict democracy, free speech, public protests, etc.


Citizen of Planet Earth, living in the British Isles.

Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:02 pm
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
Simonadies.... I believe that stoping me from telling people things is why they have repeatedly attacked me. Free speech isn't all we need to protect. Our last island of hope, our only sanctuary is our minds. If they have their way everyone will be wirelessly monitored. Imagine.... all the telemetry we have as sesnsory input they can already monitor. It won't be long before even the quantum nature of the mind is more thrurowly understood. At that point they will chip everyone and the carbon nanotubuals along with the paladium nanowires will be jacked into a superconducting chip which is necessary for cerebral monitoring. What most peole don't know will hurt them. What they don't know is that when they start chipping everyone, no one will know when or how it happened. You walk into your doctors office. You doze off for a brief moment and.. viola.. youv'e been chipped.

I and my wife both experienced the chipping event. Late one night, a blonde woman and two young guys came into my home and into my bedroom. They has a small spray can which they sprayed in both my wifes face and mine at the same time. I only remember flashes after that. I remember feeling a pinch in my left nostril and then the sound of a crunch. My wife said that they must have stuck an airway down her throat because she felt the cold metal go down her throat. It was a ghastly experience which I am writing about for the first time. It all hapened in May of 2006. I had a hammering headache when I woke up and I found my wifes arm in my mouth. I was biting her. For what reason I still don't recall but she was screeming. We didn't remember anything for months. All she would do is remind me that I bit her and drew blood. I felt horible.

The event is close. For them to do these kinds of things. I believe that in the near future that their will be a run on the banks. I believe they have moved most, if not all the money they can get their mits on... deep undergound.

More later...


-- PhaTz..

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Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:12 pm
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
Not money Phatz GOLD


Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:43 pm
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
Does America get lightning this THICK!!!!




Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:47 am
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
fr33kSh0w2012 wrote:
Not money Phatz GOLD

Money, because it certainly isn't circulating above ground.
I keep asking my wife, where did the money go? Who's storing it?

If someone decided to collect money keeping it from circulating (our economy depends on) it definitely would aid whomever might want to manipulate the currencies in the world, and that indeed does appear what is happening. Illusionary electronic currency went bust, so, where are the certificates?

I'm going to ask a multi-level question...Who's prosecuting, and why?
Why the attacking by anonymous sources? To what end, point and purpose?
Around the world heads of state ought to be aware of this purview, because no one's exempt from the trap being set up.


Extraterrestrial's said to Alex..."The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry lifetime after lifetime".

Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:13 am
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
The rioting however seems to have come from the 'rent a mob' anarchists whose intents are to cause mayhem and havoc. They are using what would otherwise be peaceful protest marches as tools to further their own agendas.

It would not surprise me however if some of these anarchists are doing the bidding of TPTB, who would like to find an excuse to restrict democracy, free speech, public protests, etc.


I completely agree, Simon, and posted the same thought on the "ALERT! STUDENTS IN LONDON PROTESTING " thread. Especially the attack on Charles and Camilla seems just too "set up". You can't tell me that their security didn't know that there was rioting in the area they were going to pass through. Next, to open a window in the middle of the restless crowd? and to have somebody armed with a stick standing right there when the window was opened? All this just coincidences? I don't think so.

My question is "why"? Who would gain from this event? To what end was it perpetrated? In the other thread I posed a couple of possible reasons,

1) put the students in an even worse light than they have done to themselves, 2) set the stage for curfews and other stringent security measures to control London 3) smoke and mirrors..... any other ideas?

One thing I have learned over the last few years is that when something blatant happens in front of you (in the MSM) turn around and look for something you aren't supposed to see.

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein

Sat Dec 11, 2010 11:54 am
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
Oh no Read THIS!!!


Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:30 am
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
Where is everyone!?!


Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:32 am
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
Freekshow I had a quick look at that link but I'm just not afraid of some or other group getting their hands on secret weapons. Why? In the end bad guys always lose because they betray each other. I feel that part of the reason society advanced as far as it has is that the good guys and the bad guys are both trying to take down the leaders of any criminal, service to self type organisation.
Just my 5 cents (the smallest coin available in Oz).

Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:32 am
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
(Note: I have permission to print Aileen's full page...Dex)


Posted by P. Urial
One of my favorite UFO cases. It took place in the Outback of Australia in June 1977.
Wednesday, DEC 8, 2010

At about 11 PM on June 22 last year, gold prospector Albert Smith noticed three lights in the sky. Silently and slowly they moved down toward him and then nestled in a clump of trees near his camp. He saw figures emerge amid dazzling lights.

Thus began the most incredible two days in the life of 45 year old Albert.... the two days in which he claims he was visited by people from another world at his lonely camp on the Bulloo River in far southwest Queensland.

Smith is not Albert's real name. But that's what we said we would call him when he agreed reluctantly to an interview last week.

He claims he spoke to the visitors, watched them play games with what appeared to be lightning balls, saw them disappear and then reappear and stood spellbound as the intergalactic travelers created instantaneous rain.

Last week Albert recalled his meeting with the 35 men and women from a place they called Begus.

He said It was in near freezing weather yet the women were wearing summer-type clothing. The men were dressed in what looked like gray businessmen's suits. They all appeared very human but their skin was a blue-grey color. Their craft were about 50 metres high, each with five supporting legs.

