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Post Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
Wonder if this will gain momentum??

Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?

ATLANTA -- Conspiracy theorists believe the U.S. government is spreading toxic chemicals from planes. They call them chemtrails and there believe the toxins are damaging the environment and our health.

"It definitely angers me," said Ali Valente of Buckhead. "Some days there's only four [chemtrails] some days there's eight. Some days the whole sky is enveloped in milky white substance."

Full Story >>

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Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:26 pm
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?

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Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:27 pm
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
I have been watching chemtrails for years. I have seen many X's, a couple of circles, but the other day I saw one that I had read about, but never seen - a complete tic tac toe grid, with perfect 90 degree angles. Now would the chemtrail naysayers please explain to me how "normal" airplanes fly in these patterns.... They can't can they? (Boy do I wish I had my camera or phone in hand as I passed under that grid!)

A little note from personal experience; those who have known me for a while know I have claimed that on days when there is heavy spraying over my town, my arthritis pain is much worse. Well, when I was in Peru recently, my arthritis was a lot better (not perfect by any means, but much better.) I thought perhaps it was the warmer weather, but some of my worst months pain-wise have been in the summer. One thing I did notice, and deliberately kept track of, was that there were NO chemtrails over Peru while I was there - not one. (Maybe Peru isn't that important in the plans of the puppetmasters - who knows? Better for them, right..) Of course that is by no means "proof" or even reliable evidence, since there could have been multiple factors playing into my diminished pain factor, but hey, I don't believe in coincidences, so I put it here for your consideration.

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Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:04 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
That's an interesting Tid Bit Ruts, things that make go hmmmmmmmmmm :sherlock

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Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:18 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
rutsuyasun wrote:
I have been watching chemtrails for years. I have seen many X's, a couple of circles, but the other day I saw one that I had read about, but never seen - a complete tic tac toe grid, with perfect 90 degree angles. Now would the chemtrail naysayers please explain to me how "normal" airplanes fly in these patterns.... They can't can they? (Boy do I wish I had my camera or phone in hand as I passed under that grid!)

A little note from personal experience; those who have known me for a while know I have claimed that on days when there is heavy spraying over my town, my arthritis pain is much worse. Well, when I was in Peru recently, my arthritis was a lot better (not perfect by any means, but much better.) I thought perhaps it was the warmer weather, but some of my worst months pain-wise have been in the summer. One thing I did notice, and deliberately kept track of, was that there were NO chemtrails over Peru while I was there - not one. (Maybe Peru isn't that important in the plans of the puppetmasters - who knows? Better for them, right..) Of course that is by no means "proof" or even reliable evidence, since there could have been multiple factors playing into my diminished pain factor, but hey, I don't believe in coincidences, so I put it here for your consideration.

It's the aluminium alloys makes arthritis a real B***H!


Home Remedies for Arthritis
Arthritis home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers

Arthritis Treatment using Potato Juice
The raw potato juice therapy is considered one of the most successful biological treatments for rheumatic and arthritic conditions. It has been used in folk medicine for centuries. The traditional method of preparing potato juice is to cut a medium-sized potato into thin slices, without peeling the skin, and place the slices overnight in a large glass filled with cold water. The water should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. Fresh juice can also be extracted from potatoes. A medium-sized potato should be diluted with a cup of water and drunk first thing in the morning.

Arthritis Treatment using Other Raw Juices
One cup of green juice, extracted from any green leafy vegetable, mixed in equal proportions with carrot, celery, and red beet juices is good for arthritis. The alkaline action of raw juices dissolves the accumulation of deposits around the joints and in other tissues. A cup of fresh pineapple juice is also valuable, as the enzyme bromelain in fresh pineapple juice reduces swelling and inflammation in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Arthritis Treatment using Sesame Seeds
A teaspoon of black sesame seeds, soaked in a quarter cup of water and kept overnight, has been found to be effective in preventing frequent joint pains. The water in which the seeds are soaked should also be taken along with the seeds first thing in the morning.

Arthritis Treatment using Copper
Drinking water kept overnight in a copper container accumulates traces of copper, which is said to strengthen the muscular system. A copper ring or bracelet is worn for the same reason.

Arthritis Treatment using Calcium
Studies have shown that calcium can help arthritis. Several patients have discovered that joint pains have either been relieved or have disappeared entirely after taking calcium. This mineral should be taken in the form of calcium lactate. Two teaspoons of calcium lactate, each teaspoon providing 400 mg of absorbable calcium, may be taken three times daily in water, before meals for at least four months.

