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 The Shift of the Ages 
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 The Shift of the Ages
The Shift of the Ages track log:

Shift of the Ages?


Apocalypse of the End of Days?

Planet X invasion?

Well - any of these may apply depending on you point of view, education on the matter, or just plain common sense. What will be considered here is the facts that link to the world changing at a rate that is quite damn right scary at present. Animals and humans expiring at an ever increasing rate due to the strangest of causes. Climate shifts that just don't make sense. Emotional experiences that somehow don't add up. A division of the world into camps of STS and STO. Well it don't matter anyhow as here we will log the changes as predicted whether they be ancient or current. As long as it has a scientific or anthropologic source that may be sourced as a reference, we will accept it. All of this should give effect of guiding the reader of this forum a sense of direction towards that event or date that will be the change we are all xpecting now.

The world will be different for it!

Welcome to the Shift of the Ages log.


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Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:38 pm
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 Allegations of Nibiru
The challenge of the meme of Planet X or Nibiru has definitely gone viral a long time ago. Yet - there has been ZERO physical evidense of its existence. Only wild claims - set off by the Sitchin account and fueled mainly by the ZetaTalk saga.

BUT - as an opinion of course, the latest claim of a potential Nibiru experience has surfaced through th claims by one TELLAR and brought to this forum by TexLittlefield. Reading the whole account and claim, makes fair sense and so it is our first prediction of change that is logged here. Basically Tellar is claiming that the comet assigned by NASA as ELEnin is actually Nibiru and will conjunct 3 times on its passage through the solar system with the Sun and various planets to create electromagnetic forces that will cause polar adjustments with catastrophic events. - "Billions will die"??!? -

So this is not just an idle claim - but one with a physical reference in our Science as mapped by Nasa-JPL and can be followed in the predicted/calculated dates of conjunction.

March 15 2011 being the first such date, leaving us at our first countdown date of 19 days to go as of today!

Follow the Tellar story on: where his various threads lay out the story. Text has posted two credits with questions to readers in the main GT thread, one of which is the timeline (adjusted) and listed as follows:


Thanks Tex! I am personally not a PX/ZetaTalk fan - but this account has given me new perspective of a number of ancient prophecies, as in the Hopi Red Kachina prophecy, the red skies as in Revelations of the Holy Bible and more. I will be watching this one!


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Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:00 pm
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages

Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:13 pm
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages

Im going off this post that Terral made regarding comet ELEnin and in this he states:

A Brown Dwarf with 2.5 larger mass than Jupiter and multiple orbiting moons (pic) is right now (2/11) exactly between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars on an inbound trajectory from south of the ecliptic plane from the Leo Constellation heading for a tight turn around the sun on Mercury's orbit line.

Now in this other post Terral made:

he states: Why Is Google Earth Deliberately Hiding Google Sky Images @ 5h 53m 27s -6 10' 58 ?

Ok the problem are those coordinates are near the constellation ORION not Leo.

So my question is exactly what part of the sky do I need to look to find to find this Comet ELEnin?

From what I have found researching this, Comet ELEnin can be found in the area of the constellations Leo and Virgo.

If indeed Comet ELEnin is coming from the constellation Leo as he states in the above post, then the other post about google sky hiding this Comet is debunked and the coordinates are incorrect.

Can someone else confirm this because Im alittle confused and my knowledge of Astronomy isnt the greatest but something isnt adding up here.

Thu Feb 24, 2011 7:41 pm
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages
Dondep wrote:
Begins The Bamboozling In Earnest

So I finally caught up from Tex's initial question to me and the discussion that followed, and have taken note of all the positions put forward. However, I first need to go back to my last post to encompass the unfolding plan of the PTB as it's occurring right now (sorry Sky, but yes we can still give Tex the credit).

After I first noticed that CNN segment with Jessica Yellin (always thought that was a great name for a TV journalist; "Jessica, stop yellin'!"), it seemed the story seemed to ooze up all over the MSM, as everyone here noted. Rick Hunter sensed what was going on:

Rick Hunter wrote:
Mainstream media could be using the foot in the door technique, get people used to the idea of a visiting planet, then eventually give the real story.

Tex then asked my opinion on "Terral"s post, which was billed as a frontal confrontation by a simple citizen (well, it's true his avatar shows him to be a CEO, but I haven't done any research yet on who he - or she - is just yet) of the people's elected representatives as to why they aren't announcing the pending poleshift that will be caused by Nibiru. (Which he then sets himself up for the fall by pointing to misleading data.....that's what so many people miss, because it's data that is supposedly already filtered by NASA and, well we know what NASA stands for. The seed of destruction is already planted.)

The CNN 'disclosure' segment was very much connected to what Terral was and is doing. Yet, it should surprise no-one here that this is going on, because it's what anyone with a rational mind and a vested interest in maintaining the Coverup would do, what most of US would do, if we were in the PTB's position.

First, as Rick pointed out, the MSM is 'prepping' us, and they're using the terms that are now becoming well-known to many of the public. There's the central idea of a "giant planet hiding in the solar system" (easily batted down as planned by the NASA paid liar by pointing to the Oort cloud, just outside the solar system). There's the "4 times the size" visual reference (which is then misleadingly attached to Jupiter, NOT Earth...and furthermore it's 4-1/2 times the size of Earth, but again, these are the maddening details that are to be later discovered to be false, and the bathwater begins its inexorable journey to the journalistic drain....hopefully taking the baby with it, if They have Their way). Selene gave an excellent and succinct summation of the celestial factors involved and how they are often confused (a feat that has been carried out here on the GT at least a dozen times by previous posters over the years since 2003).

