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The Golden Thread, Volume 4.2 2008
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GT Truther
Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:29 pm Posts: 305
DD - That's affirmative. Keep shadow in the dark until then. Let me know if tango needs some cash. Keep your eye on brovo and say hi to suzy Q for me. over.
MJC - Brian is ALWAYS watching....aren't you Brian....
_________________ "Better a small leader than a big follower."
Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:04 pm |
Truth Seeker
Joined: Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:24 am Posts: 25 Location: Manchester, England
Wed Sep 17, 2008 3:57 pm |
GT Truther
Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:40 am Posts: 867 Location: Eastern England
Dagwood wrote: DD - That's affirmative. Keep shadow in the dark until then. Let me know if tango needs some cash. Keep your eye on brovo and say hi to suzy Q for me. over. MJC - Brian is ALWAYS watching....aren't you Brian.... Dag
This Brian? I'd better watch my back then. Oh hang on, that's the wrong Brian.
Multiplex at the cross-roads and then deviate from turn+x, you should see Red Badger in White Rabbit's hole. Over.
Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:19 pm |
Truth Seeker
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:31 pm Posts: 27 Location: San Francisco
Quote: Hurricanes Boomer, you have not seen anything yet. I suspect that for 12/21/12 he is going to stick a helium tank output up his butt, blow himself up to the size of a ufo and land on the White House lawn. Marci is going to come out of his pocket and strut up to the White House door like that martian lady in "Mars Attack." Dan will pull his butt plug and deflate down to the size of Gort in the movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still." It is going to be like 9/11, JFK's murder or the O.J. Simpson verdict where everyone will always remember where they were when they watched this live on TV.
Ha! I can't agree with UJ too often, but no matter your point of view, this is just too funny.
Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:08 pm |
GT Truther
Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:46 am Posts: 2912 Location: Miles from DC in rural PA
Why '2012'?
As much as it takes to desensitize people.
I notice the subtle (blatant, to me) but unmistakable attempts to tie in any discussion of 2012 with 'Planet X'. You see the plethora of books, t-shirts, mugs, etc, and yet, going back to the Mayan calendar (the only supposed source for the 'date') where is a 'Planet X' shown to be the cause of the "End of Time"? Whose idea was it to take the more reputable sources such as the Kolbrin and Sitchin's translations of the Sumerian documents and try to force them to tie in with this alleged date that the Mayan calendar supposedly marks? These are ancient texts that are widely and highly regarded, even if only as historical curiosities, yet they're being appropriated by every New-Age hawker to embrace '2012'. It's like Paris Hilton; '2012' is famous for....being famous. Yet as the video goes on to show, it's another instance of the baby being thrown out with the bath-water. The moneychangers in the temple are seen to be what they are - "cashing in"; therefore, anything these people were hawking gets tossed as well, the people being naive to the ways of the manipulators.
Why? (A rhetorical question, IMDO). WWBD? (What Would Brian Do?)
_________________ "We seek a free flow of information... we are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people."-John F. Kennedy, Feb. 26th, 1962.
Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:45 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:38 pm Posts: 3209 Location: "Consulting the Oracles"
Cross posting:
Thursday, September 18, 2008
by Dirk Vander Ploeg
I was introduced to a woman who states that she and her entire family interacted with several extraterrestrial alien races for many decades.
This remarkable woman's name is Evelyn B. and she is 72-years old. Before she retired, she worked as a reporter. She has a very unique view of her visitors and claims to have felt no fear while in their presence.
For the past five months we have been corresponding by email. A friend named "MJ" suggested I write Evelyn because she was a nice person and had a great story to tell.
After reading sections of her story she seemed detached from her experiences with the visitors. It is as if she was an observer and the events she was retelling were those of someone else. When I pointed this out to her she said, "Interesting question, Thanks. My 'almost detached' reporting style: definitely a mark of maturity! Having been a reporter helps."
She recalls in great detail encounters with races known as "The Nordics," "The Invisibles" and "The Greys."
The Nordics and Invisibles
She remembers her first encounter with aliens in September 1938. Her family was staying at her grandmother's house in Martinburg, West Virginia, when their neighbor's daughter brought some visitors to their yard. Evelyn describes them as "beautiful blond people." They looked college age, were bright, friendly and athletic.
