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 Conversion Into Water Breathers - For Slavery 
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GT Truther
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Post Conversion Into Water Breathers - For Slavery
A dream I had Thursday 11/11/21. This was a day which was supposed to be important with regard to ascension and humanity slowly merging / evolving into a 5D life stream.

Below are the core facts - I don't remember it all.

There was a fairground / playground; many people were there, enjoying themselves.

A lot of the people had come as family groups, others were teenagers with siblings who had come with their friends instead of their parents.

Some of the teenagers were attracted / enticed / invited to visit a specific attraction offering an unusual experience. But only a few children or even just the one child from each family group were allowed to enter.

What was being offered was a special kind of transformation and only those who liked the wildest, wackiest, daredevil type of ride were accepted here. Typical teenage stuff - being upside down, rides through pitch black tunnels, etc. The unusual aspect was that the ride took them underwater and for this the 'guests' were told that they would wear special clothing and be transformed to be able to breathe underwater.

The expectation was that they would enter that attraction for a while and then return to their families / friends. But this was not happening.

What they were not told was that the transformation was an irreversible process. It was not possible for the first groups of victims to warn others about this because electronic gizmos cannot be used underwater and it is also not possible to speak or shout (with a voice) when underwater. So, once converted the only viable form of communication was telepathy ... which only the people running the attraction could do in a meaningful way. The unwitting victims had become slaves to non-humans who (if I recall correctly) needed a workforce for unstated deep sea activities.

Something I noted was that the selection process for victims was done in a way that ensured parents were never left without any of their children.

I recall the sadness of the family members waiting for their loved ones to return, the dream ended without me knowing the fate of the victims, whether they ever had contact with or even physically met their loved ones again......

Citizen of Planet Earth, living in the British Isles.

Sun Nov 14, 2021 1:27 pm
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