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 December Alignments 
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GT Truther
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Post December Alignments
The Galactic Times

Do Not Open Until... ~ 23 December 2009

Ah, the admonition written on the tag assigned to holiday presents whether the gifts belong to Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanza or Quetzalcoatl's Kumquat Consuming Contest. What torture and anticipation lurk behind such labels? What if there were a cosmic gift grab in the skies above, ready for the plucking regardless of the surrounding sacred festivities? Could it be opened early? Sure, if one tunes into it early. Should it be opened early? In this case, indubitably.

Actually if you open this present today, you're not all that early. Today the gift in the sky comes from the direct alignment of Mercury with the position of the lunar north node. Given that Mercury retrogrades on the 26th, these two remain in alignment until December 29th - or ample time to apply newly realized missions and add them to next year's resolution list.

The node represents the collective sense of mission, purpose, evolution and improvement of the emotional state of humanity. Mercury is all about communication and while in Capricorn, only worthwhile statements need apply. This is the time to locate, ponder, flesh out and declare new mission statements for one and for all.

It's bigger than just Mercury and the node. As these two align, they match up in the sky with two amazing black holes, SS433 and GRS 1915+105.

SS433 a bizarre, maverick body in space and it holds the claim of more astronomy books written about it than any other black hole. Once called the "bastard star," this black hole system belches and twists its way through Creation. A notable attribute of individuals with personal birth connections to this point is that they all fancy themselves as coming to Earth with a very specific and potentially controversial or polarizing destiny. As an example, self help seminar founder, Werner Erhart's north node in his birth chart is aligned this point, just as it is presently.

The other object is a super luminal black hole, sporting bi-polar jets. The interpretive theme of this body: There's always enough resource to do what one really wants or what one must do in a destiny sense. In terms of notable "if there's a will, there's a way" celestial contacts, this point is one. Within this black hole lies the realization that manifestation is not entirely dependent upon monetizing. For instance, if one uses award points for purchases already conducted or if one receives a gift of airline miles, these are means of materialization that do not require cash on hand. Similarly, if one wants to launch a website and wants to hire the most expensive designer in this galactic quadrant, one might take the time to learn the basics and put up a viable website on their own. A way will be found to what satisfies the soul's desire. And to reiterate the message of Mercury in these moments, first, get clear on the concept, consciously commit to it and proclaim it.

A caution added to this point: when on the verge of completion, success or nearing a pinnacle of acclaim, do your best not to lose sight of the vision at the last minute. While sounding absurd, it's been known to happen. No doubt you've heard the stories over played by motivation masters of the independent oil driller who stopped three feet short of a major underground reservoir of the black gold and then sold to a major corporation for a song.

These patterns urge all of us not to wait until the new year to declare the next master plan of personal dharma. No need to wait until you open the calendar present you expect to receive for the holidays. Articulate formulated potent, life-altering declarations now. It's true that Mars is now retrograde and perhaps one should hold back on action. If adhering to that concept and as noted in the last Galactic Times, be advised that on January 29th Mars and the Earth and the Sun align, making the day a very acceptable option for those needing a good start date (and in deference to prevailing patterns to one's birth chart).

Actually, this late January launch point works extremely well considering that on February 3rd Mercury and the north node once again align. This convergence stands even closer to the destiny driven, controversy ignoring impetus of SS433. The next day, Mercury clears the degree where he began retrograde movement, or as astrologers put it, Mercury clears the shadow. Clearing the shadow represents renewal of clarity and a lifting of the veil of whatever fuzzy facts may have previously clouded decision making. So, here is the time to reaffirm purpose and the pursuit of dharma.

Again, there's no need to wait until next year to start. Now is the time to declare the aspirations for next year and beyond and build momentum behind those rich, destiny-ridden ideas. Progress can indeed be made, even during the holiday season. You might as well open the gifts of destiny now.

Here's wishing all of you continued wellness, personal peace and increasing assurance that destiny unfolds. May this be your most phenomenal and joyous holiday season.

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The Juno-Pluto-Saturn T-Square

December 24, 2009 through January 1, 2010

December, 2009


The Juno-Pluto-Saturn T-square is the grand finale event of the recent several-month "restructuring of relationships"--a radical transition that has been occurring in relationships of all types, those of a personal nature, and those of business and politics. The grand finale of December 2009 occurs due to a dynamic T-square created by the asteroid Juno and the already occurring Saturn-Pluto square, which recently began in November 2009. The T-square will be initially triggered on the First Quarter Moon of Decmber 24, 2009 as the Sun conjoins Pluto and the Moon conjoins Juno opposite Saturn. This will create a dynamic "external stimulus to action." The T-square will continue through the Gibbous Moon as Venus conjoins Pluto, and then through the Full Moon eclipse of December 31 and into the "day of realization" in the lunar cycle, which occurs just after the Full Moon, on January 1, 2010. A "T-square" is like a cross-bow, one that must fire. In this case it is Pluto that is firing right through the already occurring "restructuring of relationships." This finale creates an opening, one that demands we let go and live true to heart. With this heart-driven momentum, relationships will then move into a new octave of experience. Some will end, while others, more appropriate for the future, will begin; and some may just transform into a new octave of experience.

