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The Golden Thread - View topic - Has Planet-X Been Discovered
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 Has Planet-X Been Discovered 
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Post Has Planet-X Been Discovered

by Gary Vey for viewzone

The idea of a new planet being discovered in our Solar System is pretty exciting. Even more so because of the many theories about "planet-x" or "Nibiru" being associated with space aliens and the doomsday prophecies of 2012.

Scientists at places like NASA and famous observatories have deflected inquiries about the discovery for a few years now, mainly because they feared being associated with these "fringe" theories. But like it or not -- it has happened. Well... according to a team of Spanish artronomers who call themselves the StarViewer Team.

The group made the rounds of all the news web sites in the past two weeks, claiming they discovered something very significant. It's almost twice the size of Jupiter and just beyond our furthest planetoid, Pluto. Although it's not a planet, it appears to have planets or large satellites encircling it. It's what astronomers call a "brown dwarf star" and its official name is "G1.9".

What's a Brown Dwarf Star?

First we'll explain WHAT these astronomers have discovered. Then we'll discuss HOW they discovered it.

At the risk of being scientifically vague, I'll try to explain the current understanding of how stars and planets form in space.

All matter attracts other matter. A larger mass will attract smaller masses towards it. In space this results in growing clouds of matter that tend to clump together and attract more matter. Since most of the matter in space is gaseous, these clouds eventually get so dense that they collapse into dense gaseous spheres. When they do this there is usually some "left over" matter that forms a ring around the sphere.

If there is enough matter in a sphere of hydrogen, for example, it can cause so much compression at the shpere's core that the hydrogen atoms begin to fuse together and a fusion-reaction ignites a new born star. In this reaction two hydrogen atoms join together to form one helium atom and release extra energy as radiation.

Scientists believe that the minimum mass needed to ignite a sun is about 13 times the known mass of the planet Jupiter -- written as "13MJ." If the mass is lower than this, the pressure in the core is not enough to ignite and the sphere will be hot ball of gas called a "brown dwarf."

As a new star spins, the disk surrounding it gradually cools and the matter forms heavier elements like metals and minerals. These "rocks" eventually clump together and form solid spheres called planets.

Sometimes a solid sphere will attract some of the gas that is in the disk and this will result in a gaseous giant, like Jupiter and Saturn, which has a solid core but a thick gaseous atmosphere. These "gas giant" planets can be very massive but, because of their solid cores, they will never ignite and become stars.

This Brown Dwarf
This newly discovered "brown dwarf" is believed to have formed from the same condensed matter that gave birth to our Sun. It is believed that, after the large planets formed around the Sun, they pushed it to the edge of the Solar system where it formed a sphere about 1.9MJ -- well below the mass needed to ignite it as a "sun."

The theory of a companion sun is not new. It has often been described as Nemesis, after the Greek figure in mythology.

The mythological Nemesis was the spirit of divine retribution against those who succumb to hubris, vengeful fate personified as a remorseless goddess. The name Nemesis is related to the Greek word meaning "to give what is due".

Nemesis is now often used as a term to describe one's worst enemy, normally someone or something that is the exact opposite of oneself but is also somehow similar. For example, Professor Moriarty is frequently described as the nemesis of Sherlock Holmes.

"Opposite yet similar" is the perfect description for a companion to our Sun. But the name Nemesis also implies a sinister nature. Will this new Nemesis be beneficial or harmful to our lives?

Many suns that we observe in the galaxy are part of binary systems or double stars. There is debate about how two suns form from a single condensed cloud of matter. Some believe that they both form at the same time; others believe they split following the creation of one huge sun.

Sometimes both spheres are capable of fusion and both suns shine brightly, encircling each other around an imaginary point call the barycenter. Sometimes only one sun attains 13MJ and ignites, while its smaller companion, the brown dwarf, glows dimly and radiates heat. Astronomers usually can only see the brightest of the two, but because they both circle around a common barycenter, the wobble reveals the mass of the unseen companion.

We are close to our Sun and within its gravitational influence. So as we are travel through space, it appears to us that the G1.9 is moving in an elipse between our furthest planetoid, Pluto, and the edge of our Solar system, near the Oort Cloud.

The newly discovered brown dwarf is reported to be located just about 60 to 66 AU (1 AU=the distance from the Sun to Earth) from us (its parigee), currently in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. Because of periodic gravitational disturbances in areas of space further out, specifically in the Oort Cloud, the Spanish group of astronomers believe G1.9 travels in an elliptical orbit extending possibly hundreds of AU beyond the furthest known planets (its apogee). Its position just beyond Pluto suggests it is at its closest approach to the Sun and Earth.