Evelyn's family members walked toward and met the strangers in her grandmother's driveway. Within a few minutes of polite conversation, the topic turned to the possibility of life on other planets. They mutually agreed that life probably did exist on other planets and Mars was probably the best candidate. The science of the day believed there were canals on Mars and Flash Gordon's movies and Saturday afternoon serials made alien life almost acceptable. She remembers that the young people appeared delighted with the discussion and called us, "Open minded!"
At some point she accompanied her eldest sister up the street to fetch her middle sister because it was time to eat. They had just begun walking up the street when Evelyn was "summoned" to a tree across the street. She knew or realized that a man was there who wanted to ask her questions. Evelyn's eyes were special and she states that, "as a child, my eyes were sensitive to subtle light energy and I was assigned to lead family members in the dark more than once."
She crossed the street and arrived at the tree, which bordered on a large field. As if directed, she turned and looked where she knew the man was standing, but only sensed the vibration in the air. Decades later the alien in the movie, "Predator," reminds her of this man!
Within seconds her eldest sister was at her side. Her eyes were wide with anticipation and the hair on her arms stood straight up. She explained to her sister that they were staring at an "invisible man"! She told the man that they had to leave and find their sister. Suddenly, Evelyn saw something move and realized that a woman was moving around the tree. She heard her tell the invisible man that they were out of time and had to go. The man leaned over and touched her shoulder saying" "You're a good little girl."
Then both sisters quickly ran away.
When they arrived at the house where their sister was visiting, they were surprised that the girls were reluctant to open the door. They were afraid. They had encountered a man near the same tree, but he was dressed in a silver suit, wide belt and strange buttons. He asked the girls to follow him to the hills to meet his people. (Sounds like a horror movie or pedophile).
The story about the people in the silver suits soon overshadowed her tale of "the invisible man."
Her grandparents remembered the gypsy caravans that camped on the outskirts of town and of the stories of children going missing. They warned the children again to be polite but under no circumstances go anywhere with a stranger.
Later that night, Evelyn was sitting on the porch as her grandfather smoked his pipe when she felt an "invisible woman" approaching. The woman whispered into her ear, "We came from out there in the stars" and added, "Far, far away." Apparently, Evelyn's entire neighborhood had been visited by blond extraterrestrials. Evelyn had continued encounters with the Nordics and "the invisibles" for over a decade.
The Greys
In 1944, Evelyn and her family were living in Somerville, New Jersey. One day she and her oldest sister were in the upstairs office of a bottling plant when they were taken! Evelyn calls this period of time "the TERROR stage" of their continuing relationship with the Greys. Upon regaining consciousness they experienced nose bleeds, distorted space and out of body experiences (OBEs).
This introduction to the Greys was a very strange period for the entire family. Neighbor pets went missing and then suddenly reappeared with shaved patches and clean incisions. Their own cat was taken twice, only to be returned shaved, treated with bloodless wounds.
The family was living in North Carolina in 1948. They had just returned home late after a dinner out. Upon opening the front door, they were surprised to see the entire living room bathed in blue mist. And they heard, "Come in, we won't hurt you." And then time stopped.
The next thing the family, mom, dad, and the three girls, realized was that they were walking on Virginia Beach, when Evelyn shouted, "What's the matter with you all? Why are you acting like nothing happened? We've got to get out of here!" Her sisters remember their father saying something about waiting for their pet to return.
Evelyn was in Jacksonville, Florida in 1950. She remembers seeing flying saucers and one of them landed near her. Three Greys approached her apartment building. One of the trio stood guard at the entrance, a second waited outside their apartment and the third entered. He was bald with a smashed-in profile and had a notable pallor.
Evelyn remembers they were wearing tight fitting jumpsuits and their eyes were covered with goggles. The gray in their apartment approached the eldest sister and telepathically conveyed the following, "We did not come for you this time." Evelyn had the ability to hear their communiqués. They were having problems because they had overly complicated something and were trying to establish better relationships.
Later leaving, the Gray said, "You will not remember this."