Arthritis Ttreatment using Garlic
Garlic is another effective remedy for arthritis. It contains an anti-inflammatory property which accounts for its effectiveness in the treatment of this disease. Garlic may be taken raw or cooked according to individual preference.

Arthritis Treatment using Bananas
Bananas, being a rich source of vitamin B6, have proved useful in the treatment of arthritis. A diet of only bananas for three or four days is advised in treating this condition. The patient may eat eight or nine bananas daily during this period and nothing else.

Arthritis Treatment using Lime
Lime has also been found beneficial as a home remedy for arthritis. The citric acid found in lime is a solvent of uric acid which is the primary cause of some types of arthritis. The juice of one lime, diluted with water, may be taken once a day, preferably first thing in the morning.

Arthritis Treatment using Alfalfa
A tea made from the herb alfalfa, especially from its seeds, has shown beneficial results in the treatment of arthritis. One teaspoon of alfalfa seeds may be added to one cup of water. Three to four cups of this tea should be taken daily by arthritics for at least two weeks.

Arthritis Treatment using Green Gram Soup
Another home remedy found useful in relieving pains in the joints is the use of green gram soup. This soup should be prepared by mixing a tablespoon of green gram in a cup of water, with two crushed garlic cloves. It should be taken twice a day.

Arthritis Treatment using Castor Oil
Treatment with castor oil has been found beneficial in arthritis. The procedure, as prescribed by a Spanish doctor, is to boil two tablespoons of castor oil over a stove burner. The oil should then be poured into a glass of fresh orange juice and taken before breakfast daily till the disease is cured. It was advised to patients to take it for three weeks, wait for another three weeks and then repeat it again for another three weeks. It is, however, essential that the patient must take an alkaline diet while adopting this mode of treatment otherwise the value of the treatment will be lost.

Arthritis Treatment using Coconut or Mustard Oil
Warm coconut oil or mustard oil, mixed with two or three pieces of camphor should be massaged on stiff and aching joints. It will increase blood supply, and reduce inflammation and stiffness with the gentle warmth produced while massaging. Camphorated oil is an ancient rubefacient used for the purpose.

Usually you have to combine ALL of them to get any benefit!

If you do combine all of them you'll be doing BACKFLIPS off the walls :roflmao


Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:44 pm
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
I just stumbled on some very enlightening info on chemtrails, as well as vindication for my theory that my arthritis is worse when spraying is heavy. Take a look here: ... rails.html

CHEMTRAILS OVER AMERICA (and other countries)

a couple of excerpts:

It is believed that barium salt, polymer fibers and other chemicals, in the atmosphere are the physical irritants that are either directly or indirectly responsible, for the recent nationwide epidemic increase in cases of nose bleed, asthma, allergies, pneumonia, upper respiratory symptoms and a noticeable increase in arthritis symptoms, recently reported nationwide. Chemicals illegally sprayed into the atmosphere are producing atmospheric and ground conditions detrimental to human and animal health but favorable to the growth of harmful molds and fungus.

Fragile life support systems in our environment are being manipulated, tested and altered by government for military advantage (through spraying chemicals). Air Force documents implied, "the risks are high but the rewards are worth it."....Chemicals illegally sprayed into the atmosphere are producing atmospheric and ground conditions detrimental to human and animal health but favorable to the growth of harmful molds and fungus.

Chemtrails create warming & absorbs moisture "Drought Inducement" -:- PICS

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein

Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:40 pm
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
I know we have a thread here somehere on Chemtrails but dont have the time to find it right now as we are leaving for the long weekend for Darien Lake :clap

If one of you get some time can you please find the thread PIN it and add this to it please and thanks!

L2L wrote:
Great find Freak thanks :clap :clap

fr33kSh0w2012 wrote:


DONE: rutsuyasun

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein

Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:41 pm
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
I read somewhere that the gubment sprays to soak up radiation from extra-stellar sources? Whether this is true is another thing. I am sure it is not done for the benefit of the people. What worries me is the Morgellons effect people are showing....

Ruts - you must really investigate MMS as I am having great success in assisting folks cleaning out pathogens, but also soft metals from their systems, resulting in improvement with arthritis, and many other ailments. Clean body allows the immune system to do its thing!


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Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:26 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
Chemtrails- FBI Former Chief Ted Gunderson Tells TRUTH!!

