There are legitimate stories about Black Eye’d Children just as there are legitimate stories about the Men in Black. They are a hominoid race transplanted to Earth just as Bigfoot and the precursor ape for the American Indian were transplants. The Men in Black technologically advanced when transplanted and took up residence in underground cavers as they cannot tolerate bright sunlight. If any humans are likely to discover an entry to their caverns, they pay them a visit in an intimidating manner.
The stories about Black Eye’d Children knocking on doors in the middle of the night has a simple explanation. Children are curious, and on the rare occasion when they sneak behind their parents to see what lies above on the surface world of man, they get lost. In these instances they have a way to signal their parents, but if frightened or cold they may seek temporary shelter in a nearby house. They divert their eyes to avoid being recognized as a different hominoid race. Their skin is pale as they live underground without sunlight.
Prior 1995 ZT: Men in Black have received a lot of press as their visits are in the consciousness of humans. These entities are allowed to make these visits, as they are in the same density as humans and are not in quarantine. Where do they come from? They are not extraterrestrial at all, but live underground, in tunnels and caverns. Their townships exist in isolation. The electrical energy the Men in Black use is chemically generated, a method learned on their home planet prior to their transplantation to Earth. The Men in Black, being unable to live on the surface, established themselves underground when they first arrived on Earth, in a technologically advanced state. They are not violent, as humans are by nature, but they're scared silly of being discovered by humans.