Evelyn said that bits and pieces of the events with extraterrestrials have come back to her, but it was her curiosity that made her seek out help and undergo hypnotic regression in 2003 to regain more memories.
She is hoping to undergo more hypnotherapy to answer questions, which have arisen since her last regression. She would really like to know why she told her mother that a monster, which resembled "The Wolf Man", was chasing her and her sister! Evelyn wonders if this type of alien is like the Yeti: a race resembling Chewbacca from Star Wars?
Fleeting memories of the dark haired people sneak back and she contemplates the possibility that the man her sister and friend saw wearing a silver suit was one of them?
Evelyn's Opinion of the Visitors
She does not believe that Greys are evil, but rather "cool and strange." She also likes the Nordics and the Invisibles. She thinks the Invisibles might be mistaken for angels and remembers one with black hair. She also has a memory of a stranger she saw in the background with black hair. He was wearing a janitor-like outfit and was a bit shorter than the Nordics.
My Questions to Evelyn
Dirk: Do you believe the Nordics are here to protect us from other ETs?
Evelyn: The Nordics: I didn't get any "police protection" vibes from ones I'm able to identify. Those struck me as young adults doing social studies "in the field" - new to and excited about the project. Because of events in 1938, I'd say, "Invisibles" were linked to the" Nords." If the invisible man at the tree was the same man my sister had met, unless they're "shape shifters" they may have been humans or a breed that looks like Europeans: Average size, black hair, and dark eyes. In stealth gear, those I remembered as a preschooler could observe without being observed - why would one interact with a child, while cloaked: It suggests some sort of study was in progress. (Wonder what they'd conclude, concerning a 4-year old being less frightened by an invisible than her 8-year old sister was of a man in silver?)
Dirk: Do you believe the Greys are a threat to humans?
Evelyn: I'd be surprised if Greys are still on the planet. Their "files" could have been "handed over" to other ET types, maybe clones or human initiates.
Why are They Here?
I'd say they were well-trained professionals - like union members - Docs collecting eggs or sperm didn't cross over. Troops I met may have had kids back home (on aboard their ship) who'd have loved something equivalent to sharing scrapbooks or learning hop-scotch, once they got past how strange I seemed. Greys may have taken time to discuss cultures with our big shots - having greater respect for those who have power over others. They are selective as are many humans. One Gray squad leader bothered to give information even though he was under orders to seal our memories. That suggests to me, some sociability. Perhaps he'd like a similar "courtesy" in some reverse situation. I find this too human-like to ignore.
There may be no superior race involved - only superior science!
As I've pointed out - they did provide a "good nurse" person to help this hysterical little teenager calm down a bit. I wasn't in a dispassionate state - seeing my whole family frozen, which is likely the reason we didn't exchange small talk. I'm sure I was kept mobile so I could demonstrate how buttons open a placket on the side of one's slacks. They requested, "Please show us how" - can you imagine asking an ant to please show you anything? This is not the tactics of brutes. They weren't rapists or thugs and we weren't lab rats, any more than we are at the local medical center.
Dirk: What do you believe their agenda is?
Evelyn: I feel we had all have been very "setup" for all encounters. I noticed more than once, events of "High Strangeness" have a very "scripty" quality. However, isn't that like Madison Avenue type thinking? Such "clever" ploys, you could puke.
Maybe some of them can't think six steps ahead to what protocols are going to produce a couple of generations down the road. They may be every bit as ignorant ("forgive them, they know not what they do") as many of our "Uh-Oh!" leaders who got a different outcome than what was schemed. I'm determined to keep their unsettling behaviors in perspective. Believe me, it works. The key, I believe, is to measure them against human equivalents. Aren't there even worse humans around?
Greys have been around longer, their technology is leaps and bounds ahead of ours, but I think we're more like "country cousins" than lower life forms to them. Their guys just have more fascinating toys than ours. Being motivated by more than curiosity, they may have had little to make light of in our presence. They're as frail as they are pale, they may indeed be in survival mode. They may be elsewhere, working on other possibilities, by now.
Reality is so much more complex than we're taught to expect or to "embrace" - Creation is so unlimited, compared to what our universities explore - we need to teach expansive thinking! Outside the box" that boxes the boxes!
