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 Re: Letters of their Time #1
Shirley’s Newsletter 1
Dear Friend,
There are so many misconceptions about the Holy Spirit. Perhaps one of the reasons is that it was translated as “Holy Ghost” in the authorised version of the Bible, and this has put it out of the sphere of the relation for, most people. The whole concept has been misunderstood and simply relegated to the realm of “mysteries beyond our understanding”.
Others have tied it down to a set of phenomena which again confuses those unable to manifest the so-called signs of the presence of the Holy Spirit. The question that should be asked is: Are we truly contacting the Spirit of Incorruptibility? For in a word, this is what the Holy Spirit actually is. There are many other spirits around.
The Holy Spirit is the feminine/creative aspect of the Godhead and some of its works are the divine mothering, nurturing, and raising of consciousness to bring us back from the outskirts of creation to enjoy knowing that we are of the Family of God. As Author of Life, it acts as the comforter, guide, inspirer, indweller, justifier, reprover, quickener, revealer, sanctifier, teacher, testifier, and the actual way to access the Infinite Way. Those who have welcomed and allowed these transformative gifts to penetrate their souls will be given what are known as the “Gifts of the Holy Spirit.” To quote from the Glossary of the Keys of Enoch®:
“Each ‘Christed’ individual is to seek the ‘creative power’ and ‘wisdom’ of the Holy Spirit Shekinah in the Father’s Name, Y-H-W-HYahweh, lest he bring judgement against himself for failing to discern the Spirits. Enoch said that, in addition to the traditional spiritual gifts, the Shekinah will give the elect the ability to speak in spiritual-scientific tongues; angelic languages, the ability to see and work with the angelic teacher of Light; understanding the mysteries of the Shekinah Kingdoms; and the power of resurrecting the dead. In the fullness of Shekinah, the Lord’s ‘Mystical Body’ is given as the ‘Trinity Power’ of the Godhead to the elect so that they can transform the substance of the Earth.”
There may be some difficulty in understanding why we talk about scientific tongues. If we turn to 1 Corinthians 12:4-7, we read; “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of working, but it is the same God who inspires them all in every one. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”
Here the word “manifestation” must be properly understood. The work of the Spirit is to manifest, and there is a science in the manifestation or taking on form. If we go back to Genesis Chapter 1, we are told that the “earth was without form and, void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters.” From there the Light was manifested and consequently solidified to the point that it became matter and the world of form was created. Matter is graviationally trapped light. As science penetrates deeper into the realm of quantum physics, we discover that every constituient of the atom is light. The vibration rates of Light particles are slowed down to the point where they move from the invisible into the visible spectrum.
So the Holy Spirit, besides being the indwelling teacher, instructor and motivator of humankind can also be perceived as the guide and vehicle for subatomic particles that make up the body of man and the planet he inhabits. This is an aspect of the Shekinah Universe. The Spirit that is everywhere present, or omnipresent, is as much present in the worlds of matter, as it is in the spiritual worlds. This is the real mystery of the Holy Spirit, for it manifests within the building blocks of intelligence to return that which has become stuck in matter, back into the presence of the Father. The purpose of this interaction is to overcome the limitations of the Fall and be able to once again achieve and experience the Adam Kadmon that preceded our state of being “gravitationally trapped”.
The last sentence of Key 315:42, shows this interplay between the spiritual and molecular evolution from one dimension to the next is predicated by the Holy Spirit: Thus, while nuclear evolution shares an affinity with other evolutionary systems, it ultimately advances into the purer consciousness forms of spiritual evolution. 43. In essence, this is the unfoldment of Living Light with the Holy Spirit as it interpenetrates quantum mechanical evolutionary orders with new form and attaches a function of divine purpose to the meta-material structure of the universe as a Shekinah unfoldment. 44. The Holy Spirit regeneration changes extreme distortions of the spherical symmetry, found in some nuclei of atomic and subatomic particles, to a perfected harmony with the consciousness programs of the Elohim. 45.Such a regeneration is, in effect, the work of the Shekinah universe for it allows for the direct coding of the divine image onto the wave forms, to shape the particles according to the sanctified image of the Creator God. It allows for life-giving transduction to qualify for the many rounds of spiritual existence in the Infinite Way….48. Man is the “energy life vehicle” needed to bring a unique unfoldment of Light into reality on this planet. He is an assembly of life forms on one level of “radiance” — containing the “Divine Image” and the “Adam Kadmon image”, as well as a vast network of microtubules and mitochondria.
What we are considering here is not a nebulous agent of spirituality, but a reality of what we refer to as Divine mother’s work normal work in her constant role of genesis and regenesis. Strange, is it not, that we should use the feminine mothering nomenclature for this particular action?
The Key goes on in verse 143: “Jesus came to reactivate the chemical blueprint of Light in Man and allow him to use this as an enabling function for a higher ultrastructure of Light which is the Holy Spirit resonance of the Eternal Light. 144. In order for this to take place within the lower meta-material creations there must be consistency and balance within the body of belief. 145. The Holy Spirit provides the Light transmissions between the physical body and theShekinah universe, so that the physical form can return to the presence of the Father, to take on a new appearance of divine form for the next world of Light. Here the “Shekinah must be understood as the presence of God moving upon the waters of creation, coding the divine semblance. 147. And the collective ‘Christ child’ is now ready to come out of the womb and inherit the Eternal Divine Order forever and ever.”
The Divine Word that was at the beginning is an eternal Word and to be seen in the context of continually generating and regenerating creation. To see it simply as a once only event is to understand only the written word in its historical sense. This is the time for the new creation to come out of the previous age and be reprogrammed into a body that is functional and equipped for a higher experience of life, guided by the Holy Spirit.
TISCHREDEN: Romans 14:17 : For the kingdom of God does not mean eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the holy spirit (Shekinah).
“Commentary by the author of the Book of Knowledge the Keys of Enoch®:
They use Light energy to evolve. They do not have to eat or to drink. We need rather to have the real understanding of how one is to use the spiritual knowledge, the spiritual meat, the spiritual drink. With this comes the joy of realizing that life continues and man is given the opportunity to accept infinite and eternal Light, over relativistic light. He does not have to stay here and die and simply mutate according to millions of years of solar evolution, but he can be directly re-programmed, put on the vehicle of Light and occupy the many space-time cells that the infinite Kingdoms of Light provide.
The original language here is Pneumati Agioi (the Holy Spirit). The Spirit that is holy is seen now as something that is put through you. Not something that you accept as the intellectual abstraction, but one that goes through you as a food and as a fuel…”
The Fire (Flame) of the Holy Spirit (The Divine Presence).
Let us rejoice, as we reach up and up, into the kingdoms of Spirit, through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the Fire of renewal and transformation.
With Love and Blessings Shirley
_________________ We all have the choice to exercise Free Will. amor vincit omnia "Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram"