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The Golden Thread - View topic - October 2011, The End of Times??
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 October 2011, The End of Times?? 
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Post October 2011, The End of Times??
There is allot of information out there these days pointing to October 2011 being a very unsettling time all the way to claiming that it's the actual End of Times...

This was a topic of discussion on the Golden Thread Volume 6 Page 5 and I promised to PIN a Thread dedicated to this discussion...

I stated on thread that I believe NOTHING will happen in October and I truly hope that I am correct with that prediction.

Feel free to discuss further...

Please Obey the Golden Rules viewtopic.php?f=31&t=3563&p=40912#p40912

Mon May 23, 2011 6:39 pm
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Post Re: October 2011, The End of Times??
Something out-of-the-ordinary will happen.
Everyone will see a comet in the sky !

Elenin will fly in front of Earth and we will pass though its tail.
Whether this has any effect on us remains to be seen, as we are talking about astronomical distances further than the moon.
Elenin is, of course, a lot smaller than the moon.

The last time Elenin visited us was about 9800 BC, the beginning of the Neolithic Age. We all know what happened then.
The tail of this comet is nearly 1 million km long and it takes nearly 12 thousand years to orbit the Sun.


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Mon May 23, 2011 9:22 pm
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Post Re: October 2011, The End of Times??
Hmmm Trex - where did you get that info on ELEnin??

Or is it your opinion?


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Tue May 24, 2011 1:21 pm
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Post Re: October 2011, The End of Times??
Well spotted Sky. If you 'right-click' any image and "Copy Link Location", you can then paste that into a new browser page and get the URL of the site the image came from...

One of the reasons I enjoy being a member of The Golden Thread is that it is a great sounding board for my research into the occult (latin for: That which is hidden..)
There is a lot of information about Elenin which is hidden.
I should have quoted the reference. I'm not saying anything I post is a fact, just doing my research & keeping my mind open to all possibilities. At this stage I would say it's an opinion.
Comet Elenin may be new to our skys or it may be a repeat of a previous comet from 10,000 bc.
There are numerous opinions.

Here's some links to Elenin references: There is a lot of conjecture that Elenin is also under intelligent control & NASA took down their "buzzroom" web-site after the comet changed course.

NASA has also disabled the WISE satellite: "The WISE spacecraft will remain in hibernation without ground contacts awaiting possible future use. Feb. 17, 2011"
Also: "The SETI ATA has been in hibernation - a safe mode of sorts, where “the equipment is unavailable for normal observations since April 15, 2011."
They know what's going down & they're not telling.

Another opinion I have studied is that the comet Hale-Bop had three Draconian troop ships behind it and was steered into Jupiter. (By the Galactic Federation, NOT the Galactic Federation of Light - who intended it to preoceed on to Earth.)
The three objects can be seen dropping out before Hale-Bop hits Jupiter.

Also that Comet Elenin has objects behind it following it in.

There are many sources which have detected other bodies in the wake of Elenin.

Other images:

Back in 1994 the Casiopaean Wave predicted a wave of UFO's riding the wake of the "comet cluster".

The Casiopaeans also predicted a 90% chance of a false-flag operation going ahead in New York 4 months before 9/11.
When asked what ? They said they would not say....
When asked for a hint, they said, " Kaboom - Splat !"... <- Pretty bloody good hint.
I read this personally and was gob-smacked about the Cassiopaeans when 9/11 actually went down.

So, I learned, it pays to keep an open mind and investigate ALL sources of information.

If it's all bullshit then this is just an exercise in web-rumours and is fascinating by itself.
I'll be up north in October. Near the mountains where there is no ambient light and the night sky is an open book.

love Trex.

'Til here, No further...

Tue May 24, 2011 9:44 pm
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Post Re: October 2011, The End of Times??

Citizen of Planet Earth, living in the British Isles.

Wed May 25, 2011 2:21 am
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Post Re: October 2011, The End of Times??

We all have the choice to exercise Free Will.
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"Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram"

Wed May 25, 2011 3:40 am
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Post Re: October 2011, The End of Times??

We all have the choice to exercise Free Will.
amor vincit omnia
"Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram"

Wed May 25, 2011 3:47 am
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Post Re: October 2011, The End of Times??
Gidday Simon & Sky,

Yep Sky. Debate, discourse, discussion... These are the things I've most identified as that which the elite (& those they represent) have discouraged, disparaged, & destroyed where ever they can.

It is aparent throughout posted history's that emphasis is placed upon individuals, heroes, and battles rather than who caused it & what's being done to dethrone them & their families & their cronies. (Of course they own the media, which makes it tough.)
I've no wish to disparage the heroes nor forget the sacrifices they've made, but for what ?
Just so the next generation can do it all over again & be heroes ? This is the problem with education. People are not taught to self-educate and debate the issues, but rather just to believe what they are taught. Yet that very teaching equips them in such a way that they lack the tools to get to the root of the problems. I suspect that is why the internet as we know it will be but a brief footnote in history.

Simon, compadré. My name is also Simon. It means "God hears him".
Which is ironic as I consider all religion to be a crock of shit and am very reluctant to use the word "God", in the context of the Universe, as equal, as one. The Universe being a being of which we are all part and not seperate. We are one.
God being a being who is portrayed in seperation as a judge of man. The God portrayed in the bible is quite simply a jealous prick. Everyone knows right from wrong and you are the best judge of yourself should you choose to examine & forgive yourself.