Evelyn remembers "TOO REAL DREAMS", a type of virtual reality that was used on her to demonstrate possible future events. She was a witness to end of the world scenarios: such as a 5-story tidal waves, giant boulders emerging from swamps, wind so cold she had to seek shelter, ground upheavals, the sound of crying and wailing.
She believes she was told to "keep the faith". That some natural disaster was approaching that would last 3-days and then the world would be like new.
Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:12 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:38 pm Posts: 3209 Location: "Consulting the Oracles"
Here's David
Dear Friends,
http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo ... Argentina/
Love and Light.
Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:16 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:38 pm Posts: 3209 Location: "Consulting the Oracles"
I've been in Lake Havasu for a week. It's been a great vacation. I'm headed back home tomorrow.
Look what transports run freely around here.
Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:24 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:36 am Posts: 468 Location: Montreal
I knew I had hear it before!
[...] I call it a gift, for them it was more like a big cosmic joke. [...]
Dr. Iris Henimen
_________________ De la laideur naîtra la beauté.
Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:26 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:29 pm Posts: 305
Re: Why '2012'?
Dondep wrote: going back to the Mayan calendar (the only supposed source for the 'date')
I could be wrong about this but I could've swarn that there are other scources for this date. I watched a history channel show, (I think), that pointed out the date originating in Asian and Indian prophecy as well.
_________________ "Better a small leader than a big follower."
Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:08 pm |
GT Truther
Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:29 pm Posts: 305
mjc wrote: Multiplex at the cross-roads and then deviate from turn+x, you should see Red Badger in White Rabbit's hole. Over.
Damn it! I told badger to leave rabbits hole alone! She might be his half-sister although the verdict is still out on that one. Damn that Joe Dirt white trash badger!
Proceed to plan k, move to project green, and tell q-bert to shut his trap before the black-ties catch on....see you in shadow...hopp, flop, pop...be-bop..over (american for 'cheers!').
_________________ "Better a small leader than a big follower."
Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:16 pm |
GT Truther
Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:46 am Posts: 2912 Location: Miles from DC in rural PA
Re: Why '2012'?
Dagwood wrote: Dondep wrote: going back to the Mayan calendar (the only supposed source for the 'date') Don, I could be wrong about this but I could've swarn that there are other scources for this date. I watched a history channel show, (I think), that pointed out the date originating in Asian and Indian prophecy as well. Dag
That's exactly what I thought to myself when the Ferret posted that query, so I googled til I was blue in the face; slight allusions are made to Indian prophecy, and in the one case Egyptian, but when you go to look for it there's barely a wisp of smoke - certainly no fire. Yet, within the past few years, there's been an explosion of books etc that claim this date is based on a range of prophecies. The only one that appears to pan out to some degree is the Mayan, and yet even that is only based on the fact that the Mayan calendar stops on that day.
A short note; I got a phone call last night from Kerrang! Radio. They told me they are having issues recording from the phone line (how CONVEEEENIENT! during the week that Wall St. fell so hard the Bankers had to beg the taxpayers to bail them out of their mess) so we had to postpone the interview until sometime next week.
_________________ "We seek a free flow of information... we are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people."-John F. Kennedy, Feb. 26th, 1962.
Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:58 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:29 pm Posts: 305
Re: Why '2012'?
Dondep wrote: Dagwood wrote: Dondep wrote: going back to the Mayan calendar (the only supposed source for the 'date') Don, I could be wrong about this but I could've swarn that there are other scources for this date. I watched a history channel show, (I think), that pointed out the date originating in Asian and Indian prophecy as well. Dag That's exactly what I thought to myself when the Ferret posted that query, so I googled til I was blue in the face; slight allusions are made to Indian prophecy, and in the one case Egyptian, but when you go to look for it there's barely a wisp of smoke - certainly no fire. Yet, within the past few years, there's been an explosion of books etc that claim this date is based on a range of prophecies. The only one that appears to pan out to some degree is the Mayan, and yet even that is only based on the fact that the Mayan calendar stops on that day. A short note; I got a phone call last night from Kerrang! Radio. They told me they are having issues recording from the phone line (how CONVEEEENIENT! during the week that Wall St. fell so hard the Bankers had to beg the taxpayers to bail them out of their mess) so we had to postpone the interview until sometime next week.
