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The Golden Thread - View topic - 'Something Big Is Coming'
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 'Something Big Is Coming' 
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 'Something Big Is Coming'
'Something Big Is Coming',The Elite Know It. But What Exactly Is It?

14 June 2011 02:29

There are so many theories on what the Earth and Humanity will or could be facing between now and through the next few years to 2025. Depending on who you talk with or what website you look at may say that we are about to experience some kind of cosmic shift of density and consciousness or they may lean towards the whole Doomsday theory based on such ancient predictions from civilizations like the Mayans, Egyptians and Sumerians as well as ancient text like the I Ching. The hot topic these past few years has been mostly the discussion of the theory of a galactic body of various origins flying through space on a head on collision for our Solar System and Earth being the target. The popular names are Nibiru, Planet X and now Comet Elenin (which depending on what information you look at is either labeled as a Comet, Asteroid or Brown Dwarf Star). For the past two years I have off and on researched theories and research about Planet X and Nibiru and I have yet to see any proof that is valid enough to give me a solid platform to make a decision. I am certainly not ruling either theory but discretion with a Doomsday theory is important.

Recently I have been looking a lot at this Comet Elenin that NASA, JPL and other space agencies around the world have been monitoring and I must say this one has me watchful. Now unlike Planet X or Nibiru there is actual data of the monitoring of Comet Elenin. Oh yes I know that if Nibiru or Planet X does exist we aren’t getting the truth about it but it does seem curious what has been recently going on around the world and with governments since Elenin came into the public’s eye.

Now I am not here to tell you what to believe or not believe. I am simply as always give you my perspective on what I am witnessing currently with the planet and try to bring it together for you so that we can try and make sense of what may be coming that is being kept a secret from us. Strange things are taking place on a global scale which is leaving us all to ask why. Animal Pandemics, unusual Climate changes (Not the kind the Elite tell us), an increase and intensity of every kind of natural disaster, continental shifts and increasing activity in our solar system which is effecting every planet including the Sun which in turn has an effect on us. These increasing number of Lunar, Planetary and other cosmic alignments seem to be having quite the effect on people as well both bad and good. However cosmic alignments have happened forever. So why would these cosmic events be effecting our planet and Humans now? Why is this happening? These are the questions we all need to ask ourselves.

It is no secret that governments have been increasing the building of massive underground facilities, seed vaults and hording life sustaining essentials recently. Many of the Global Elite have either purchased huge amounts of property in the Southern Hemisphere, specifically South America, and some have already moved there. It would also seem that there is a massive increase in them stating publicly that everyone must make any preparations for disasters. Depending on what agency or government is expressing this concern also depends on the disaster. Some of the major disasters being advertised right now are Nuclear, Pandemic, Chemical-Biological, Natural (on global scale), Solar, Global Warming and even Cosmic to name a few. How interesting that none will touch the purposely Man-Made disaster issue. Recently I found a video that caused me to look deeper into this new Global Emergency Preparedness craze.

Are the Russians really building these underground shelters in the event of a nuclear disaster? The little neutral country of Switzerland already has enough underground facilities to provide shelter for every single Swiss citizen. Something the United States government would never do. Did you know that the United States government on average builds two to three deep underground facilities each year? That doesn’t even include the ones already built that are constantly being added to. I am going to share a little story with you all but first I want you to look at some other information that sparked this report. Like I said I cannot confirm the existence of Planet X or Nibiru but I can confirm Elenin.

Snip - rest is a cool read...

The essential thing is not to panic. Anything that is not known can be worrisome but that can in the end destroy the will to survive.

I have two short stories I want to share before I conclude this report with some final thoughts on the matter.

My encounter with the R & D engineer of JPL

In the summer of 2009 I was taking a needed break from the work I was doing at the time for the Marine Corps Special Ops on Intelligence. I had gone to a local pub in Pasadena, California where I used to live and had an unexpected encounter with a Man who seemed compelled to share some enlightening information with me. Perhaps he had too many pints of beer or perhaps his conscience was getting the best of him. Either way he began to tell me about a project he had been hired to assist with under the Research & Development department of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He explained to me that he was working with certain institutions across the country in a major project that was to retrofit every satellite that was built before a certain date (date unknown). When I asked why, he began to explain further that there had been extensive research and monitoring of a Magnetic Anomaly [that will be the EMZ - sky] that was movie through our galaxy and heading towards Earth. I asked if it was a Cosmic Wave and he basically said yes but remained a bit hesitant. The concern that NASA and JPL had was that this Magnetic Anomaly would disrupt the Earth’s magnetic field by means of an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse). The idea of the project he was a part of was to launch a massive space mission to upgrade old satellites to protect them from shutting down as a result of this event. I asked him if this would effect the entire planet’s power grid. He said it is absolutely possible. I asked him if this could be prevented. He wouldn’t say or didn’t know. I then asked him if this would be done through secret space launches to keep it from the public. All he would say is that there was preparations being made at the time to launch Unmanned Space Craft but Humans would be needed to make the upgrades. I then asked him when we should expect this wave to hit us at it’s most concentrated point. His reply was that the “Wave” is already effecting Earth and the rest of the Solar System but the climax of it was predicted to hit between 2012 and 2015. On another note about a year and a half later I met Dr. Brooks Agnew and he shared similar information on this topic. The discussion continued but this is the part I wanted to share for now.

