All I can say is, many of you are close !!!!GLP Thread: ... 005905/pg1Quote:
--I work for a NASA contractor and handle the video conferencing sessions between JSC and other facilities. Everybody always wants to see a link. Well, everything talked about in these vc's is top secret - so there's obviously not a link. I love my family and need my job so I'm not gonna tell you much that would endanger those either. I work for Boeing. All I can tell you is there is a LOT of interesting shit happening. The moon is NOT crashing - but it doesn't need to. There is a reason so many are sending birds up to watch the Sun - and it's not cause we just would like to know more about the Sun.
--We'll start here and I'll respond how and when I can.
NOTE: QUESTIONS are from different posters, I only compiled and removed all the fluff
Also - For the Uninitiated to GLP - "OP" = the Boeing Employee Whistleblower====================================================================
It's not just the sun exhibiting different "behavior" several planets in our solar system now have significant magnetic fields that were practically non-existent before, and I think there are gravitational perturbations being measured that again were previously non-existent.
--Like I said, many of you are very close to being right.
seriously. why dont you just tell us WTF is going on with the sun already. Is it going to shit on us with a CME?? Are Aliens using it as a vehicle to enter our universe and come thru??? Is it burning out? are we going to freeze to death? WTF OP JUST SAY IT
--Aliens, per se, have not been involved. The Sun IS involved.
something to do with energy coming from the center of the galaxy.
sun will react to it in a paranormal way.
--The Sun is already reacting to 'forces' we can't see.
super nova? so what happened in the 2012 movie could occur but not on that timeline?
--Haven't heard it put in terms of a super nova. A lot can happen that would (is) bad which would be far from a super nova.
Yes OP is all about the Sun and always has been about the Sun.
All the rest id distractions
I think the Sun is at his end , unstable star at the end of his life.
Is it?
--Haven't heard anyone put it in terms of the Sun being at 'it's end'. The Sun is changing in ways we theorize that stars 'can' change.
The Sun in turning to a Brown Dwarf !
seriously. why dont you just tell us WTF is going on with the sun already. Is it going to shit on us with a CME?? Are Aliens using it as a vehicle to enter our universe and come thru??? Is it burning out? are we going to freeze to death? WTF OP JUST SAY IT
--Look, everybody assumes NASA has all the answers and that there are things they know for sure which aren't being disclosed. The problem is, most of what is being discussed is NOT set in stone and NASA, nor ESA or the others know for certain either what will happen - in some instances - and even less when.
Thing moving through space can hit each other. When they do, it's hard to know what will happen because those spin offs can hit other 'things' we may not see yet - or - may think we see but aren't sure of the mass or composition.
Giant Ribbon at the Edge of the Solar System: Mystery Solved?, this 'ribbon' of magnetism we are heading into, could it be the 'Wave' that has been mentioned before. The Wave is supposed to be an area of increased energy that the solar system is supposed to fly through. BUT, what if the actual Wave isn't increased 'energy', but this magnetism, and as our heliosphere and the various gravity fields of our system interact with the 'ribbon of magnetism' (NASA), it causes unkown energy exchanges that can be very dynamic.
Am I close OP?
--Like I said, NASA isn't sure of everything it believes may be happening. Something is happening and many who have the ability to send birds up to look are also trying to figure out just what "is" real.
But, am I close?
And, what do you mean 'figure out what "is" real? Do you mean what effects could be possible? Or is there something that they have recieved data on, but it doesn't quite make sense? So they are sending that new satellite up there to get 'better' measurements...
--"real" We have to give a reason which things show up on certain data that gets out on the net.
OP is not all that serious about the top secret stuff, they are just making observations, stuff is going on and nothing is certain, its all energy anyway. i am worried aout the eq's they may not be over,
--We have been talking about EQ's because some of our US facilities are in areas which have the possibility of serious involvement. NASA and others do not yet understand the current trend in EQ's.
Why are you proposing to tell us all this? If you really have TSC, aren't you endangering yourself talking about it?
--Not if I don't state anything as fact that isn't public knowledge - even if the public doesn't realize that it's out there.
--Actually, NASA like most govt agencies, leaks like a noodle strainer. There is VERY LITTLE which is actually an unknown secret... but the info gets put out in such small pieces and from such a wide array of sources - that's it's nearly impossible for someone to put all the pieces together and then state it as fact. Like I said, NSAS and others often - especially now - aren't sure what 'fact is.