Theres also a guy that uses some graphing method based off some indian philosophers charts and he comes up with the same date....damn I wish I could find that show! But you know my comp issues...I can't even look!!!!
_________________ "Better a small leader than a big follower."
Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:10 pm |
Shady Groves
GT Truther
Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:08 pm Posts: 5708
Stick some bolts into his neck and call him Frankenstein
UncleJohn wrote: Uncle John here: There is something about this image that bothers me? It came from Drudge. I wonder if it has been doctored?
Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:39 pm |
Truth Seeker
Joined: Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:24 am Posts: 25 Location: Manchester, England
Two links that are interesting.
First is the announcement from NASA due Tues next regards the suns solar wind (or lack thereof)
Second is the latest radio interview with project Camelots Kerry and Bill. Visit the site and select the paranexus radio for 19th sept.
Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:24 pm |
GT Truther
Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:07 pm Posts: 514 Location: R.I.P.
This is from the Project Camelot website:
17 September
• A source has just informed us that their alphabet agency contact has been deployed to the Middle East. In the words of the contact, war with Iran is now a "done deal". This contact had also said in a previous message that he was "too old for this shit".
Back in July, the contact stated that Israel will start it, and the US will back them, mainly with refueling. We have no further information to indicate whether this strategy is still current.
Our source has asked for us all to pray for peace.
It is Camelot's view that an attack may be used to take the eyes of the world off the ongoing economic crash and on to the war scenario in a major effort to distract while things go downhill.
Our source Henry Deacon, who has worked with many different agencies on many different projects, has told us (in response to our sharing with him the above information) that he was contacted last week with a view to an immediate and urgent assignment in the Middle East at an extremely high rate of pay. Henry turned down the offer.
15 September
• Last night we received this e-mail from George Green:
I'll call you. Things are really coming. The meeting today on the government assisting the sale of Lehman to Barclays fell through... the dollar is close to collapse.
I got a Market Watch report earlier this evening and AmeriBank has now gone under, 12th bank to go down now. Not looking good at all. And if this idiot Bush gets us into a war with Iran, heaven forbid indeed. What more can I say?
Fri Sep 19, 2008 9:14 pm |
The Ferret
GT Truther
Joined: Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:42 am Posts: 382 Location: United Kingdom
Shady Groves wrote: Stick some bolts into his neck and call him Frankenstein UncleJohn wrote: Uncle John here: There is something about this image that bothers me? It came from Drudge. I wonder if it has been doctored?
Hmm...bolts and maybe botox? Good for his age, or maybe he's just sold his soul to the 'deevil' in exchange for eternal youth (re; Dorian Gray!)
_________________ Steph
Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:41 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:00 pm Posts: 636 Location: DC
this is something a friend sent me--
I find it very interesting, moving and thought I would share it with you all. Apparently Alice Walker feels the approach of something big also.
Quote: What our country desperately needs is a leader who loves us Americans have been treated with contempt for so long that we have become inured to our own society's suffering
Alice Walker The Guardian, Saturday September 20 2008
I remember seeing a picture of Fidel Castro in a parade with lots of other Cubans. It was during the emergency years, the "special period" when Cuba's relationship with the Soviet Union had collapsed and there was little gas or oil or fertiliser; people were struggling to find enough to eat. It was perhaps Cuba's nadir, as a small Caribbean island nation considered a dangerous threat by its nearest neighbour, the United States - which, during this period, tightened its embargo. Fidel, tall, haggard, his clothes hanging more loosely than usual from his gaunt frame, walked soberly along, surrounded by thousands of likewise downhearted, fearful people: he, like them, waving a tiny red, white and blue Cuban flag. This photograph made me weep; not only because I love Fidel and the Cuban people, but also because I was envious.
However poor the Cubans might be, I realised, they cared about each other and they had a leader who loved them. A leader who loved them. Imagine. A leader not afraid to be out in the streets with them, a leader not ashamed to show himself as troubled and humbled as they were. A leader who would not leave them to wonder and worry alone, but would stand with them, walk with them, celebrate with them - whatever the parade might be.