My take, (IMHO) on the differences of the Galactic Federations's. I look at it also from a Universal Perspective. Our Galaxy is a break-away from the Andromedan Galaxy & is due to re-join it eventually. The Galactic Federation is from Andromeda. but includes many other galaxies. A federation of galaxies.

The Galactic Federation of Light is an organization of the Milky Way galaxy and is essentially of the frequency of this galaxy, which exists in seperation. The main players are the Orion Empire of which we are a part & thus the entire heirarchy that exists here is a falacy. They will use the name of the Galactic Federation "without" the "Of Light" bit as readily as they will use the name WITH the "Of Light" bit.. Hence the confusion of many & thus the need for discernment.

It is not necessary to be caught up in this shit as the Universe is One-Verse. One tone. You have all the information to discern within. Sing your note get your own answers. You will know what is right in a moment. The soul construct is just a construct. If the Akashik records was "MS Windows" then the soul-construct is a "plugin". It hides that which is really you & is really everyone else, that which is eternal. Any issues you have are gone if you stand as that which pisses you off, you become the thing you hate and you hate it no more. Become the thing you love and you find there is no need for love to exist in seperation of all else.
Self-forgiveness, self-correction, fear not death, nor do you have to stay in this galaxy. You have been here a very long time & it is not necessary to perpetuate the cycles if you choose not to.

Galactic Federation, Galactic Federation of Light, Man, Woman, America, China, Gay, Straight, Liberal, Labour, tall, short, black, white, and anything else that perpetuates the seperation of man are illusions to be seen through.

Fear & Anger are amongst these divisions, and the near future will give you so many examples of this in others that you may be able to see that humans cannot continue to exist in the way we do now.

The Comet Elenin could be one of these examples.

I'll get of my soap-box now. Except to say,
"Simon, it is not God who hears you but the universe. You are one with it."

Man is one. The uni-verse is one. When you get this message you know you are hearing from the real Galactic Federation.
May your life be a fascinating experience.

love Trex.

'Til here, No further...

Wed May 25, 2011 5:19 am
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Post Re: October 2011, The End of Times??
That's why I always Question Consensus (BS) Reality ("coughing BULLS**T" several times) This "reality" which is actually a well placed facade of LIES Masquerading as the Trite Truth which it is NOT the reality is Words, what are words?, Why words are simple sounds a Collection of sounds and frequencies Here are some of the IDIOMS I use:

1.) How does One explain sounds to the Deaf

2.) How does One explain Sight to the Blind

3.) How does One explain Taste to the Ageusiatic

4.) How does One explain touch to the Congenital Analgesic

5.) How does One explain smell to the Anosmic

this Illusive reality how I disrespect this Binary Reality


Wed May 25, 2011 6:06 am
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Post Re: October 2011, The End of Times??
Buggered if I know Fr33k.

But on a completely unrelated subject that is relevant to this thread, I get a COMET for my birthday (22nd of October).

If it is doomsday, well at least I had 46 years this incarnation.

:tounge Trex

'Til here, No further...

Wed May 25, 2011 6:17 am
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Post Re: October 2011, The End of Times??

Citizen of Planet Earth, living in the British Isles.

Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:00 am
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Post Re: October 2011, The End of Times??
Comet Elenin is on a parabolic orbit as calculated within the data available to it's presence in our local solar system.

This means it's a once-only pass, UNLESS our sun has a binary twin and the comet is orbitting BOTH stars.

This would then allow it to return with a "seemingly" parabolic orbit.

Aparently, it is common knowledge within the global elite that we are in a binary system & that this information is kept from the public. I have read this from numerous sources and it was also mentioned in Bill Ryans interview with the elite servant "Charles".

Time will tell & we'll be well and truly dead. Just as those who witnessed the events of 9,500 BC are no longer with us.


(P.S: I don't think anyone is coming to save us. It's up to us to self-educate & self-prepare.)

'Til here, No further...

Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:14 am
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Post Re: October 2011, The End of Times??

Citizen of Planet Earth, living in the British Isles.

Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:19 am
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Post Re: October 2011, The End of Times??

Citizen of Planet Earth, living in the British Isles.

Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:14 am
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Post Elenin - October 2011

'Til here, No further...

Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:19 am
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Post Re: October 2011, The End of Times??
Hi Trex,

yes we pass through its tail... hard hats required?

Not long to go either - 3 months! But I am still unsure whether there will be a physical change in orbital direction etc. We have friends who have helped us before (eg: shoemaker-levy) and maybe will help again, at least to a certain extent.

One of the worst yet most enlightening things I did in recent years was visit the London Dungeon visitor attraction. If I'd really known what it was about I'd probably not have gone. The punishments meted out to miscreants in medieval times were simply barbaric, with things that one would have thought would be pretty painful enough (as torture) often been supplanted by something else because they were not deemed to be bad enough. Death must have been a blessed relief for so many people.

The reason why I found place enlightening is because I understood the reason for the pain - food for the non-physicals. I was pleased to be out of there after my visit!

They even put animals on trial for things they did!

re: this thread and October, I am not convinced that its an end of times, as such. rather that its a more active part of the changeover to much happier times - although perhaps we wont see the process complete within our lifetimes.



Citizen of Planet Earth, living in the British Isles.

Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:56 pm
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