--As long as something is in what is termed "the public domain" - while it may be discussed in the realms of a TS subject oveall - doesn't make that piece of info - on it's own - secret.
--I can't put the pieces together like I have heard them put together. That would be a violation.
--I can say that while I am putting together some provision for my family... I'm not trying to survive an ELE (Extinction Level Event).
Can you give us a list of what you are not trying to survive?
--I am NOT trying to survive a moon crash - that one was funny. Not even an asteroid, becuase to many variables. I am learning how to adjust to a lack of electrons in house wiring for some time.
[what about] this?
Number of very high-energy gamma ray sources doubles ... ubles.htmlQuote:
--This is something very important which we don't understand.
Is whatever happening going to impact the whole globe or only certain locations? Whatever happens weather earthquake, meteor CME or whatever it is I don't care, I'm 36 yr old and I have been ready now for whatever happens. I am not afraid to die , but I would like to know because I have children that are not ready and are afraid of what might happen.
--Potentially, the whole globe. But it depends on the time of day as to how badly certain areas might be affected. Don't worry your children with this stuff and I would discourage them from watching 2012 and other programs on TV these days. Maybe good info, but bad cause there isn't a darn thing we can do about it... not 2012 timeline, but some of what is being proposed about that timeline.
--Have another meeting folks and then I'm outta here for the weekend. Will try to check in later tonight maybe.
I've got a good question.
Is NASA concerned about a near certain event? Or are they more worried because some of these 'secrets' look like they are going to be exposed and their is nothing they can do about it?
--Some of both but not why you might think. Everyone at NASA has a family somewhere. They're not a bunch of govt bought robots - they have feelings. They fear what can happen. But they have to pay their bills like all of us. They have to keep money coming into the budget. Many WANT to keep money coming hoping that they can figure out what is fact - and THEN they would LIKE to open up about it..... that's what I hear in the halls - NOT in official conferences. But - it is a very vicious circle folks.
--Electro MAgnetic Pulse - that's a big concern
So there are two things that I am aware of.. please comment on them: The first is flucuations in the earths magnetic field the second is the unexplained low level of sunspots. Do either of these have something to do with what you have heard?
Also, what exactly are you doing to deal with a lack of electrons in house wiring? Just curious.
BTW I am former Boeing and now a govt executive, FWIW.
--The low level of sunspots aren't low anymore. I (we) are learning how NOT to rely on electricity.
Could you point out a specific breadcrumb?
Wow - Nice find.
--There's a thread pinned on here right now about permafrost melting. That's public knowledge. Why it's melting when the temps are below freezing is not understood.
Holy crap, 11 year cycle = end of 2012, beginning of 2013
Dude, you're saying that this large solar maximum is going to have an unknown interaction with recent gamma rays in our system.
That is it. I win a prize.
--Forget the dates ! The event is what is important. The question was could I point to something, assumingly being discussed, which was already in the public.
Putting what you said about not expecting an ELE, is it safe to assume that damage to the Earth in general will not be so great as most of the damage will be to we humans specifically and our infrastructure?
--There can be a LOT of damage without an event which, of itself, would take out the planet. There is a domino effect to be remembered.
I know what the OP is talking about, it has nothing to do with an "event" from the sun as we know it, like a flare or pulse or anything like that. It has to do with a "timeline"
In short, part of what I know is this, certain features that our sun has displayed is at question. During the monitoring of our sun features in a specific way has manifested in observable events that have taken place many years ago and events that have yet to be.
The process of observing our sun in this specialized way can also be used to monitor other celestial events that have already occurred and those that have yet to occur.
Our sun is fine, however it is the culmination of the results from these observations that are at question.
The question is not one of what but of when.
--And i wouldn't put that much time into 'when'
Q. Will we wake up one day and the Ele systems will be smoking, toast?
Q. Will it happen over time, system down here and there
over days, weeks?
--Gotta love it - our tax dollars at work - a meeting to set up a meeting.