This is what I want for our country, more than anything. I want a leader who can love us. This is not what we usually say, or think of, when we are trying to choose a leader. People like to talk about "experience" and war and the economy, and making Americans look good again. I care about all these things. But when the lights are out and I'm left with just the stars in a super-dark sky, and I feel the new intense chill that seems to be the underbreath of even the hottest day, when I know that global warming may send our planet into a deep freeze even before my remaining years run out, then I think about what it is that truly matters to me. Not just as a human, but as an American.
I want a leader who can love us. And, truthfully, by our collective behaviour, we have made it hard to demand this. We are as we are, imperfect to the max, racist and sexist and greedy above all; still, I feel we deserve leaders who love us. We will not survive more of what we have had: leaders who love nothing, not even themselves. We know they don't love themselves because if they did they would feel compassion for us, so often lost, floundering, reeling from one bad thought, one horrid act to another. Killing, under order, folks we don't know; abusing children of whose existence we hadn't heard; maiming and murdering animals that have done us no harm.
I would say that, in my lifetime, it was only the Kennedys, in national leadership, who seemed even to know what compassion meant; certainly John, and then Bobby, were unafraid to grow an informed and open heart. (After he left the White House, President Carter blossomed into a sheltering tree of peace, quite admirably.) I was a student at a segregated college in Georgia when John Kennedy was assassinated. His was a moral voice, a voice of someone who had suffered; someone who, when looking at us in the south, so vulnerable, so poor, so outnumbered by the violent racists surrounding us, could join his suffering with ours. The rocking chair in which he sat reminded us that he was somehow like us: feeling pain on a daily basis and living a full-tilt life in spite of it. And Bobby Kennedy, whom a mentor of mine, Marian Wright (later Edelman), brought to Mississippi years later. He had not believed there were starving children in the United States. Wright took him to visit the delta. Kneeling before these hungry children in the Mississippi dirt and heat, he wept. We were so happy to have those tears. Never before had we witnessed compassion in anyone sent out to lead us.
The present administration and too many others before it have shown the most clear and unapologetic hatred for the American people. A contempt for our minds, our bodies and souls that is so breathtaking most Americans have numbed themselves not to feel it. How can they do this or that awful unthinkable thing, we ask ourselves and each other, knowing no one in power will ever bother to answer us. I'm sure we, the American people, are the butt of jokes by those in power. Our suffering not making a dent in their pursuit of goals that almost always bring more tragedy and degradation to our already fragile, disintegrating republic.
Sometimes, reading a blog, which I do infrequently, I see that generations of Americans have been wilfully crippled, and can no longer spell or write a sentence. The money for their education has gone to blow off someone else's intelligent and beautiful head. Visiting a hospital, I see sick and frightened people who have no clue whether they will get the care they need or whether it will be 15 minutes of an incompetent physician's opinion. If we were loved there would be a doctor free of charge, on every block, with time to listen to us. Visiting our schools, I see no one has seriously thought about teaching Americans what to eat, just as no one at the national helm insists that we take sex education seriously and begin to unencumber our planet of the projected hordes (Earth's view) of coming generations She can no longer tolerate.
Our taxes are collected without fail, with no input from us; sometimes, because we lack jobs, paid with money we have to borrow. Our children are sent places they never dreamed of visiting, to harm and make enemies of people who, prior to their arrival, had thought well of them. Kind, smart, freedom-loving Americans.
When we are offered a John McCain, who is too old for the job (and I cherish old age and old men but not to lead the world when it is ailing), or a George Bush, or a Sarah Palin, how unloved we are as Americans becomes painfully plain. McCain talks of war with the nostalgia and forgetfulness of the very elderly; Palin talks of forcing the young to have offspring they neither want nor can sustain; both of them feel at ease, apparently, with the game in which their candidacy becomes more of a topic of discussion than whether the planet has a future under their leadership.
