Re: Recent Earthquakes Caused by Nukes??
This David Wilcock discussion with Ben Fulford is certainly interesting, its just that as with so much online info without evidence we only have BF's word that its not all psy-ops, as reliable as Nancy L and her Zetan contacts, RB, etc. Its not enough to wish that its true!
What may be of significance is that there is evidence suggesting that the story might hold water.
The page below comes from the 'beforeitsnews' website (admittedly not perhaps always the first place to look for factual reporting) and includes links plus other related info.
I'll give them a

A week or so ago I recall seeing something on a webpage about the Andromedan Council stating that they caused these quakes, with destruction of DUMBS being the target and aim. Which, if true 'changes the game' somewhat. (erm, are there those 'out there'doing for us humans something similar to the publically stated story / reasoning behind what we did in Libya for the rebels??)
So, again I wonder, is Fulford telling the WHOLE truth???
Edit to Add: To find the exact reference do a search for 'earthquake' (ctrl+f)