--Again, this is out there. Days. There is a 'domino' effect because of how our electrical grid is designed. It has safeguards which actually take it down - in segments - automatically in order to keep from frying things... but the components of what those automatic systems are supposed to protect are not protected from EMP and/or huge static loads to ground. I'm not an EE so not sure what that means. So when the system trys to protect itself - it can cascade - quickly. But if certain parts of the system get damaged - again this is out there - then it can take years to replace them. Problem is, the companies who make this stuff don't have enough raw materials on hand - right now - to make them all. Some of them don't even have back up power sources.... they are 'commerical' suppliers ! Think about it. Really think about it.
Hmm, good investment. What raw materials do they need?
--Raw materials - i don't know but huge transformers and filter units take a lot of steel, wire and parts I would assume.
OP, Thanks for this thread. Can you be a bit more specific about the types of preparations that you are making for your family? How long are you planning food and water? What types of backup power sources are you considering? Is radiation in any form of concern?
--you're welcome. I've actually said about as much as I can. For us, we are fortunate to have a small place between Houston and Dallas with a few acres. We have a well - hand well and wind mill. I have tools and can work with my hands. I have a few solar panels just to charge some batteries for small conveniences like small led lights at night. Forget much more than that. We have seeds for only a few basic veggies. Think about living in the late 1800's for a while and you'll be on my line of thinking. Is it enough or will it work - I don't know. How soon may it be needed? I don't know and I think anybody who says they do know is pulling our legs - UNTIL about 30-40 hours before it happens. Will an announcement be made? I don't know but I don't think so - too many variables and too much communication to be done with critical agencies to at least TRY to save some stuff. How fast am I working on this? I have been for a year and am nearly finished with what I have 'planned' to try to get together.
--Hope this has been helpful.
OP as I understand it two things are occurring. First, something external is affecting our solar system, potentially starting up the sun's solar capacitor and secondly the sun is entering a solar cycle maximum, part of its natural cycle. These two factors could cause EMP type effects, especially when you consider that the earth's magnetosphere has been exhibiting "holes" or breaches in the shield.
A lot of this has been summarized by several scientists and researchers, some from the University of Colorado. That is publicly available information, however the first factor of an external influence affecting our solar system is not. But when you look at circumstantial evidence, like a ban on information on asteroids and objects entering earth's atmosphere and .gov agencies re-locating offices to higher elevations (CIA moving branches to Denver Colorado) one can get an overall "picture".
Have you seen any mitigation efforts by .gov agencies regarding older satellites that may be affecting by large solar radiation storms?
--There IS public speculation out there about something which has a timeline and affects our solar system. But - NASA has not confirmed that they see it. Did I say that right ??? They also don't really know how it 'could' affect our system cause things 'could' happen which would change 'its' timeline - if it exists.
--Old birds aren't saveable. Even shutting them down won't help.
--The ban on near earth objects caught many by surprise... many.
--I don't know anything about the CIA... and I don't want to either.
Are you referring to P/2010 A2 ???? the anomaly affecting the space station?
Will admit I've not read all pages, but the first word that popped into my wee brain was GRBs ~
--Gamma Ray Bursts. EMP
and THEN they would LIKE to open up about it-quote. hey come on? what have you been smoking?
--There isn't as much conspiracy at NASA - about this stuff anyway - as everyone seems to want. There IS a total shit load of it when it comes to getting money funding.
So OP it's kinda like a cue ball break. You never know where the balls are gonna go as they all hit each other and the variables are too infinite. Correct?
--IF - the balls turn out to be ones we aren't tracking. Nuf said about that one.
I wish that is all you would say. "I work for ______ and you are all screwed." How many times has this been posted?
--I work for Boeing. I don't know yet if we are all screwed and NASA doesn't either. Guess I've brought all I can bring to you on this one. There is a LOT on here lately about the Sun. I just wanted to help sift through some of the other BS by saying - rightly so!
--I can say this, you'd be amazed how many people at NASA know about GLP and pop over here from time to time. I've been watching this site for only a few weeks cause a friend told me about it one day.
--Will be seeing you on here.
Bay area or tower II?
--I'll say on Gemini is our department head.
Here she is:
P/2010 A2: Unusual Asteroid Tail Implies Powerful Collision could that interact with a solar flare event?
--Think of the distance this photo comes from. All that stuff behind the artifact isn't necessarily 'dust'
This isn't about something hitting earth, it's about the potential of something hitting the sun and what affect that might have on the GRB that will already be high from the solar maximum?
--Right - it's not about something hitting the Earth.
