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 General Survival Advice 
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Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:15 pm
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Post Re: General Survival Advice
Hiding in Plain Sight – A Housewives’ Guide to Concealing Your Goods.

In Light of the World situations facing the populace today, a prudent Wife will put by as much food as she can to help her family through crisis. In this essay the writer will attempt to provide a guideline for concealing home preparations and food storage from prying eyes and possible confiscation. The writer expresses the consideration of this guideline as an emergency plan to secure goods in light of an imminent search of the property, for goods to be confiscated in the event of a crisis.

If you are concerned about the turn of events in our world today, you are preparing as fast as you can. The dilemma some folks face is where to store all that food. Of course, the logical place is to install shelving units, and stock them according to item and date. Rotation is a must, as thrift is a housewives best friend. Thrift adds to your supplies.

However, there may come a time when all your stock must be hidden. If there is a food shortage, anyone you have let in the house, who has seen your preps, becomes a danger. This includes your neighbors, the cable guy or the bug man. There may be Door to Door searches by Agencies confiscating goods, or maybe just nosey hungry neighbors you cannot feed. Or you may live in a small apartment, without access to larger storage areas. These tips can help you store your goods out of sight.
The first room we will start with is the bedroom. A good idea is to add risers to your bedstead so you can put larger boxes under it. You can stack your goods in plastic under- the- bed boxes, lining the outside of the boxes with paperbacks and over top of the cans to give the illusion of a box of books. A box spring can have plywood added to create a hollow where storage space can be added.

Night tables can be switched out for small shelving units with a pretty tablecloth over them, remember to turn your shelves to the wall so all that’s seen is the back of the shelving unit when the cloth is pulled up. And never, ever store you goods in your dresser drawers, store under the dresser instead. You may have to pull out the dresser to get at your goods, but that’s better than having them discovered.
In the closet you can store vast amounts of goods but remember to hide them behind stacks of tightly packed sweaters, behind the shoe boxes with no lids (no lids because you are giving an illusion that there is nothing out of the ordinary present, just shoes.) Winter coats for the family can be concealed by hanging a dress around them; the foraging in your home may be for more than food. Hide the sturdy items with undesirable ones.

Keep a notebook with an inventory of the stock you have in each room. Additionally, the more things you have in front of your preps the better the chances they will not be discovered.

The next room is the bathroom. You can stock paper goods here or canned in you are lucky enough to have a linen closet. Never stock dry food goods here as the moisture is a significant risk. If you are handy, a false back to that said linen closet is a great idea, and provides a cache for even more goods. If you have a light in the closet, take out the bulb, darkness is your friend when snoopers come looking.

In the Kitchen it is important to have a very sparse amount of goods present. It is the first place that will be searched. Use this space to organize your appliances, making sure anything non electric is behind the big blender or electric skillet. For everyday life one does not have to be as careful as during a crisis, but if there is one, always make sure there are no dirty dishes and there is no evidence that any cooking has been going on.

All propane stoves and fuel should be stored in alternate containers, not the one they came in. If your stove is in a Barbie dollhouse box and not the Coleman one, chances are it will be left alone. The same principle applies to other items others don’t need to see. If you have oil lamp only have out one at time, the more you blend in with everyone else, the safer you are. Looking only mildly prepared, instead of disaster ready keeps everyone else at bay. The Key is to make sure you list everything in your Inventory notebook.

In the living room, Bookcases can be lined with cans and small boxes of food with the books in front of them. The same thing applies to video games, movies and the like. Behind the entertainment center is a great place to hide items or even create a niche behind the drywall. Think like a someone who is looking for the obvious, in most cases the persons who are inspecting are looking for the obvious and have a lot of ground to cover. They will not sit in your living room for a length of time trying to figure out why the books are lined up one half-inch off the edge of the shelves.

