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 A Little Info on Soul Mates 
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GT Truther

Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 3:30 pm
Posts: 600
Post A Little Info on Soul Mates
Picture this:

When a soul is created, it's basically released as a ball of energy. If any of you are scuba divers, when your down deep and release a large air bubble with your regulator, the bubble wiggles as it ascends. This would be like the ball of energy released.
This "energy ball" eventually splits in two, basically into male and female. That my friends is the start of you and your sole mates life....pretty neat!!

Everyone has a soul mate and it's pretty much a duplicate of you. A large percentage of "souls" here "in body" on earth are quite old......meaning some have had "billions" , yes, you heard that right, of lives! During that time, you've probably lived many of them with your soul mate as your significant other. Often times to have different experiences, you plan a life to not be with them. Sometimes you may be on different planets in different galaxies!

As mentioned before, this all sounds "way out there", but I wanted you to know just the same......enjoy!

Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:19 am
GT Truther

Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 3:30 pm
Posts: 600
Post Re: A Little Info on Soul Mates
Wanted to add this:

My soul mate has been home (second dimension) for a while. Her last life was in this galaxy.
She is happy, playful and enjoying her vacation so to speak. Even though everyone exists as energy in the second dimension, they can do things here we can notice in our Physical or "third dimension".

This is out there but I want to mention it because it's kind of neat and funny (to me anyhow). If my soul mate is around me (which is not very often so far) she'll stick her finger in my left ear........yea, I know, hard to believe.....the sensation lasts less than 10 seconds. I immediately know its her because that's her sign for me. Its different than any other type left ear sensation I've experienced. Thank god she doesn't stick it somewhere else...... :awe

I hope others in time will share these and other unusual experiences because its "us" making contact with the "other side". Excellent learning tools for everyone when we share. For most people, the conversations we have now could qualify us to be put in a psych ward. Over time, you'll find these subjects commonplace on most forums you go to.

Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:23 am
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