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The Golden Thread - View topic - Forecast 12-2 to 12 -7
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 Forecast 12-2 to 12 -7 
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GT Truther
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:11 am
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Post Forecast 12-2 to 12 -7
Thanks L for putting this here. I go by Leorising because that's what time of day I was born. I have studied astrology since 1978 mostly interested in it as the effects the planets have on the earth (i.e when Jupiter is in a 90 * angle to Earth there is radio interference etc). The individual forecasts and charts as a side line. I will post things as they come across. If you would like to have a horoscope done for you, pm me your info (birthdate, time and location) and I will send one back to you. It's interesting how it works sometimes.

From http://loreleilive.com/daily.html

If you feel like you are about to go into orbit and that you're everywhere at once, it could be due to a very energetic GEMINI MOON becoming gloriously Full and reaching her pinnacle at 2:30am on Wednesday, December 2, EST.

CHANGE HAPPENS. And big changes are occurring more quickly than ever before. Prepare for WARP DRIVE. For the first and only time in 2009, ALL THE PLANETS ARE MOVING FORWARD...from December 1 until the 20th, when MARS in LEO retrogrades until March 10, 2010 (more on that later in the month).

What adds to this ELECTRIC energy is the forward motion of URANUS, the great awakener, at 3:27pm on Tuesday, December 1, just 12 hours before this dynamic GEMINI FULL MOON. When a planet changes direction, its influence is stronger than usual and in this case, it jacks up the energy for this FULL MOON. URANUS, the archetype most associated with sudden change, signals that we are scheduled for another quantum leap, a radical and revolutionary development. URANUS inspires innovation and ingenuity, and can bring about sudden and surprising events that turn your world around.

URANUS stationed retrograde on July 1, 2009. What was happening in your life back then? What were you focused on? It might take an unexpected turn now. What is center stage now? Ultimately, URANUS wakes you up to new realities. Potential breakthroughs are possible as is the urge to break free of long-standing issues. Rebellion or revolution to limiting factors in your life is stirring the waters pulling you to be a part of the change. Peace follows. Intuitive flashes, revelations and inspirations are abound if you are quiet enough to sense and receive them.

And also just hours before this FULL MOON, at 5:04pm on Tuesday, December 1, VENUS, the planet of love and relationships, shifts from dark and intense SCORPIO into enthusiastic, optimistic SAGITTARIUS...lightening you up after journey through the SCORPIO underworld. VENUS in upbeat, fiery SAGITTARIUS reminds you to stay on course with your truth and integrity. Aim for the stars and reach higher instead of staying in the known ways of doing and expressing yourself. VENUS points out that if we expand our awareness, we will discover there is still joy and love in the world.

When the MOON is FULL, the SUN and MOON are opposite each other from our perspective on earth, and the Lunar light is allowed to shine without being hidden from the SUN'S light which is usually more powerful. Because the MOON represents the dark and the unknown---the mysterious emotional depths that are often hidden even from yourself---the time of the FULL MOON illuminates your inner heart in a way that is not otherwise often experienced.

At the GEMINI FULL MOON, the SUN is in the opposite sign of SAGITTARIUS and there is a necessity to balance the search for the one Truth (SAGITTARIUS) with an embrace of many ideas (GEMINI). During this period you have a unique opportunity to create change and become more adaptable to new ideas and new ways of living your life...to experience the inner strength that an increase in flexibility can offer you.

When the FULL MOON in GEMINI highlights your self looking at your 'other self', you have moments of confrontation, and moments where you seem to stand on opposite sides of an issue. Sometimes, all you can do is laugh at how seriously you take yourself.

This FULL MOON is the peak of the Lunar cycle that began on November 16, in the cavernous soul depths of SCORPIO. From that powerful NEW MOON in the sign of death and rebirth, now comes the shattering climax in GEMINI. It's a light shining on what's been pulled from your psychic roots. Something has died within you so that new life can eventually grow. But before the new life arrives, you are left in a state of chaos and confusion. You need a philosophy that can encompass the changes you've been going through. This FULL MOON shines light on how your mind copes with these changes.

The best way to understand life is to see the BIG PICTURE. You need to find meaning for your life's experiences, and you do that through the lens of your core beliefs and values, and through your myths and stories. And this month with the SUN in JUPITER-ruled SAGITTARIUS, you have the chance to broaden and expand your mental horizons, so that you might seek the wisdom to understand what to do with your life. SAGITTARIUS offers you the experience of looking into the BIG STORIES behind life, the deep core values that can elevate humanity and help you remember how to live grounded in nature and connected to the whole.