Yet it isn't simply a cunning blurring that's going on, in order to prepare us psychologically for the truth that will unfold before our eyes with the PTB powerless to cover it up - no matter how many chemtrails they pollute the skies with. No, there's something much more nefarious going on, and understanding it shows the gravity of the situation (pun only now intended). Terral's 2-20-2011 'update' shows this much more clearly; now he's gone and done what should NEVER be done (and I include the chain-jerking NL/ZT specificity of the "7-of-10 shock to occur before the end of 2010" in this), which is to ascribe a date to matters. Specific dates, in fact. And because of the closeness of time before which some of these events may or may not play out, it's quite possible one or 2 might just coincide with actual events. Perhaps the zetas wanted anyone pre-empting Nancy to fall on their face (Nancy's fate as the 'Gal Who Cried Poleshift' already firmly established since May 2003, and events playing out to corroborate the general paradigm anyway), so that any PTB plot to take ownership of the facts is destined for dismal failure.

pausing to make sure I don't lose this post so far......

So Terral is making a big deal about what many of us had already concluded (years ago, when that blacked-out part of Google Sky was first noticed) was already known disinfo; however, many people hadn't heard of that before, so this is all news to them.

Fulcanelli then makes the point (actually the Matt he quotes does) that a video - or even a letter to Congress - even with a 'date', or string of dates, is somehow something that we are all to go gah-gah over....and rightly points out that these things have come or gone, and surprisingly to some, I would agree with that assessment, but to make it more clear, here's the lead article on today's issue of "Spirit Daily":

Spirit Daily wrote:

A number of times, during the past year or so, we have expressed an impression or "word" to the effect that the world faces an "upheaval." Does what is occurring in the Middle East and even in parts of the West (like Greece, and to a far lesser extent, Wisconsin) qualify as fulfillment or are these situations the precursors of future (perhaps near-future) events?

The questions are among those in our mailbag.

Frets one well-known blog: "The chaos in the Middle East is a trigger. It is a distraction. Watch China. It is secretly pressuring U.S. as holders of our debt wanting to buy up companies and blocking corruption probes and anti-trust issues. The globalists are teaming up with China and muscling out the U.S. -- the designed decline of the U.S. The standard currency of the world is crude oil! The Muslim Brotherhood is being supported by the elite who have the crude oil in the palm of their hand. What is happening in Egypt, Libya, and United Arab Emirates will spread over into the entire Arab world. The Elite (OPEC) of the world plan to double cross the Arabs. The Arab world will go back to the way it was. There will be all out anarchy all over the world. The U.S. is set up to be the enemy."

We have to be cautious, when there is such a fevered pitch. We know that major events and changes are on the way. But how soon? How major?

It is good to keep in mind because consider just a few of the recorded prophetic missteps. To wit (as a television magazine points out):

-- Jehovah's Witnesses wrongly predicted doomsdays in 1874, 1881, 1914, 1920, and a number of times since. "Their most recent date to come and go without a bang was 1994," it notes.

-- When Hale-Bopp appeared in the mid-1990s -- hanging there in the sky (as Halley's did before the Fall of Jerusalem) -- many worried that The End was nigh.

-- An age-old Syrian text predicted the end was near -- in 2,800 B.C.

-- Before the first atomic bomb test, some feared it would set off a chain reaction that would devastate earth.

-- Protestant minister William Miller once predicted the "rapture" for between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844. "Newspaper reports of the time claim he had about 100,000 followers who quit being productive citizens in apocalyptic anticipation," notes the article. "When the date passed, Miller rescheduled for October but was wrong again."

-- In 1919, meteorologist Albert Porta scared a lot of folks when he said the coming alignment of six planets would create a magnetic current that could pierce the sun and create solar flares large enough to engulf the earth.

There was Comet Kahoutec. There was Y2K. Now, there is 2012. And the Hadron Collider (near Geneva, Switzerland, which many fear can cause a chain reaction in the same way they feared that occur with The Bomb).

Do the past misses negate prophecy?

They do not. ........... We can also note the signs around us. And the fact that while the world did not "end" with past predictions, often, such prophecies were followed by major transformations. One example: around 2300 B.C. "something happened to Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Turkey, and Crete," noted Sent To Earth. "Something truly momentous. There was a dramatic change. There was a tremendous alteration of the weather. There were what appeared to be widespread, unrelenting disasters. There was general upheaval in climate. People fled what are known as the Habur and Assyrian plans, and the Old World collapsed. The world's first urban civilizations -- the Old Kingdom in Egypt, the Akkadian Empire in Mesopotamia, the early societies in Greece, Turkey, and Israel -- all fell at once."

At a number of points through history, events like gyrations in climate or even what scientists speculate were small asteroids hitting the Atlantic have caused effects unlike any modern man has seen. It had seemed like the "end of the world" -- for people in those particular regions.