Space appears relatively free of debris [see image above] inside the planetary orbits. This is because the gravitational pull of each planet (a large mass) effectively collects the interplanetary debris (small mass). But there are exceptions.

Belts of Debris
Between Mars and Jupiter you will see a ring of debris called The Asteroid Belt. It is believed that a planet once orbited in this area before it was pulverized by some type of impact. Many theorists believe this was caused by a rogue planet that entered the Solar System -- again hinting at the existence of some unknown member of our planetary system.

Beyond the furthest planetoid, Pluto, there is a large ring of debris called the Kuiper Belt. While the asteroid belt is composed primarily of rock and metal, the Kuiper belt objects are composed largely of frozen volatiles (termed "ices"), such as methane, ammonia and water.

As we get to the edge of the Solar System we enter another debris zone, the Oort Cloud. The Oort is not a band of debris but rather a spherical shell that surrounds the Solar System and extends out to the edge of the Sun's gravitational field. This region is thought to contain frozen clumps of water, methane, ethane, carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide. It's also the birth place of comets. However, the discovery of the object 1996-PW, an asteroid in an orbit more typical of a long-period comet, suggests that the cloud may also be home to rocky objects.

Debris "fly-paper"
Jupiter and Saturn are extremely massive and have such strong gravity that they attract meteors and comets entering the planetary zone of our Solar System. They protect smaller planets like our Earth from impacts, acting like a fly-paper for meteors, comets and asteroids.

In August of 2009, Jupiter captured a large asteroid that entered the planetary zone unexpectedly, despite the efforts of astronomers to track these dangerous objects. It is believed that this asteroid was perturbed by the trajectory of G1.9, which until now, was not recognized and accounted for.

Note: The dark spot [ top right] in the northern hemisphere of Jupiter where the asteroid impact was.

How it was discovered... the controversy
You might well ask why astronomers have never detected this object before. In fact they did. G1.9 was first identified as a "supernova remnant" in 1984 by Dave Green of the University of Cambridge and later studied in greater detail with NRAO's Very Large Array radio telescope in 1985. Because it was unusually small for a supernova it was thought to be young -- less than about 1000 years old.

But in 2007, X-ray observations made with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory revealed that the object was much larger than the last time it was observed! It had grown in size by 16%. Puzzled by this observation, the Very Large Array repeated its observations of 23 years ago and verified that it had increased in size considerably. Knowing that supernova do not expand this quickly, unless they have just exploded, they explained that G1.9 must be a "very young" supernova -- perhaps not more than 150 years old. But no record of a visible supernova has been found corresponding to that historical period (about the time of the American Civil War).

Spanish astronomers have tracked this object with great interest because they were anticipating its appearance. Gravitational anomalies have been appearing in the Oort Cloud for some time, suggesting the perturbations were caused by a nearby object with considerable mass. The announcement that G1.9 had increased in size was no mystery to them. It is exactly what they would expect as the object moved closer to Earth.

The object, G1.9 [above right] is currently located in the direction of our Galaxy's center, Sagittarius, which glows bright in this infrared spectrum image. Because of the bright background G1.9 is not visible in normal light wavelengths.


Contnued at link below

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Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:25 am
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Post Re: Has Planet-X Been Discovered

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Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:29 am
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Post Re: Has Planet-X Been Discovered
Hello L2L:

Some notes follow Warning some Math:

Kepler Laws are not acurate when you get The Sun in the 1st Focy of the Elipse and the Black Sun is in the Second Foci of the Elipse, and both stars has independent movements... The result is a excentric orbit of the captured third star of this System "the brown Dwarf" aka The planet with no name aka Nibiru

Again, what we get here in this particular star system is a Multiple Star System when n=3 the number of Suns with different Mass...

a1 SUN
a2 Fail Sun aka Dark Companion or Nemesis
a3 Brown Dwarf

The point at which a system of masses would balance if placed on a pivot. If m1 and m2 are the masses of two Star System placed at the points A1 and A2, and if the line A1A2 is divided at B1, so that m1A1B1 = m2A2B1, the point B1 is the center of mass of the two Star System.

