GT Truther
Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 3:30 pm Posts: 600
 Spirit Guides -You personally selected them, so now what??
Your guides are available for you 24/7........if you haven't starting interacting with them, why not give it a try! You don't have to be viewing, astral projecting, have ringing in your ears or see things behind your eyes as I've talked about. It's not important at all that you experience those things. If your reading this forum, your already curious and awake enough.
Your guides were picked by you when you started this life, you just don't remember yet. Also remember that most everyone was a spirit guide themselves for a friend in the past. So understanding this may help bridge the gap with communication. You'll have to be creative here and just sit back in a relaxed state some evening and try to visualize that process. Once you understand and are open to the fact you've played both roles before, it may be easier.
If your alone, don't talk out loud to your guides, its best to ask or make the request in your mind. When you "physically talk" your engaging in this physical reality (third dimension) and their over on the spiritual side (second dimension) or whatever you want to refer to it as.
So start using their services. work, home, etc. If you've lost a tool, ask them help you find it. Loose a pen at work, ask. Need assistance with something at work, ask. Looking for a road that might have less traffic to get you to your destination, ask. Start engaging and over time communication will be established. It will start out slow but keep at it. Just trust me on this one, break through the barrier! Every morning when you get up to start the day, just say something in your mind to them. Just treat them like any family member.
On another note: It's been talked about that spirit guides can lie to you. Yes, that was true, commands were given by higher up so to speak, but after that famous 12/2012 date, things on the other side changed. Anyone that is actively trying to talk to your guides now, your original players are ok or have been changed out.
---------------------------------- If any of this info helps, fine. Main goal is to have everyone make contact with their guides and enjoy the benefit that you were all expecting but did not get here on good old planet earth.
GT Truther
Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 3:30 pm Posts: 600
 Re: Spirit Guides -You personally selected them, so now what
Forgot to add this:
Most importantly, your answers to the questions you ask will usually just happen. You may even forget you asked the question prior. For example, if you loose a tool and ask for help finding it, you may just find it a little while later. Remember, you asked for the help, thank them if and when it happens.