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The Golden Thread - View topic - The Prophecy by Medicine Grizzlybear Lake-Thom
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 The Prophecy by Medicine Grizzlybear Lake-Thom 
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GT Truther
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Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:25 am
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Location: Timeline 39, Earth-Moon L1 Lagrange point
Post The Prophecy by Medicine Grizzlybear Lake-Thom
I put this The Prophecy here, because is related to the "descendents": Proceeding by descent from an ancestor of the Mayan People.

" Essentially, this is the message I was told to share with my fellow human beings:
“Man does not govern Nature, Nature governs mankind. Human laws are temporary but the Creator’s Laws are permanent. This is a cosmic reality. The first time the world was purified by fire, the second time it was purified by water, the third time it will be purified by the Earth itself. Those who harm, hurt, torment, molest, pollute, and desecrate the Earth will be penalized according to ancient natural laws. Be forewarned of the following omens and subsequent events.”
1.) The Moon will turn completely red with blood. This is a sign that thousands of Indians will be destroyed by a major earthquake somewhere in Central America or Mexico. The
omen indicated an initiation period for the new cycle of purification.
2.) This will be followed by a substantial increase in minor earthquake activity in the Americas with particular intensity focusing upon the state of California, various Midwest
states where earthquakes are not common, the earthquake activity with increase in size and strength.
3.) Floods will begin to occur on the Northwestern United States and the flooding incidents will continue to increase in size and force with each passing year.
4.) Floods will start occurring on the eastern part of the United States. The flood activity with spread to northeastern areas and rotate to the southeastern regions. (The sudden appearance of unusual behavior of large fish prior to the events will be a forewarning.)
5.) Tornadoes will suddenly begin to increase in number, size and location. This will be followed by a series of hurricanes that will also increase in size, strength and speed. (The
sudden and unusual behavior of birds will be an omen that these events will occur.)
6.) Major earthquakes will then commence throughout the Mideast countries, Europe, China and Russia. Various mountains will erupt and trigger off a chain of reaction of volcanic eruptions in the Pacific Islands. Within two years there will be a significant increase of earthquake activity in the United States, which will eventually get worse with each
passing year. Consider the geological events in Europe, Mideast, and China as an omen.
7.) Rare and extinct animals, birds, fish, and reptiles will begin to appear around the world. This omen will be followed by noticeable change in worldwide weather patterns; and the
appearance of more pestilence and diseases, some old and known but becoming worse, some new and unknown.
8.) Corresponding this occurrence will be a sudden appearance of solar explosions and activity on the sun. This in turn will be followed by a sudden increase in intercontinental religious conflict and wars over religious differences, land rights, and political competition for religious dominance.
9.) By the late 1970’s there will be a sudden increase of political and religious assassinations involving high governmental leaders and as a consequence attempts of world leaders will be more numerous. There is a possibility that the 39th and/or 40th President of the United States will be assassinated. If such an event occurs it is an indication that a Third War is in the embryonic stage of development, before the mid-1980’s.
10). There will be a profound increase in new, rare, and unusual diseases and/or sicknesses throughout the United States. Some of these diseases will come from birds, animals, and insects, followed by fish species: and due to manmade poisons secretly dumped into the earth, water and air.
11). Foreign and deadly insects will begin to enter the United States before the late 1970’s. This is sign that other countries who were originally U.S. allies will soon become deceptive
12). By the late 1970’s there will be a very sudden appearance of UFO activity, which will be brought to national attention. Cattle, animals, and humans will disappear via UFO activity
and contact. This UFO activity will increase in number with each passing year and as a consequence will cause national concern. Before the year 1986 the U.S. Government will
nationally admit that they have recovered and posses a number of alien space craft and beings for scientific study. (Not all of these alien beings will be good ones.)
13). Serious droughts will begin to occur throughout the world with particular focus upon Africa. This is sign that the United States will begin to experience problems with droughts;
followed by critical food shortages world wide, and in the United States.
14)..There will be a sudden increase in snowstorms in the northeastern and eastern part of the United States. At times there will be critical droughts in the western states while severe snowstorms continue on the eastern part of the United States. This activity will be followed in turn by a serious shortage of water, particularly in the northeastern part of the continent, then rotate in cycles with weather patterns becoming unpredictable and worse.
15). National attention will be brought to the increased problem of unusual skin diseases, mental illness, alcohol and drug abuse, and serious health problems involving women and
16). During the early 1980’s there will be critical shortage of energy in the United States and the economic situation will become almost unbearable for the general public. This in turn
will cause serious conflicts over natural resources and governmental management of natural resources.
17). Major forest fires, domestic fires and unusual fires involving industry will become serious national problems. Large corporations and military depots will become the target for
arson activity, along with national parks.
18). Sinkholes will begin to appear in various parts of the United States, possibly in Florida, Southern California, and states near the Mississippi River.
19). There is a possibility that Mt. St. Helens, or Mt. Rainer, or Mt. Lassen may erupt before the early 1980’s and this will cause scientists to note serious changes in weather behavior and patterns.
20). Serious social problems will develop in the United States involving two particular groups: the American Indians and preservationists. The two groups will unite together over
environmental and natural resource issues. By the mid-1980’s this problem will become a national issue requiring immediate resolution, it will quiet down for two years, then emerge
as a national concern by the year 1985, and resurge again in the 1990’s over natural resources and aboriginal religious rights.
21). Volcanic and earthquake activity will begin to escalate on various islands located near the United States. This will be followed by the possible sinking of some Pacific Islands, and
the possible sinking of Puerto Rico, the Bahamas and Japan before the late-1990’s; the islands will be forewarned by certain omens and signs in nature prior to occurring.
22). A very large star or comet will almost collide with the Earth sometime during the late
1990’s. As a consequence, there will be a very sudden increase in tidal waves, severe flooding, major earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and droughts across the planet. The
United States will be hit the hardest by this activity because of the star’s path of travel.
23). Due to the aforementioned, you might expect the following cities to be seriously affected: From the years 1988 to 1998, then to 2008 earthquake activity may possibly
increase yearly, thereby causing destruction of the Los Angeles-Bakersfield area, the San Francisco region, Denver, New York City, and Seattle.
24). A surprise attack of missiles might be made against the United States on the eastern seaboard, by a smaller country. As a consequence the United States will enter into a Third
World War, which might turn into a intercontinental nuclear holocaust. China might become our strongest ally, while Russia will abstain from becoming involved. Shortly after the year
2002 there will be a coalition formed between the world’s superpowers with Russia serving as the mediator, and potentially emerging as the planetary leader. (It is seen that this potential disaster, however, can be averted if proper preparation and strategy is made in advance,
spiritually and socially).
25). By the year 2012 at least half of California might slide off into the Pacific Ocean and become submerged in water, or parts of it might turn into new and separate islands; Florida,
Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and parts of North and South Carolina could become submerged indefinitely by flood waters and from the Atlantic Ocean. There is also a
possibility that the legendary continent of Atlantis (ancient home for some of the of the Eastern Native American Tribes) will resurface permanently on the eastern United States
seaboard. As a consequence, ancient and secret documents concerning the history and esoteric knowledge of American Indians will become national news while a serious conflict
of ownership pertaining to this continent will develop between Native Nations and the U.S. Government.
26). Sometime during years 2010-2030 there might be a massive invasion from outer space involving beings from another solar system and other planets. The aliens will be much more advanced than the Earth people-humans in terms of science, technology, psychic development, spirituality, and government. The extraterrestrial beings will come in two
different skin colors; some will be a very pale white color, and the other groups will be brownish skin colored. They will bring a new planetary religion to the Earth, and peace, balance, and high scientific advancement. As a result, the Earth people will all be united under a common religion for another 1000 years or more of harmonious and affluent living for all. Interplanetary travel and intergalactic exchange will become a reality comparable to the social events now depicted in science fiction books and movies.