The leader said his name was Behnar. When I touched him it felt like I was touching very soft rubber.

When I asked them questions they seemed to know what I was going to say before I said it. And I think they only permitted me to ask what they wanted me to. I'm sure they had control of my mind for those two days.

I think their powers were almost limitless."

Albert said the aliens could speak English but only in whispered tones. They appeared to be able to communicate with their hands as well.

Only a few of them stayed near the camp. The rest went down to the river.

One woman told me she was 490 years old. She looked it too; like a mummy from some sort of Egyptian tomb.

At one stage they all started to play a game with hundreds of these balls which seemed to throw out lightning.

These people could leap 60 metres in one jump.

When they left the only thing that remained was a very heavy smell of kerosene. There were no marks or objects left to prove their existence.

Just before they finally disappeared the leader told me he was going to make rain. A short time later it suddenly started to pour. It was eight days before the rain stopped.

I wanted to see their craft taking off but again I think they controlled me.

I was lying in bed and could not get up. It seemed like I had 100 kilograms of lead in my legs.

The June visit was the fourth experience Albert has had with visitors from outer space since he began prospecting in the area five years ago.

In the winter of 1973 he saw a fleet of 16 spacecraft hover over the area and then move away.

In May the following year he approached a cigar-shaped craft hovering above the ground. He saw men in the cockpit and a woman at one of the windows. It sped away in what appeared to be a flash of light. And in June 1976 another brilliantly illuminated craft appeared.

Albert said: "I have not yet approached the authorities about this. A lot of other things happened which I don't want to talk about at this stage. No one will believe me until I get proof and that's what I intend to get as soon as I possibly can.

I will be going back to the area in late February but this time I will have a camera. I have begun to document all these experiences.

I am very scared and frightened about going back but they did not harm me the first time. I hope they won't if they visit me again."

(Editor's Note: If anyone has an update on this particular person, please send it in.)

From Sunday Sun, Brisbane, Australia

Extraterrestrial's said to Alex..."The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry lifetime after lifetime".

Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:45 am
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
fr33kSh0w2012 wrote:
Where is everyone!?!

Prepping. Some of us are, anyway. Sometime around next weekend the "7 of 10" is expected by many to begin, with the sinking of the southern Pacific seaports and most of the Indonesian coastal communities. Once that happens, many folks that have been playing the "wait and see" game will then know what's coming and the smell of panic will tinge the air. For those in eastern Australia, I don't think you have much to worry about - for now. Still, it takes awhile to archive everything you feel is important.

"We seek a free flow of information... we are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people."-John F. Kennedy, Feb. 26th, 1962.

Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:51 pm
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
Dondep wrote:
fr33kSh0w2012 wrote:
Where is everyone!?!

Prepping. Some of us are, anyway. Sometime around next weekend the "7 of 10" is expected by many to begin, with the sinking of the southern Pacific seaports and most of the Indonesian coastal communities. Once that happens, many folks that have been playing the "wait and see" game will then know what's coming and the smell of panic will tinge the air. For those in eastern Australia, I don't think you have much to worry about - for now. Still, it takes awhile to archive everything you feel is important.

hmm, its not that I've set out to prep, as such, but now that I've backed up my computer I've started sorting through things, de-cluttering, etc in ways which have not been done for ages / are long overdue. Some of these actions include doing things which would be seen as 'prepping'. Apart from possible power supply issues I do not expect anything geophysical of too great a severity to affect London. At least not yet.

I have a pile of papers (magazine clippings, etc) on a shelf which is about 9 inches high, and I also have 4 empty A4 ring binders. I've been meaning to deal with this for several years (when of course the pile was less high) but never got 'around to it'; so for this year I'm determined to treat myself to 'a round tuit'. Its going to be my annual winter holiday / Christmas etc gift to myself. :lol

You might think that a person who is unemployed has all the time in the world... but apart from the time spent trying to get a new job I'm constantly being diverted by people asking me to help them with things / do things for them. Gee, in some ways its just as well that I'm not at work all day, as the way people seem to be collaring me to help them suggests that I wouldn't have the time to go to work too!

I am not 100% convinced that the Zetans are right, but am not totally dismissing them either. Even if just half of what they say may happen does actually come to pass it will still be 'very severe', and justify their warnings.

The short term global financial outlook is still none too rosy; I suspect however that Wikileaks and Christmas are managing to divert people's focus away from that topic.


In the meantime, someone sent me this... I only 'sort of' understand the legal terminology and have no idea if it will amount to much - but certainly the concept sounds very interesting.

Perogative Writs of Mandamus served in the high courts today


Citizen of Planet Earth, living in the British Isles.

Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:55 pm
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Post Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.8 2010
Simon that looks like a very interesting story, surely one worth tracking...

Can one of my more intuitive reporters get on this one and start a new thread please and thanks, you know who you are ;)

BTW Simon I am with you on the whole Zeta Issue and will eat crow if I am wrong.

I hope my gut is right in believeing that NOTHING will happen because as I have said many times before, if I am correct that means many thousands if not millions will still have their lives after Christmas.

Image Please Obey the Golden Rules viewtopic.php?f=31&t=3563&p=40912#p40912

Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:15 pm
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