Think of this month as a mental TUNE-UP. This GEMINI FULL MOON brings you the awareness of what you discovered at the SCORPIO NEW MOON on November 16. It opens you to different perspectives on what happened, and offers multiple possibilities for handling things. So, what did you let go of? What did you discover about yourself? Is your mind full of fearful beliefs, negative voices, old truths that are no longer valid? What stories resonate with your heart? Which story points out your path? What do they say about your life?

This time of year between Thanksgiving and the Winter Solstice (and associated religious holidays) has always been a time of preparation and expectation. Catholics call it Advent (from the Latin word adventus, meaning 'coming') it is the period of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. But you don't have to be Catholic to use this time as a preparation for a new birth. We all intuit that this is a preparation for the return of the Light of the World. Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year which is also the re-birth of the Light in the Northern Hemisphere, has always been a sacred season.

What you see more clearly at this GEMINI FULL MOON are the many sides of yourself. You discover how changeable you are and you can enjoy the freedom of that. You see into the dark, and have heavy moments, but now it's time for LIGHTNESS. Adaptable GEMINI reminds you not to grasp too tightly to one view of yourself or a situation. There is always another angle to see from...or something clicks into place and everything changes. It's time to face the future, which offers you new possibilities if you have the courage to go forward. This image speaks of the power and joy of new beginnings, and the ability to rise to the occasion.

Some crazy things could spill forth on this FULL MOON. MERCURY, the planet of communication in honest, straightforward SAGITTARIUS dancing with URANUS, the great change agent, brings you kernals of inspired truth. It may be searing or shocking. But it goes straight to the heart of how you really feel. These kinds of outbursts can be liberating, suddenly freeing you to live with more emotional integrity. If they come fast and furious, keep a journal close by to record your thoughts. Also, watch for dreams for imagery that offers guidance on how to move forward or free yourself in some way from someone or something that feels confining and restrictive.

This FULL MOON in GEMINI is a celebration of your ability to adapt to a world in the midst of a chaotic change. The loose hold on fixed reality of these two signs, MOON in GEMINI and the SUN in SAGITTARIUS, is a gift. They are both teachers now. They show you how to be light on your feet, and keep your sense of humor. They show you how to bend, not break, when faced with shocking change.

The challenging dance of SATURN, all the structures in your life, and PLUTO, what needs to die and be reborn, is taking its toll in people's lives and relationships. It may alter your foundation without notice. It is becoming clear that our relationships are being turned up, and where one person or the other has indulged in irresponsible behaviors, there is a very good change that those relationships will come to a end.

A key theme of this time is to heal from emotional-spiritual isolation, and quickly come together to share our gifts. The essence is unearthed now, and we move toward more authenticity. It's time to get real. MARS, the planet of action and passion in creative, childlike LEO, is a FIRESTARTER to rediscover your one true thing. It's the motivation to go toward making your mark. A clue to finding that one true thingis asking yourself when you'd like to be famous for.



The fate of all mankind I fear is in the hands of fools. - King Crimson

Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:24 pm
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Post Re: Forecast 12-2 to 12 -7

The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - FDR

Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:21 am
GT Truther
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Post Re: Forecast 12-2 to 12 -7
thank you for posting leo. i've been watching for it. :wavey

astrology is not something i've studied much. always meant to...but never had time. or the opportunity to learn from someone who's knowledgable. the most i've dabbled is the papers generic horoscopes, which was never accurate for me. :dunno

thank you in advance for sharing with us what you've learned.

my pm will be on it's way in just a sec. i have no problem with my reading being posted. myself, i think it would interesting to see what comes up for others too.

....unless your judgement dictates otherwise. i'm not really sure what to expect. :roflmao

Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:48 am
GT Truther
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Post Re: Forecast 12-2 to 12 -7
Generally I don't post personal information about someone. Most people know the "popular" sign stuff, sexy scorpio, proud leo etc. However, when you start to get into angles, houses, stuff like that, it can be very intimate. Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist, was also a terrific astrologer. Most professional astrologer's clients are psychologists as it can be quicker to find out about someone without many years of therapy. I also have learned not to "jump up" and say stuff to people in a group as what is obvious to me is someone's darkest secret that they think no one would ever know. I've pm'd your stuff.


The fate of all mankind I fear is in the hands of fools. - King Crimson

Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:26 pm
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