OP, you said that you wouldn't put much time onto this, meaning that whatever this is about, it is not supposed to take a long time to happen. But what are we talking about here? Months? A few years?
--Look - I don't know. Not years. Again, this is out there - look at how long the Sun was quiet passed when everyone thought it would be quiet. Like I said, NASA doesn't always know what it thinks it knows. Look at the 'very public' amount of data being made available by SOHO and other systems which are still up every day on the net. That stuff would not be available if NASA really didn't want the public to have 'the ability to know' what is occuring. It's obvious that something is occuring - and more frequently. That's public info - not necessarily knowledge - but it's info that is there for the seeing and reading.
--All I can say.
--Good morning.
--I've been tied up this morning but I have had the chance to glance through some of the posts from the weekend. There are really a lot of good questions but most of them I either can't answer or haven't heard any real info about. If I have the time later today I'll try to go back through and pick out the ones I might be able to give some helpful info about.
--I saw many regarding my working for NASA. I don't work for NASA.
--I saw several about how I could do this from a secure government network - we aren't government. We have two internal secure systems, one is through ARIBA for our contract and data management. We use this to transfer ITAR related data between our vendors. I don't but those involved with that here use it. Boeing employees can venture into the net anywhere they want - except anything remotely deemed as porn - at all - period. Unfortunately, there is some stuff on this site which is darn close.
--I realize that most of you want more from me and I knew it would be that way. I can't offer more right now. I can, however, promise you this. WHEN the time comes that I decide it's time to head North - I WILL find a way to jump on here - find this thread - and let you know that I am headed out. It will take a lot for me to do this - Boeing has no patience for folks who don't show up for work without prior notice.
--I'm tied up for sure till about 1300 today. Will try to jump back on then.
How far north are you going? ... Or is that just a bug-out expression?
--I had said early on that we have a small bit of property between Houston and Dallas.. North for real in this case.
OP, what is the timeframe from a warning to the actual event. 30 minutes, 3 days...?
--I'm on a short break. 20-40 hours. You guys need to go look at this site while I'm out. There is a LOT going on with this tool and it can 'see' what Spitzer cannot see anymore:
--SOFIA Science Center
--There wasn't much said about this project - and I can't find any reference to it on this site at all. You need to know that this is out there NOW and looking at 'things'. Thank Op, for stepping out with this information.
I realize you wouldn't be able to conform this theory, but my thoughts,
The Earth is passing thru a field, that is charging it like a capacitor and one of the things worried about is , at what point will this discharge to a grid killing event or will bombardment cause overloads of the grid? Also, the Earth and Sun are already feeling the gravitational effects from an unseen body, causing weather anomalies, earthquakes, etc? Thanks again for the updates.
Your thoughts?
--I haven't been in on any meeting about the first thing you mention. Everything - everything - I have heard is all in regard to solar activity - it's increase - and possible effects. With regard to the second item - Spitzer located a couple hundred 'cold' drawfs before it ran out of helium... it's now in what's called the 'warm' part of the mission. Those objects are moving and have enough mass to affect the Sun - when close enough. We have a lot of birds out there already watching the Sun and even though GOES-P is billed as another NOAA weather mapping satellite, it is also set up to begin to closely monitor 'weather' on the Sun.
OP. When you are in on these conference calls, would you say the people are nervous or sounding urgent.
--Recently - urgent. But remember these are scientists and in peer level meetings, especially when cross national, they tend to be more reserved - not always but they try to be.
Thanks OP. Would you say they are high ranking NASA officials?
Did you notice any other agencies involved?
--Department heads yes but not the 'officials' you would see on TV. Those meetings are above me and closed to all but a few. We set up the link and monitor remotely but only for data transfer.
OP has it anything to do with the ripples on the sun or the
filaments that keep popping up?
[ explanation of
Solar Filaments and Prominences ... ament.html ]
Perhaps this is why OP states that what they are viewing they are not sure if it is 'real' or not. They are viewing a black dwarf (cold dwarf) that messes up all their theories.
And the cold dwarf is interacting with the sun. I bet if we look at the filaments and where they started on the sun, we could triangulate to the vicinity in space where the cold dwarf' is. It is pulling the magnetics out from the sun, creating the filaments. That might be why we are seeing so many filaments at this time also... also, the biggest filament ever seen by a gigantic magnitude.