A New Vision and Message Received during 1990-1993:
On several different occasions I was given a new vision while praying and meditating in our sacred sweatlodge ceremonies. I have had the same vision three different times, in three
different parts of the country. I did not seek these visions, they came on their own accord, and sometimes vague in symbolism and content. I received the vision for a fourth and final time while during a sweatlodge ceremony at Mt. Shasta, this time the vision was very vivid. I can’t tell you all of it, but I will tell you what it meant: I saw the Earth tilt twice, first to the west toward the Pacific ocean, then it wobbled, and major disasters beyond the human imagination occurred; this activity was followed by fierce winds raging across the Earth. Shortly afterwards, the Earth then tilted towards the east, toward the Atlantic ocean, with people, animals, cars, buildings, factories, cities and everything in nature started sliding into the ocean. It was disastrous beyond imagination, with large chunks of the continent being swallowed by the ocean.

Several times, both on the west coast, then on the east coast, the ocean backed up, rose into the air, and like a giant hand, rushed toward the continent and grabbed masses of land. Then once again, fierce winds raged across the earth destroying everything upon the surface that wasn’t
hidden underground, or blocked by a natural mountain range. The Earth wobbled, then finally settled..."
end quoted from:

http://www.nativehealer.net/documents/T ... itions.pdf

Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:07 pm
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Post Re: The Prophecy by Medicine Grizzlybear Lake-Thom
Welcome back recall :clap

Please Obey the Golden Rules viewtopic.php?f=31&t=3563&p=40912#p40912

Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:18 am
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Post Re: The Prophecy by Medicine Grizzlybear Lake-Thom
:banana :elephant :brockoli

Recall! :heart :wavey

The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - FDR

Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:47 pm
GT Truther
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Post Re: The Prophecy by Medicine Grizzlybear Lake-Thom
Hello Again! /Cheers! :wavey

Things will become more interesting, when the current line draw side by side along the North and South Poles of Shiva The Destroyer/Earth will be lost... More Earthquakes...

I will give this doc file with some preps, before we start experienced some Internet Shortages...

http://www.mediafire.com/file/1qqyh2kzw ... ations.doc


Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:17 pm
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Truth Seeker

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Post Re: The Prophecy by Medicine Grizzlybear Lake-Thom
Scary stuff but I think he's right on the money ! :scared

Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:10 pm
GT Truther

Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 3:30 pm
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Post Re: The Prophecy by Medicine Grizzlybear Lake-Thom
Again, reading through some old posts here:

#26 - I like it!!!

Just not the invasion aspect......it's not an invasion.

When we get the "Annuninnis" (bad Annunakis) off the planet and when the people of the world are "somewhat" ready, I heard somewhere after 2018 -2020 when the dust has settled down a bit, our friends in space will feel more comfortable to come. The time for them to make "first contact" so to speak with the mass population will be up to them.

Sat May 24, 2014 9:58 am
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