So what is going on? What's "my take"? I find it very simple: efforts are being made, both sincere and artificially planned, to plant the issue of a poleshift, of at least a 'rogue planet', out there in the public arena by the ever-cunning MSM as the prime tool of the PTB, in order to "take ownership" of the issue so as to 'suck the oxygen out of the story' and presenting it in a way They prefer. Many, many, many people have "written to Congress" about this, and written and spoken thousands upon millions of comments on every imaginable blog, forum, 'zine, podcast, youtube video, etc. The issue is much more widely discussed world-wide than even many here might think, and even if it hasn't been discussed that much by your neighbors, you can be certain that there are many who discuss it in private out of your earshot. Worse, it's going to become even MORE viral, as the earth changes continue on breaking records and warping our memories of what is "normal".

In short, the frog is starting to boil, from the simmering position. The people who control Earth's material resources are showing their true colors, and the forces of liberation are making themselves heard. MT7 was kind enough to share some SNEDs snitting, and much of what was said was correct in that the Pied Pipers of Ufoology have been lying to us, but they (SNEDs) again avoid accountability in not including themselves in that group. While it's true that some of the fault lies with the lies of Chielah the J-Rod, who was just as guilty of his March 28th, 2009 'date' as NL/ZT was with the May 15th, 2003 'White Lie' date, much of it lies squarely with DB, MAM, Big Dick n' Dadmiral, and the rest of the Maji. Yes, DB may have been brainwashed to a certain extent, and repeatedly (not to mention the combination of threats and bribery for the one in the "gilded cage"), but he will be faulted for the inexcusable use of ridicule and character assassination to obfuscate the probable outcome.

pausing again......

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Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:43 am
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages
Dondep wrote:
(continuing....yes, that's what I've been writing about tonight, Siam)

edit: (WB, Lynn!)

MT7, I agree with you that I'm not familiar with Dan B. taking that position as firmly as he claims (where he says "I have further made it plain to the public.."), in that the biggest stumbling block to Disclosure was the relationship of all the countries in on the conspiracy. But we then have the problem of the claim that he makes that these were "time travelers" of human lineage. I embraced the possibility early on that this part of the false paradigm was logical, but after 'the worm turned', I understood that it was part of the Big Lie the STS aliens used to subjugate and over-awe their STS human allies.

Here's where you quoted that:

mountaintiger7 wrote:
SNED said they have said this before:
“I have made it plain over the last several years that no government amongst the governments of the world, bound together in secret Treaty, would dare step away from the rest and take it upon themselves to state something which impacts everyone in different ways. I have further made it plain to the Public that those governments, even after conclusion of any amount of discussion, would not openly disclose their activities over the decades with the human-lineage extraterrestrials”

However, I have never heard SNED say that before and previously, and SNED in my reading has always given every appearance of wanting UFO disclosure. Now SNED is saying
“now in possession of the WHOLE FACTS”
Justifying a 90-degree turn in policy of declaring that UFO disclosure is over.
Even today, AOL is on the bandwagon with a similar statement:

I believe the answer is in hints that SNED reiterates the time traveler Humans issue, along with this statement of
“during the CYCLES much was at stake”.

Could SNED be right in not wanting UFO disclosure because it is the “stichen” holding together the curtain time that hides the wizard, which manipulates the real truth?

I think they are firmly in the grip of this false paradigm, in addition to having it justify their planned course of action as events continue to unfold. By believing that all the J-rods and other aliens Majestic was 'allowed' to negotiate with were somehow visitors from a future timeline, they could control their own primal desires by the fear of "f*&king with destiny", because time-travelers that are messed with could bring tons of extra bad karma down on your head. They've come to learn this, the hard way.

I think there is a basis for the 'visitors' being seen as this, but it comes from a much more advanced form of technology and awareness than we're able to fully comprehend. But it does NOT require the belief that the zetan visitors are from our 'future', and the same is true for the ancient Hindu entities. They were quite advanced, in my estimation, but not necessarily from our future. They could be seen as "model prototypes", but not entities that would occupy the exact same developing timeline as the one we are currently on.

I say that primarily because my empirical senses as well as my intuition tells me this is more likely the case, than the intimation by DB that those vedic personalities are from our great-great-great-grandchildren.

pausing again......

MT7 wrote:

So what is the truth of the Cycle Cross secret?
I ask Dan in 2007, why there was good and evil (i.e. why there was suffering)
Dan hinted to study the “Churning of the ocean of milk”

In this Hindu story, The Devas (demigods, good) and Demons (Asuras, bad) obeying the orders of Vishnu, churn of the cosmic ocean in a dialect tug of war, to obtain Amrit a nectar, that makes them immortal.
If this is purpose for our existence then could the real truth behind the GRAY ExtraTerrestrial be that they are no more than service technicians, popping in from time to time to check and balance the milk?

Penniston said "They are time travelers. They are Us."

Corso’s son says the real issue is time travel

The implications of Human Time travel means our perception of the Universe is missing more than ET's.
It leads to questions of why our future Humans self's allow the suffering in the current reality to exists.
It also raises questions on larger issues of various higher powers that balance our existence and time in the universe to allow the limited intervention that is occurring.
These questions might take longer to answer, than the time we have before the Cycle Cross.

Has SNED has made the choice for us to preserved Us during the Cycle Cross?
Could it better not to have chaos of KNOWING for a peaceful crossing?
As in being ignorant sheeple, than STS creeps running a world of chaos.

