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The Golden Thread - View topic - Emergency Cooking Stoves
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 Emergency Cooking Stoves 
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Post Emergency Cooking Stoves
I know that I have a thread somewhere in here for a buch of these and when I find it I will merge them together.

I just found this by accident and thought I would share, what a neat little kettle for boiling water.

The thing I like most is it's FREE & LIGHT for attaching to your bug out bag!

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Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:34 am
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Post Re: Emergency Cooking Stoves
Here is an in-expensive Tent Stove...

Here's another review

http://www.sportsmansguide.com/net/cb/g ... x?a=645055

http://www.ebay.ca/itm/compact-military ... 48435b5957

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Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:18 am
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Post Re: Emergency Cooking Stoves
Pretty simple and neat idea.

Here is a quickly made solar oven for HEATING food. Put a strip of tape from top to bottom on a large glass pickle jar.
Spray paint the OUTSIDE of whole jar & lid with High Heat Grill Paint. Pull off the tape strip to create a clear place where you can see the food.
Fill the jar with food. Put on the lid & put in oven roasting bag sealed with a twist tie.
Set the jar on something to insulate from ground in full sun.
Food will heat up to about 160 degrees in about 1/2 an hour.

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Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:43 pm
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Post Re: Emergency Cooking Stoves
Here's another great idea!

A #10-size tin can will make an easy and economical grill.

Use tin snips to cut two-inch strips down the sides of the can

Line the tin can with heavy duty foil before adding charcoal

Add a rack, and you're ready to grill


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Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:46 pm
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Post Re: Emergency Cooking Stoves
;) - L2L - I enjoy your passion for stoves and cooking devices ... You have to be a helluva Chef??! :whistle

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Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:02 pm
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Post Re: Emergency Cooking Stoves
In Oz we have the backyard barbie!

which consists of bricks and a huge metal rack

this one is fancy my next door neighbours one was MUCH simpler then that::

consisting of the bricks and see the huge metal rack on top yeah just that this one has got a sheet of metal in the middle ?!?

Do you have these where you come from?


Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:31 pm
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Post Re: Emergency Cooking Stoves
This is how we cook in Australia when we are out in the bush!


Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:40 pm
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Post Re: Emergency Cooking Stoves
Was emailed a link today for this updated version of the Sun Oven, seems like they just added some cheap pots or did I miss something?

All American Sun Oven with Dehydration & Preparedness Package
List price: $399.00

Our price: $379.95 You save $19.05 (5%)


The new All American Sun Oven has retained the best qualities of the original Sun Oven and added many more user-friendly features to create America's most efficient, hassle-free solar appliance for cooking, water pasteurization and dehydrating. This deluxe kit includes useful solar cooking, baking and dehydration supplies listed below. read more

http://eartheasy.com/all-american-sun-o ... 267d5d8957

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Tue Aug 13, 2013 4:49 pm
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