hmm, anyone remember Bill Ryan introducing the mysterious 'Charles' to the alternative community?
It seems that some deep do do was afoot, with both Bill and Kerry in the frame.
Below I copy the opening part of the thread, follow the link to see it all.

The administration of this forum, the moderating team and a handful of senior members have determined after much research and sharing of information that the individual known as Atticus, aka 'Charles', and the group of '18' is not one that this community can continue to support or endorse.
A few former members and associates of this group have already come forward with a very great deal of hard, substantiated information that presents a very different picture to that presented to the public so far.
There will soon follow a major and detailed presentation of facts. This is being prepared by whistleblowing former members of the '18'.
In the meanwhile, we can state the following in summary:
1) The extensive material that has come to light is sufficient to cause the moderators of the Avalon Forum, the Camelot Forum, and the Nexus Forum to agree completely and unanimously about (a) the magnitude of the problem that exists and (b) the importance of this very clear joint statement.
2) Atticus' statements cannot be relied on as factual. There is a very extensive amount of manipulation, distortion, falsehood, exaggeration, and subtle but strong mental control. What is stated in this paragraph is beyond any remaining doubt.
3) The moderators of the three forums were fully aware of what had been planned (and have audio recordings of meetings as full and clear substantiation), but waited until the 18 decided to attack. This came yesterday in the form of a deliberate smear against Bill Ryan and Inelia Benz which had the sanction and support of each member of the 18.
Some members have left voluntarily, disgusted or disturbed by what they witnessed. More have been recruited recently. The current known list of members is:
• Atticus
• Dale
• Exanimoveritas
• Icecold
• Isostool
• K626 (Admin-notice: K626 was never a part of this group)
• kinerkid
• NinjaPhil
• Real Intent
• Rhiannon
• sepia (Mod-notice: Sepia was never a part of this group)
• silentghost80
• Thunderbird
• [TigerLilly and Gypsy Woman are not voting members of the '18', but have been aware and willing associates.]
Those who are still Avalon Forum members are permanently unsubscribed for knowingly and deliberately supporting a calculated smear against valued members of the alternative community.
4) The context in which all this is occurring is this. There is a plan to control the alternative community and establish a pay-for-membership forum ( that would have a target of 40,000 members generating a revenue stream of $200,000 per month.
5) It was part of that strategic plan that the three forums (Avalon, Camelot and Nexus) should be destroyed.
6) It has been Atticus' plan from the start (August 2010) that there should be established a major alternative media portal to be a dominant new major player in this genre. Bill Ryan was targeted and head-hunted by Atticus to head up the project.
By the end of January 2011 it became clear that Bill Ryan was never going to co-operate in this venture. His alliance with Inelia Benz then became first an inconvenience, and then a threat to this plan.
7) Another part of Atticus' strategy was to deliberately create conflict between the three forums, and to then create this new order out of the carefully planned chaos. (This 'ordo ab chao' formula may give you a significant clue about the modus operandi here, and who is behind the scenario.)
8) Because of this, the moderators of all three forums are united in this statement and stand shoulder-to-shoulder against a common threat to the alternative community. Each forum will decide what actions to take with regard to the members of the '18' according to their internal rules and policies.
Anyone reading this is encouraged to copy this clarification anywhere on the internet as long as no part of this statement is altered.