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 Importance of Spirit Guides 
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GT Truther

Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 3:30 pm
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Post Importance of Spirit Guides
For those of you who don't know:

Just as you start your new life, you'll pick "Spirit Guides". These individuals are there to help
guide you through your life that you've's important to listen to them! When you die (ascend), your soul goes back to the second dimension (heaven). You stay there for generally a hundred years or so before you decide to take on another life. When you pick another life, you choose more spirit guides and start the process all over. You have the choice....pretty amazing indeed!

Here on earth typically if a person "hears voices" they are sent for a psychological eval and given medications. Years from now, people will be seeking help if they don't hear voices...amazing how screwed up life is at this time.

Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:01 pm
GT Truther

Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 3:30 pm
Posts: 600
Post Re: Importance of Spirit Guides
Was just re-reading this and figured I'd add a bit more:

After one dies here on earth and the soul returns to the second dimension, you need not wait a hundred years to pick another life, that seems to be a common time. Some souls decide to come back sooner and some even right back here to earth!

Some of you pick only one or two guides, others have more.

I'm sure this will be hard to believe for some, but I wanted you to know just the same. If you choose not to believe this, that's perfectly ok. My theme has always been never to force a belief on anyone. Free will and thought is wonderful! When your reading anything I put here, trust your heart or gut feeling to sense if it is real or not. ......everyone has incredible abilities, the majority just don't know it yet........hopefully in the near future you will start to understand how unique you really are!

Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:45 am
GT Truther

Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 3:30 pm
Posts: 600
Post Re: Importance of Spirit Guides
Adding More Here:

Meditation is the key to everything from spirit guide communication to other abilities. Really easy for some but not others. Take a meditation class if you want. Talk to others that have the abilities or already communicate to other species.

Try this fun test:(or maybe you have already noticed this)

In bed relaxing for 20 minutes or so before you go to sleep: If the room is dark with your "eyes closed", do you notice any slow moving / light colored cloudy objects in the visual field?


If you wake up in the middle of the night, keep your eye's closed and look for the same things. Doing this in mid sleep, there's a better chance your brain is in a "relaxed state" and seeing these images may be easier. If your good at meditation, seeing these objects is generally easier as well. There's a lot more to the slow moving objects than you think! It's another form of information from your guides like the ringing in your ears. Both images and ringing are very early forms of recognizing your guides!

Over time (for some anyhow), these images can evolve into incredible viewing.

Even though you may not know the names of your guides yet, ask a question before you go to sleep. You may get the answer in your dream. It may not happen the first time but keep trying....see what becomes of it!

Some folks are lucky enough to hear voices early on and can have conversations with them. Sometimes they talk so much you may have to tell them to keep quiet!

Go on the internet / you tube or wherever and study the different techniques and learn the way guides try to communicate with you. No harm in giving it a try, right?........they're in your life for a reason people!

Everyone has been so insulated from what their true potential is and how much spiritual support they have options to.
You are not nearly alone as you think....

Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:48 pm
GT Truther

Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 3:30 pm
Posts: 600
Post Re: Importance of Spirit Guides
More on this:

Sat Dec 27, 2014 2:18 pm
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