When this system captured the Brown Dwarf, we got:

a third mass at A3, and if B1A3 is divided at B2, so that (m1 + m2) = m3(A3B2, B2 is the center of mass of the new three Star System...

and quoted from Wiki:
" Triple star systems

In a physical triple star system, each star orbits the center of mass of the system. Usually, two of the stars form a close binary system, and the third orbits this pair at a distance much larger than that of the binary orbit. This arrangement is called hierarchical.[8][9] The reason for this is that if the inner and outer orbits are comparable in size, the system may become dynamically unstable, leading to a star being ejected from the system.[10] Triple stars that are not all gravitationally bound might comprise a physical binary and an optical companion, such as Beta Cephei, or rarely, a purely optical triple star, such as Gamma Serpentis.
Higher multiplicities
Mobile diagrams: (a) multiplex; (b) simplex, binary system; (c) simplex, triple system; (d) simplex, quadruple system, hierarchy 2; (e) simplex, quadruple system, hierarchy 3; (f) simplex, quintuple system, hierarchy 4.

Hierarchical multiple star systems with more than three stars can produce a number of more complicated arrangements, which can be illustrated by what Evans (1968) has called a mobile diagram. These are similar to ornamental mobiles hung from the ceiling. Some examples can be seen in the figure to the left. Each level of the diagram illustrates the decomposition of the system into two or more systems with smaller size. Evans calls a diagram multiplex if there is a node with more than two children, i.e., if the decomposition of some subsystem involves two or more orbits with comparable size. Since, as already seen for triple stars, this may be unstable, multiple stars are expected to be simplex, meaning that at each level there are exactly two children. Evans calls the number of levels in the diagram its hierarchy.[11]

A simplex diagram of hierarchy 1, as in (b), describes a binary system.

A simplex diagram of hierarchy 2 may describe a triple system, as in (c), or a quadruple system, as in (d).

end quoted from:

so we got a Trinary system that may be unstable!

also an example of the Math of a 3-body orbit may help:

so the first point will be "Where the center of Mass, barycenter or centroid of the 3 Star System" reside in first place?

and you may use Kepler or Newton?
The three body problem in its restricted form has two degrees of freedom and one constant of motion, the Jacobi integral. It describes the motion of a test particle P with mass under the gravitational influence of two bodies S and J. The assumptions are (i) $ m$ is so small that P has no effect on S and J, (ii) the Kepler motion of S and J is circular, and (iii) P moves in the same plane with S and J. "

but if $ m$ are not Small...


In this page you get a 3 body gravitational problem animation:

See how the orbit changed ...

http://www.upscale.utoronto.ca/PVB/Harr ... eBody.html

Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:44 am
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Post Re: Has Planet-X Been Discovered

just see the time the third body spent behind the 2nd sun...

Aditional data:

The dark Sun is 11 degrees of the plane of our sun, which direction?

Remember all the cover up of the software of the sky?

What are Wikisky, Google sky and WWT hiding?

Yes in that position! Orion!

The Mass of the Dark Sun is about 1 +- 0.2 Solar Mass!

the mass of the Brown Dwarf is about 24 times of the Earth

They know!, but instead used Kepler to cover up this issue...
The agenda of
TPTB: They wants to everybody died!!! not knowing what will happend!!!
and coming back as Gods in Flesh

The most stable orbit the model produce is this one:

And this orbit explains the issue of 2003 on NL/ZT. )The First Swing...

Note: Sun2 is our Sun. also Sun 1 could be G1.9.. but is too near to produce a 3647 years orbit...on the planet with no name... :yamon

Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:53 am
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Post Re: Has Planet-X Been Discovered
Some camera observations on Earth:

With a Purple Filter and Motorized tracking Camera

another in Russia

Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:00 pm
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Post Re: Has Planet-X Been Discovered

Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:15 pm
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Post Re: Has Planet-X Been Discovered
Wow L you and recall15 have really got some good evidence! Now I wish tptb would finally come clean and tell us all the truth. I am so tired at being labelled a little off. :crazy :gah

Something is going to happen, but what?

Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:05 pm
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Post Re: Has Planet-X Been Discovered
This thing has changed names so many times, do we have any idea of when we will be seeing the effects? I really don't understand all the binary stuff and the squiggles.

I suppose that are going to try and lie to us until the disaster is upon us. :gah

Something is going to happen, but what?

Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:54 pm
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Post Re: Has Planet-X Been Discovered

"...mankind will not merely survive, he will prevail...for alone among all animals, mankind has compassion." Faulkner, Nobel Prize Speech 1953

Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:36 am
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