Announcing Planet X = N I B I R U @ 2021
Announcing Nibiru
Via ZetaTalk newsLetter as of august 22, 2021 (1)
The struggle to make a general announcement about Nibiru’s pending Passage has been long running, filled with assassinated astronomers and arguments in smoke filled rooms. When Obama was incarnated with the soul of Lincoln, he determined to inform the people of the world, but after General Dunford had the US prepared for riots during the Jade Helm exercises, Obama “lost courage” in the words of the Zetas, and failed to step forward.
Then for a time a means of making the announcement emerged called the Prongs, as per the Zetas it would be a multi-pronged effort. This started in January, 2016 with the announcement of a discovery called Planet 9 out in the direction of Orion. Lund University described a gravity tug out in the direction of Orion, which is of course the direction and path for the inbound Nibiru. The Prong effort failed because of threats and pressure on the astronomers and observatories involved.
Meanwhile, as the Zetas predicted, Nibiru visibility increased by January 2021 to the point where its presence was undeniable. The Earth wobble was palpable with the Sun rising and setting in the wrong place. The String of Pearls had been repeatedly seen and captured on film, and the Petrol in the tail of Nibiru has been descending upon Earth for months. The Earth Orientation Charts showed the increasing wobble, and the magnetic blasts from Nibiru were recorded by the Schuman Resonance blackouts.
Per the Zetas, due to the stalemate among mankind’s leaders on Earth, the Council of Worlds plans to take steps. This would include a Severe Wobble and blocking Fake News. The DNS failure on the Akamai servers was to be an example of what the Council could accomplish. But is there more? The ZetaTalk website is linked in a Google search for the word Nibiru, and is internationally known. But the Junta would be dealing with a double disclosure as the ZetaTalk accuracy forces an admission that the alien presence as well as the Nibiru presence is real.
ZetaTalk Analysis 7/31/2021: The problem the Junta faces is the interconnection between the Alien Presence and Nibiru. Thus, to admit one is to admit the other, potentially causing a double panic.
But for some reason, in early August, we are finding trusted and true voices speaking out! Ann Eller, who was Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s administrative assistant up to the time of his death in 1986, is the real deal. Her book Dragon in the Sky speaks to the arrival of Nibiru, and in that Dr. Hynek was an advisor for the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, you can believe that she has insights into the reality of the alien presence. Why has her new website only been assisted to get back onto the web now, on August 2?
ZetaTalk Opinion 7/21/2012: John Moore’s source was provided false information to embarrass John Moore, and discredit him. The cover-up wants to be the voice that is listened to, in control of the message, and thus these other human sources of information are being taken down, ahead of time.
John Moore Reveals Military Knowledge of Civilization-Ending Global Event
August 1, 2021
https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-01- ... john-mooreThe coming events have been known since at least 1979, Moore explains, and the governments of the world have kept this secret from the public in order to keep society running until the very last day before the cataclysm arrives. The event that John Moore refers to is a “tenth planet” fly-by where a, dark large planetary mass (that can only be seen with infra-red telescopes) passes near Earth’s orbital plane around the sun.
The gravitational effects alone, warned former top Navy scientists, will cause cataclysmic Earth changes consisting of unprecedented earthquakes, volcanoes and even a “pole shift” that will reportedly reorient the physical polar axis of the planet (not just the magnetic poles), thereby shifting the equator and unleashing unimaginable ocean “slosh” that will inundate coastal areas on every continent. On that day, global winds will be sustained at 200 mph for a full day. Your next challenge will be surviving the complete collapse of human civilization, as there will be no functioning farms, power grids, internet, transportation infrastructure, fuel refineries, etc.
ZetaTalk Analysis 8/31/2021: John Moore was in the news in 2012 predicting that the cataclysms caused by Nibiru would occur within months. We stated that he was deliberately sabotaged by the Nibiru cover-up to reduce his credibility. He has legitimate credentials and many contacts within the US Military, so has a well-earned following. What is to be made of his very specific description of the Passage and its effect on mankind’s infrastructure? That this is dated information from 1979 can be seen from the description.
Moore states it can only be seen by infra-red, whi ch was true in 1979 but now the common man can see it naked eye when the Sun’s glare is reduced, and the Red Dust and String of Pearls and other components of the Nibiru Complex are apparent likewise. We, the Zetas of ZetaTalk, were not on the web until 1995 but were chatting with MJ12 via Nancy much before 1979, so the description of the hurricane force winds and shattered infrastructure are essentially from ZetaTalk. So why is John Moore being allowed to share this information at this time?
The Junta in charge of the US at the current time is struggling with the urge to alert the public about the coming passage and the fear that such knowledge would incite riots and chaos in society. The Junta wants to reinstate President Trump but fears civil war, so a Nibiru admission would compound this worry. It is not just the looting and likely heart attacks, but arguments within families that would rip them apart. Workers would leave essential jobs to head for the hills, and bank failure would be certain when creditors stop making Credit Card or mortgage payments.
The US Military will soon be overwhelmed with refugees when the New Madrid unzips and would once again be forced to operate on several fronts at once. Thus the Junta seeks a way to gradually inform the public, so steps toward self-sufficiency and family planning are taken, and the shock of what the Nibiru Passage will bring is lessened. They hope the public will gradually absorb and adjust to this shock. John Moore’s leaked information will not be the only such leak, as astronomers are being primed to make reveals also.
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