I use this recipe all the time. It is totally safe for
children, pregnant and nursing mothers. Fenugreek helps to
draw mucus from the body, lemon and garlic help get rid of
Use this combination, it's something about this recipe and
these ingredients that is perfect for colds and flu! And of
course this tea along with rest and plenty of other fluids
16 oz. water
1 heaping tablespoon of Fungreek seed powder
(you can find this in Indian and Asian markets)
Juice of 1 whole lemon 1 clove garlic chopped
Bring water to boil and then add all ingredients
and lower heat, simmer for about a minute, then let
cool and then strain.
Drink one in the morning and one in the evening. It will
cure what ails ya!
A little about Fenugreek: It is considered a super food! It
promotes lactation. It is high in B vitamins. As a seed it
is very high in protein. The sprouts are amazing. It is good
for diabetics because it helps balance the blood sugar. It
is a mucilage.
Another recipe that is great for babies is Fenugreek cereal:
Take about 1 Tbs Fenugreek and soak it in about a half a cup
of water until it gets creamy. Add a sweetener like
molasses, agave or raw honey. It is a great preventive
measure against illness.
These recipes are part of the Sacred Diet which is practiced
by a community of vegans who have been raising vegan babies
for 40+ years in Israel. So it has been tested, tried and
love, Eranah
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