Re: Moon Anomalies, Pyramid and Ancient Structures
Funny that... stupid ROT-HEADS again Listen hackerboy (obviously employed by the ROT-HEADS or the illuminazis) will you just quit it you know you are giving hackers a bad name.
Go and smoke your free dope supplied to you by the C.I.A. drug cartels and leave us be.
All of us know the governments are just lying, low brow, chest beating monkeys who were looking for a free meal ticket in the first place.
We know the military and secret government keep their most treasured toys underground in their bunkers, Flying Jetski's anyone?
Just by trying to cover the truth up makes you look like a moron what, Don't want we the people to know the truth huh?
That humanity didn't originate on earth we already knew that we were just waiting for you idiots to acknowledge that we knew all along

look how stupid you look now hackerboy, Going to drink some factory fresh fruity beef flavored orange juice thought so.
I can't believe you idiots hmm...
Also L2L some of the emoticons have freezed up, I've know that is how hackers exploit networks.
Could you please look into rectifying the problem.
This is to the hackerboy