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 Human vs Ancient Physical Race Brain Barrier 
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GT Truther

Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 3:30 pm
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Post Human vs Ancient Physical Race Brain Barrier
I've mentioned this before but wanted to give it a separate Post:

The left and right side of the human brain has not been allowed to "communicate" with each other on a metaphysical plane. Some folks on the planet have the ability but the majority don't. The ancient physical races never had that barrier, thus have wonderful telepathic and other type abilities.

How the barrier got there is quite a story. .....everyone will learn this when they pass on and go back to the second dimension / heaven / or whatever you personally refer to it as.

On earth, the barrier was removed 12/21/12 date... actually a little earlier that year and will never be put back in place again. The date was not about the earth's destruction but about people never seeing life the same way. Removal of the barrier opens up the mind, thus, getting ride of the close minded...panic ridden, mouse in the cage syndrome.

If your abilities weren't blocked, it would have been much harder for the Bankers and some ET's to convince humans to take the path's they did. Hard to have a meeting with someone who can read your mind so to speak. Like I said before, make sure you have the most powerful telepath on the planet with you when dealing with people your unfamiliar with.

The combination of the barrier and the Annunaki taking advantage with their genetic experience / mind control allowed for decent control of the population. Remember people, the Annunaki came to earth on starships 11 million years ago to put some of their own kind here............have a relaxing glass of wine in front of a fireplace some evening and ponder that for a moment!

Mon Nov 03, 2014 10:31 am
GT Truther
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Post Re: Human vs Ancient Physical Race Brain Barrier
So all the abilities I had when I was 13 years old will come back to me, eventually, your saying gtavt?


Wed Nov 05, 2014 6:18 am
Profile YIM
GT Truther

Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 3:30 pm
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Post Re: Human vs Ancient Physical Race Brain Barrier
To directly answer your question: Yes, and should be much more than that.

While in body, everyone's abilities are so contained, but are slowly evolving now. The evolving time frame is individual. Not everyone will have the exact abilities. Jesus was able to heal....well guess what, other people have the ability to heal too, obviously some more than others. (I'm sure this statement won't sit well with some religious folks.... :gah ).

Some folks will have stronger telepathic abilities, some more telekinetic, etc., etc.

I not sure of the abilities you had at the time. Seems like you already can communicate to the ET's (ancient physical races) by focusing in the shower. If your that far into communication, you should be able to link with your spirit guides now and they can answer most of your questions. It's pretty amazing what they can do and show you as well!

Of interesting note:
I do remember you mentioning in another post having a wonderful connection to a reptilian type individual and if I'm correct, was romantic. Also, at one point she scratched her hand and you felt it. As soon as I read that, my first thought was that person might be your soul mate. If so, lucky you!!!
(see my soul mate post)

One thing of concern is the chip in your eye you had talked about......I'm in hopes that wasn't part of any "military project" in relation to any super soldier trials, etc.


That reminds me. I'm going to create a new post for the majority that don't have telepathic abilities, to be able to manually communicate with ET"s that are up there watching over everyone now. I think I'll put it in the "Fun Zone" because it is kind of neat to contact our friends in space. They have their limitations of contact because of "rules" but they can reply in their own way.

Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:14 am
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