We need to be ever vigilant against the STS anger, greed, laziness, pride, lust, fear, and consumption.
Are we so immature that it is only in sleep that we can be peaceful?

So are we Humans, really such dangerous criminals, that the truth of our real universe and existence must be contained at all cost? :puter

Uhouse (see above URL), warns of the satellite governments and Military In a Box.

From SNED post
“Majestic Folkloristics injected many of the early myths now accepted as a cult-facts.”

I hope we can sort out the true nature of the Universe and our existence.

So what is Cycle Cross really about?
Everyone seems agree the Cycle Cross will an effect on the basic nature of man future.

Do we live in a computer controlled Truman like show of the matrix holo-deck, where we get a TRON DE-resolution into another dimension, while going though the Cycle Cross over?

Or could the Cycle Cross be more like the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, which described Multi Intelligent Creators Energies being in charge of the earth wanting a hyper space byway established?

Or is it that we are moved to other side of the time wizards curtain of time and now can see the real fact of the Universe without veil of forgetfulness?

I find it interesting that the SNED, did not correctly connect the dots when they made a big deal about Dan’s GED in this link:
Since this link only show Marci’s diploma’s
It seems like SNED is using this as an example of learning to think and follow the dots without showing us the end goal (i.e. teaching a man to fish rather than give the man the fish)

While the above MAY seem to be an endorsement, I am on a quest for the truth about the “Human Experiment”. I hope to find the real disclosure for our place in the Universe.

Peace be with us all,

I love your sentiment, MT7.

The bit about the "Cycle's Cross" is a misnomer, in my humble opinion. The true "cycle's cross" has more to do with the positioning of the inbound Nibiru in relation to us, as the "Crossing" was originally the term used to describe the movement of Nibiru as it pertained to the 'shar', or 3,657-year periodicity of a passage. The secret societies have ever after cloaked the truths about it in elaborate 'bull-puckey' (as my favorite pundit would say), the better to control the real reasons for these events. I particularly like the "Desk of the Compass" thing they've got going on over there at SNEDs, with Dan B barking orders or interpolating them, which is like that movie from 2 years ago, "The Golden Compass" but with tourettes. So much masonic ritual, with the Scottish and York Rites, and even without the overtones, they are still at heart members of a secret society (or 3). They're "so special", as the church lady would say. But maybe they've mellowed out a bit of late, since we won't have much time before the ongoing sinking that continues apace completes the process they're all bracing for.


The Air Force is shopping a contract for "instant cyber-armies, just add water, cut n' paste" of up to 500 at a time???

THAT is a SMOKING GUN! Good find Lynn!
And you think spam bots are bad now, L2L? I think we just learned of an operation that will probably be used against truthseekers everywhere. Imagine; for every PTB thug, there'll be up to 500 clone-thugs, online avatars that can be "validated"...... :slap which will then go 'into battle' on the forums and message boards, comments sections of online newspapers. It looks like things are going to kick into overdrive shortly.


Simple Simon wrote:
Hi folks, maybe someone can enlighten me...

re: comet Elenin, so 'ele' stands for 'extinction level event'. But what about the 'nin' part of its name?


Curious Simon.

I confess I don't know, but my gut sees the connection between "nin" and "nein", or "none". As if to say, "NO ELE!!!! Nein!!!! Verboten!!! Continue shopping!!!" The idea being, it's being set up for a fall. If NASA is "allowing" a paradigm to show up that includes a 'Planet X', it's more than likely to be yet another cynical attempt to yank our chain so that even LESS preparation takes place, because anything They say will be yet another false date on the calendar.

And one last final echo, thanks MT7 for copying this very important clue:

SNEDs wrote:
Majestic Folkloristics injected many of the early myths now accepted as a cult-facts.

I'm sure they even tried to take credit for the real story as being just another myth initiated by the Folklorists for Majestic. Good grief; so much bamboozling going on from these erstwhile organizers of the planet's resources, it's no surprise they continue the tradition with us and the world at large.

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Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:53 am
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages
Found this image that apparently shows the elusive coordinates 5h 53m 27s -6 10' 58 point blacked out in the Google Sky Map:


or -

Found it Here


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Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:41 am
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages
Sky wrote:
Here ya go Marcus:

Terral wrote:
My Errors And New Links


Greetings to All:

I have several errors to report and a new link to show you. First, my reports that Nibiru is approaching from the Leo Constellation appear to be wrong. The coordinates 5h 53m 27s -6 10' 58 point in the direction of the Orion Constellation as reported by Halfback in this post (link):

Halfback pic

This is the archived 'prove' link connected to the little icon at the bottom of the black Google box (Timeline mistake post).




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Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:19 am
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages

Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:12 am
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages
Thanks folks for the answer to my question regarding the 'nin' part of Elenin.

Many years ago there was a book about the stations on London's Underground railway system called 'Whats in a Name?' which explained why they had been given their names; having seen Exit's message and the manyfold aspects to the heavenly critter's name - all of which could be 'very apt' in themselves - I have definately been jolted in to sitting up and taking note. If 'now' is not the time, then 'when is'? Especially since we are in the short time-frame which for many years remote viewers (etc) were reporting their being blocked when trying to RV the future. (early 2010 - mid 2013, if I recall corectly.)