Moving on, End tables can be replaced with shelves as in the bedroom for storage, your coffee table can become an old trunk with a glass top (plenty of storage there) and hall closets can become areas for storage with little effort. Tightly stacked blankets and sheets and boxes of junk in front of preps are a great idea. Think crawl spaces and under stairs.

Some cabinets and vanities have footboards that can be removed easily and replaced for additional storage. (This is a good place to store ammunition and money, properly stored to prevent moisture). In your dining room, Use your dining room table to hide blankets and tarps by spreading them on the table and covering them with a table-cloth. Your china cabinet likewise becomes a hiding space when you utilize the space behind it and underneath it.

Your yard is a vast area for caching goods. Goods can be buried properly with little or no worry of discovery, provided a few steps are taken in advance. Scattering bb’s thru out the area keeps metal detectors from finding anything conclusive. Heavily seed your property with bb’s before rainfall. Rain helps to bury the bb’s. It is advisable to not do this in areas were animals graze.

Proper containment of goods is a must before burying items. There are many mini caches units for sale or they can be made from Mylar and PVC. The writer strongly recommends a detailed map of cache locations be made in multiple copies before attempting to conceal goods underground.
Additionally, In the event of disease or disaster there may be door to door searches for sick people or for relocation.

Always keep different colour spray paint and chalk in the home. During Katrina, white and fluorescent spray paint was used to mark the doors. Pay attention and put that symbol on your door the minute you come across it. Unless you plan to go to Uncle Sam’s camp.
In conclusion the writer reiterates that hiding your goods takes a little work and a lot of imagination. The most important key is your notebook. Write it down, keep the notebook with you. Pocket sized journals can be purchased very cheaply and fit nicely in purse or pocket.

We all have the choice to exercise Free Will.
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"Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram"

Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:32 am
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Post Re: General Survival Advice
Survival For The Apartment Dweller
by K.M. Nevel

Given that the majority of Americans live in heavily populated urban areas, it’s likely that many of us are living in apartment and condo complexes and buildings, whether by choice or out of necessity. It’s reasonable to assume that apartment renters are just as likely as a home owner, if not more so, to suffer a disaster or emergency event, so survival preparedness is critical. But living in an apartment presents several challenges to even the most experienced survivalist. The two biggest issues that an apartment renter must consider when preparing for that disaster or worst-case scenario are security and a lack of storage.

Security is hard to come by in an apartment complex, for many reasons. Perimeter control is especially difficult. Parking lots are rarely well-lit and the same can be true for courtyards and walkways. If your building is lucky enough to have a doorman, they’re usually not anyone who is well-trained or capable of fending off an intruder or determined burglar. Security alarms are often ignored completely in favor of more insurance company friendly fire alarms. Those same insurance company policies may allow for “security cameras,” but the likelihood that anyone is monitoring them is slim and, on the rare occasion that they are working, they can be defeated, bypassed or avoided altogether.

Dogs are usually prohibited because of the noise and the potential damage involved, and, even if you’re fortunate enough to live in a dog-friendly complex, you’ll likely be restricted to a smaller dog that’s more bark than bite. The good news is that, while a smaller dog won’t protect you physically, it will give you plenty of warning that you’re about to have company. Enough time to allow you to fist your firearm of choice, for example.

Another threat to your security are those pesky neighbors that seem to mind everyone’s business but their own. The ones who watch you hungrily as you move in, eyeing with envy your widescreen TV and your camera gear. These same neighbors seem to be present whenever you come back from the range, too, looking on as you carry various weapons cases and expensive camping gear into your abode. They can always be found in the lobby when the mail comes, noting your gun catalogs and survival magazines. You can almost estimate in your head the number of days until your place is robbed and your valuables taken.

Major modifications to your doors and windows are usually not an option, so security upgrades can be limited. The landlord probably won’t allow you to reinforce door and window frames, so a visit to the hardware store is the best you’ll be able to manage, but anything that blocks or slows down an intruder is a step in the right direction.