Am I close OP?
--Yes. There doesn't have to be anything that close to cause the internal reactions needed to form a filament. That's what I hear. But something is.... like has been said on here many times.
OP - Thank you for providing some info. for the less informed majority.
Are you a religious man at all? Saw that you were also interested in the Israel/Iran situation. That situation, combined with the sun's developments all sounds VERY Book of Revelations to me (Stars falling from sky - take a guess what those really are and how they fall..nuff' said). Do you concur at all with these happenings or at least the LACK of coincidence with since it's all mentioned already in the Bible?
--I am not ashamed to say that I am a devout Christian. But I also must say that I do not understand the book of Revelations and I have never been totally sure that we would understand it until some future time.... maybe that is now.
Is this (link below) what NASA can/can't see to know its effects?
You did refer to colliding objects, objects you didn't know if they could see or not, could not know mass or composition.
You also referred to p2010 A2 LINEAR!
"Thing moving through space can hit each other. When they do, it's hard to know what will happen because those spin offs can hit other 'things' we may not see yet - or - may think we see but aren't sure of the mass or composition".
--Good morning,
--There are two things posted in many threads here on GLP - including this one - which are valid. One is, the Sun is actually approaching it's solar maximum as has been described and warned about publicly. The time frame may be sooner. The other is the knowledge that something is affecting - gravitationally - the makeup of our solar system. About this I know all want to know more and I picked this thread to reply on for a reason.
How about this scenario put forth by astrophysicists?
A companion star to our sun that has an elliptical orbit of approximatlely 24,000 years is nearing the solar system and will cause major problems between 2011 and 2017.
Confidence level of the astrophysicists: 99.9%
--This scientist is right on track.
--I will keep watching the thread and other posts on GLP and try to let you know when one is 'very close'. Very close is all I can confirm.
I know this may sound crazy, and please don't shoot me down if you believe/think/know/otherwise, i'm just asking the OP. This is my only post on this thread and i will not post again if I am way off the mark:
Do the SUPPOSED anomalous contrail formations, many refer to as "chemtrails" have anything to do with the scenario you are highlighting?
I am, and always will be, on the fence regarding the whole idea of "chemtrails". But I can see them as playing a role in this scenario, IF EITHER ARE REAL (the scenario you propose and the chemtrail one).
If CTs have anything to do with the scenario being postulated on this thread, would it be a fair assumption to make that the sun is currently, and has been for some time, periodically outputting energy that is/could be of IMMEDIATE or maybe cascading danger to biology on this planet?
IF, and I know it's a big IF, this were the case, might it be that measurement of this energy by birds near the sun are being used to calculate locations/densities of particulate shielding needed on our planet in advance of energys arrival?
I BEG people other than the OP not to respond to this post. I don't want to see this thread descend the way I have seen happen to similar ones elsewhere. It is entirely up to the OP if he/she wants to answer it.
--No - nothing to do with contrails at all. I have absolutely no knowledge and have never heard a single word seriously spoken about anything called a chemtrail !
OP, I asked about this already some pages ago, but is there any info you could shed on the timeline? When was it first observed that "something's not right"? Have the events developed from there in a linear fashion, or more exponentially? Do you expect things to continue to develop at the same speed?
If you would have to throw in your best guess, when will be the worst moments, when we really need to learn to live without certain things? Withing months, years, or decades?
--I can reply to your second question. When what is happening progresses, and depending on things which can be involved - of which we have no way to know for sure - this can escalate really quickly. We, and I mean everyone, won't have much notice. Not knowing which telecoms will be affected first - it's hard to know how whatever notice we get will be delivered. Personally, I have decided that when I hear - through any verifiable source(s) - that a major metro area is experiencing 'problems' with their power - that's my personal que. Like I said previously - the power grid in US is automatic and can cascade offline quickly. I don't know how else to put it. The real science behind this dictates that there won't be much time for anyone who might wish to - to give a notice. I personally do not believe there will be any official notice of an incoming CME. What I wish would happen would be for others who could - to agree in public that this is about to be a problem.
If this is to knockout the grid and all wiring, won't it knock out our cars also? OP, how do you plan on getting to your safe place North of Houston if cars won't work. Are you saying you will know right before it happens, like several hours? Also, do you have room for 4 more people?