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Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:26 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
Found this great site thanks to the above video

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Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:49 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
fulcanelli wrote:
Notice of Intent to Chemtrail... In Plane Sight

San Luis Obispo - The Tribune: Legal Notices

Santa Barbara County, CA - Weather Modification Notice - Classified Ads
Date Listed: November 18
Newspaper ID #6965931


The purpose of the project is to increase rainfall to help alleviate deficiencies of water supplies in Santa Barbara County. Clouds would be seeded by the dispersal of Silver Iodide (AgI). Two possible modes of seeding, air based and ground based, would be used. LOCATION OF PURPOSE: Project operations could be conducted during the period between November 15 and April 15, for each year, 2011-2012 through 2015-2016. Airborne seeding operations would utilize air space over Santa Barbara County, portions of San Luis Obispo County as well as the Pacific Ocean immediately west of Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties. Ground based seeding operations would be conducted from the Santa Ynez Mountains, the Casmalia Hills and the San Rafael Mountains. The target areas for seeding operations are the watersheds behind Cachuma and Gibraltar reservoirs on the Santa Ynez River as well as Twitchell reservoir on the Cuyama River. LICENSEE: The project would be operated and supervised by a licensed weather modification consultant. PROJECT INIFORMATION: Information on the proposed project may be reviewed at: Santa Barbara County Water Agency 620 West Foster Road Santa Maria CA 93455 (805) 739-8781 Contact: Mr. Dennis Gibbs, P.H. Senior Hydrologist November 18, 2011

Read the classified ad here:

-=== -=== -===

"Silver, as silver iodide, is used in the United States for weather modification, including rain and snow making and hail suppression; as much as 3,110 kg of silver is used for this purpose annually (Smith and Carson 1977)."


"The nuclei that become the hearts of raindrops can be put into the rain-bearing clouds artificially. Several things may be used. By far the best is silver iodide. When vaporized, silver iodide yields about 600,000 billion particles per gram, each a potential raindrop. (There are 450 grams in a pound.) Only a few grams of silver iodide may affect many hundreds of cubic miles of cloud in a brief time."


"The toxic effects of most metals can be traced to their ability to disrupt the function of essential biological molecules, such as proteins, enzymes and DNA. In some cases this involves displacing chemically related metal ions that are required for important biological functions such as cell growth, division and repair. "


Silver Iodide is suspended in acetone (paint thinner) and when it is burned (vaporized) it expands. Silver iodide never dissipates. Once it falls to the ground in the form of a raindrop or snowflake, the water dissipates, but the silver iodide remains. Once on the ground, it gets washed down streams, rivers and ends up in our water. Some of it soaks into the soil and creates bacteria, which robs root systems of moisture... among other things.

Most damaging is the AgI that we breathe in, but this is only one of the many other substances detected in chemtrails:

1. Aluminum barium
2. Aluminum Oxide
3. Bacilli and Molds
4. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
5. Pseudomonas Florescens
6. Bacilli Amyloliquefaciens
7. Streptomyces
8. Enterobacteriaceae
9. Serratia Marcscens
10. Human white Blood Cells-A restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA
11. Enterobacter Cloacal
12. Other Bacilli and other toxic molds capable of producing heart disease and meningitis as well as acute upper respiratory and gastrointestinal distress
13. Carcinogen Zinc Cadmium Sulfide


As if they weren't chemtrailing on a massive scale, daily (with few exceptions), already. So, the Legal Notice in the classifieds (which was listed 3 days after the project was to begin - 11/15/11) is just a big FU to anyone paying attention... any other takes?


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Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:20 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
fulcanelli wrote:
L2L wrote:
fulcanelli thanks for posting that about the Chemtrails, it's the first time that I have ever scene the PTB speak about them publically before...

A big F U indeed.........

Cheers, L... I was in the Santa Clarita Valley (~70 miles east of Santa Barbara), yesterday, and snapped a couple of phone pics of the massive and unrelenting chemtrailing, up there:



The whole idea of "cloud seeding" is such complete and utter BS, particularly when the weather would've otherwise been a sunny, cloudless day.


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Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:28 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
Simmering Frog wrote:
Those are contrails.

Calculate the weight of water necessary to put that much in the air. Those are caused by the disturbance of supercooled water in the air; once crystals form they self-propagate.

Chemtrails are real;but those pictures are not them.

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Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:28 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
Dex wrote:
Simmering Frog wrote:
Those are contrails.

Calculate the weight of water necessary to put that much in the air. Those are caused by the disturbance of supercooled water in the air; once crystals form they self-propagate.

Chemtrails are real;but those pictures are not them.

I don't agree.

Contrails water moisture, fuel mix, appears to dissipate not far behind the plane's hot exhaust, at least what our naked eye perceives, however cool the temperature of the air.
That photo looks cloud building. Eventually the dispensed substances will fan out forming a milky layer in the sky. What I'd like to know is what exactly is their chemical content and why the dispensing? Does the reason's vary?


