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The Golden Thread - View topic - Small balls of light
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 Small balls of light 
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Post Small balls of light
IN the last few days we have seen what appear to be small balls reflecting light moving purposefully across the sky in the middle of the day. The first time we managed to train a telescope on it, since it moved across the sky, then stayed in one place for about 45 minutes, before zooming off in the opposite direction. It appeared to be reflecting the sun off a shiny surface, since it looked like a half moon.

Today we saw another one, either a little bigger, or a little closer to earth, move from North to Northwest for about 95 degrees, then back along the same path going in the opposite direction. Four people saw these objects both times. The first time, two of us saw several other smaller ones that seemed to be moving away from the original one as it sat stationary in the west.

Anybody ever see such a thing? In the past I have witnessed what looked like moving stars at night a couple of times, but never coming and going. What I saw at night were probably satellites.

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein

Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:11 pm
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Post Re: Small balls of light
Ruts at first as I was reading I was chuckling as I read cause I thought you were seeing satellites, then I realized its during the day and they are changing directions :huh

You CANNOT see satellites during the day, furthermore satellites cannot change directions unless we have some new remote controlled ones that the world is not aware of :sherlock

I'm no expert but it sounds like you have a genuine sighting on your hands, congrats!

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Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:48 pm
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Post Re: Small balls of light
Here's one from Dutchsinse's FB page:

Michael Janitch
First hand report --- last night .. 145am CDT approx (august 22, 2012)... I was on my back porch taking out the trash before bed.. looked up.. saw what first looked like a very fast satellite.. luminescence similar to the ISS or Space shuttle.. fairly bright .. but less than venus or jupiter..

This object then SPED UP.. made a "s - shaped" arc through the sky.. after making the s curves across the entire sky.. it went up and back down "arching" very fast .. then back to straight trajectory as it passed far across the horizon..

this all happened in about 3 seconds or less... comparing speeds to having before watched the space shuttle pass, and ISS, as well as iridium satellites etc.. I would say this object was moving about 100,000+mph.. 2-3 seconds across the entire sky.. Left NO tracer/trail or tail. A bright (round?) speck in the sky for sure glowing.... NOT a meteor.

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein

Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:39 pm
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