This ticks so many boxes... we must be 'almost there', by which I mean the much talked about timeframe when we should all bend over and kiss our asses goodbye.

(please excuse the levity, but if he were crouching - instead of standing - he'd really be able to do this!)


As I see it, as Don suggested when he said that 'nin' stood for 'no' (as in 'no extinction level event'), whats coming is eminently survivable. Yes it would have helped if the powers that were (TPTW) had of been encouraging everyone to prepare, especially with respect to their locations and food supplies. I hope they are happy in their DUMBS, where no doubt they will be able to evolve their physicalities into the Morlocks they already emulate.

The (northern hemisphere) autumnal timeframe for the 'main event' ties in with Notsy's prediction of it happening in October. This was in his Epistle to Henry II. But I'm not so sure what he means about a new Babylon lasting for 70 odd years - unless he is refering to our post WW2 society and deliberately jumbled the timelines slightly.

"And it will be in the month of October than the great translation will be made and it will be such that one will think the gravity of the earth has lost its natural movement and that it is to be plunged into the abyss of perpetual darkness.

In the spring there will be omens, and thereafter extreme changes, reversals of realms and mighty earthquakes. These will be accompanied by the procreation of the new Babylon, miserable daughter enlarged by the abomination of the first holocaust. It will last for only seventy-three years and seven months. "

On the 'personal survival' front, listening to something Clif High said in a recent interview struck me as an additional worthwhile emergency measure for those who are 'prepping' - namely he talked about using sprouting seeds as a source of food.

In another recent interview Clif said that on 5th March we switch to release language, and that at some stage volcanic activity to the north of Australia will see people needing to flee - with northern Australia being the only place with unoccupied space that could be used as a place of refuge. As we know, Humankind is a territorial species, so if this comes to pass it will truly upset the 'nation state' applecart! For some years now Mitch Battros of has been talking of a coming time when mass migrations of people will be neccessary.

I do not recall Clif saying anything about Indonesia etc sinking; whilst that could be because the Zetans are wrong it could also be because to avoid mass panic - and after 'friendly words' with certain powerful people - he is censoring the information he releases.


Citizen of Planet Earth, living in the British Isles.

Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:54 am
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages
simple simon wrote:

Agh hahaha I've heard of watching your a$$ but this is Rediculous!


Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:44 pm
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages

Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:04 am
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Spanish Astronomers Claim Dwarf Sun Beyond Pluto

Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:42 am
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages
I think it was Cyber that introduced this lady to us, I really like her attitude.

I think it reflects allot of us here, worried but not yet ready to put our tin foil hats on and run wild in the streets because some new Dooms Day Thread has been started :doh

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Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:36 pm
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages
Hehe L2L - glad you noticed too.

Sonia is a bright penny indeed. Been watching her stuff and she outshines her hubby by far imo.

Another cool Canadian.


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Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:34 pm
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages

Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:21 am
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages
TexLittlefield wrote:




Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:40 am
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages
L2L wrote:
Don go ahead and post the photos your refering too.

I must say I am paying a little more attention with this one...

Sky wrote:

FWIW guys - 4 days and counting to the alleged ELEnin conjunction...


What was that prediction again Sky, sorry been so many missed dates that I stopped listeing..

From the original text:

Terral wrote:
March 4th, 2011 marks the day that the brown dwarf (info) breaks through the ecliptic plane into the northern hemisphere to begin influencing the earth into convulsions and severe spasms. Earthquake and volcanic activity will escalate from this time forward and increase like birthpangs where the earth groans and the oceans slosh tidal waves too and fro.

March 15, 2011 is the first of three conjunctions where the earth is caught in the gravitational gradient lines-or the trough-that binds the sun and brown dwarf together. The sun will be pulling one way and the brown dwarf the other way and the predicted pole shift event will take place. The interesting thing about this particular day is that Saturn, the brown dwarf, the Earth and the Sun and Mars and Jupiter and Uranus are all in alignment. The astronomy people and the media should be talking about this alignment, because rarely do seven planetary and solar bodies line up in a straight line like we see on March 15, 2011.

This gravity trough is going to be the mother of all where the planets are lined up for a game of Tug of War. The earth will be susceptible to the brown dwarf's magnetism and flip over to match the giant's polarity like a smaller magnet flips in space for a larger one . This is the reason why so many people are giving out warnings concerning the conjunction and pole shift on March 15, 2011. The magnetic poles are not shifting on their own at some near future time. They are being influenced and shifted gradually by the approach of Nibiru/Planet X. The Govt knows (FEMA preparing = US Govt Bunker Map) all of this and keeps people in the dark, because there is only so many spaces in their underground bunkers. The brown dwarf crosses the Mars orbit on June 30, 2011. Keep your eye on the earth and sun distances as we continue.


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Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:44 am
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages
Comet Elenin continues to increase in size, and another close approach with a large Main belt asteroid
April 10th, 2011 | Author: LeonidOS

April 8th at our observatory we carried out planned observations of Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin). An analysis of the results of the observations shows a rapid growth of the coma. Besides the internal compact gas envelope, the forming rarified external coma is also visible in the image. It’s diameter exceeds 1 minute of arc, or 80,000 km! [That's 50,000 miles!!] It is possible that such a rapid growth of the coma is associated with the apparent superposition over it of the comet’s dust tail, which after opposition, still remains invisible to the Earthly observer.

