If You Sell a House These Days, the Buyer Might Be a Pension Fund
April 21, 2021
https://www.wsj.com/articles/if-you-sel ... -the-buy...
From individuals with smartphones and a few thousand dollars to pensions and private-equity firms with billions, yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family houses to rent out or flip. They are competing for houses with ordinary Americans, who are armed with the cheapest mortgage financing ever, and driving up home prices.
If You Can’t Beat Institutional Real Estate Investors, Join Them
June 9, 2021
https://www.financialsamurai.com/instit ... investors/Competition is heating up for single family homes due to demand from institutional real estate investors. There has been rapidly growing demand for single family rentals across the country, particularly in the South and Southeast. Demand is driven primarily by demographic changes, i.e. millennials starting families. There are also affordability constraints as there are more people moving away from small apartments in expensive cities to larger homes with yards.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 6/30/2021: Why has the US housing market suddenly become popular? The Gates foundation only recently started to buy up all US farmland available. Now pension funds are buying up tract housing projects and attempting to capture the housing market. The wealthy have always anticipated being in control during the Aftertime, after the Pole Shift has ravaged the Earth. They envision the common man will have no choice but to work their slave farms in order to be fed and housed. For this utopia for the wealthy to happen, they would need the cooperation of the US Military.
What in fact will happen in the US as the Pole Shift approaches will be Martial Law. Under Martial Law property can be confiscated, with fair compensation of the property owner the least concern. If there are millions of citizens out in the rain because cities have been leveled by earthquakes or the citizenry forcibly moved due to erupting volcanoes, the US Military will simply confiscate housing and set the citizens to work in work camps growing crops and tending domestic animals. Will today’s wealthy be in charge? No.