Mike Adams from Natural News posted a couple of lists: one from a website he recommends, and another for things you can get from the grocery store. You can find both lists here:
http://www.naturalnews.com/036907_emerg ... ounts.htmlI won't post his list for the specialty website; if interested go to the link above. Here is his list for items from any grocery store:
Recommended storable foods you can acquire at any grocery store
These items are very low cost, loaded with nutrients, and are easy to store:
• Sugar (not to eat, but to barter with. Never eat white processed sugar.) Buy coconut sugar if you can.
• Pepper (a basic spice, easy to store, easy to barter).
• Mustard (excellent nutrition, believe it or not. Made from mustard seeds.)
• Raisins (easy to store and barter)
• Lard (yeah, lard. On a cold winter's night when the heat is off, you'll wish you had some soup made with lard... and it's healthier than "vegetable oil" which is mostly GMO soybean oil anyway.)
• Butter
• Pickled vegetables (all kinds, including sauerkraut)
• Coffee (even if you don't drink it, you can barter it. People will be desperate.)
• Coffee filters (can also be used to help filter water, cooking oil and other items)
• Brown rice (large bags)
• Steel-cut oatmeal
• Local honey (stored practically forever)
• Sardines and anchovies packed in olive oil (excellent storable omega-3s)
• Sea salt (you almost can't have too much salt stored away...)
• Yet more sea salt
• And even MORE sea salt, because you will run out in a prolonged collapse scenario.
• Peanut butter (portable, high calories, which you'll need)
• Canned meats (long shelf life)
• Canned vegetables (you'll need the nutrients)
• Natural dried meats (AVOID all MSG!)
• Nuts and nut mixes (almonds, cashews, etc.)
• Cans of coconut milk or coconut fat (adds delicious flavor to any meal)
• Spare can openers, kitchen knife, small cutting board, etc.
Learn more:
http://www.naturalnews.com/036907_emerg ... z24Q4e2pgRI would add that I appreciate his natural food concerns, but I stocked regular salt (LOTS for bartering, salting meats and fish), white rice, lots of dried beans (which we do eat; no point in stocking what you don't eat normally.)