An excerpt from the Decmber 16, 2009 Lunar Planner, presented in the 2008-2011 Timeline, explores this T-square in detail:

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Dec 24, Thursday. The Aries First Quarter Moon is square Pluto and the Sun is conjunct Pluto (3 Capricorn). Still well within the Solstice window the Aries First Quarter Moon is adding its wild, pioneering, and inspired rapid growth energies to this timing. The best way to approach this potent timing is to tune into your own inner sense of what is seeking understanding and expression through you.

The annual conjunction of the Sun and Pluto (3 Capricorn) is seeding a new cycle of Pluto (similar to a New Moon) for the coming year. Pluto conjunct the Sun near the December Solstice is a rare event. Last year, 2008, marked the closest Sun conjunction with Pluto to zero Capricorn in 248 years. What is unique about last year and this year is the Solstice is in its closest alignment with the Galactic Cross near Galactic Center in its nearly 26,000 year cycle of precession through the constellations.

Today’s alignment with the Sun and Pluto still near the Galactic Cross tells us we can expect further disintegration of the current world structures. This is similar to the dissolution of the caterpillar as it literally transmutes into a Butterfly. The planetary initiation we are experiencing is no less spectacular. Our beloved Earth is transforming and ascending into a whole new vibration. Just as the butterfly no longer relates to life as a caterpillar and flies off into a whole new adventure, so shall we.

Dec 25, Friday. Christmas. Honoring the Christ consciousness. Venus is moving into Capricorn and Sun (4 Capricorn) is square Saturn (4 Libra) and the Sun is still in close conjunction with Pluto. Saturn governs matter as it comes into form and also represents the wise and ancient ones who know the rules of how things work in third-dimensional reality. The Sun illuminates any emotional stress or issues around any lingering limiting beliefs or structures of reality that do not ultimately support our emotional needs. In the energies of the Sun Saturn square with Pluto also adding its alchemical transformational energies to this alignment we might ask ourselves:

How does our current reality help support and respect our internal and external emotional needs for relating with one another while also meeting our very real human needs for security and comfort?
Are we willing to personally risk letting go of old beliefs and ways of being that limit our experience?
Are we willing to take responsibility for the quality of relationships we are experiencing?
Patiently taking time to look carefully at our true priorities and taking the time to choose wisely assists us in making increasingly conscious choices that assists in the creation of new structures that support our changing needs.

Dec 26, Saturday. Mercury (21 Capricorn 28) is stationing Retrograde 6:38 am Pacific Time and stations direct at 5 Capricorn 35 on January 13, 2010. Mercury is retracing its steps across the sky deepening understanding and knowing around the current structures of reality. This includes the ones that are working and the ones that are not working reassessing, reevaluating and planning strategies for needed changes once Mercury goes direct are highly recommended.

This is a time for taking responsibility for your experience, your health, your work, your relationships, your living environment and the planet. This is also a time for completing things that have been started, but not so great for starting something new especially if the endeavor operates in a more left brain, linear, rational reality. Right brain artistic intuitive activities are favored during Mercury Retrograde.

And finally it is really helpful to make sure your computer and other data is securely backed up and stored safely where it can be retrieved if needed. You never know if this is the Mercury Retrograde that will trigger a personal computer crash. Certainly it does not happen for everyone every time. However, computer crashes during Mercury Retrograde are consistently more prevalent so it’s a good idea to take extra precautions. (See Mercury Retrograde Article)

Mercury Retrograde is a classic time for misunderstanding in communications. What you think you are saying and the other person is hearing may be completely different and what you think someone is saying may not be what they are really saying. This quote from Layne and Paul Cutright is a reminder that sometimes what we hear is coming through our interpretation and isn't what the other person was really trying to say. Taking time to clarify rather than jumping to conclusions is especially important during Mercury Retrograde.

How you hear what someone says is determined by your interpretations, and your interpretations flow from your past. This is very important to know, especially if you find that you overreact to what others say or habitually get your feelings hurt. . . . Remember, what someone said is not necessarily what you heard, and what you heard is not necessarily what they meant.
~Layne and Paul Cutright, Straight From the Heart From Celestial Timings

The fate of all mankind I fear is in the hands of fools. - King Crimson

Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:50 pm
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