Ticket to the D.U.M.B.

As I have stated before in prior interviews I myself have been in Deep Underground Military Bases in various places domestically and elsewhere but even before I went public I heard whispers of it in a town FULL of Elitists. Again when I lived in Pasadena, California, which is a mecca of Elitists that have connections with the Bohemian Grove, OTO, Parsons Corporation and more, I used to go eat at a place that was a hangout for “Ticket Holders”. Ticket Holder is the nickname for those who have bought or earned access and/or refuge in a D.U.M.B. in the event of a Global Disaster. One day I was sitting at the bar and three men I would say were in their 50′s or 60′s were discussing some Elite issues and then suddenly one laughed while saying he was glad he had his ticket and glad he didn’t have to live “down there with that run-down Wife” of his. The others laughed and I just listened. At this time in my life I didn’t care about anyone or anything. I can think of at least a dozen separate times I heard older men discuss their D.U.M.B. Tickets at this English pub. The crowd was mixed with Freemasons, Parson employees, high ranking Scientologists, OTO members, Ex-CIA and even some who may or may not have been members of the Bohemian Grove but sure liked discussing it.

So why am I telling you these two stories? Because these first hand encounters tell me that it is an absolute fact that the Elite/Shadow Government know SOMETHING is coming and are either scared or just don’t want to tell us. Perhaps it is Comet Elenin that is going to cause massive Earth changes that will be disastrous. Maybe there is something to the Nibiru/Planet X theory. Maybe it is this Cosmic Wave/Magnetic Anomaly. Or maybe it is something else. I simply do not know for sure what it is going to be but I have my theory which is shared by some I highly respect. First let me just say that I don’t subscribe to the theory that our Earth is going to turn upside down and wipe out most if not all of life on Earth. This planet has been through a major event like this before four times and we are still here. I also don’t subscribe to the whole Ascension theory in the description some New Agers give where a Benevolent off planet race will come and rescue us or take us to a Utopia (refer to my controversial video about this ).

What I hold as my strong theory is something I was privileged to discuss with such people like Jordan Maxwell, Miriam Delicado, Dr. Brooks Agnew and some others I hold in high regards. I won’t speak for them but with each of these people I shared my theory which was received well. It’s a lot to explain so I will be brief for now. I see this world changing but not exactly physically. Imagine a World split into two on an energy plane. One world is filled with those who fell victim to the fear invoked by the Elite. The other world is filled with those who have raised their vibration and have reunited with earth. These are the Humans who have taken back their Guardianship of Earth and it becomes their duty to not only protect the planet from ever becoming controlled by the corrupt again but it is also their duty to assist the others who have not opened their minds. You see there is NO ONE better than the other when it comes to Humans and ALL life on this planet. This Cosmic Wave/Magnetic Anomaly I see coinciding with the essential need for everyone to become completely integrated with their own Free Will and Emotional Spectrum. Think of this Cosmic wave as a boost for frequency raising. Many will accept and embrace it but many will fear it because they simply don’t understand it. Doesn’t make those Humans less. It just means WE have a responsibility to give them a helping hand.

Maybe I am completely wrong about my theory. But it is just that, my theory. If I am wrong then so be it. If the world is facing a major cataclysmic disaster then we had better hold tight and hope the survivors rebuild a better civilization. Either way I will continue to fight for Truth, Freedom and Global Unity as Humanity is meant to be.

Good or bad our current point in time and the future holds some exciting times for us all. [Bravo Aaron!! - sky]

NICE!! :sherlock

We all have the choice to exercise Free Will.
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"Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram"

Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:37 am
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"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein

Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:55 am
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Rutsy - you jumped My gun - Lol.... Tx

We all have the choice to exercise Free Will.
amor vincit omnia
"Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram"

Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:04 am
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The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - FDR

Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:02 pm
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