--A solar storm will not take out our cars - not the likes of one we could survive anyway. The last question is one which troubles me, mainly because I'm not even sure I have prepared the ways needed. I've sone what I can afford and we have family and friends who hope to make it there whenever... We use this place for hurricanes too - not very fancy really. My honest prayer is that we - citizens - will be allowed to keep and use property and supplies as our own in such a crisis.
I agree, if I had this info, it would be hard to look around at all the people everyday, especially the children and not feel pain. I think i would have to do everything in my power to warn everyone if i thought that could save some. Even if it meant my own life. I have 3 kids and a grandchild and i would do what ever it took to save them.
--Yes - but the thing is, you would want to warn them about something which they could do something about - and at a time when it made sense. Our country has a noose aroung most families... School is required by law. Kids don't show up, people start asking questions and even looking. I've wondered, what most could do to prepare, that I have been able to do only because I happeped to buy a small piece of land a long time ago which is away from a large city. Honestly, most people can't do that... they live in rental homes and apartments.... So how can they prepare really? My hope is to sound an alarm to folks I know as soon as I can, when I can, and hope it is soon enough to make a difference. ANYONE reading the threads on this and other boards should be taking responsibility for themselves and their families and NOT waiting for someone else to make that call for them. It's not convenient for me either to be spending time and money preparing for something which has no solid timeframe - like most want in days and weeks. I would rather have a boat or a cycle and spend free time elsewhere. That's not smart to be doing right now !!
OK, how bout this...How bout this for a hypothesis: OP, had also made references to comet clusters. He makes reference to a cold dwarf star. If the dwarf star is orbiting on our eliptical, it will fly through (or close to) the Oort Cloud.
As it does, it pulls comet clusters in its wake due to its gravity well. It would probably sling Oort Cloud debris all over the place. A massive abount of them. Since it has done this before (countless orbits?) it has already trapped debris from its previous passes through the Oort Cloud. So, we get more 'fireballs' in the sky, strange BOOMS!
Since the cold dwarf is dark and emits no light, scientists only notice it because of the disturbance in the Oort Cloud, which was fairly recent. So, what does the government do? They restrict EVERYONE from their data of space objects. The entire event of the cold dwarf's entry into our solar neighborhood is invisible, because neither the comets nor the cold dwarf emit light or heat.
That is why SOFIA is important. It needs to get into the air and use its infrared sensors to 'see' what is out there. It is the best tool for viewing objects that don't emit light frequency waves.
We are now beginning to feel the effects of its gravity, as shown in the strange phenom of the sun recently. On top of that, think about the magnetic fields of the sun and the cold dwarf interacting. What a fucking mess. And the cold dwarf is arriving in the timeframe where the sun is currently heading towards solar max, when the sun’s own magnetic poles shift, further complicating the problem!
I bet NASA is thinking ‘what a coincidence!’, when all along it is just part of the cycles.
On top of that, we have this ‘ribbon’ of magnetics that we are entering, as seen at the edge of the heliosphere.
And they KNOW that brains interact electromagnetically with our environment. WTF is going to happen when all this converges?!
And the fact that ‘ribbon’ is stationary, and the cold dwarf is orbiting our sun, the ancients could piece it together!
And I bet you that there is a TON of ‘unknown’ objects out there that are coming in with the cold dwarf and the ‘ribbon’, stuff that NASA cannot explain at all. Like Comet/Asteroid P/2012 A2. They can’t even classify it as an asteroid or a comet!
OP, is this about the jist of it?
--I'll answer as my opinion - yes.
thanks OP for your effort and courage!!!! Q: is there a time line? this year / next year? anything?
OP has said a few times that there is no time frame for sure. He/she has hinted it will be before or during the solar maximum. This is shceduled for 2012 (hillarious, but true). However, most reports that the OP has pointed us to reminds us that the Solar Maximum may be early, 2010-2011.
--I wanted to pick this one up and comment then I'm off again... leaving early today.
--As soon as I pick up enough info, to feel that the timeline above is valid, I plan to quit and head out. If I'm wrong, I loose my job - I was looking for one when I found this one. If I'm right, I made the right choice. I need a few more pieces of what I feel is "my" puzzle before I make that leap but I am thinking, from where I am with it all right now, I will be doing that before the end of this year.