Jesse Ventura investigates:
When investigating the 2012 theory, former governor Jesse Ventura stumbles upon clues that point towards a huge bunker under Denver Airport that the USA governement buid in preparation of 2012.
Underground Shelters | Denver International Airport The Secret Of Denver International Airport is that it houses the largest underground bunker in the US.
The airport was built in the middle of nowhere despite having a perfectly good, functional airport 19 miles closer to the city. The construction of which went way over budget. And in flat lands they moved about the third of the earth they moved to build the panama canal.
Coincidently located 120 miles from Cheyenne mountain, a well known government underground survival bunker, which is linked by tunnel to the airport 120 miles away.
Inside the airport you will find very strange disturbing paintings. Especially disturbing for an airport. A place where you would think the designers would choose calming images as nervous travellers board airplanes. Instead the sculptures and paintings show the end of the world, people living in basements, refugees above ground, and a man with an eagle and a AK47 killing the dove of peace. Burning bushes and people in coffins. The art shows the true purpose of Denver International airport. An underground shelter to escape what is depicted in the paintings. The end of the world.
Why put these clues in the airport? They want people to survive who have certain types of perceptive skills.
It is not a bad idea to build shelters for any type of natural event. Or as depicted in the paintings a forced destruction of the planet.
Regardless of motive, the building stands with clues to the purpose. They cant tell everyone about it as there is not enough room. They could at lease warn people to build their own shelters or make arrangemetns.
As I have stated before. Regardless if you feel something may or may not happen in 2012 or any other time. It would be wise for us, a population of human beings, hurtling through space on a big rock, to make some kind of shelter from the elements.
Massive Underground Facility Underneath Denver Airport – Conspiracy theorists think something’s fishy at Denver International
Tue, 01/15/2008 – 21:49 — Arthur Cristian
DIA Conspiracies Take Off
Conspiracy theorists think something’s fishy at Denver International Airport.
By Jared Jacang Maher
Published: August 30, 2007
“Have you ever been through the Denver airport? It’s strange. It’s one of the busiest, but I’m telling you, it’s weird. There’s a firestorm of people talking about this thing.”
Especially on June 11, when George Noory devotes all four hours of Coast to Coast, his nationally syndicated talk-radio program dedicated to the “paranormal, extraterrestrial and other topics typically overlooked by more mainstream media outlets,” to a discussion of Denver International Airport. Broadcast on more than 500 affiliate stations, including KHOW, the popular overnight show is the 60 Minutes of conspiracy theories, often with self-educated experts expounding on such subjects as the occult, psychic visions, crop circles, Skull and Bones and apocalyptic predictions. And almost all of these conspiracies intersect at DIA.
For the show this night, a special line is set up for listeners in Colorado. Susan from Denver finds it strange that so many contractors were dismissed during the airport’s construction, and speculates that this was a tactic to prevent workers from understanding the true scope of the project, allowing planners to build a facility six stories underground “without anyone questioning it.” Chris from Indianapolis has heard that the tunnels below DIA were constructed as a kind of Noah’s Ark so that five million people could escape the coming earth change; shaken and earnest, he asks how someone might go about getting on the list.
The airport holds more clues. “These murals, which are shown in the film, are a story,” Weidner continues.
“Like a message?” Noory asks. “Are they trying to tell us something? Or are they trying to [rub] it in our face?”
Weidner explains that some high-level factions in Masonic society may be using the murals to alert the general population to the earth-shattering political and environmental changes in store for 2012. Either that, or those factions are amazingly arrogant. Because for Weidner and other conspiracy experts, the symbolism is as explicit as a manifesto.
http://truth11.com/2010/12/21/undergrou ... l-airport/Lots more at the above linkNOTE: I have read in several places that some of the murals have been painted over, and parts changed on others, but original photos of the murals are to be found in many places on the Net.