Obviously, in an apartment complex environment, weapons security is incredibly important. Gun safes are great to have, but they are tough to move up flights of stairs if you’re above the first floor or two, and they take up a lot of space. You won’t be able to bolt it to the floor, but I guess you could always lay it on its back and use it as a coffee table. Absent a gun safe, put trigger locks on all your guns. Savvy burglars may not bother with them if they can’t find the keys, and, if they are stolen, they’ll at least be unusable and therefore more likely to be recovered by police.

Storage space can be an equally complicated issue when you live in an apartment. I suppose you can stack canned goods and ammo boxes in the shapes of chairs and couches, but, even with the right cushions, your friends are going to notice. Hilarity will then ensue at your expense.

Storage space inside your apartment is at a premium and is likely taken up by belongings that you use everyday. Long term storage for items that you rarely – if ever – use, is hard to come by. A spare bedroom can be utilized, of course, and it will keep supplies out of your way but close enough to rotate into your pantry, when appropriate. A basement can also be modified to fill this need, and, with a little shelving, can be an ideal storage space for a multitude of survival goodies.

Finding an apartment with a securable garage can make things much easier, especially if you plan on having enough supplies on hand to last a month or so. Water, food, ammo, first aid supplies and other emergency equipment can take up a lot of room, so you’d better plan on parking your car somewhere else. An open parking space with a storage bin can also be used, but again, theft is a problem. Hinges are easily removed and even the best padlock can be defeated with a suitable application of force and determination.

You may also consider a storage facility if you can afford the expensive rates. Storage lockers come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes – and are priced accordingly – but you should make sure that it’s close enough to reach, by foot, when things get ugly. Otherwise, you just provided supplies for your morally challenged neighbors on the other side of town when the proverbial crap hit’s the fan.

A better alternative is to find some like-minded friends who live in the neighborhood and form a security plan that addresses the need – and storage – of essential items for all of you in the event of an emergency. Such a plan is also handy when money is an issue, since you will have the advantage of several incomes to purchase common supplies. In addition to having critical items readily available, you’ll have the added benefit of trusted companions to rely upon at critical moments. And that can mean the difference between life and death, no matter how well supplied you are.

Failing any of these, the trunk of your car can be a godsend. Emergency water, food rations, first aid kit, spare batteries and extra ammo can all be stored safely and for long periods of time, and nobody but Superman is going to know it’s there. This provides the added benefit of being handy if you’re caught away from home when disaster strikes. As an added security measure, disable the trunk release on the dashboard of your car so that the key is needed to open the trunk. This will defeat the smash-window-pop-trunk-steal-goodies method popular among car burglars and thieves.

Even with limited space and the increased risk of theft, apartment residents can be prepared for any eventuality. Secure your property as best you can, discuss evacuation plans with friends and relatives, build your stockpiles (essentials first, then goodies) and, first and foremost, prepare for the defense of yourself and your family. When tragedy strikes, you’re going to be on your own.

And finally, given the state of the world at this moment, you’d better start today. What have you done to secure your apartment?

We all have the choice to exercise Free Will.
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"Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram"

Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:36 am
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Post Re: General Survival Advice
I find it interesting that the website Ready.gov is being advertised on on of the stations we watch on TV. (Apologies :embarressed I don't remember which one, but I will notice next time I see it.) The message is in a question: are you prepared for a disaster? go to Ready.gov for help in getting prepared. :hmm

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein

Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:10 pm
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Post Re: General Survival Advice
I put this on my "what not to do" list, during survival research!



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Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:11 pm
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Post Re: General Survival Advice
:roflmao :slap :crylaugh

Beeeeg Ouch!

Oh vey - boys and their toys.

Quite right - what NOT to do for survival..... :spit

Slingshot may be safe - but that projectile certainly aint! :shock:

We all have the choice to exercise Free Will.
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"Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram"

Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:54 am
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Post Re: General Survival Advice

Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
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