Where does this leave us average Americans, who feel the chill of global warming, the devastation of war, the terror of the food crisis, the horror of advancing diseases? Hopefully with a sense of awakening: that we have had few opportunities to be led by those who have the capacity to care for us, to love us, and that we, in our lack of love for ourselves, have, too often, not chosen them. Perhaps with the certainty that though we are as we are and sorely imperfect, we still deserve someone in leadership who "gets" us, and that this self-defeating habit of accepting our leaders' contempt need not continue. Maybe with the realisation that we, the people, are truly the leaders, and that we are the ones we have been waiting for.
I write on September 9, my father's birthday. A black farmer in Georgia, he risked his life to vote in the 1930s for a "new deal". If he had lived and not died in his early 60s of overwork, ill health and heartbreak, he would be 100 years old in 2009. Voting in November of 2008 for a candidate with heart I will honour his faith.
© Alice Walker 2008
Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:17 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:00 pm Posts: 636 Location: DC
Biden appears to have had of bit of the old nip and tuck -- thatis why his eyes are so pulled. Not great work. I have not seen him look so bad recently, is this a recent interview?
Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:20 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:00 pm Posts: 636 Location: DC
Hi Boomer -- nice to see you are around.
I seem to have mised this video. They took it down.
Who was it by and what was it about?
Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:40 am |
GT Truther
Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:46 am Posts: 2912 Location: Miles from DC in rural PA
2012 etc
starryeyes wrote: Hi Boomer -- nice to see you are around. I seem to have mised this video. They took it down. Who was it by and what was it about?
Hmmmm...interesting. It HAS been taken down. It was called "Cashing in on 2012", about all the books, mugs, t-shirts, websites etc. devoted to cashing in on the '2012' mania, and of course they threw in everything about 'Planet X'/Nibiru and the 'Rapture'. The idea was that it's all marketing. This is what led to our discussion about where the idea for '2012' came from, and I found that there was only the Mayan calendar thing, which doesn't really address the cause of the 'End of Time'. Though I and Dagwood had seen at least one History Channel show on it, when you dig deep there's really no other serious mention of '2012' in historical texts and prophecies.
_________________ "We seek a free flow of information... we are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people."-John F. Kennedy, Feb. 26th, 1962.
Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:54 am |
Truth Seeker
Joined: Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:24 am Posts: 25 Location: Manchester, England
Hi Starryeyes, the words of Alice carry a potent warning. I think that todays society would (ironically) require a mega evant to change attitudes, or are we guilty of wearing the rose tinted glasses when we look back in time? No, things are wrong aren't they. It's all about money and power.
Don's correct in his summation. It is strange that the video was removed by the poster. I wonder why that was.
Sat Sep 20, 2008 3:36 pm |
GT Truther
Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:07 pm Posts: 514 Location: R.I.P.
Hi everyone,
Here are a couple of interesting answers from www.zetatalk.com tonight I thought might be worthwhile to post here:
Quote: Does the fact that the poleshift is imminent affect people s behaviour? I’ve noticed for a year now a change in many peoples behaviour even to those who acted normally. If this is the case, how does it affect people in that way?
SOZT There are sociological effects and biological effects. The prophecy of the White Buffalo was based on the fact that a swirling core will cause the core to emit particle that signal animals that they do not need coloration. Cave fish and lizards are white, without color, as they need no protection from the Sun. We predicted an increase in albinism in wildlife and domestic animals alike at the start of ZetaTalk and this has occurred. Then there is the wafting tail of Planet X, which has petrochemicals and other elements in it. Since the arrival of Planet X in the inner solar system in 2003, women have complained about increased or disturbed menstral periods, nausea, headache and ringing ears, all without apparent cause. We explained that this is a factor of these chemicals in the atmosphere. And finally, the populace senses they are being lied to. The news is not covering the obvious, like the Moon being out of position or the Sun rising too far to the north. They are irritable because they sense some doom coming, some reason for such a coverup, and are distracted in their work or given to giddy behavior to comfort themselves. EOZT and Quote: Will there be any key occurrences in the west coast before the shift that allow you enough time to move many state lines to get to your safe location? Like California it’s not a safe place to be during and after the shift, and you wish to travel a very long distance to your safe location but your family, friends, work and life is in California is there anything that you can tell us that is a green light to move now with plenty of time to get there.