The brightness of the comet also has crossed the 16m boundary, and according to the calculations of Artem Novichonok, has reached 15.4m. Such an estimate is supported by the first visual observations of the comet by Jakub Koukal and Juan Jose Gonzalez on the 4th and 5th of April respectively. It is worth noting that another well-known visual comet observer, Alan Hale, 1995 co-discoverer of comet Hale-Bopp, was not able to find Comet Elenin on April 5th with his 41-cm reflector…

In the image at left still another event is captured – the close approach of Comet Elenin to asteroid 4336 Jasniewicz. Here the closeness of the objects, which are only 11 arc minutes apart, is not an optical illusion but a real physical closeness of two celestial bodies. At the time the image was obtained, the distance between the comet and the 6-km asteroid was just 1,495,000 km (0.01 AU), which is only 3.9 times the average distance between the Earth and Moon (LD). Closest approach of the two objects was several hours earlier; they were only 1,120,000 km apart (0.008 AU).

Getting more and more interesting...


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Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:28 am
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One wonders why the hype if it just a comet that will pass a long way away???

Or will it???

Tail length of comet Elenin exceeds 900 000 km
March 12th, 2011 | Author: LeonidOS


Many of the readers of this blog have already seen the latest images of comet C/2010 X1. On them, the tail of the comet extends all of 1 minute of arc. Is the comet’s tail actually small or is it simply an optical illusion? For my calculations I used Gustavo Muler’s picture which he obtained March 7. Unfortunately before opposition of the comet, we were not able to get an image with any large telescopes – the camera on the two-meter Faulkes Telescope North (FTN), went off-line.

As such, we’ll return to the image we have. On approach to opposition, when the comet, Earth, and Sun are lined up (that is, the C-S-E angle is close to 180°), the comet’s tail is practically hidden from view for the Earthly observer, as the tails of the comet are pointed away from the Sun. At the time the image was taken, we saw the tail at an angle of 2.75°! Taking the length of the projection of the tail as one minute of arc, and solving the triangle, we see the actual length of the tail has already exceeded 900,000 km! Although, in fact, the tail has to be still bigger, as Gustavo used a 30-cm telescope, knowing that if he had photographed the comet with a two-meter telescope, we would have seen fainter fragments of the comet’s tail.

If, on March 7, we had been able to see the comet’s tail in profile, its length on the image would have been in excess of 10 arc minutes. Right now, the comet is approaching opposition, and we have a good chance of getting images of the comet’s coma. Maybe we can also do that on large telescopes.


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Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:39 am
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages
A Prophecy....???

From the writings of Father Joseph M. Esper lifted from a long article titled "Countdown to the Warning

The color red also figures in unconfirmed reports of a newly-discovered tenth planet (Planet X), a dark star whose eccentric orbit (along with its mass, magnetism, and density) will have increasingly deleterious effects on earth's weather and volcanic and seismic activity. As it draws closer, Planet X, viewed through earth's atmosphere, is expected to take on the appearance of a flaming red cross. Experts believe Planet X may seriously affect our weather if it passes close by earth. (It should be noted that so far it has disrupted the surface of every planet it's orbited for seven years preceding its passage--and since 1996, weather patterns here on earth have been changing, while instances of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have set new records.)

Though Planed X will not actually collide with earth, its magnetic effect is upsetting the normal gravitational balance between the earth and the sun; when it reaches its strongest magnetic pull on the earth, our planet is expected to cease its rotation for two or three days--a situation which could give rise to the prophesied Three Days of Darkness. (It's said that NASA and officials of other governments are deliberately downplaying the existence of Planet X so as to avoid panicking the world's population.) Many traditional prophecies have spoken of a comet as an instrument of divine justice--and a revelation given to the earlier-mentioned visionary named Judith is instructive in this regard. Referring to a vision granted in 1998, God the Father said to her, "Did you not see Michael the Archangel and I, your Lord God, playing with a ball of fire? Did I not say to you at that time I will throw and toss the ball to Michael twice? And, my daughter, when I toss this ball the third time, your world will be destroyed... That ball of fire was an asteroid. Twice it has come close enough to your earth to do terrible destruction. This destruction was explained away by your scientists, and you believed in them rather than in your God."
This prophecy seems to have been partially fulfilled. On June 14, 2000 an asteroid the size of a soccer field missed hitting the earth by a mere 75,000 miles; if it had struck the earth, millions of people could have been killed. On March 8, 2002 a sizable asteroid came within 288,000 miles of earth; especially frightening was the fact that, since it came from the direction of the sun (an astronomical blind spot), scientists did not observe it until four days after its passing.

On July 25, 2002 Christina Gallagher received a message from Our Lady, which said in part, "You will be put to the test to choose between the evil one and God. Storms will affect many in the world--storms such as the world has not seen...Do not blame the evil one for what is your own weakness and your own desires....Coming to the world are many calamities to purify the stench of sin and evil." This message has a special relevance for the United States, for on an earlier occasion Christina had told a group of Americans, "God will never visit war upon your land because American people have been so generous--but because of your sins, your country will be punished by the elements and defeated by natural disasters." These words echo the earlier prophecy of the famous German stigmatist Therese Neumann, who stated in 1946 that the United States would never be invaded or conquered, but would be economically ruined by a series of natural disasters around the turn of the century


It's not like the weather is dandy right now - too much funny shit going on and tempo is increasing!

