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The Golden Thread - View topic - Kryon - the next 18 years.
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 Kryon - the next 18 years. 
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GT Truther
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Post Kryon - the next 18 years.
Channeled message by Kryon on the next 18 years.

Lets see if these predictions hold water. This is a very hopeful message.

The text below is in note-form. I think I’ve captured all the important data, but this is not an exact word for word transcription.

A few advance comments.

* Some years ago I read that in the near future the human eye will change, with expanded visual abilities. It might also look different, with possibly a cats eye type pupil, or something else. I feel sure a time scale of 80 years was quoted before this starts to happen, so that means the children of today will see it. This relates to something that Kryon predicts.

* the closing comments suggest that whats coming has been tried before but without success. However ‘this time’ we are likely to make it!

* I would appreciate it if someone who understands animal totems explained the meaning of the eagle meeting the condor, which is something Kryon said would happen.



Kryon starts with a quick review of where we are ‘right now’.

The basis of ancient Mayan Calendars is that the Mayans saw the processions of the equinoxes... over time they saw how the stars were not in the same place year to year, how they moved ever so slowly. They measured the movement and realised that it was a cycle.

The galactic alignment began 18 years ago, it’s a 36 year event moving through the galactic centre - the stripe in the sky. So 18 more years to come!

Changes on the planet began about then... and its also when predictions of Nostradamus and Scripture fell over - a few years after the Harmonic Convergence of 1987.

This means that many ancient prophecies are not now going to come to pass.

In these 36 years there is a profundity of potential...

One of the early inventions was the laser beam. Another aspect is the rise of spiritual teachers, messengers, those writing books etc - in short there has been a grand awakening of teachers.

(Kryon says to take the following lightly). The movement of Earth is slow, and includes oscillations which make for the possibility of error. At the centre of galaxies are black holes which distort light and time - and what we think is the middle. In truth we have already passed the alignment with the centre (but we do not ‘see’ it that way) and have been sitting in the energy for a while... For us what we celebrate on the 21st is a marker.

Over the next 18 years... there will be a battle called the Bridge of Swords, which is a description of getting rid of the old energy as it flails and fights and dies hard, struggling to survive. It will keep trying, putting on a new face to try a new way - but always not succeeding. Kryon saw this happen to the Plaiedians, which is why he knows its going to happen to us. Don’t worry if people say that we are not moving forward, we will be - even though we won’t always see it!

The young of today are different! They think differently . Especially those under 20 will be looking at us and asking “what is wrong / up with you”? They will know that the old energies have had their days...

Major ‘game changing’ inventions which change life for all on the planet in a big & positive way are delivered through consciousness from the Divine - given to humans when it is ‘time’ (people are ready) - they never just happen randomly. Often there are several inventors working on these inventions simultaneously and totally independently. Medicine, radio, flight... the Americans are credited for inventing powered flight, but in reality the French were only one week behind them! Often these inventions come with the aim of helping people come together (or cure of illnesses eg: Penicillin), creating a unified planet where we can see just how alike we all really are and what in life works, what does not work. Did Marconi really invent radio? Others were also working on it at the same time but did not publish.

The potential is seen that within 18 years the middle east will enjoy peace. Kryon will be “very surprised” if this has not happened by then. It’s the young ones who will do this, as they have not automatically assumed hate for the others (as taught by their parents - on both sides). They will make THE difference (My comment: I assume this means that peace comes through reconciliation between Jews, Christians and Islamics and not one wiping the others out!)

Coming soon, a new technology which lets us tune in to what we could not tune in to before. A really big game changer!

The new invention will be the revelation of being able to measure and see Quantum energy - albeit initially through instruments. This will blow everything we know out of the water - every single science will need to be re-written. physics, biology, etc

This brand new technology will allow us to tune in to things we could not tune into before.

Initially we wont realise its significance.

But once we open the portal to multi-dimensional energy and can see it / can work with it the first thing we will be aware of will change everything we know. We will be astounded. We will have a global ‘aha’ moment.

We will have discovered how to communicate with the rest of the galaxy (in real-time) and realise that its actually teeming with life. All our present day ideas about inter-stellar communications using radio waves will be realised as being ‘old’, 3D.

Anyone who has quantum receivers / transmitters will be able to speak to us / hear us! This will be done through a process of entanglement. Kryon said that NASA is working on this right now. It will take a while to figure out who is talking and what they are saying, but we will get there.

Most affected by this will be the Church / religion. (These notes do not include Kryon explanation for saying this).

This will possibly / probably will take longer than just 18 years... but the coming 18 years are the time for planting the seeds (Kryon says that he is speaking metaphorically).

The children growing up now and their children will put all this together. Their children will give the planet what Kryon describes as the biggest invention it has ever had. Kryon says that when people can see quantum energy and start looking around the planet they will see the grid, the crystalline, life forms which were not previously known / not even contemplated could exist in the air, ........ thanks all to this we will have to redefine life - as it will no longer be as we thought we knew it!!!!!