SOZT We have often detailed the last weeks, so that early signs can be noted. First, the Earth wobble will get severe, then the N Pole will tip away into the 3 days of darkness, followed by 6 days of an apparent sunrise just west of the N Pole. Then a slowing rotation that will take weeks to halt completely, and then 5.9 days of rotation stoppage. We have indicated that the New Madrid Fault line will snap well before the last weeks, that a fault line running from San Diego to Mammoth Lake in California will likewise give well before the pole shift, and that the coastlines in some areas will become uninhabitable likewise well before the pole shift. At what point will road blocks be put into place to prevent the homeless and desperate from migrating and invading other states? At what point will roads become impassable? This depends on MANY factors, primarily those in the hands of man, and we are not simply talking about a federal mandate. MOST blocked roads and checkpoints will be put up and enforced by state or locale governments, or even militias determined to protect their enclaves. Thus YOU have to compute when to move. The decision is up to YOU. EOZT and Quote: Months ago you gave us a scale of reference of 1 - 10 of where we are on general. At this time I think Zeta's said we were a 4 or 5 and that was in April or May. Well, it seems things have gone down the toilet. Where are we on the scale now and how much further do we have to go before we hit bottom?
SOZT We stated in the spring that on a scale of 1-10 that we were at that time a 2-3, and would move to approximately a 6 by the end of 2008. We stated that this uptick INCLUDED not just geological changes and weather effect, but also such matters as the economy. Certainly, one cannot deny that the stability of the US banking system has moved on this scale. There was a great deal of flooding in the US this past summer, and the potential for earthquakes still exists as the rock is giving all manner of signs it is under great stress. We are not at a 6, as yet, in our opinion. Hardly. EOZT
This last one I thought was rather significant because of using this scale of 1-10. My husband and I sat here and did an estimated guessing aspect and counting using April 2008 as the spring starting date and then saying since we are not at a 6 yet, probably a 5, and then trying to figure out how many more months might calculate to being at say a 10 and we came up with an approximate date of May, 2008.
Now, what is significant in my mind of this May, 2008 timeframe is because Dondep and I had discussed this very thing and he had a gestimation of around May, 2008 also. I just wanted to see what date/timeframe we came up with vs. what he had told me a few months back. So I guess one can describe this as one of those "auspicious moments". LOL
Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:29 pm |
GT Truther
Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:07 pm Posts: 514 Location: R.I.P.
oops, made a mistake on the date, I meant May of 2009 in our calculating here, so from (Spring) April, 2008 to May of 2009 would come close to putting things in the 10 category, geesh, got 08 on the brain. LOLOLOL
Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:05 pm |
The Ferret
GT Truther
Joined: Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:42 am Posts: 382 Location: United Kingdom
Re: 2012 etc
Dondep wrote: starryeyes wrote: Hi Boomer -- nice to see you are around. I seem to have mised this video. They took it down. Who was it by and what was it about? Hmmmm...interesting. It HAS been taken down. It was called "Cashing in on 2012", about all the books, mugs, t-shirts, websites etc. devoted to cashing in on the '2012' mania, and of course they threw in everything about 'Planet X'/Nibiru and the 'Rapture'. The idea was that it's all marketing. This is what led to our discussion about where the idea for '2012' came from, and I found that there was only the Mayan calendar thing, which doesn't really address the cause of the 'End of Time'. Though I and Dagwood had seen at least one History Channel show on it, when you dig deep there's really no other serious mention of '2012' in historical texts and prophecies.
I managed to find my old, dusty copy of 'the Mayan Prophesies' by A Gilbert and Maurice Cotterell and a quick skip-read through the intro says that the translation/interpretation of the date is down to Cotterell and was not sanctioned by any other anthroplogical scholars at the time....so it's up for debate it seems, as to accuracy.
As are the crystal skulls (some of which, including the British Museum one, are now proven NOT to date back to the claimed era but are modern creations, according to analysis of the tooling marks and documentaion kept by owners, unearthed after their death).
Could be hype and internet 'chinese whispers' then....repeat something enough times and it becomes 'truth!'
_________________ Steph
Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:18 am |
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