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Sat May 07, 2011 4:04 pm
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A UFO Behind The Comet Says Chinese scientists


The Russian astronomer, Leonid Elenin, Institute of Applied Mathematics "Keldish", discovered December 10, 2010, close to Jupiter (more extact between Mars and Jupiter), a new comet, C/2010 X1 (Elenin)

Based on reports issued by China's space agency , Sergio Toscano , director of astronomical research in Misiones , says that behind the comet Elenin could be approaching a UFO.

"Behind the comet, discovered in December last year, Chinese scientists say that is something they called cluster , which means globular cluster , or perhaps alien spacecraft , "said Toscano .

According to the report quotes the astronomer mission, the space body would be found in the comet's tail and was after that looked mysterious signals that came off of an unknown formation "weird and dark" .

And more. According to Toscano's words , the Chinese have said that the ship is parked in the same place for ninety days, "before that looked like it was coming from an extraterrestrial civilization , "said Argentine scientist.

According to the Daily Chronicle , this phenomenon was confirmed by Rosie Redfiel , the new director of the Program of NASA's Astrobiology . "But when NASA began to make calculations and projections of orbit of the comet, they realized that something was wrong and the first thing they did was remove the website which provided information on this issue, "said Toscano.



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Fri May 13, 2011 3:31 pm
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Post Re: The Shift of the Ages
simple simon wrote:
Fr33k, I wish you a happy birthday and hope to be able to do likewise this time next year too (altho' I may need prompting to remember).

Sorry for sounding so sombre, but I've just watched the video (below) about Elenin / dwarf star. This film explains things in simple terms which even I understand...

Image Please Obey the Golden Rules viewtopic.php?f=31&t=3563&p=40912#p40912

Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:23 am
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And our record continues to grow...

the time traveler wrote:
This is an interesting video. Seems to cover most of the bases. It is called ELE 7/7/2011 warning video ... r_embedded

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Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:18 am
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This is from a blog - so I post it in entirety as the story is getting "real" interesting...

Elenin What To Make Of It?
27 June 2011 03:18 by Wikus


The following has been sent to me by a fellow watchman. Like him I can't be 100% sure that Elenin is real. The information supplied is something to take note of. We will know very soon if Elenin is a hoax or a fact. It is just interesting that the climax of this event will coincide with the September date that a UN resolution can possibly start the dividing of Jerusalem… :cool

I want to first start out with a very important disclaimer. I have absolutely no way of knowing that Elenin is real, I have no way of knowing for certain that the JPS (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) is giving out accurate information to those tracking this Brown Dwarf Star, (some since 2004). In fact, I actually called the man who is at the forefront with his findings/warnings and asked him “how can we trust what many are observing on NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory to be accurate and unhampered with by the government”? He responded to say that they have gone back in history, all the way to 1965, and that all past events have unfolded in perfect sync with JPL’s data, confirming in his mind, that it is a reliable source.

Please know that I am making myself vulnerable and I am trusting you to read this information in the context of the above disclaimer, once again, I have no way of knowing what will really transpire in the coming months, however, as Brother Brian would say…..


* FACT: about two years ago, our government made a decision to no longer allow (non-government) Scientists access to their telescopes and space observations which devastated and mystified the Scientist, nobody has the equipment and resources of the government, this really crippled the scientists in their work. This article stands out in my memory and I remember forwarding it, (via email) at the time.

* FACT: the sun rose two days early in Greenland this year

* FACT: Earthquakes are on the rise, 3 of our most devastating earthquakes in the last 12 months happened when the JPL revealed a perfect alignment between Earth, Elenin and the Sun

* FACT: Not long ago an airport had to repaint their runway because the alignments had shifted so far off

* FACT: A massive seed vault consisting of millions of seeds has just been completed post haste, located deep in ice in the arctic circle

* FACT: For some reason governments have created huge underground bunkers and very large cities designed to withstand cataclysmic events

* FACT: Volcanoes have become unbelievably active, putting out ash that travels the globe and shuts down air traffic, in fact we have 33 active volcanoes right now

* FACT: There have been strange migrating animal die offs, birds by the thousands falling out of the sky dead, fish by the hundreds and hundreds of tons, washing ashore, DEAD, with no explanation

* FACT: We have all read the articles of the massive bee die off over the last few years (which by the way, bees contain magnetite in their systems)

* FACT: There have been freakish, strange weather extremes, from brutal winters to massive heat waves around the world, many breaking 1000 year old records

* FACT: Massive flooding (of biblical proportions) all over the world, today five million are displaced in China due to flooding

* FACT: Sink holes have been appearing all over the earth for several months (many, many sinkholes) with perfectly clean edges, just overnight….I don’t even forward the articles, can’t keep up with them all

* FACT: Articles have starting surfacing (over last couple of weeks) in mainstream media warning of coming solar storms

* FACT: Animals are dieting of starvation, I just read an article that eagles are literally falling out of the sky from hunger, the salmon they normally eat are in such low supply (salmon migrate using magnetite)

* FACT: The Middle East situation as described in Scripture is quickly coming into alignment fulfilling age old prophecies, culminating in what has been called “BLACK SEPTEMBER”

* FACT: There is a star mentioned in Revelation that is cast to the earth, poisoning the water and causing a profound amount of destructions/death to nature and humanity

Others who have done much research say that all of the above natural anomalies are really not a mystery and can simply be answered by the fact that a Brown Dwarf Star also called Elenin (you see the words nine eleven if you examine the name backwards….hmmmm) is moving closer and closer to our Solar System AFFECTING OUR MAGNESTOSPHERE!!!

