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 Viewing Problems for Some Right Now 
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GT Truther

Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 3:30 pm
Posts: 600
Post Viewing Problems for Some Right Now
Since early summer my "Viewing" has all but stopped. I get intermittent moments to seeing things but
it's shoddy at best. I understand why and have written about it here in the past. Many folks have been experiencing this and it's all due to rogue source energy on the otherside. It's not dangerous for the human body but is a real disappointment to the ones who have been "Viewing" and now cannot or is preventing one from Viewing. Only my friend could fix this for me, on three different occasions over the last two years he did that. After each fix, a few days later I'd get blocked again. So in the end, as there were quite a few of us with this issue, it was decided we would all wait until November /December of this year and it would be corrected permanently.

Unfortunately, spirit guides, animal spirit guides, angels cannot fix the problem. Communication from my guides is still fine, but little to no "Viewing". What happens now is, I'm only able to see the "white swirly waves" behind my eyelids and not progress beyond that point. Normally, there would be a small flash of light, then I'm into color "Viewing".

Obviously this has me frustrated, so I decided to test something. Knowing my "soul mate" is home in the second dimension / heaven or whatever you want to call it and we have communicated before, I was wondering if she might be able to help in some way. So last night I'm really trying to make contact with her, seemed like forever, then all of a sudden within the "white swirly waves" I see behind my eyelids, her image pops in, very large and bright, overshadowing the swirly waves. She appeared just like she did when I would see her in normal "Viewing", she appears as a silvery, white humanoid. The strangest and funniest part of it all is the fact she was carrying a pistol in her right hand. When I first saw that I said, "what in the world", but realized it's her funny way of saying how hard it was to get to me..... :)
Unfortunately, she did not fix my problem but was able to break through and give me her image.

The point here, as I understand it, 70% of emotion is toned down when you leave your body permanently (going back on vacation) but humor is still there, just expressed differently. You get reacquainted with old friends, have fun and finally understand what having another life was all about......

Hope everyone who has not experienced "Viewing", will in the near future. It's a lot of fun and helps one understand this is for real and not made up. The controllers on the planet do not want you to even come close to understanding this.............Override them!

Again, just my .02 cents here.

Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:37 am
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