Our DNA is evolving... even over 1000 years, over 50 years, it has changed. Over next 18 years the speed of the changes will become exponential. “Designer evolution” - there is a link between Gaia, human consciousness and the evolution factor of human DNA - by us changing the energy of the planet Gaia will respond by shifting our DNA. At present our DNA is working at 30%. By the end of the 18 years will be at 35%. This represents very significant change for such a short period of time. Soon our scientists will start seeing this.

(This next section might upset people - but if really understood will explain much and help foster greater understanding about whats really going on.)

Evolution pushes the envelope, it creates and then tests to see how changes work.. The savants and autistic children who have been born without structure of 3 dimensions are quantum individuals to the max who respond poorly / badly to 3D society. They represent Gaia / Mother Nature and Spirit testing the waters of whats next for humanity, how far can it push the DNA changes... to create people who are less structured, who can think conceptually and quantumly.

The pattern comes from the Plaiedians, who are quantum - they have quantum biology - after their transition it took them almost a quarter of a rev to reach this level. A rev (ie: revolution) is the time it takes for one revolution around the galaxy.

Clock time ‘as we know it’ is only related to life here on this planet. But since all stars travel at the exact same speed so this creates a universal way of expressing time.

We will redefine life. Kryon asks what happens if we find a kind of life which we can have a dialogue with that is not corporeal. We will talk with the air, the forests, the animals. The way Kryon says this suggests that the people who hear this message will also be here to see this - although its unlikely that we (you and me) will be in our present-day (2012) bodies when this comes to pass. We will be able to see the fruits of our labour, of our struggles of the present era.

Kryon describes the potentials for a future earth... 5 currencies, war is something that the barbarians used to do before the end of the long count. It was foolish, stupid. Once you have arrived on a continent you are there. No borders, same money, etc. Everyone likes each other. Even in the middle east - people will wonder what was wrong with their grandparents, why they hated each other.

Its about consciousness. Seeds we plant ‘today’ just need to grow up, be given a chance - these ideas may seem outlandish but they are not.

Consciousness is the key to a better future. Kryon says that he has often talked about compassionate action - the eagle meets the condor - a balanced planet (no longer masculine heavy) which sees the wisdom of the divine female. The attributes of the mother, who would never send her dearly loved children to the battlefield..

Change is slow, we are on our way - we should take a moment out celebrate our being half way through the shift, we are on our way!!!!

Its time for the ‘first world’ to start to understand the process, get in touch with the ancestors (who are already celebrating) and ask them whats going on, hear their prophecies and discover that they are the same as ours. This will make us more peaceful people.

Kryon wants us to leave this place differently than when we came. (I assume he means room / gathering). He says that there is hope, a LOT of it. He implies that he and many others on the other side of the veil are standing with us holding our hands - and this time they are not letting go. His tone of voice is one of hopeful excitement, as this time it really does seem that we are going to make it.

Citizen of Planet Earth, living in the British Isles.

Mon Dec 24, 2012 4:43 pm
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Post Re: Kryon - the next 18 years.
Thank you for the astute effort in transcribing some of that message for us Simon.

I have been listening and reading Kryon for all the time he has been published, and I have only seen one thing change or come true in his channellings - and that is the statement that his channeler keeps on banking good profits.

I am sorry to say - a long time ago I was advised by my teacher to dispel channeling as the only effect it creates is "hope" in the reader/listener.

Cats eyes? That seems like a typical DNA splicing desire to embody reptilian genes to garner some of the potential from the HUman template which came from the seventh ray. Oh well.... jmho

We are the change and we create the future. Our mission - to establish the Light Kingdom here. To re-establish the syzegy and connect with Higher Self.

That has been prophesied and documented a long time ago.

We all have the choice to exercise Free Will.
amor vincit omnia
"Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram"

Wed Dec 26, 2012 6:04 am
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GT Truther
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Post Re: Kryon - the next 18 years.

Citizen of Planet Earth, living in the British Isles.

Thu Dec 27, 2012 3:25 pm
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Post Re: Kryon - the next 18 years.
Lee Carrol has been publishing Kryon since 1989 Simon - and he has made millions from unsuspecting people living in hope of his utterances. He has been independently investigated and as far as I know - he has never proven to be correct about anything he has ever said. Examples are - he (LC) intervened in the saving of the world in extinction events - twice???

Not meaning to pop any ones bubble out there - just not supporting any channels...

And we are the nearly the same age - so we can watch this pony show together and mark the predictions as we go. ;)

We all have the choice to exercise Free Will.
amor vincit omnia
"Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram"

Fri Dec 28, 2012 7:33 am
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Post Re: Kryon - the next 18 years.
Simon - I stopped buying the Kryon series around 2005 - so if something he channeled has proven to come about or be true - I am happy to learn of such.

I am just passing our my personal opinion on this case - as I believe in the human cause and that as an STO option - we have the power to do anything - through the Grace from our Creator!

We all have the choice to exercise Free Will.
amor vincit omnia
"Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram"

Fri Dec 28, 2012 7:48 am
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Post Re: Kryon - the next 18 years.

Peace to all, though Justice, liberty, and truth.

Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:41 am
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