Thanks to the Brown Dwarf Star, (which is attached to earth and other planets through magnetic portals), we are getting a double dose of magnetism which is interacting and interfering with everything that contains MAGNETITE, magnetite is in the core of the earth, migration animals, bees (and no doubt a host of other things).

Elenin’s magnetic portals are heating and growing the magnetite which is located in the core of the earth, hence, the volcanoes have become extremely active. You see, those who are lucky have a volcano in their vicinity, (although the ash is unhealthy and causes a multitude of problems) because the volcano acts as a release valve for the earth. Yellowstone (unfortunately) has no “release valve” and this is why it is bulging, should the earth give way and explodes, God help us all!!

When migrating animals get hungry, the magnetite in their tissue tells them where to go to find their food, due to the changes in the magnetosphere interfering with the magnetite in their systems, the animals are getting confused and lost never finding their food, then the animals who would eat them are getting hungry, but their food isn’t showing up because they have starved to death, hence they begin to starve as well and it has horrible domino effect.

Remember that so many people are killed by beasts in Revelation? I have always wondered about that, however, it is because they are hungry, the food chain has collapsed! Hunger makes beasts and humans alike abandon natural tendencies, the drive to survive is strong!

The bees…this also explains the bee die offs…..they are leaving their colonies in search of food and getting lost before they get back to their hive!

According to the researcher, the Poles are not shifting; they are actually migrating as the magnetic impacts continue to increase.

Now, this researcher says that the earth has experienced a little bit of a lull in anomalies over the last couple of months because Earth and Elenin have been traveling in the same direction, however, all of that is about to change! He said, the affects of Elenin are going to start getting more obvious around July 7, up to the middle of July, 2011. He said we will not need to wait until September 26, (what many think will be the worst day in this saga) to know that all he is warning of is real. Solar Storms should be getting really bad in September.

July 7, Elenin passes between the Sun and Saturn. He is thinking that the gov. may cause some horrible, national disaster as a distraction to the arrival of Elenin (people are becoming informed).

August 3, Elenin crosses earth’s orbit

September 11, (exactly 10 years to the day from the infamous 9/11) Elenin is closest to the sun, he expects this to cause terrible solar flares (perhaps knocking out power grids) as it passes from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere. Elenin is travelling 300,000 miles a day, but will soon be at 400,000 miles a day, continuing to increase in speed as she approaches our solar system.

September 26, could be a devastating pole shift as Elenin moves on the ecliptic plane and sits between earth and the sun, siphoning off the energy of the magnetic portals which are naturally attached to the earth and sun. He says this could be an “Extinction Level Even” (acronym ELE, the first three letters of this star’s name, hmmmm). HE EXPECTS MUCH DARKNEWS TO HIT THE NORHTERN HEMISPHERE AND ABOUT 10 DAYS OF HORRIBLE SOLAR STORMS TO HIT THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE!

October 17, Elenin is closest to the earth

November 22, Sun/Earth/Elenin are back in alignment, with global tectonic plates floating (due to previous damage), possible Japan like tsunamis all over the earth.

Scripture says the earth will reel to and fro like drunkard!

One more thin, remember that the star in Revelation causes the streams to be bitter (poisoned)….Fukushima, caused by an earthquake/tsunami, caused by the magnetic portals, caused by this Brown Dwarf Star have released radioactive poison the water, air and soil. Infant mortality deaths (babies are most quickly affected by the radiation) in Philadelphia have just increased by over 30% in the last few weeks!! I saw an expert (I think featured on a local news station) blame this solely on radiation from Fukushima.

Another thing I thought about. If the mark of the beast is a microchip, society will (I think) need electricity to process this form of commerce. OR, will things get soooo bad, the earth’s power grids are devastated, hence famine, plagues, etc. follow, the globe is given a unified physical currency, with a literal mark (tattoo) placed on our hand or forehead, in my opinion, a literal mark ON the hand or forehead is what Revelation really seems to infer.

The New Age story line is that we are going to go through some kind of darkness, but it is a cleansing to a whole, new, wonderful world….could this also be the pretext for the UFO portion of their lie??

Such a catastrophe could thrust us from birth pangs into hard labour and profound darkness very quickly…


* Are the seals, trumpets and bowls (as listed in Scripture) written in the order in which they will unfold?

* Will they happen simultaneously or consecutively?

* How long could they take to unfold and how long would they last?

* Could Elenin be the actual star in Revelation known as “Wormwood”?

* Could we really be that far into the 70th week?….could we really be that close to the time of Great Tribulation?

Once again….I DONT NO WHAT TO BELIEVE, JUST TRYING TO MAKE SENSE OF IT ALL, and I am trusting all of you to remember that this is the pretext under which I wrote these POSSIBILITIES…you all can do your own research…but there MAY not be much time.


Any thoughts on this issue so far?


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Mon Jun 27, 2011 2:23 pm
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