GT Truther
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:11 am Posts: 119 Location: Middle Georgia
 Saturn turns retrograde in Libra
Saturn turns retrograde on January 13 and all of us will feel the energy of Saturn retrograde in Libra in one way or another. Saturn is charged with the duty of teaching us our lessons in life -- giving us the ability to grow and persevere, granting us the will to succeed and the strength to accomplish the tasks at hand. As we learn, we are rewarded by Saturn when the lesson or job is done.
The energy of Saturn retrograde is a fairly powerful force. This is an excellent time to grasp that retrograde energy, to bring projects to completion, and to let go of old problems and issues. By letting go of self-limitations, the future becomes more exciting and clear. While this may not be the best time to launch new projects, it is a fabulous time to start working on those plans -- particularly because of the Libra energy entwined in this retrograde. The plans you make now, if the foundation you have built is solid, will most likely begin to manifest when Saturn goes direct on May 30, 2010.
Saturn is best placed (exalted) in Libra, the sign of balance and relationship—for where but in relationship to other human beings are we so sorely tested? Through the arts of responsibility, patience, flexibility and endurance we can relate to others over extended periods of time. With this placement you need to let go of competition and develop a habit of cooperativeness. If Saturn is afflicted you'll have difficult karma in relationships and marriage due to a lack of cooperation in past lives. In this case marriage will be a discipline for you, and love your path out. You may have kidney problems due to impurities in your blood, in which case vitamin C or garlic are good purifiers. Saturn returns to each sign once every 29 or 30 years for about a three-year stay. Saturn was in Libra from 10/1921 to 9/1924, from 11/1950 to 10/1953, from 9/1980 to 8/1983, and from 10/2009 to 10/2012.
_________________ The fate of all mankind I fear is in the hands of fools. - King Crimson