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Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:28 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
Simmering Frog wrote:

Under some conditions the ice crystals self-propagate. You may have seen trails (whatever you think they are) that stop and start. That is because the craft goes through air that does not have the conditions to create the crystals, and then resumes in the next area.

Some contrails, under the right conditions will expand into very large clouds that occupy a large segment of the sky. That is not possible if no new material is being added by continued spraying. The super-cooled vapor was already there.

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Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:29 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
Dex wrote:
Simmering Frog wrote:

Under some conditions the ice crystals self-propagate. You may have seen trails (whatever you think they are) that stop and start. That is because the craft goes through air that does not have the conditions to create the crystals, and then resumes in the next area.

Some contrails, under the right conditions will expand into very large clouds that occupy a large segment of the sky. That is not possible if no new material is being added by continued spraying. The super-cooled vapor was already there.

So you're saying that chemicals are existant because of former chemtrail dispensing? Now a new effect from water vapor and jet fuel exhaust. Thats interesting.


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Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:29 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
L2L wrote:
I am confused too Frog are you saying that Chemtrails do not exsist or are you saying that they are all CONTRAILS?

If your are saying they are all CONTRAILS I have to respectfully disagree with you as I can see the difference almost daily and at some points can even point out a CONTRAIL & a CHEMTRAIL in the same sky at the same time!

Can you clarify please & thanks!

Dex wrote:
Simmering Frog wrote:

Under some conditions the ice crystals self-propagate. You may have seen trails (whatever you think they are) that stop and start. That is because the craft goes through air that does not have the conditions to create the crystals, and then resumes in the next area.

Some contrails, under the right conditions will expand into very large clouds that occupy a large segment of the sky. That is not possible if no new material is being added by continued spraying. The super-cooled vapor was already there.

So you're saying that chemicals are existant because of former chemtrail dispensing? Now a new effect from water vapor and jet fuel exhaust. Thats interesting.


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Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:30 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
Simmering Frog wrote:
Chemtrails are real. They are used to map the electric atmosphere to use HAARP. The above pictures are ordinary contrails.

Cointrails are caused by disturbing supercooled water in the air; this triggers crystal formation seen as a cloud.

When a contrail grows, it does so by creating a cloud from water in the air. It is not a chem trail spreading.

You can see these start and stop as the plane goes through different conditions. Spraying at high altitudes will fall out thousands of miles from the location at which it is sprayed. It is not intended to affect the biosphere near earth, but to chart the electric behavior of the higher altitudes.

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Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:30 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
L2L wrote:
Simmering Frog wrote:
Chemtrails are real. They are used to map the electric atmosphere to use HAARP. The above pictures are ordinary contrails.

Cointrails are caused by disturbing supercooled water in the air; this triggers crystal formation seen as a cloud.

When a contrail grows, it does so by creating a cloud from water in the air. It is not a chem trail spreading.

You can see these start and stop as the plane goes through different conditions. Spraying at high altitudes will fall out thousands of miles from the location at which it is sprayed. It is not intended to affect the biosphere near earth, but to chart the electric behavior of the higher altitudes.

Please understand that I am NOT trying to start an argument rather understand something that you clearly know more about than I do.

You mention the above photos but you do not put them in your post so if I may I will try and do so in an attempt to clarify.

Photo #1
You say this is a regular CONTRAIL as seen here


In the photo above I agree with you that the plane is creating a CONTRAIL as it is clearly disappearing behind the plane as it should however the plane is passing over an obvious CHEMTRAIL!
Would you agree or disagree?

Photo #2
Are these CONTRAILS, CHEMTRAILS or a mixture of both?


The above photo clearly shows CHEMTRAILS on a mass scale so this is just cloud seeding as they now claim?

I would appreciate your input and what I am missing here as I have ALWAYS thought I knew the difference between the two?

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Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:30 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
Rick Hunter wrote:
I was recently challenged on twitter after posting a photo of what I believe to be a chemtrail. It's the middle of summer here, on that day the temperature was in the low 30s celsius and humidity was about 75%. The tweeter linked to a wikipedia page on contrails saying that under certain conditions condensation trails will run right across the sky but it had little detail on what those conditions are.
I just installed a phone app called flight aware. You can track planes flying in the local area so I will be able to check if chemtrail/long contrail planes are commercial flights. Not sure what I could do with the information, I haven't seen any suspect flights in the last week.

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Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:31 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
Bluebonnet wrote:
Rick Hunter wrote:
I was recently challenged on twitter after posting a photo of what I believe to be a chemtrail. It's the middle of summer here, on that day the temperature was in the low 30s celsius and humidity was about 75%. The tweeter linked to a wikipedia page on contrails saying that under certain conditions condensation trails will run right across the sky but it had little detail on what those conditions are.
I just installed a phone app called flight aware. You can track planes flying in the local area so I will be able to check if chemtrail/long contrail planes are commercial flights. Not sure what I could do with the information, I haven't seen any suspect flights in the last week.

Rick - I live in a direct flight path to a major airport here on the Gulf Coast of Texas and rarely see chemtrails/contrails.

That said we do see contrails on cold, humid days like we've had the last several weeks. And, yes, they do extend across the sky.

Makes ya go hmmmm, doesn't it?

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Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:31 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
fulcanelli wrote:
L2L wrote:
Photo #1
You say this is a regular CONTRAIL as seen here

(image redacted for space - see previous posts - fulcanelli)

In the photo above I agree with you that the plane is creating a CONTRAIL as it is clearly disappearing behind the plane as it should however the plane is passing over an obvious CHEMTRAIL!
Would you agree or disagree?

Photo #2
Are these CONTRAILS, CHEMTRAILS or a mixture of both?

(image redacted for space - see previous posts - fulcanelli)

The above photo clearly shows CHEMTRAILS on a mass scale so this is just cloud seeding as they now claim?

I would appreciate your input and what I am missing here as I have ALWAYS thought I knew the difference between the two?

Hey L... thanks for inquiring on a clarification from Frog, as I was going to do the same, but you beat me to it.

Your analysis is spot-on, IMO. Photo 1 shows a plane leaving a contrail, which indeed began to dissipate (as seen in the picture), until it was completely gone a few seconds later. However, as you rightly point out, this plane and its contrail passed a persistent Chemtrail, which gradually dispersed covering a wider area of the sky... basically the same as those seen in Photo 2.

The following YT video is a good example, showing both chemtrails and contrails:

Many people from around the world, are posting pictures and videos, daily, of the atmosphere being poisoned from the sky. Don't forget the about the chem webs (wispy whitish thread like substance forming clumps or webs), which I've seen floating down with my own eyes...


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Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:32 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
the time traveler wrote:
fulcanelli wrote:
L2L wrote:
Photo #1
You say this is a regular CONTRAIL as seen here

(image redacted for space - see previous posts - fulcanelli)

In the photo above I agree with you that the plane is creating a CONTRAIL as it is clearly disappearing behind the plane as it should however the plane is passing over an obvious CHEMTRAIL!
Would you agree or disagree?

Photo #2
Are these CONTRAILS, CHEMTRAILS or a mixture of both?

(image redacted for space - see previous posts - fulcanelli)

The above photo clearly shows CHEMTRAILS on a mass scale so this is just cloud seeding as they now claim?

I would appreciate your input and what I am missing here as I have ALWAYS thought I knew the difference between the two?

Hey L... thanks for inquiring on a clarification from Frog, as I was going to do the same, but you beat me to it.

Your analysis is spot-on, IMO. Photo 1 shows a plane leaving a contrail, which indeed began to dissipate (as seen in the picture), until it was completely gone a few seconds later. However, as you rightly point out, this plane and its contrail passed a persistent Chemtrail, which gradually dispersed covering a wider area of the sky... basically the same as those seen in Photo 2.

The following YT video is a good example, showing both chemtrails and contrails:

[youtube]Retracted for space[/youtube]

Many people from around the world, are posting pictures and videos, daily, of the atmosphere being poisoned from the sky. Don't forget the about the chem webs (wispy whitish thread like substance forming clumps or webs), which I've seen floating down with my own eyes...

[youtube]Retracted for space[/youtube]


Backin the fifties Angel Hair was seen falling out of flying saucers. In a short time it just vanished. 2 + 2 still makes 4 !

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Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:32 am
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
Being thoughtful of the Chemtrail issues raised here, as we don't really see them in South Africa, but being mindful that stuff in the stratosphere spreads world wide and into the sea, I went looking for myself for some empirical evidence. Tripped over this documentary and it kept giving me eye stretches as I continued through the material.

Oh Hell - is all I can say. "A moral no-brainer, gambling with our children's future?"

WTF are these scientists thinking? Or IS it a cover story - as they admit clearly at doing it?!


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Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:35 pm
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Post Re: Chemtrails: Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?
L2L wrote:
Chem Trail right over the Capitol, bad time to snap this shot :crylaugh


Taken from the Front Page of the Huff Post, US Edition

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Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:27 am
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